Get The Values Of REVIEW NUM And Also The Value Of CHECK->ISSUE_DATE?

Jan 24, 2009

I have the following XML Doc.[code]....

I need to accomplish the following:

when TYPE =CH and STATUS=LI then I need to get the values of REVIEW NUM and also the value of CHECK->ISSUE_DATE. here is what I have so far that is not working very well[code]......

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VB: Getting Checkboxes On Windows Form To Check If Their Values In A Database Field Is Check (True)

May 10, 2011

This is my problem.I have a field set up in MS Access to Boolean YES/NO, this field is populated when the user check a checkbox on a windows form. If the user check a checkbox, the value is written as checked in the data field (MS Access).The problem is when I search for the user information, I need the information from the Data base to populate(return) to the windows form. Example: If I enter a users phone number and the user data is present, the form gets populated with the information the user previously entered which was store in the database.Example: If the user selected checkbox1 and submits the form. When I search for the user info, the check box should check(populate) because the user had checked it on submit.Here is what I have done:


I am getting the check value correctly in the database using a Boolean.Here is one of the errors I am getting. Unable to cast object of type

'System.Boolean' to type 'System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox.I am having trouble putting the codes in a code tag or block

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Getting Checkboxes To Check If Their Values In A Database Field Is Check?

May 9, 2011

I have a Boolean that writes to a data field. The data field(column) is set to YES/NO, if the user check a checkbox, the value is written as check in the data field.The problem is when I search for the user information, I need to get to form to the state it was in when the user submitted it.

Example: If the use select checkbox1 and submits the form. When I search the form, I need to make that particular check box check.


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Opening Document In Panel For Review?

Oct 19, 2009

I have an application that I want to review existing word documents. What I mean by review is that they can look at them and print them and that is about it. I am a bit stuck on how to complete this task though. I tried using a web browser and that allows changes and with a very minor bit of work the document can be modified and saved. I also tried using process.start and that just starts up the word application as does SetParent.

Is it possible to just take snapshots of the document and view those? Or to open the document as a readonly document?

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Database Access Pattern Code Review?

Nov 6, 2010

Anyone here kind enough to give me a code review on the following pattern that I have used for database access? I have provided one of the simpler datalayers to show the basic idea.In particular I am starting to question if using shared methods was a good idea and what problems may arise from that? Will this implementation fail in a threaded environment like ASP.Net?

Public Interface IFillable
Sub Fill(ByVal Datareader As Data.IDataReader)
End Interface


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VS 2008 Code Review (Control Making)

May 7, 2009

I downloaded this code from the web that Wierddemon gave me in my previous thread. This solution contains 2 projects (CurrencyControlTest and CurrencyTextBox) There are some things that I don't understand:

1. What's the type of form1.vb and program.vb in the CurrencyControlTest Project? Are they classes, or windows Forms or module?

2. This is the code in Program.vb

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic


What's the effect of <STAThread> code?

3. What is exactly the "Namespace" doing in this code? because when I removed the namespace, An error indicating that Form1 is not declared appeared. What is namespace? what does it do? Can anyone give sample code to emphasize the function and how and when to use the keyword "Namespace"?

4. This is code for Form1 in CurrencyControlTest Project

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic


What's with the "public partial class Form1"? what does "partial" do? When i right-clicked on the InitializeComponent(), A portion of code appeared suddenly with the header #Region. What is this? and when re-open the Form1 in "View Code" mode, they're gone.

View 7 Replies - (3 Tierish) Database Access Pattern Code Review?

Jan 19, 2011

Anyone here kind enough to give me a code review on the following pattern that I have used for database access? I have provided one of the simpler datalayers to show the basic idea.In particular I am starting to question if using shared methods was a good idea and what problems may arise from that? Will this implementation fail in a threaded environment like ASP.Net?


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Code Review: ADO.NET Data Access Utility Class (VB)?

Mar 6, 2009

When I started at my current employer I inherited a project from a previous developer and in that project was a data access utility class that tries to simplify a lot of the code involved in making calls and retrieving data back from the database. Over time it has been modified to add more overloaded forms of functions, and now I am looking at possible suggestions from the StackOverflow community.What do you think should be added? Removed?odified?Note:It would be nice if this class could remain compatible to VB.NET in the .NET 2.0 framework. We are also developing in 3.5, but I would like to have something that is generally going to work across most frameworks (so no LINQ, etc.) Also, please refrain from unnecessary answers that consist of nothing but "Use nHibernate" or other tools.

My class:
Public Class DataAccess
Public Shared Function ReturnScalar(ByVal CmdStr As String) As String


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CPS 110 Spring 2009 (Singh) Review Topics For Test 2?

Mar 31, 2009

Basically I have a test tomorrow in CPS 110, my programming class that I am completely lost in. I plan on becoming a network admin and not a programmer but I had to take the class. Anyways, here is the email of the review my professor sent me. Following that I am going to say what I need help with.

CPS 110 Spring 2009 (Singh) Review topics for Test 2(You are expected to remember the previous stuff: datatypes,if / if-else statements and booleans).I. Select case statements: write code/walk through

II. Strings and built-in methods. You CAN use the handout about strings and characters from class on the test.


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.net - Code Review: Determining Whether A Folder Exists, Given The Full File Path?

