Form Execution Stop After ExecuteScalar

Nov 28, 2011

It worked fine till i applicated some conditions... Now my form execution stop right after a ExecuteScalar.[code]

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Completely Stop Code Execution?

Feb 6, 2012

How can I completely stop code execution?

Also, how can I hide a form and keep all information saved so I can bring it back up again?

For instance, I have form1 with "alpha" written in a textbox. Now when I hide form1 (Me.Hide), I would like to be able to bring form1 back with "alpha" still written in the textbox.

Currently, I hide it, and when I show it again, the textbox is empty.

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Stop Execution In Repetition Structure?

May 11, 2012

I need to stop the execution of a program in Within a repeating structure the program checks whether a variable is true or false. When the variable is false I need to stop the program execution. I do not want to close the program but simply stop it. One way I found was raising an exception, but I would not want to display the error message to the user. What is the best way to do it ?

If myvariable=false then
throw new exception... 'Silent exception
end if
Loop until ....

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Stop Execution Of Net Application For About 20nanoseconds?

Dec 31, 2010

I want to stop the execution of my .net application for about 20nanoseconds

so i am trying to measure time needed for specific samples of code, and i want a code that takes only 20nanoseconds

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Stop Method Execution With Timeout

Sep 14, 2009

my application has integrated an external library with long running math-evaluations. It happens that some calls to functions in this library start but do never come to an end.

Unfortunately I have no chance to look examine the behaviour of the library. So I got the idea to stop my function calls to the library after a timeout.

Has anybody an idea how to manage this an to control the execution of a function, i.e. to stop it hardly after a certain time?

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Stop A Program During Execution Any Other Way Than By Throwing An Error?

Aug 19, 2009

Is there a command that will stop the execution of my program?

I have a service that is processes an exchange account via telnet every 10 minutes. During one point of execution the application could possibly have a response from the telnet session when there are NO e-mails in the folder, which would look something like this[code]...

So is it possible for me to just stop my application at that point since there's no point in continuing if there are no e-mails in the account?

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Stop Execution Of A Program Without Ending Application?

Jun 15, 2011

I have written a converting program, which converts binary files to ASCII files. ( 2010). I need to have a functional "stop" button on the form and I was wondering if there was a simple command to make a program stop, exit all procedures, and wait for user input on the form.

It is not feasible to multithread this application, as it frequently interfaces with the form. Currently, I have a global boolean variable which becomes true if the stop button is pressed, and I have internal loops checking to see if the variable is true. However, I don't to waste CPU on checking a variable if it's not necessary.

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Multithreading - .Net: Does Debug.Writeline Stop Thread Execution

Aug 19, 2009

I have a application that uses threads to asynchronously process some tasks in a "Scheduled Task" (console application).We are limiting this app to run 10 threads at once, like so:


- create a generic list of 10 threads

- spawn off the threadproc for each one

- do a thread.join statement for each thread to wait for the longest running one to complete.

What i am finding is that if the code called by the threadproc contains any "Debug.Writeline" or "Trace.Traceinformation" statements, the thread hangs. I can see the thread in the Debug - Windows - Threads window, and switch to it, but it highlights the debug.writeline statement and never gets past it. is there something special about the Debug or Trace statements that make them non-thread-safe? Any idea why this would hang things up? If I leave the debug statement in, the thread never completes. If I take the debug statement out, the thread completes in less than 5 seconds.

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Stop Command Execution And Restore To Initial State?

Nov 24, 2009

I am checking to see if a textbox contains a number, or is null. If it is non numeric or null a message box appears asking the user to input the proper value. When the user clicks OK on the msgbox the program will continue to execute the code. I want it to stop executing the code and revert back to its default state as it would be if you just opened the program. What is the command for doing this so I can add to the if statement?

