.net - Getting The Foreign Key Constraints Of A Table Programmatically?

May 17, 2012

I'm trying to use a DataTable to get the schema of a SQL Server DB.But, when try to detect the ForeignKeys, the constraints collection only brings the UNIQUE constraints.

Private Sub ShowConstraints(ByVal tableName As String)
Dim table As DataTable = New DataTable(tableName)
Using connection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(GetConnectionString)


How can I get the ForeignKey Constraints?

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Visual Studio 2010 - Failed To Enable Constraints - One Or More Rows Contain Values Violating Non-null - Unique - Or Foreign-key Constraints. Error

Dec 9, 2011

There were three similar questions in StackOverFlow but none gave an answer.. If have found why this error in occurring but don't know the fix. I am using Strongly Typed Dataset for my project which is created as a dll for DAL. I have added the Sql Server Table into this dataset using the designer and has created a DataAdapter


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Error: Cannot Clear Table Table1 Because ForeignKeyConstraint FK_Table1Table2 Enforces Constraints And There Are Child Rows In Table2

Feb 15, 2012

I have datagridview1 binded to data Table1 (with binding source) . This data table1 is in relation with his child data table2.When I insert new record to table1 I want to refresh datagridview1.

If I use table adapter fill method I get error.TableAdapter1.Fill(Me.DataSet1.Table1) ' error error: Cannot clear table Table1 because ForeignKeyConstraint FK_Table1Table2 enforces constraints and there are child rows in Table2.

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Replace Foreign Key With Value In Table?

Dec 30, 2010

Is there a simple way that I can replace a foreign key in a datatable, with a corresponding value from the table that the key is referring to, without having to create a new table or use tableadapter? Ive got a table that has a foreign key to a child table, and I need to get a column from that table to fill a dataview?

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Searching Another Table Not Using Foreign Key?

Nov 12, 2009

I have an application where I need to be able to search for the workers related to a company from a contacts list. I am able to do this by entering the company number but I am unsure how I can set the query to allow to search for the information in the other table.


SELECT RecordNo, CompanyID, AccntRep, CustNumber, Person, SubjectID, StatusID FROM dbo.Contact
WHERE CompanyID = @companyNo I think that I need to create a join in the SQL statement to the company table but am unsure how to go about this and I would be grateful if someone would give me a point in the right direction so that i can search for the company name instead of the companyID.

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Set Two Foreign Keys, That Refer To The Same Table/field

Feb 22, 2011

I have an Access database where I want to store the contacts in a company: In this database I have a table named "users" where I keep the users which will have access to the database. In the main table, named "contacts", two of my fields "insert_user" and "contact_user" refer to the user who entered the contact information and the user who actually made the contact. The way I am thinking it, I will have to set both of the fields as foreign keys to the same table/field, namely "users"/"username".

I set two foreign key constrains in two different fields ("insert_user", "contact_user"), which refer to the same table/field ("users"/"username") in an
Access database, using VB.Net OleDB (See the SQL Statement below)

ALTER TABLE contacts ADD CONSTRAINT insert_user_foreignkey FOREIGN KEY (insert_user) REFERENCES users (username)
ALTER TABLE contacts ADD CONSTRAINT contact_user_foreignkey FOREIGN KEY (contact_user) REFERENCES users (username)

I open the database with MS-Access. I see that all the tables are fine (as they should be).

However when I click on relationships at Access I get all my tables plus a table named users_1 connected to "contacts"/"contact_user" (the table users is only connected to "contacts"/"insert_user")

It is very strange that in the Table View of Access I don't see this table, but only in the Relationships View.


Is my thinking right (to set 2 foreign keys, that refer to the same table/field)? What is this table "users_1"? Will my database work or am I doing something wrong?

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VS 2008 Getting Field Values From A Table Using A Foreign Key?

