.net - Selected Value Not Changing When Gridview Is Re-ordered

Aug 11, 2011

When I select a row from my gridview by clicking on a linkbutton called 'Modify' and is the last cell in the row. Using the code below I can retrieve the key value from within the GridView1_RowCommand sub and move to the modify screen with the correct data.

Dim r As Integer = e.CommandArgument
GridView1.SelectedIndex = r
Dim Company As String = GridView1.SelectedDataKey(0).ToString


When I try to access the first row it returns the first row value from the original Gridview and not from the re-ordered one.

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Asp.net - Gridview Row Update Only When Changed, Javascript Not Changing Value?

Jul 11, 2011

I've got a gridview (ASP.net) inside of an update panel. I also have a "Save" button so that when I click "Save" it loops through all the rows of a grid view and passes the data to a stored procedure to update each row. This was too slow as sometimes I would be updating the database even though a change did not occur.

I decided to add a field in my gridview like so:

<input type="hidden" id="hdnIsChanged" runat="server" />


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Changing Database Tables Displayed In A GridView Control?

Sep 17, 2010

Using a Windows Form with a Menu bar and a Gridview control, I have bound data to the GridView from an MS Access 2000 database query using Dataset. The contents of this table displays just fine. But I want to be able for the user to select a different query from the menu bar and display it in the same GridView control. How can I change the query bound to the control (in VB)?

Public Class Actinide Private Sub Minerals_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Me.Actinide_Series__Radioactive_TableAdapter.Fill(Me.Minerals2000DataSet._Actinide_Series__Radioactive_) End Sub Private Sub LanthanideToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LanthanideToolStri


The error message that it is giving me is:

"Value of type 'Mineralogy.Minerals2000DataSet.Yttrium_MineralsDa ta Table cannot be converted to
'Mineralogy.Minerals2000DataSet._Actinide_Series__ Radioactive_Data Table'.

The query is getting information from two seperate tables,so I can't just bind a table to the control and then filter what is displayed using SQL.

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Changing Font Colour On Alternate Rows In GridView

Aug 16, 2011

I'm looking for a way to change the font colour on alternate rows within a datagrid. e.g. normal row would be green and the alternate row would be blue. I can change either by using

The problem is that I am having trouble using both of them together as I need to manipulate both colours. I have created a HtmlRowPrepared event and have been setting them there, however, If I set the Row.Forcolour first, it will over ride the AlternatingRow.Forcolour and vice versa. This needs to be done via SEVER SIDE code only as the colour choices are held in the database.

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Selected Value Appear In The Gridview?

Oct 13, 2011

Using VB.Net (Windows Application)Gridview and TextboxWhen I enter the number or character in the textbox, that value should blink in the gridview.

For Example,
GridView has
ID Name


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Changing The Colour Of Selected Text?

Dec 4, 2010

i am creating an rtf editor and i am trying to Change the colour of selected text. at the moment my code changes the colour of the whole text, but i want to be able to highlight my text and have 2 seperate colours, below is my code. Have tried to add .selectedText in but it says it 'SelectedText' is not a member of 'System.Windows.Forms.ColorDialog'.

ColorDialog1.Color = Editor.ForeColor
If ColorDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Editor.ForeColor = ColorDialog1.Color
End If

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Programmatically Changing GridView Column Header Text Breaks Sorting

Jan 26, 2011

I have ASP gridview bound to an Entity Data source which works no problem, however when I try to programmatically change a header columns text, it appears to break the styling and will not allow sorting either, below is how I am trapping and changing the Header row column text.

Protected Sub gv1_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles gv1.RowDataBound
If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.Header Then
'retrieve the values from the userdeftable
e.Row.Cells(6).Text = App.Session.Company.UserDef3
End If
End Sub

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Asp.net - Find Out Gridview's Selected Row Position?

Nov 22, 2011

I have a text box and button inside a panel , and I want to show this panel right next to gridview selected row , gridview is also inside another panel , is there anyway to find out selected rows position ? This is a asp. Net page and I am using vb.net . Panel can be replaced by div

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Asp.net - Retrieve The Selected Row Value Using Command Row In Gridview?

Jan 15, 2011

i have a button in gridview whose command name is "hold" i want when i click n hold button of first row then the whole row values will be transfererd to default2.aspx ...

and if i click the hold button of gridview second row then the second row value will be transferred to Default2.aspx ,,how to do that ?

i m using that ...but it always transfer the 1st row value even i select first last or middle row ..in gridview ....


