Contact Mailer Form Error: MailObj.Send(myMessage) Failed Execution?

Jul 16, 2011

I am trying to get this contact form to work, but I get an error message saying: "failed to send message". The problem is the section of code near the bottom of the page where it executes this line of code: MailObj.Send(myMessage)'ve put dummy credentials in the snippet below but triple-checked my smtp un/pw and cant figure things out.

Imports System.Web.Mail
Imports System.Net.Mail


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Send Feedback Of Contact Form To Mail Id Of Admin?

Feb 22, 2012

I have a Contact page in my resort website 3.5. I want to write code in to send my feedback to mail id.I have Name, Email Address, Contact Num and Message in the form. When the user enters all fields and the message, the message should be sent on admins mail id with all details. Is that possible? How can I do that in Visual Studio 2008 using

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Get An Error On SMTP.Send(MyMailMessage) Saying 'Failed To Send'

Nov 7, 2009

I get an error on SMTP.Send(MyMailMessage) saying 'Failed to send'

Dim MyMailMessage As New MailMessage()
ProgressBar1.Value = 30
MyMailMessage.From = New MailAddress("MyGmailEmail")


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Error: Overload Resolution Failed Because No Accessible 'Send'

Feb 5, 2009

I got data transfer project via tcp/ip. but its give some error..anybody help me to clear that errors. client.Send(buffer, wd, Sockets.SocketFlags.None)Error:Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Send' can be called without a narrowing conversion: 'Public Function Send(buffers As System.Collections.Generic.IList(Of System.ArraySegment(Of Byte)), socketFlags AsSystem.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags, ByRef errorCode As System.Net.Sockets.SocketError) As Integer': Argument matching parameter 'buffers' narrows from '1-dimensional array of Byte' to System.Collections.Generic.IList(Of System.ArraySegment(Of Byte))'.


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Send Email To External Mail Contact Is Failing

Aug 8, 2011

Every time when I try to send emails to external Email ids using SMTPClient, it is failing (not sending and no error message). However, when I try to send Emails to my internal staff, it is working fine. I cant find the reason why it is not sending to External Contacts. All of these external contacts have been added in the Exchange serber 2010 Mail contacts.[code]...

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Delay The Execution Of The Send Key Command?

Apr 16, 2012

I am trying to delay the execution of the send key command. In VB script, it was relatively easy:

obj.sendkeys "{enter}"
wscript.sleep 1000
obj.sendkeys "{tab} {tab}"

When I do it via VB express, it is clumping the code together. For example

SendKeys.Send("enter was entered ")
SendKeys.Send("double tab was input ")

Instead of pausing for 5 seconds, typing the keys then pausing for another 5 seconds, it pauses for 10 seconds and then immediately types the input. I tested this on notepad.

How do I replicate the sleep feature in VB script into VB? There appears not to be a sleep feature in VB Express 2010

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IDE :: Error - Application Cannot Be Started, Contact Vendor

Jul 13, 2006

I have an application that is distributed with click-once. One of my users already makes use of it for quite some time without any problems. Only recently, he is not able to launch the application anymore. During the check that is made to see if there is a new version of the software, he gets the message: "Application cannot be started, contact vendor" If I copy my application manually, he is able to launch it without any problem.I included the detailled log below.

PLATFORM VERSION INFO Windows : 5.1.2600.131072 (Win32NT) Common Language Runtime : 2.0.50727.42 System.Deployment.dll : 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200) mscorwks.dll : 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200) dfdll.dll : 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200) dfshim.dll : 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)


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Error: MSDatasetGenerator Failed. Failed To Generate Code Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Jul 28, 2009

I created a typed dataset a day or so ago, then I added a whole bunch of tableadapter/tables with some relationships etc... suddenly out of nowhere it decides my dataset "is not defined". everywhere in my code where i use this dataset now has an error. I tried not to pull out my hair and do a Clean then Rebuild solution... out of nowhere it just refuses to generate code. Object reference not set to an instance of an Object. It would be nice if it was my object so i could find it but it's not.

Curiously I also lost the little database icon on the dataset in the solution explorer.I can still open it in the designer and preview my queries etc... it just wont make the code. it's driving me insane. anyone got a solution?

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Error: "The Query Builder Failed. Cannot Open User Default Database. Login Failed. Login Failed For User <User Name>"

May 8, 2012

I'm using Visual Basic Express 2010 and SQL Express 2008 in Windows XP. At first I couldn't add a datasource (the .mdf file for the database) because of a "Operating system error 32" which I seemed to have resolved by giving myself full permissions for .mdf file (by right clicking on the file and going into properties and then Security) and restarting the SQL SERVER (SQLEXPRESS) service. The dataset for the database is in my solution explorer but when I right click on a table adapter to add a query and attempt to open up the query builder, I get the error in the title above.

