Foreign Key Constraint Not Updating Child Table On Primary Key Change?

Jul 20, 2009

I am using a number of tables on my application and two of which have a foreign key constraint I have set between them. When I change the account number on the main table via a combo box all of the relevant information for that table on the form is updated accordingly. However, the child table which has a foreign key reference to the Account Number of the main table is not updated when the acocunt number is changed. I have set the update to cascade in the references but still am having issues.

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Primary Key And Foreign Key - Reference Constraint

Apr 18, 2009

I just watched a video from Beth Messi about setting up a primary key and foreign key on a table.

I created two tables, one called customer and the other one called orders CustomerID is the primary key to the customer table OrderID is the primary ket to the orders table and CustomerID is foreign key to the orders table

Beth Messi said that this would maintain the integrity of the tables and she also mentioned something about setting up a cascade delete so that when we delete a record in the customer table, the customer's order in order table will get deleted as well.

how I can set up the cascade delete, Meanwhile, I tried deleting a customer record in customer table - a customer with orders, and I got the following error when I clicked save.

The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_Orders_Customer". The conflict occurred in database "C:DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGSLOUISLOCAL SETTINGSAPPLICATION DATATEMPORARY PROJECTSWBINDEBUGTEST.MDF", table "dbo.Orders", column 'CustomerID'. The statement has been terminated.

Shall I use try catch to warn the user that the record that I tried to delete has an order? They can't delete the customer unless the orders table's record is deleted first?

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Foreign Key Constraint Error / Parent Record Does Exist But Won't Let Child Record Be Created

Feb 21, 2010

While I've previously many years of relational databases and procedural languages, I'm stumbling with Visual Basic. In this problem, the simple situation is that I have two files, parent and child. The primary key of the parent file (Area file) is linked by a relation to one of the two fields that makes up the primary key in the child file (Project file) (unique key is formed from 'area' and 'project'). I have the default table adapters created on both files. I have created two maintenance forms showing one each of the two files in datagrid view format.I can create some records in the Parent (Area) file, but when I try to create a record in the child (Project) file, using one of the valid key values from the Area file, I get the 'ForeignKeyConstraint [relation name] requires the child key values [actual value] to exist in the parent table' which I'm absolutely definitely sure it does.

I haven't done any actual coding for those two maintenance forms, just dragged-and-dropped the files from the data sources screen onto separate forms so it creates the controls itself. But I can't work out, if it already knows the data does exist because I can load it back in to the Area maintence form, why it can't check itself to find out the record does exist. Why does it think the record from the parent record doesn't exist? It does exactly the same thing, whether or not the database is in access or SQL Server Express. I have all the latest updates.

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Sql Server - SQLException Foreign Key Error Getting Child Table

Jun 14, 2012

I'm currently trying to create a function to parse error messages to make them more helpful for the end user. Currently I'm working with SQLServer and VB.NET.

Right now I'm raising error 547 which looks like this:

DELETE statement conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE
constraint Constraint Name. The conflict occurred
in database 'Database Name', table 'Table Name',


I'm able to pull every piece of information I need from the error message except the name of the parentTable. I've already determined that the SqlException doesn't store the statement that caused the exception, and as far as I can tell it doesn't store information about the name of the parent table, only the table that is trying to reference it.

Is there an easy way to get the name of the parentTable?

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Primary Key Not Populating In Child Table?

Jun 10, 2011

I'm having some problems trying to input records into a relational database. The design is really simple but I'm running into a wall when it comes to having the foreign key from my child table autopopulate the primary key from the parent table. I've made the connections in Access and from what I understood, so long as I committed a transaction, the child table would populate the primary key from the parent table. This is not happening.

my question is: is there a method that would do what I'm looking for? or am I cornered into using @@IDENTITY and manually inserting the primary key into the child table?

I've tried using datasets and data adapters and created a datarelation within the dataset, but it is still not doing what I need. everything I've tried thus far has allowed me to insert records into multiple tables, but won't relate them because of the missing primary key in the child table.

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Foreign Key Constraint Will Not Cascade

Mar 20, 2010

I'm developing an app in VB.Net (Visual Studio Express 2008, on Windows Vista) that connects to an Access relational database. The database has 3 related tables (TextSections, LineItems, Cycles) that I'm loading into my dataset. I've set up two foreign key constraints and want all changes to cascade through the related records in the child tables. I cannot get the cascades to reflect through.