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How To Export Selected GridView Rows

Jan 11, 2011

I have a gridview which gets its input from a database with sql. There is a column with checkboxes in the gridview, so you can select which row you want to export. There is also a column that's called "Project Number". When you push the button "Export" the program should figure out which row is selected, get the project number from this row and connect to the database to get the data from the selected projectnumber. I already got the part where it gets the selected checkboxes. But I'm stuck at the part where it gets the projectnumber from the selected row. Must be something with Datakeys I think.

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VS 2008 - Changing A ComboBox Selected Item?

Dec 27, 2009

I wantt o change the selected item in a combo box if a user enters a name which is already in my dataset. The Combo Box is linked to my database set and all the other text boxes are linked using my databindingsource.How can I do this, I have this code but it does not change it.

Dim name As String = ""
Dim inputname As Object = TextBox1.Text


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VS 2010 Changing Selected Text Font?

Aug 5, 2011

I'm working on a document editor and I want the user to be able to change the font of a selected text. I have imported the rich text box control from the options menu and place it into my form. I have a list box containing the names of the fonts and when the user selects a item, it changes the richbox's current selected text.

This is the code so far;

Private Sub tmrtextfont_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmrtextsize.Tick
If lstbxfont.SelectedIndex = 0 Then


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Asp.net - GridView : 2 Rows Selected And Nonexistent RowState Of 3?

Nov 4, 2010

In RowCreated of the GridView i add following script to select a row:

Select Case e.Row.RowType
Case DataControlRowType.DataRow
e.Row.Attributes("onclick") = Me.Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackClientHyperlink(Me.MainGrid, "Select$" & e.Row.RowIndex)
End Select

This works like a charm(i thought).But when i debug the SelectedIndexChanging and the following SelectedIndexChanged events, i observe that the RowState of the selected Row switches from normal{0}/alternate{1} to 3 instead of selected{2}. This occurs between SelectedIndexChanging and SelectedIndexChanged. Why does this happen? The next time i programmatically set the selectedIndex(f.e. after a new row was created), i have two rows that are selected and no (un-hacky) way to deselect the old in RowDataBound, because of the invalid RowState of 3(should only be 0,1,2,4 or 8).

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Delete Selected Rowin A Data Gridview?

May 25, 2012

Delete Selected Rowin A Data Gridview

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How To Sort A Gridview Once A Radio Button Is Selected

Mar 25, 2010

I'm trying to sort records in the gridview right after a radio button is selected. My approach is with the dataview, but because the dataset variable doesn't survive a round trip to the server, I don't know how to make this happen.[code]

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Remove Selected Row In A Gridview From A Session In Program?

Jul 9, 2011

I am trying to make a webpage that has a list of items on 1 page which is displayed in a gridview that has the auto generate selected button enabled, they can click this button and it loads the item into a collection which i have stored in a session. On another page the session containing the items they selected gets displayed in a gridview. [code]...

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Changing TextBox Text Based On Selected Value In Listbox?

Oct 12, 2011

When a SelectedIndex in a ListBox is changed I would like a textbox below the listbox that gives a description to be populated with the value from a description field in SQL.I have the following code so far, but I get an error that says "Must declare the scalar variable "@ReportName"


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Should Changing The Parent Of A Listbox Change The Selected Index

Mar 22, 2012

You wouldn't think so, but it does when the listbox is bound to a datasource (as far as I can see).

I've reduced the behaviour to the code below. The "if" line toggles between loading a list via data binding and loading a list "manually" (both use the same data table). In each case I set the selected index afterwards, and then change the parent form. With manual loading, the selected index is retained, with binding it is lost. I cannot see how this makes any sense - I don't see why changing the host form should alter any property of the list. Is this a bug?

Public Class Form1
Sub main() Handles Me.Load
Dim ListControl1 As ListBox = New ListBox


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Using Wizard Changing Selected Side Bar (Button) Color

Nov 3, 2009

I have a web application where I built a wizard, going from panel to panel.Besides using the Next, Previous buttons, one can use the Side Bar to select what panel to go to.The problem is that while the selected Panel's side bar button is Highlighted / Bolded, it is barely discernable to my client.Not only do they want the button highlighted, but they want the (selected) side bar button to change color as well.

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Asp.net - Change The Text Of Two Labels Based On The The Selected Row Of A Gridview?