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Make A Contact Form In Application?

Aug 29, 2010

I want to make a contact form in my application. Basically all it is is 3 textboxes for name, email and message. Plus a submit button.

How can I send the user's message to my email address though?

How can I make it compulsory to fill in all fields? (ie submit will show error messagebox if all fields aren't filled in)

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Update A Contact From An Edit Form?

May 17, 2010

I am trying to update a contact from an Edit form and I do not know why it is not working.

Public Sub UpdatePartner()
Dim dt As DataTable = ds.Tables("Contacts")


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Update Database From An Edit Contact Form?

May 18, 2010

I am trying to update my database from an Edit Contact form and I keep getting a syntax error on my update statement.

Dim sql2 As String = "UPDATE Contacts SET Company = '" & txtcompadd.Text & "'," & _
"Address = '" & txtaddressadd.Text & "'," & _
"City = '" & txtCityAdd.Text & "'," & _


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VS 2010 : Embed A Flash Contact Form In VB?

Nov 23, 2011

I need to embed a contact.swf (flash) form for request licenses in my app?

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SMTP Send Email Failed?

Apr 12, 2010

I have the following code to send email through SMTP:

Private Sub SendMailToAdmin()


View 1 Replies - I Have A Contact Form That Sends To My Email. Can I Put It In A MS Excel Format?

May 15, 2012

I ave a contact form (VS 2010 / VB / .net4), and when the client fills out the form, I get an email -- which I like, but ....

For instance, here's an e-mail I got:


But I'm expecting a lot of more emails than I had originally anticipated. Does anybody have any suggestions on what I can do? Is it possible to upload the responses into an Excel file, or something?

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Contact Form With Attachment Eithout Upload To Server?

Jul 1, 2011

I know this will have been asked a zillions time before, but I have searched and searched and still can't find an answer,At the moment I have a sort-of-ok php page that uploads picture to the server, emails it then deletes it - same as everyone else.

But, I have been thinking (ALWAYS dangerous) I want to change this so that I can have a simple aspx with smpt varification sent email with an attachment. "Without" up-loading to the server - is this possible and "VERY" simple, as I am just starting out with this stuff.

Has any got a link to a page that you may know of that will give a complete run down of something like this. Unlike w3schools which just give snippets

View 4 Replies - Creating A Contact Form In ASPX And Saving To An XML File When Clicking SUBMIT?

Apr 27, 2010

i am trying to create a form in VS using ASP that when upon submitting a form the details will get automatically stored in an xml file which can be accessed later on a chosen file save path.i have 2 files ... "Contact.aspx" and "Contact.aspx.vb".i have created the form in the "Contact.aspx" and when trying to enter the fields in the "contact.aspx.vb" i keep getting several errors such as for example...

Error 5 'Formatting' is not a member of 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.XmlBuilder'

Error 6 'WriteStartDocument' is not a member of 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.XmlBuilder'.

Error 7 'WriteComment' is not a member of 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.XmlBuilder'.

Error 8 'WriteStartElement' is not a member of 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.XmlBuilder'.

Error 10 'WriteAttributeString' is not a member of 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.XmlBuilder'.

there is like 30 errors in total... im literally stuck out my head been trying for 2 days now and can't grasp what im doing wrong ive tried even some of the tutorials online but loads of errors...

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Create A Mailer To Mass Mail?

Jun 23, 2009

im trying to create a mailer to mass mail

the code i wrote is

Private Sub btnSend_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSend.Click
ProgressBar1.Value = 10


the problem is whenever mail.From = New MailAddress("" & txtfromdisplayname.Text & " <" & txtEmail.Text & ">") is entered the mailer wont send out to multiple recipients (when a single recipient is tried it works)

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Use The Combobox To Update / Edit / View The Saved Data (in Contact Form) From Sql Server

Apr 3, 2012

im trying to use the combobox to update/edit/view the saved data (in contact form) from sql server. my Load_Combobox (in contact form):


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How To Make An E-mailer That Connects To An SMTP Server

Dec 14, 2009

I'm trying to make an e-mailer that connects to an SMTP server.

Ive looked everywhere and Id prefer if it was explained how to put it into my code.


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Error 2 : An Error Occurred While Signing: Failed To Sign BinReleaseapp.publish\setup.exe

Dec 4, 2009

I get this error when I try to publish: Error 2 An error occurred while signing: Failed to sign binReleaseapp.publish\setup.exe. SignTool Error: ISignedCode::Sign returned error: 0x80880253

The signer's certificate is not valid for signing.

