[2008] Using The RSACryptoServiceProvider's Encrypt Method Properly

Dec 30, 2008

the CryptoStoreTest example posted here at VBForums, I've managed to store an RSA key in the PC's CryptoStore, however I have yet to manage to use it to encrypt data. Does anyone have any practical experience with the RSACryptoServiceProvider they'd be willing to share? I usually get an exception with an unimaginative message: "Bad length.", or I get non-matching results when using the same key on the same file. The MSDN documentation is equally mysterious How do I get the maximum length I may use for the Encrypt method? MSDN mentions something about a hash's length but so far I have found no hash in the RSA algorithm...

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How To Build Asynchronous Decrypt / Encrypt Method

May 28, 2010

I need to build an an asynchronous encrypt/decrypt method but I don't know where to begin. I have only one requirement. I need to get a serial number like output for example:
I need to build a minimalistic licensing algorithm, where I want to create a serial number based on a salt, username, machinename etc.
My Sharepoint Blog [URL]

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Call Back To The Code Behind Method Using Javascript (properly)?

Mar 10, 2011

I am trying to call back to a code behind method using Javascript and it seems like the only way to do so is using the Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock() don't need to return any data back to the calling javascript function.

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How To Properly Open A Image Using Bitmap Class And Dispose It Properly

Jun 22, 2010

I am looking for a code snippet which opens a image, creates a clone of this bitmap in memory disposes this opened image so that all handles are closed.

Usually we can open a bitmap using this[code...]

the following code however keeps the Image File locked until the application is running, any suggestions how to dispose it properly. (So that no handle is left open )

Things i already tried: use dispose method of bitmap <= doesnt work (need to write implementation)
Using Block also doesnt work.

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VS 2008 - How To Encrypt An Image File

May 15, 2009

I want to load an image file in a comfortable format so that I can then break it into two halves. Can somebody please guide me how to do it? Which format would it be? String, binary etc? tell me the functions/code to use to load the image file and then save the string etc.

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VS 2008 - How To Encrypt Large Files

Oct 16, 2009

So I can encrypt small files using Des Encryption, but whenever I try encrypting large files, The program's memory usage skyrockets! Would anybody be able to get me some code that will let me encrypt large files (It doesn't have to be Des, but I need to be able to support any length password).

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VS 2008 Encrypt And Decrypt File?

Jun 16, 2009

The same thing that happens when you compile a script it turns in a non-readable mode but when it's opened in the right editor it's back for editing like normal.But just so it encrypts and decrypts the textfiles just like I said before.

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VS 2008 Encrypt Only First Page Of A .doc File?

May 15, 2009

How to identify and edit only the first page of a *.doc file, i.e. how do I identify one single page in a word document?

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[2008] Encrypt A Text File In Vb 2008?

Feb 3, 2009

how I can encrypt a text file in vb 2008. Then decrypt it and display it in a textbox?

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VS 2008 - Encrypt String Using ECDSA Algorithm?

May 28, 2009

Any example code to encrypt a string using the new ECDSA algorithm?

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VS 2008 AVRdude Encrypt/decryption HEX File On The Fly In VB?

Oct 8, 2010

i am looking to decrypt my HEX code file for an ATTiny chip and programming it using the AVRDude command line interface. Problem being, i do not want the user to be able to see what the HEX file is at any given time. VB.net Cryptography crypt the HEX file before i put it onto the server and then decrypt it after the program downloads it from the server and runs it through the program without seeing the decrypted HEX file?

Obviously the HEX file can not stay encrypted while being programmed to the ATTiny chip so how can i go about it so that i can create the original HEX file to be programmed within the program without having to worry about it writing a temporary file to the hard drive and then deleting it afterwards? (Because they could close the program after it does that temp file and they would be able to navigate and open it and see the code)

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VS 2008 Encrypt Program So People Can't Hack It?

Aug 9, 2009

I am just wondering how to encrypt my program so people can't hack it. I have a program that has a spot where you can type in problems with the program and it will email it to me. But, when I release my program people hack my email and password that is used to send the problems.