Nov 30, 2009

With a function being passed a full path to a file, such as C:someFolderanotherFoldersomeXML.xml, determine whether the folder exists. Is there a smarter/better/more elegant way of doing this? Here is my implementation:


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Request For Peer-Review KeyedBindingList (Of TKey / T) Generic Collection Concept

Aug 18, 2011

There are a lot of different generic collections available, so the wisdom in creating a new one may be questionable right from the start.However, I often find myself wanting the same features from my custom generic lists, but cannot quite find all of those features in an existing object; namely, I would like to have a generic collection which works like a List or Dictionary (much like the System.Collections. ObjectModel. Keyed Collection(Of TKey, TValue)), but also works like a BindingSource does when it is bound to an ADO object (that is, it supports full sorting and filtering as well as currency).A feature I almost never need however, is transactional adds (the BindingSource's ability to 'cancel add-new').Again, with so many existing collections out there, I should take a moment to go over the reasons why none of them quite meet my needs.There is the System. ComponentModel. BindingList(Of T) which would provide some of the functionality of a BindingSource, but has strict requirements about the type {T} implementing IComparable in order to support sorting, and does not provide filtering (it is not an IBindingListView).It also only maintains a base item list by index, so does not provide keyed access.We could use simple databinding with a custom list inheriting from System.Collections. ObjectModel. Keyed Collection(Of TKey, TValue) bound to a BindingSource, but again TValue would have to implement IComparable to support sorting and we would still not have filter support.So to get all the features I was after, I decided that the best thing would be to create a new generic collection object which implemented IList, IDictionary, IBindingList, and IBindingListView (along with a few others) and would be capable of serving as a simple list, or as a binding source while providing full sorting and filtering over any newable object type.

To that end, I've created the KeyedObjectModel which contains the KeyedBindingList(Of TKey, T) generic collection/binding source. This collection can be used as a typical list, or as a binding source (you do not need an additional BindingSource component between the collection and UI controls, although you could certainly have one).Various constructors are provided in order to initialize an instance of the collection as either an enhanced list-dictionary, or as a complete BindingSource.Any object that has a public constructor which takes no arguments can be used at type {T}, providing that the object has a property of type {TKey} which will contain unique values for each entity in a given collection.If the object implements System.ComponentModel.NotifyPropertyChanged then the collection will also bubble up property changes on the current item to the collection's CurrentItemChanged event.An implementation of IComparable on type {T} is irrelevant because sorting and filtering are performed on the property values of {T} based on the type of the specified property.The current design of KeyedBindingList(Of TKey, T) is in an 'alpha' stage.The class is mostly complete from a feature implementation standpoint, however, the code has not yet been optimized and the base collections of values, keys, and view are being maintianed in generic lists of their own, rather than raw arrays.However, even without performance tuning, the collection appears to be performing quite well, up to a few thousand entries, given the amount of flexibility and funcitonality it provides.At this stage, I would really love to get some peers to try using the compiled DLL and beat up the collection a bit.Once the code has been proven and optimized, I will publish it as an example.It is a fairly complex class though (currently made up of eleven or so partial classes) so I don't really want to post the code until it has been optimized. [code]

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VB5 Scheduled Task - Obtain A Screen Picture For A Post Review Of The Running Window

Dec 31, 2009

I'am trying to write a program in order to obtain a screen picture for a post review of the running window that should be periodically executed with the tasks manager.


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C# - Speeding Up An Algorithm That Find Patterns In A Growing Collection - Code Review Beta - Stack Exchange?

Jun 25, 2012

I want to find a way to speed up this code.if you look at the condition of If calculated Then in the code below, this is what slowing down the code.While the code provided seem fast with Const initBit = 4 try it with something over 12.

I want to be able to use this code (with calculated param as True) with initBit of 20 or more.

Beware that 20 or more might require a gig or more of ram and/or compiled as x64.

C# code (converted with an online tool from VB.NET):


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Check 2 Text Values Across 26 Labels?

May 31, 2012

If rad1.Checked = True Then
If t1.Text = rad1.Text Then
ElseIf t2.Text = rad1.Text Then
ElseIf t3.Text = rad1.Text Then


so i have this code which is trying to allow the user click the label (of which there are 26) and then decide whether the letter in the label matches the letter that has been generated in the radio button. I KNOW there is a more simplified to do this and much less code to write but i cant work it out. this is an image of what im trying to achieve but instead of buttons change those to radio buttons x 3.

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Check If A Variable Is Equal To Some Values Or Not

May 15, 2011

I want to check If a variable is equal to some values or not, for example:

if a = 1 or a = 5 or a = 7 or a = 10

is it possible to do it like sql:

if a in (1,5,7,10)

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Checkedlistbox To Check The Values As Per Database?

Oct 28, 2010

i have the below code
For i = 0 To Me.checkedlistbox1.Items.Count - 1
If reader("productname") = checkedlistbox1.SelectedItem(i).ToString Then


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Iterator To Check The Values Of An Array?