SignTool Error: An error occurred while attempting to sign: binReleaseapp.publish\setup.exe MITS 2008

I downloaded the .net 3.5 sp1 and it performed a repair but it still will not publish.

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Keep Form On Top Of Another Form In Modal Fashion, But Continue Execution?

Apr 18, 2012

I have a form in a windows form application called PolicyRefreshStatus.vb that has a ProgressBar control on it. From the main form called EditPolicy.vb I need to show PolicyRefreshStatus.vb over top of EditPolicy.vb - but the way things are wired I'm controlling the the ProgressBar and it's steps from logic inside EditPolicy.vbIf I display the PolicyRefreshStatus.vb bar using the .show() method things work fine.The problem is if the user clicks back on the main form then PolicyRefreshStatus.vb losses focus. If I show PolicyRefreshStatus.vb as a modal form using .ShowDialog() then execution halts in EditPolicy.vb after the .ShowDialog() statement.

so for example in the code:
mPolicyRefreshStatus = New PolicyRefreshStatus
mPolicyRefreshStatus.pbMax = mPolicy.ClaimsUpdateMax


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C# - Error Handling In DTS Package Execution Using .NET

Oct 20, 2010

I am executing a SQL Server 2000 DTS package using C# by following the code from this article [URL]. once the package is executed I am looping through each step to find out if any step has failed and get info about error if it has failed. I also use this information to find out if the package has succeeded or not (package failed if anyone step has failed).


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Fatal Error Encountered During Command Execution

Aug 29, 2011

I was having problems updating information in my SQL database using my application, but recently I found the solution. However now I have run into another problem which is shown in the code below:

Private Sub cmdupdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdupdate.Click
Dim conn As New MySqlConnection
Dim myCommand As New MySqlCommand
conn.ConnectionString = "server=" & frmLogin.txtserver.Text & ";" _
& "user id=" & frmLogin.txtusername.Text & ";" _
[Code] .....

The exception message is:
Fatal error encountered during command execution.
I don't know if this is simply a syntax error that can be fixed easily, or something to do with my database configuration.

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Stop A Program During Execution Any Other Way Than By Throwing An Error?

Aug 19, 2009

Is there a command that will stop the execution of my program?

I have a service that is processes an exchange account via telnet every 10 minutes. During one point of execution the application could possibly have a response from the telnet session when there are NO e-mails in the folder, which would look something like this[code]...

So is it possible for me to just stop my application at that point since there's no point in continuing if there are no e-mails in the account?

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Stored Procedure MVC3 Error On Execution

Apr 7, 2011

I got a stored procedure that reads a table and insert those data to antoher table. That's the way how it works because the first table imports data from excel using a package with SSIS.In EF4 I imported the SP and create function import:This SP has 2 IN variables and 2 OUT varibales.The IN varibales are parameters and OUT variables are a message and the number of records created.[code]

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Send Data From A Windows Form To An Aspx Page And Send Back A Response - Request.Form Vs Request.BinaryRead?

Mar 29, 2012

Im trying to send data from a Windows Form to an aspx page and send back a response. Im running around in circles trying to make this work. The data im trying to send is 4 strings. So fare I have this in my code, using the build-in webclient in visual studio 2010, in the windows form sending to the aspx


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Form Execution Stop After ExecuteScalar

Nov 28, 2011

It worked fine till i applicated some conditions... Now my form execution stop right after a ExecuteScalar.[code]

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How To Make Second Form Catch-up With Execution

Nov 10, 2011

I'm using two forms in a Windows application that backs files up. The first form does all the processing, while the second one is displayed with a message that reads something like "Please wait...." [code]

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Getting Error: "Cannot Open Database "MainDB" Requested By The Login. The Login Failed. Login Failed For User 'D630Admin'."

Mar 15, 2012

I created a SQL DB named MainDB.mdf and a small VB 2010 application with some forms and datasets.Everything was working OK until i got a new computer and re-installed Visual Studio 2010 and SQL server 2010 on it. I copied my DB from the old to the new computer and also copied by VB 2010 project to it. I used Windows Authentication to connect to the DB in the old computer and also in the new one, i am using different Windows user account names though.

I was able to connect to the DB in the new computer in the Server Explorer section, i created a new connection string to the DB and i can seed there is data in the tables. When i run my VB 2010 application created in the old computer get error:

"Cannot open database "MainDB" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'D630Admin'."

I need to get rid of that error and be able to add/mod/del data from my DB using my VB application as i used to.

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