Jul 13, 2011

For simplicity, I have a database with two tables, as follows:

| Table Name: GRADES |
| Column | Type | Comments |


On my form, I'm trying to display information about a grade. I'm using a DataSet with BindingSources and TableAdapters. Using the tip from here, I'm populating the selected grade's ID, HazardType_ID and Code. Unfortunately, I want to display the the HazardType, and not the foreign key index. I've accomplished this with the following

' get the data
Dim data As ProjectDataSet.GradesRow = DirectCast(GradesBindingSource.Current, DataRowView).Row
' fill in form fields


Note, I'm using VB Express 2008 (.NET 3.5) and connecting to a MS Access database.

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VS 2008 Insert Autonumber In Foreign Table

Aug 17, 2011

I want to insert data into my tables. Table 1 (Recipes1) has a primary key (Autonumber) Table 2 (Ingredients) has a Foreign key with the same name as the primary key in Table2 ("RecipeNumber) this is a normal number field. The problem is that when i update the tables, it does not even make it past table1 , which should be ok.


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Asp.net - Select Query In LINQ Based On Foreign Table

Mar 2, 2011

I have 2 Tables , OrderDetails and Requests In my LINQ to SQL dbml file. OrderDetailsID is a foreign key in Requests Table.

I want to write the query to get the sum of UnitCost from OrderDetails based on OrderId. And If there is a row in Requests Table for each OrderDetailsID, and the Requests.Last.RequestType="Refund" I want to reduce the total refund amount from the main sum otherwise If there is no row based on OrderDetailsID, add to sum.

Here is the way I implement that. I am looking to prevent using "For each".

iRefund = (From od1 In dc.OrderDetails _
Where od1.OrderID =1 _
Select od1.UnitCost).Sum


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Select Query In LINQ Based On Foreign Table?

Mar 4, 2009

I have 2 Tables , OrderDetails and Requests In my LINQ to SQL dbml file.OrderDetailsID is a foreign key in Requests Table.I want to write the query to get the sum of UnitCost from OrderDetails based on OrderId.And If there is a row in Requests Table for each rderDetailsID, and the Requests.Last.RequestType="Refund" I want to reduce the total refund amount from the main sum otherwise If there is no row based on OrderDetailsID, add to sum

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Sql Server - SQLException Foreign Key Error Getting Child Table

Jun 14, 2012

I'm currently trying to create a function to parse error messages to make them more helpful for the end user. Currently I'm working with SQLServer and VB.NET.

Right now I'm raising error 547 which looks like this:

DELETE statement conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE
constraint Constraint Name. The conflict occurred
in database 'Database Name', table 'Table Name',


I'm able to pull every piece of information I need from the error message except the name of the parentTable. I've already determined that the SqlException doesn't store the statement that caused the exception, and as far as I can tell it doesn't store information about the name of the parent table, only the table that is trying to reference it.

Is there an easy way to get the name of the parentTable?

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Foreign Key Constraint Not Updating Child Table On Primary Key Change?

Jul 20, 2009

I am using a number of tables on my application and two of which have a foreign key constraint I have set between them. When I change the account number on the main table via a combo box all of the relevant information for that table on the form is updated accordingly. However, the child table which has a foreign key reference to the Account Number of the main table is not updated when the acocunt number is changed. I have set the update to cascade in the references but still am having issues.

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Warning Messagebox Appears When Deleting A Record Which Has A Foreign Key To Another Table?

Apr 24, 2009

I would like to have a pop up messagebox that asks users for confirmation before deleting a record in datagridview and if the record is a foreign key to another table, another messagebox will appear and warns users saying" before you can delete this record, make sure you remove all the related records" I have tried but I don't know how to complete it.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
BindingNavigator1.DeleteItem = Nothing
End Sub


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Pivot Table And VB - How To Do That Programmatically

Jan 9, 2010

I have a Microsoft Office Pivot Table 11.0 in my form in Ms Visual Basic .NET 2005. I've already succeed displaying the report. But what I want to do is customizing it. I want to be able to change the dimension or the field of the dimension by clicking a checkbox or something like that. How to do that programmatically ?

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Populating A Table Programmatically?

Apr 15, 2010

I'm working in VB 2008 Express.