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How To Encrypt Data File In Visual Studio 2008

Jan 21, 2010

Is there any built in Encryption function in Visual basic 2008 that I can use? I want to encrypt my file because it is written in XML format any as far as everyone know... XML can read by anyone that has notepad or any related software.To aim is not enough.

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VB 2008 App - Encrypt Database Connection String In App.Config

Sep 21, 2011

I know this topic has been addressed a million times but please help me out. I have read so many articles on HOW TO encrypt and decrypt the app.config file but I need to know WHEN and WHERE I should encrypt it.

The problem arose because we found an AppName.exe.config file on a users computer and the database username and password was clearly visible. I understand that the .config file gets created during the VB app install process and is used
by the application. I then learned about the aspnet_regiis.exe tool and ran it on the app.config file inside my VB project. I am guessing that was the wrong thing to do.

When I now install the app on user desktops, it gives an error stating failed to decrypt the connection string. Also, when one of my other developers attempts to open the project in his copy of visual studio on his computer, he receives an error when trying to access the setting portion of the project properties. We store all of our projects on a file server and any developer can access the projects via a mapped drive on their computer.

So how am I supposed to encrypt the .config file. If I can't encrypt the App.config file in the development environment, then I'm guessing I have to perform the encryption on the users PC during the install process? How do I do that? Or is that what I am supposed to do?

Just for reference, here is the aspnet_regiis command I ran.

aspnet_regiis.exe -pef "connectionStrings" S:ProjectsDevelopmentVB.netPTPUSourceCodePTPU -prov "DataProtectionConfigurationProvider"

One last thing, maybe it's my misunderstanding of the issue but if this problem has existed since .Net 2.0, why has an option not been built into the development studio to encrypt connection strings?. This would seem to be a very common issue, even their own dataset wizard creates connection strings that are clearly readable.

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[2008] Encrypt Command Prompt Batch File

Feb 12, 2009

is there possible to encrypt a command batch (.bat) file so that user can't read the source code?

Or is it possible to embed it in VS 2008 so that user are invisible to the cmd file?

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Strongly-typed Generic Method Invokes Its Argument's Base Class Method Instead Of A Shadowed Method In T?

Oct 19, 2010

Consider a MyForm class that contains a shadowed implementation of Show(). It also contains a CreateForm() method, which accepts an instance of the form and calls the shadowed sub:


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VS 2008 : Application Will Not Properly Close?

Oct 19, 2009

sometimes my application will remain running after I close it. If I check the task manager, the process is still running. Is there anything specific that could cause this, or any way I can make sure to close the program completely?

View 22 Replies

VS 2008 DateDiff Not Working Properly?

Jul 7, 2010

I need to calculate the number of weeks between 2 dates. This will be used in a billing system.

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VS 2008 How To Properly Launch An *.exe File?

Dec 8, 2009

When running an executable file (written in FORTRAN) directly, there is no problem creating output text files. However, when launched from Visual Basic Express 2008, those reports are not generated. I also observe that the program launched from VB does not wait for a user prompt as it should. What am I missing?

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click


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VS 2008 Timer Not Functioning Properly?

Mar 27, 2010

ok This is my code inside timer1

Dim rand As New Random
Dim rand1, rand2 As String
Dim first, last As String


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VS 2008 Datagridview Not Properly Redrawn When Row Inserted

Sep 30, 2009

I have a issue with my DataGridView. It's bound to a DataTable at form load. I have a sub wich handles data recieved from a serialport. Inside that sub I'm adding a row to my datatable. That works fine, but to make the row visible in my datagridview, I have to either click on the row, resize the form so that the DGV dissapears and then appears again, manually call DataGridView.refresh or something like that. Why isn't the DataGridView automatically redrawn when a row is added inside a sub like that? One solution is to add a timer where DataGridView.refresh is executed every second, but it doesn't seem like a good idea

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VS 2008 - Design A Form It Isn't Displayed Properly On Certain Computers

Dec 28, 2009

How come when I design a form it isn't displayed properly on certain computers in the fact that buttons near the bottom go of the bottom of the window. I beleive this only happens with Windows XP however it might be due to screen resolution, I haven't troubleshooted it much.