For example, when I delete the parent record, the children records remain (in the database - they are removed from the dataset). Also, when I modify the parent record (change the Description field for example), the change is not reflected in the dataset datatable that holds the children records - unless I go through and ReLoad all of the data from the database and re-Set the constraints. I have set the .AcceptChanges, .UpdateRule, and .DeleteRule to cascade, and have also set EnforceConstraints on the dataset. Why aren't the changes cascading through the children?

Below I've pasted (1) the Load Routines for my datatables TextSections (parent), LineItems (child), and Cycles (child of LineItems); (2) the method that creates the constraints in the dataset, and (3) The Save routine for TextSections.

Friend Sub LoadTSTable()
Dim key(1) As DataColumn
Dim newCol As New DataColumn


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Showing End Users Foreign Key Constraint Warnings?

Mar 1, 2012

I have an application that works with a database that uses foreign key constraints.

For example, we have an inventory table that has a foreign key constraint that references a table called case_names. If a user attempts to delete a case name that has any inventory items referencing it's ID, the action is restricted.

How can I display a message to the user that they will understand? 'You can not delete this case as it still contains inventory items.'

My thought is a try-catch (catching different error types?) but I do not really want to use this for something that may be expected.

The application is in VB.Net using

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Sql - INSERT Statement Conflicted With The FOREIGN KEY Constraint?

Jun 15, 2011

myCommand = New SqlCommand(
"INSERT INTO tblBook(BookCode, BookTitle, Author, PublishingYear,
Price, EnterDate, CatID, RackID, Amount)
VALUES('" & txtBookCode.Text & "','" &
txtTitle.Text & "','" &


The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREING KEY constraint "FK_tblBook_tblCategory". The conflict occurred in database "CIEDC", table "dbo.tblCategory", column 'CatID'. The statement has been terminated.

Was that because of my database's relationships?

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The INSERT Statement Conflicted With The FOREIGN KEY Constraint?

Nov 15, 2011

I am new to and have created a simple master detail windows form. I created a two table data set and then dropped the master table on the form as a continues form or a detail form with several text boxes to enter data. The child form is a data grid and was simple drag and drop from the data-set. All of this was done with drag and drop and I have added nor changed any code.test data that I have added directly to the database shows up with the proper parent child relationships on the form. I can also enter new records into the database using the parent only portion of my form. I can also update a child record.When I attempt to enter a complete record with data in both the parent form and the child data grid I get this error.

The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint FK_tblComplainant_tblUseOfForce. The conflict occurred in database "C:\SQLFILES\CCTS_2.MDF", table "dbo.tblUseOfForce", column 'UOFID'. The statement has


View 2 Replies - Violation Of PRIMARY KEY Constraint 'PK?

May 20, 2010

i am trying to write a code in which i need to perform a update but on primary keys how do i achieve it
i have written the following code: kindly look at it let me know where m wrong


View 2 Replies - Violation Of PRIMARY KEY Constraint 'PK_?

Apr 6, 2010

i am trying to write a code in which i need to perform a update but on primary keys how do i achieve iti have written the following code:

Protected Sub rgKMSLoc_UpdateCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As Telerik.Web.UI.GridCommandEventArgs) Handles rgKMSLoc.UpdateCommand


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.net - ASP.NET MVC - Have A Foreign Key As The Primary Key?

Oct 5, 2011

Is it possible to have a Foreign Key as the Primary Key?

Public Property AssignmentID() As Integer
Public Overridable Property Assignment As Assignment
Public Overridable Property User As User

For the code above I get an error:One or more validation errors were detected during model generation:System.Data.Edm.EdmAssociationEnd: : Multiplicity is not valid in Role 'AssignmentLocks_Assignment_Source' in relationship 'AssignmentLocks_Assignment'. Because the Dependent Role refers to the key properties, the upper bound of the multiplicity of the Dependent Role must be �1�.

I'm trying to create a table which has one (or none) record per assignment.

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DB/Reporting :: Foreign Key Not Populating With Primary Key

Jan 23, 2011

I'm having some major issues trying to figure out What's going wrong with my code.