I have an MS Access DB with a Table setup with the columns that I need.

I have it linked into a form, with the requisite BindingSource, TableAdapter, BindingNavigator, etc.

On the form, I also have several textboxes linked back to the table. I can populate the table via the + (add new) button in the BindingNavigator and then filling in the textboxes (and saving of course).

Is there a way that I can put a button on the form and populate the table automatically? I want to do this via a textbox to control the number of records added - that way, I can put in an 8 and have 8 blank records added to the table via this one click (and don't have to enter the default info in for the 8 records one at a time).

I've attempted to do this by calling the BindingNavigatorAddNewItem_Click subroutine, filling in the textboxes and then calling MapBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click subroutine, but this does not work.

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Update Using Table Adapter - "Update Statement Conflicted With Foreign Key Constaint....."

Apr 5, 2010

I have a form with comboboxes, if the user doesnt select a value in the box I want a null to be sent to the database. The insert works fine, i look at the record in the db and see the null. The update doesnt work. gives me a n "Update statement conflicted with foreign key constaint....."

Public Sub Update()
TableAdapterCreate().Update(ID1, ID2, CType(cbox1.SelectedValue, Integer), CType(cbox2.SelectedValue, Integer), CType(cbox3.SelectedValue, Integer), CType(cbox4.SelectedValue, Integer),


As I step through the selected value of the cbox 5 is shown as nothing (which it should be because the user didnt select a value for this combobox). I assume this needs to be a null instead of nothing to get written to the database. the combox boxes need to match a primary key in another table so sending a 0 would also result in the forieign key error since the related table does not have a 0 ID field.

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Asp.net - Update A Database Table Programmatically?

Mar 29, 2012

I have a button which when pressed, sets the user's rights in the db. (If Administrator UserTypeID is set to '2' and if Customer it is set to '1'). However when I run the below code, everything remains the same. I think it's from the SQL statement but I;m not sure.

Protected Sub btnSetUser_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnSetUser.Click
Dim conn As New OleDbConnection( _[code].......

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Insert Database And Table Name In SQL Programmatically?

Jul 18, 2011

i try to make SQL programmatically but in this site [URL] i can create the database and table name how to rename its from program ?this is my source code

Public Class Form1
Private ConnectionString As String = "Integrated Security=SSPI;" + "Initial Catalog=;" + "Data Source=johnson;"
Private reader As SqlClient.SqlDataReader = Nothing


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.Net: Connect SQL Table To Programmatically Created DataGridView?

Dec 17, 2009

how to connect a SQL Table to a DataGridView that was previously created programmatically. Basically, at run-time the user names and creates several empty SQL Tables and DataGridViews. After that the user selects from a combobox the name of the SQL Table and DataGridView that they want to import data into, then clicks a button named "Import"...after clicking "Import" the user navigates to an Excel file, chooses a worksheet, clicks a "Continue" button and then the code successfully connects to the Excel import file and SQLBulkCopies the data to the SQL Table...next I need the imported data in the SQL Table update to the DataGridView...this is the part I can't figure out.

The challenge is the datagridview isn't hard coded it was created and named programmatically at runtime. So now the user selects the name of the SQL Table the data resides in and the name of the DataGridView from the combobox "moduletableCB" and I need the code to update the datagridview.


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Programmatically Create A Table And Add Fields To An Access Database

Sep 16, 2010

I have the code I am using below. On 3.5 framework Access 2003 database vb net 2008

I already have the database created but need to be able to add Tables and fields with the correct datatypes. So far it's not working but i don't know why or where the error is.

Private Sub MDIParent_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


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Save An Html Table Built Programmatically In Its File?

Mar 10, 2011

How do you save an html table built programmatically in a .html file?

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In Entity Framework, We Can Use Model First, DB First, Code First But How Can We Create Table Programmatically?

Jun 9, 2012

In entity framework we can use 3 approaches model first , code first , database first but each one of them needs manual hand touch(means creating database or create model or write the POCO class codes or entity class codes) before proceeding to the next step ( using EF in context ).What if I want to create database and tables and table relationships programatically and still want to have to features of EntityFramework 4.3.