Jun 22, 2010

I tried making a For iterator to check the values of an array, but it checks them 2 times!

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Adding Values Of Multiple Check Boxes?

Sep 12, 2010

I have 4 checkboxes available, what I want is the user to be able to select as many of the four checkboxes.Each of the four checkboxes have a value, but when i set the code it only selects the first checkbox and only adds the first checkbox i select to the totals, rather then all selected checkboxes.The values have been set in the module and all the values appear correctly, they are just not adding all together when i select more than one checkboxHere is what I have in the calculate button.

Dim PriceDecimal, DiscountDecimal As Decimal
'Find Price of Service
If MakeoverCheck


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Check Whether Values Ar Between A Maximum And A Minimum Limit?

Aug 6, 2010

I'm trying to check whether values ar between a maximum and a minimum limit. I do that 21 times, and it works 20 times. In case of the 21. time VB tells me that 15 is less than 8. Here the relevant lines of


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Values Of All Checked Items In Check List Box?

Apr 5, 2010

How can I get all the selected values from a check list box? I tried using the name of the check list box (clbLike) but it only returns the first value checked. How can I return all values checked?

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[2008] Check In Another Event Whether The Values Has Been Set To True?

Feb 27, 2009

I'm testing with 2 buttons on form, at the form level i have set: Dim btnIsClicked As Boolean = False if a button is clicked in the click event i then set the boolean to true, but is there a way i can check in another event whether the values has been set to true?

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Checking Multiple Items In A Check List Box By Variable Values?

Oct 31, 2011

I've never really used the Check List Box in the past, however, for the recent program I am developing, I am using this control rather than individual check boxes scattered across the form.Anyway, I want to be able to program through code which items get checked in this checked list box. Specifically, I have a variable that contains the text of each check box that I want checked.With a normal check box, I can simply say:

Dim strNames As String
strNames = "John Doe, Mark Johnson, Mike Brown, Cindy Smith"
If strNames.ToString.Contains("Mike Brown") Then[code]....

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Radio Button And Check Boxes Values Into Sql Data Base Table?

Oct 27, 2011

I am a beginner programer. I am working on a windows form in Visual Studio 2010I have several text boxes, dropdowns, radio buttons and check boxes in my windows forma.

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Regular Expression To Match Dates In Dd/mm/yy Format And Check For Valid Values

Jun 9, 2010

Does anyone have a regurlar expression available which only accepts dates in the format dd/mm/yy but also has strict checking to make sure that the date is valid, including leap year support?

I am coding in and am struggling to work this one out.

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Exiting Msgbox - User Inputs Values Into Textboxes In Inputform, Then Runs The Check

Jun 6, 2011

I have a code which runs a check. User inputs values into textboxes in inputform, then runs the check, and the msgbox is displayed. if msg is yes then program continues, else I want it to return to the input for to change values in textboxes. How can I do that?

Below is the code.
If (optanodespacing > 300) Then
optanodespacing = 300
Dim answerspc As Integer = MsgBox("Anode Spacing Must NOT Exceed 300m,


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.net - Check Keyvaluepair Againt Existing Values In List Of Keyvaluepair

Aug 22, 2010

How can I check a new KeyValuePair against an existing list of KeyValuePair ? I want to compare for a condition to include or exclude the item. I am using 3.5

it is a nested For loop and I am deleting a datarow on the result of the condition

args = (existing list of KeyValuePAir)
For Each datarow As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
Dim args2 As KeyValuePair(Of Integer, Integer) = New KeyValuePair(Of Integer, Integer)(datarow.Item("Integer1"), datarow.Item("Integer2"))

what I want to do here is see if args2 is already contained in args if not I would delete the datarow , but I also need to search the datarow multiple times

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Assign Values To Items In Combo Boxes And Check Boxes?

Feb 27, 2009

I used this code to created 2 combo boxes General and Specific...and Only show Specific (Combo when Combo A is chosen.....What i need now is to know how to assign specific values to the items in combo b (Specific).??? If i chose a sode, Fanta, i want the total price to be $10.00 (this price will show up in the finial price box..

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Check If Array Contains Zero Values In Array Indexs?

Jun 1, 2009

I am getting some values in arrayIDs if some particular condtion match i am assinging values to array.Here i am getting problem when this condition not match i am getting values zero in all array indexes,here how to check if array contains zero values in array indexs

selects As ListView.SelectedIndexCollection
selects =[code].....

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Search Data From Database With Some Check Box And Text Box When User Select Check Box Specific Function

Dec 15, 2011

My application is like this : i have to search my data from database with some check box and text box when user select check box specific function go on and then when user enters some range of value in textbox then the result will shown in data grid view after that i can print it by selecting data
my code is as follow:

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class XtraForm1


I m also pasting the demo picture.

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IDE :: Dual Check Program(check Duplication In Form By Comparing From Access Database Table Fields)?

Apr 9, 2010

Details: I want to compare these above two table1 and 2 . The unmatched records should be save in a new table .


1 Should take input the table and fields we want to match each other.

2 Then after searching or reading the record from table and selected fields save the unmatch records in a new table

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