Dim numCheckV as boolean
numCheckV = IsNumeric(Vinput)
If numCheckV = False OrElse TextBox1.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Please enter voltage!")
End If

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VS 2010 - Threading - Button To Stop Execution Of Code

Apr 22, 2011

I am working on an app and I am a bit confused w/ threading. I understand the point of threading but I am not getting when to use a background worker thread vs. a standard thread vs. a thread pool. Can someone shed some light on when to use which? Right now, I am trying code an app that does stuff initially in a sequential order and then eventually must thread (otherwise it takes forever). The problem I am having w/ the sequential stuff (and threading later) is that I need a button to be able to stop execution of code. [Code]

I did the background worker on this first sequential operation because when I tried w/ out it, the text box didn't update at all until the web page contents were retrieved. Basically, the text box change of "Starting." doesn't show up until the web page is finished processing even though the assignment to the text box happens before that code.

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VS 2010 Stop Button Code Execution At Some Point?

Feb 26, 2012

Is there any way to stop the execution of the code that's under a button if for example a certain condition is met?

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Keep Form On Top Of Another Form In Modal Fashion, But Continue Execution?

Apr 18, 2012

I have a form in a windows form application called PolicyRefreshStatus.vb that has a ProgressBar control on it. From the main form called EditPolicy.vb I need to show PolicyRefreshStatus.vb over top of EditPolicy.vb - but the way things are wired I'm controlling the the ProgressBar and it's steps from logic inside EditPolicy.vbIf I display the PolicyRefreshStatus.vb bar using the .show() method things work fine.The problem is if the user clicks back on the main form then PolicyRefreshStatus.vb losses focus. If I show PolicyRefreshStatus.vb as a modal form using .ShowDialog() then execution halts in EditPolicy.vb after the .ShowDialog() statement.

so for example in the code:
mPolicyRefreshStatus = New PolicyRefreshStatus
mPolicyRefreshStatus.pbMax = mPolicy.ClaimsUpdateMax


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How To Make Second Form Catch-up With Execution

Nov 10, 2011

I'm using two forms in a Windows application that backs files up. The first form does all the processing, while the second one is displayed with a message that reads something like "Please wait...." [code]

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Slow Process Of Form Contents During Execution?

Apr 16, 2009

I have made simple application for access database.I have designed my GUI ,with background image and some button given a colours.

When I run my application all controls are not seen at once , rather it takes time to display it on form. When there was initially no background image it was working smooth.

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Contact Mailer Form Error: MailObj.Send(myMessage) Failed Execution?

Jul 16, 2011

I am trying to get this contact form to work, but I get an error message saying: "failed to send message". The problem is the section of code near the bottom of the page where it executes this line of code: MailObj.Send(myMessage)'ve put dummy credentials in the snippet below but triple-checked my smtp un/pw and cant figure things out.

Imports System.Web.Mail
Imports System.Net.Mail


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VS 2010 - - Maintain Execution And Display Status On Second Window / Form

Dec 2, 2011

I've created a form with several controls to specify the inputs to my program. They include TextBox, OpenFileDialog, Button and even a user control for numeric input. When the user clicks the 'GO' button, the program begins it work. Opening several files and processing a bunch of numerical data. This could take many minutes/hours with large datasets.

What I've been trying to do is have another window/form open up and send status information to it for the user to view. The info to be displayed is varied and constantly updated as the program crunches the numbers. Many many programs do just this type of activity.

I attempted to create a second form with a huge TextBox thinking I'd just write stuff to it. I called the .show method within the .click of the 'GO' button and of course the form is displayed but control of the program's execution doesn't return until the form is closed. How to I maintain execution and have a second window/form to display status?

View 3 Replies - SQL Exception When Using ExecuteScalar In VS2010?

Nov 30, 2011

I am working on a login page for an application. I'm making my own login and everything is working so far: I get a connection, the query is asking to return Count from the table where the username and password match the username password in the table.


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How To Stop Leaving Form Without Knowing Exact Size Of Form

Oct 12, 2010

i was wondering i have a picture box which is controlld by the keyboard, and the picture is able to leave the form. i was wondering how to stop it leaving the form without knowing the exact size of the form and using multiple points on the edge of the form.

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Stop All The Functions On Parent Form While Child Form Is Still On Screen?