To be more specific ,from this example http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307283 we can create database , tables and everything using SQL command but we can't have the advantages of entity framework. So if we want to have that what should we do? To give the ability to create dynamic table fields those steps will not be sufficient. In all 3 steps database , table and table columns are fixed. There is no way that a user can create new tables or columns dynamically. http:[url].... in this post , it shows how to create manual db, tables and etc using SQL but it is based on ADO.NET but I want Entity Manager to do that.

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Programmatically Set The Control Shown In A Cell Of A Table Layout Panel?

Jan 4, 2012

I am writing a windows forms application in visual studio 2010 (using VB). I want to change the control shown in a particular cell of a Table Layout Panel at runtime. Like this...

If radiobutton1.checked then tablelayoutpanel1's cell 1,1 shows panelOne
else tablelayoutpanel1's cell 1,1 shows panelTwo

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Add New Field Or New Table To Access 2007 From Visual Studio 2010 Programmatically

Sep 23, 2010

i have create a software for my college which is document management. well am doing good so far up to now where i need to upgrade my database what i mean ?

in case i need to make any changes to my database i don't want to enter the database and create new table or add new fields to existing table to my current database,i would like to do that throught visual studio 2010 programaticaly. something like an additional application where i will choose my database path and the application will upgrade the database with new tables or new fields .

i would like also to ask, in order to create database,or if you already have the database and you like to just open the connection to it programaticaly and add new field ,or relate some table ,you have to work with different librarys? Like ADOX,DAO etc ? and other.?

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Sort A Column Displayed In A Datagrid Bound To An Access Table Programmatically

Jan 6, 2011

Still experimenting with datagrids and ran into another problem...I'd like to sort a column displayed in a datagrid bound to an Access table programmatically. The field is a date ime type and is sorted in descending order in Access. I can manually sort it at run time but i'd like to know how to sort it with code.

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Constraints On Generics With .Net?

Dec 14, 2011

I have the a function that is declared like so: Public Sub Modify(Of SIMType As {New, DAOBase})(ByVal obj As SIMType)

I also have a class called Products which is declared like so:

Public Class Products Inherits DAOBase

So as you can see, if I were to call this function like so:

Modify(Of Products)(new Products())

This would not be an issue. The issue actually arises when I try to cast the object being past in to its real type. For example: both do not work. I get a Value of type SIMTYPE cannot be converted to IMS.Products error. Im assuming this is because I am using generics. Is there a way to adjust my function to allow for a casting operation like I am trying to do? In the end, what I need is a reference of the actual type (Products in this case) to the object.

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What Constraints Are In Application

Nov 1, 2009

Can some one explain what constraints are in this application?

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.NET Generic Constraints And Subclasses?

Sep 17, 2010

Consider the following extension method:

<Extension()> _
Public Function Satisfies(Of T)(ByVal subject As T, ByVal specification As ISpecification(Of T)) As Boolean
Return specification.IsSatisfiedBy(subject)
End Function

This works as expected if subject is the exact class being operated on by the specification. However, if the specification is examining the super-class of T, this extension will not work unless subject is explicitly cast to the super-class. Is there a way I can avoid this? So far, the best I've been able to come up with is:


Since I (apparently) can't get this to work exactly as I'd like in VB.NET due to limitations in the language itself, is my second attempt the safest/most efficient way to do this?

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.net - Extension Method And Type Constraints?

Sep 13, 2010

I am starting to play with extension methods and i came across with this problem:In the next scenario i get a: "extension method has a type constraint that can never be satisfied"

Public Interface IKeyedObject(Of TKey As IEquatable(Of TKey))
ReadOnly Property InstanceKey() As TKey
End Interface


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Add Constraints To Image Resizing Code?

Feb 15, 2012

How do I add constraints to image resizing code? I want the image to be no larger then 165x146. The below code does not hold the constraint when image is 525x610.[code]

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