The general problem is that I can't get the foreign key in one of my child tables to populate the primary key from the parent table. I have a parent table named "ISSUES" and a child table named "ISSDESC". The primary key for ISSUES is ISS_ID which is an autonumber. The foreign key is ISS_ID in the ISSDESC table which is just a number. I'm using MS Access and an OLEDBConnection as the method. I've created the relationship in MS Access and also created the datarelation in the VB.NET code.

I am able to submit the information into the database into the two tables but the foreign key isn't being populated therefore not being linked to the other table.

I think it's probably a very simple fix, but it's been eluding me for a good 8 hours or so. I am using a dataset and 2 data adapters, one for each table.


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Updating A Child Table Using Access Tables?

Mar 13, 2009

I am getting a System.Data.InvalidConstraintException" ForeignKeyConstraint CompanyPasswords requires the child key values(-1) to exist in the parent Table. When saving updates to the parent and child tables.My parent table consists of 3 columnsCompanyID (auto increment, pk)Company NameURLMy Child table consists of 4 columns PasswordID (auto increment, pk)CompanyID (fk)User NamePasswordHere is all the code on the form


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VS 2008 Updating Child Table Before Parent?

Jan 11, 2011

I have a situation where a database table is updated with records inside a loop. Every record in this table has a parent child relationship with another table. This child table is also updated subsequently inside the same loop.I am creating the datatable for Parent table and adding records inside the loop, but committing the records in the database (using SqlCommandBuilder) outside the loop only once.

Inside the loop I am also calling the function for updating records in the child table. Because the adaptor and datable objects are created inside the child table function, I need to commit records in child table inside the function only. So this happens before commit of parent table. Because there is a PK-FK constraint in the database, an error is generated.

Simplest solution would be to bring all code inside one function. But I don't want to do that. Besides this parent child relations can go upto any levels.


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Database - Fetching Data Between Primary And Foreign Key?

Feb 3, 2012

How do I fetch the loginID and display the student data on the textbox?E.g. I login with loginID of 18 but it only display the data of 12

Private Sub frmLibrary_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'LibraryDataSet.Student' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
End Sub

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Error - The INSERT Statement Conflicted With The FOREIGN KEY Constraint "FK_Job_ProductCode"

May 13, 2009

I'm creating a program that uses sql statments to input data into a data base, but I'm having a problem with this error:The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_Job_ProductCode". The conflict occurred in database "FabList.mdf", table "dbo.ProductCode", column 'ProductID'. The statement has been terminated.


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How To Replace Foreign Key With Child Value

Jul 28, 2010

I am displaying a table with a Report Viewer control. The table contains a foreign key to a child table, and I want to display the value from the child table for the particular foreign key.How do I do that? Using VB in vs2010.(Eg.The parent table contains a field called BrokerID, which is a key to the Brokers table.I want to display the value of BrokerName from the Brokers table associated with the BrokerID from in my Report).

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How To Fix "Violation Of PRIMARY KEY Constraint" Error

Jan 27, 2011

I have two function:

Public Sub AddData() Dim sSQL As String = "" Dim check As Boolean = Me.TestExistingRow("QUESTIONARIO1") If check = False Then sSQL = "INSERT INTO QUESTIONARIO1([USER]) VALUES ('" & Me.IdUser & "');" ExecuteNonQuery(Me.ConnString, CommandType.Text, sSQL) End If End Sub Public Function TestExistingRow(ByVal NameTable As String) As Boolean


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Updating And Linking Tables With One Foreign Key

Sep 10, 2010

I have a Database with the following tables, PolicyHolder, Beneficiary, FinacialDetails, Gender, Nationality, Relationship, Income. They are all linked by ClientID primary key of the PolicyHolder table.

When i'm adding my data in the Beneficiary table using a DataGridView i get an error when im adding the second entry saying - FK ClientID already has a value and this value cannot be duplicated. I want the FK ClientID value to be saved on every record i enter under Beneficiary.

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Filter Parent / Child Table In Linq Query Based On Entities In Child Table?

Jul 9, 2010

I have a table (Projects) which is linked to projectVersions on projectID..projectVersions contains several columns on which I'd like to filter a returned project (and associated projectVersions) list. For example there is a "capacity" column and a "country" column. I am doing a filtered list of projects on one page and I'd like to include all projects where any one of the associated projectVersions has a capacity of 750ml and a country of "France" for example.It may be that a particular parameter is not set and so I pass a zero to indicate not to filter on that.I guess this needs some kind of subquery as when I try and do something like this: [code] it doesn't work as the "xxx" bit, being one-to-many, expects me to specify an item to get at the entities within and yet I want to query where ANY of the associated versions match one of the criteria.