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VS 2008 - Properly Closing TCPClient So Server Does Not Crash

Jan 27, 2011

I have a simple tcpclient/server messenger running. Everything works great, except for when a client exits the software. When someone exits, is crashes the server with various exceptions and the server has to be restarted, as well as the clients. What I am looking for is a way to properly "log out" a client BUT leave any other connected client on so that is no break in the chat. Then the person that logged out or a new person can join back in whenever they choose.

Dim clientSocket As New System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient()
Dim serverStream As NetworkStream
Dim readData As String
Dim infiniteCounter As Integer
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 Using The CommandLine Arguments Properly To Open A File

May 5, 2009

I am trying to use the Command Line Arguments during the Form_Load event to load the file a user might have selected in windows explorer.

I have set some file associations during setup, so that any ".script" files will be associated with my application. However, my application can also open other (text based) files (it's a text editor), and I would like the user to be able to use "Open With..." and select my application to open the files in my application directly.

I have to use the Command line arguments for this, which will hold the filename(s) of the selected files, correct?

So I did this:

For Each arg As String In Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()
If IO.File.Exists(arg) Then
End If

Now, when I open a ".script" file, my application opens and the correct file is loaded. However, in addition, the EXE file is also loaded for some reason! It has opened two files, <Applicationname>.EXE and the file I wanted to open. Because the EXE file is obviously not just a text file, it just displays some random characters, but I don't want it to open that of course...

Also, if I run the application in the debugger (visual studio), it opens the <ApplicationName>.vshost.exe file... So I thought, I can check for the extension of the argument, and only open it if it is a ".script" file. BUT I don't want that! I also want the user to be able to select any file and choose Open With... and select my application. That won't work if I check for the file extension...

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VS 2008 - How To Detect Double Click Of ListBox Item Properly

Mar 24, 2010

What is the best way to msgbox the text of an item in a list box when the listbox item is double clicked on?

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VS 2008 Application Not Closing Properly Out Of Memory Error, Using Datagridviews

Apr 19, 2011

Have been running this application on 8 PCs since January.My application uses variations of this

Dim Artist4_TBD As New DataView(Me.SSPE_InterCOMM1DataSet.SSPE_ArtScheduler)


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VS 2008 Button Set To Visible = False Causes Form To Not Open Properly

Jan 1, 2010

I have a form which won't open properly under certain circumstances if a particular Button is set to visible = false. Under the same circumstances if the Button is set to visiblbe = true the form does open properly or if the line of code at a certain place where it is set to either visible = true or visible = false is commented out or not there then the form opens properly. If any one of the 5 phases on my form are turned on then the problem doesn't ever occur but if none of the phases are on then the problem does occur. I just found a fix for the situation but I still am not clear about what exactly is going on.


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VS 2008 Strange Message About A Package That Failed To Load Properly

Aug 10, 2011

Suddenly today , when I started my computer and went on to open the VS , I got this strange message: Do you know what it might mean ? I didn't installed anything on my PC for a long time, so I can't think of anything ...

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VS 2008 : Use The Keydown/keyup Events With Buttons In The Same Project And It Not Working Properly?

May 12, 2009

I am trying to use the keydown/keyup events with buttons in the same project and it not working properly. I have 4 red boxes and when I press an arrow key the box should change to green according to which arrow key it corrosponds to. I have this part working fine, however only when there is nothing else in the project. When I add in say 3 buttons, Button1, Button2, Button3 and try runing the program instead of the correct red box changing to green, button outline just moves between buttons 1,2 and 3. I have tried turning tabstop off for the three buttons but that didnt work. how to read the keydown/keyup while still having buttions that can be pressed with a mouse?

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VB 2008 Memory Leak - The Graphic Doesn't Dispose Properly And Garbage Collector Gets It?

Jul 7, 2011

I have prided myself in having a pretty clean code however in the game I am making I have a player view (showscreen) and a host view, which is a copy of the player view (on a smaller screen). This way the host can see what's going on.The problem is that the graphic doesn't dispose properly and Garbage Collector gets it, though I have noticed it will crash if GC doesn't get it in time. The larger the showscreen window the more junk gets put into memory, which sucks.I thought I had everything correctly disposed below but still doesn't get the job done.


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