May 1, 2009

form1 has datagridview, when I click "add new", form2 appears(details view, allowing me to add new records into datagridview on form1). when I click "add new" again, form2 appears again, if I click x times, form2 will appear x times. How do I stop the add new button and all the functions on form1 from working until form2 is closed?

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VB - Run Procedure (Sub) On First Form Then Stop In Middle Of It And Wait For Input On The Second Form

Mar 23, 2011

In VB.NET I've got two forms, on first one I have button, on second - two textboxes and "OK" button. I want to run procedure (Sub) on first form, then stop in the middle of it and wait for input on the second form. After that i want to process the data received from second form.

It looks something like this:

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

'Open form2 for input


The question is how to call the Form2 so that procedure is stoped till the second form is closed?

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.net - SqlCommand.ExecuteScalar - Specify A Particular Data Item?

Jun 1, 2011

I have a Stored Procedure which returns 10 columns of data. Using cmd.ExecuteScalar() returns the value of the 1st column from the 1st record. How can I change this so that I can return different columns, by specifying their alias/dataitem name?

I want to be able to do something like: Dim FirstName as String = cmd.ExecuteScalar("FirstName")

View 4 Replies - EF4 Insert In VB And Return ID Of Inserted Row Like ExecuteScalar() Does

Mar 15, 2012

show me how to do an insert with EF4 VB and also how to return the ID of the inserted row?This is what I have got for edit and it works.. I have seen some very confusing ways of doing selects and edits and have found that i'm most comfortable keeping it written nice like this so that I can go back and understand what I have done.


I want to insert a new order with an order_id and value for ExportedToOW and get the order_id back which is auto generated by the DB..

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ExecuteScalar: Connection Property Has Not Been Initialized?

Nov 3, 2011

Why i got this error ?? ExecuteScalar: Connection property has not been initialized

the red section got error.

my code

Dim sql As String
Dim sql1 As String
Dim sql2 As String


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Sqlcommand.ExecuteScalar Return Dbnull?

Apr 17, 2009

i tried this sqlcommand select max(food) from foods and i tried this dim x as double=cdbl(cmd.executescalar)and it throws the the exception {System.Invalid CastException}because the food table is empty and the max(food) is null how can i fix that because i want to take the value and add one to it so do i need to catch the error or try another conversion option?

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[2008] Object Ref Not Set When Row Not Found - EXECUTESCALAR

Feb 22, 2009

I've got this

Public Function VendorIdOf(ByVal SimpleId As String) As String
Dim result As String = Nothing
Using drc As New SqlCommand("Select VendorId From Vendor_T Where SimpleId = @SimpleId", _connection)


"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
Why is that? I would expect a null value to be returned if the row does not exist.

Also - out of curiosity - how come this can be written two ways?

result = drc.ExecuteScalar().ToString()


result = drc.ExecuteScalar.ToString

What's up with those paren's?

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Stop Form Showing If Any Error In Form.Load?

Dec 2, 2005

I open a form using .showdialog and load some info onto it. I have code that runs on the MyBase.Load event. Basically, I have a Try, Catch, End Try block and if the Catch executes in preparing my information, I want the form to stop loading i.e. give a message and not show at all.

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Stopwatch Thing - To Start On The First Form, And Stop On The Last Form?

Oct 16, 2011

I want a stopwatch thing, to start on the forst form, and stop on the last form, and to show the time.

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ADO.NET: Return Multiple Values Instead Of Only The First In An ExecuteScalar()-like Fashion

Nov 18, 2009

currently, I use this code:


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ExecuteScalar Isn't Returning The Return Value Of A Stored Proceedure?

Jun 4, 2010

I have an sp that deletes a bunch of rows and returns the number of rows deleted...

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[DeleteChangeLog]

@ChangeEntityType bigint,

@StartDate datetime,[code]......

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Mydata = Command.ExecuteScalar - Get The Auto-ID After Inserting A Record In To A DB

Feb 3, 2011

I'm trying to get the AutoID after inserting a record in to a DB. Does this code look right as Mydata is blank afterwards?


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