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Primary Key And Foreign Key - Private Locking Object For List1 And Lock List1 Whenever It's Modified

Jan 26, 2011

This is a follow-up to a previous question regarding locking on two List(Of T) objects. Suppose I have a function like this:


which resides in a class that declares List1. In a multithreaded environment, I now understand that I should have a private locking object for List1 and lock List1 whenever it's modified or enumerated. My question is, should I do this:


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Delete Foreign Key Record From Child Data Grid?

Nov 28, 2010

I have master detail form with two datagrids. customer and order detail.I have relationship between customer and order detail on customerid.How do i delete record from order detail when i click delete button to delete record from customer datagrid.Here is the code so far.

Private Sub btndelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btndelete.Click


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Updating Child Collection Of POCO (adding/updating/deleting) In Entity Framework 4.1?

Jan 25, 2012

I have a webpage with a form that is used to edit some object. This object contains a Collection of other objects defined like this: Public Overridable Property Employees As List(Of Employee)

On a form I can delete an employee, add a new one or modify existing one. When I click save new values are sent to the server. On a server I check if the user exists. If exists then I modify its values, if it does not exist then I add it. All employees that exist on the server and were not sent are marked as deleted (State changed to EntityState.Deleted). I try to use the following code (dbCollection = database entities, newCollection = collection sent from the form):


This code does not work, because changing to EntityState.Deleted removes the object from collection, and for each loop breaks, since the collection is modified...I know that I can overcome this problem by using a for loop or adding objects to delete to some other list first, but I hope maybe there is a pattern that would make my code nicer.

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Constraint Exception When Copying Table?

Oct 23, 2009

I'm experiencing some weird behavior when trying to modify some DataTable objects. Upon the second call to the subroutine, I get the following error when I to copy the source DataTable to a working set:

System.Data.ConstraintException was
caught Message="Column 'pk' is
constrained to be unique. Value


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.net Entry With Same Primary Key Duplicates When Updating?

Jan 4, 2012

I have an entry with a primary key field but needs to update other fields. However, when I update the fields my grid does not save my update, or nothing happens.

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Child Tables Primary Key Not Generated Automatically

Mar 27, 2009

(VS2005 Professional)

My database's layout is as follows:

Identification (Parent table)
ID# (Primary Key, auto increase)
First Name


I am placing this three tables in three tabs by a tabcontrol. If I put two child tables in dataGridView in their tab, the insert(new record)/update to the tables works very well. When I put the child tables in details View, I can't get a new record updated. The problem with details view is that there is no AddressID and VehiclesID generated. In dataGridView, these IDs are automatically generated whenever a mouse enters into a cell in a row.

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Replace Foreign Key With Value In Table?

Dec 30, 2010

Is there a simple way that I can replace a foreign key in a datatable, with a corresponding value from the table that the key is referring to, without having to create a new table or use tableadapter? Ive got a table that has a foreign key to a child table, and I need to get a column from that table to fill a dataview?

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Searching Another Table Not Using Foreign Key?

Nov 12, 2009

I have an application where I need to be able to search for the workers related to a company from a contacts list. I am able to do this by entering the company number but I am unsure how I can set the query to allow to search for the information in the other table.


SELECT RecordNo, CompanyID, AccntRep, CustNumber, Person, SubjectID, StatusID FROM dbo.Contact
WHERE CompanyID = @companyNo I think that I need to create a join in the SQL statement to the company table but am unsure how to go about this and I would be grateful if someone would give me a point in the right direction so that i can search for the company name instead of the companyID.

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.net - Getting The Foreign Key Constraints Of A Table Programmatically?

May 17, 2012

I'm trying to use a DataTable to get the schema of a SQL Server DB.But, when try to detect the ForeignKeys, the constraints collection only brings the UNIQUE constraints.

Private Sub ShowConstraints(ByVal tableName As String)
Dim table As DataTable = New DataTable(tableName)
Using connection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(GetConnectionString)


How can I get the ForeignKey Constraints?

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