May 10, 2011

I want to change the text of two labels based on the the selected row of a gridview.I keep getting an error that says the public member row does not exist on linkbutton

Protected Sub LinkButton1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim LinkButton1 As LinkButton = DirectCast(sender, LinkButton)
Dim tour As Label = CType(sender.Row.FindControl("label2"), Label)
Dim depart As Label = CType(sender.Row.FindControl("label3"), Label)


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C# - Retrieving The Underlying Dataitems Of Selected Gridview Rows?

Oct 29, 2010

I have a button on the page and a gridview with checkboxes on the first column. The gridview is bound to a List. On buttonClick, I need to retrieve the underlying bound data item (MyEntity) for each selected row. How can I do this? I can't simply recreate MyEntity based on the gridview columns, because I am not displaying all the fields of MyEntity. I need a way to get a hold of MyEntity based on the key (MyEntityId).

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Color Item Text In GridView For Non-selected Lines Only?

Oct 8, 2009

I have a GridView with image buttons for selecting rows. I am using an OnRowDataBound event to color selected rows Blue:

e.Row.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue

Now that works great as long as I don't set a color either in the CSS stylesheet or on the grid Items themselves. If I do that, then all rows are colored that color and I don't get my Blue selected rows color for selected rows. I would like to color the text in the grid something other than black.

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Data Gridview - Edit Selected Record In Datagrid

Jun 15, 2011

i have a problem with my data gridview i want to edit selected record in datagrid but i am facing some problem here is the code


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Determin When Selected Gridview Datakey Value Is Nothing Then Set A Serrion Variable To 0

Jun 7, 2010

I have a gridview and i am trying to determin when the selected gridview datakey value is nothing then set a serrion variable to 0.[code]Object reference not set to an instance of an object. on the 1st line.

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Asp.net - Changing Repeater Label On Treeview Selected Node Change?

May 21, 2012

I have a repeater control with item template like this:

<table width="70%">
<tr id="rowSIC" runat="server">
<td width="10%">


I have a treeview on this page of which each node has and Id and value. on selected node change event, I want to change the text of repeater selected node. I am writing code like this:

Protected Sub TreeView1_SelectedNodeChanged(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles TreeView1.SelectedNodeChanged
Dim EmployeeRepeater As Repeater = CType(Me.Form.Controls(1).FindControl("Repeater1"), Repeater)
Dim EmployeeRepeaterItem As RepeaterItem


But It is not chagging MyLabel text. How to fix it ? Both treeview and repeater are populated in !Page.Ispostback event?

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Delete Members From ASp.NET Membership Database On Gridview Selected Item?

Dec 14, 2010

I have a list of registered users in gridview...

I want when i click on delete button on selected item in gridview, then the record of user will be deleted from the whole database... on single delete command of sqldatasource in gridview....

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Retrieve GridView Selected Row Command Value In Modal Popup Panel1?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a gridview in webform and a panel1 which I used as a modalpopup control. I wanna show panel as modalpopup per row item select using commandrow of gridview ... There are two controls inside panel1; literal1 and literal2. I want when the item in the gridview is selected by user then panel 1 shows as modalpopup which displays the records from gridview in panel 1 controls i.e literal1 , literal2. I want to retrieve the selected row item from gridview to modal popup panel1 control..

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Retrieve The Selected Row Cell Value If It Is Visible Property Is False In Gridview?

Jan 6, 2011

how to retrieve the selected row cell value if it is visible property is false in gridview ?

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.net - Windows.Forms.Listbox Selected Item Font Size Is Changing?

Jan 4, 2011

I have inherited from a Windows.Forms.Listbox so I could override the OnPaint and OnDrawItem methods in an effort to highlight specific items and alternate backcolors. I am also skipping some DrawItem events to prevent flickering.Everything is working fine, however when I select items in the listbox, it looks like the font is shrinking or becoming more compressed.Then when I mouse leave, the font goes back to its normal size and appearance but the same items are still selected (which is correct). During debugging the font never changes nor do any of its properties, but it does end up looking different when the item is selected and the mousedown event just happened.

Public Sub New(ByVal relativityHighlightColor As System.Drawing.Color)
_relativityHighlightColor = relativityHighlightColor
Me.SetStyle( _
System.Windows.Forms.ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer Or System.Windows.Forms.ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw Or


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Asp.net - Get Row Keys / Cell Values & Call A Method When A Row Is Selected In The Standard .net 2.0 Gridview

Mar 31, 2009

I have standard .net 2.0 gridview control from which i want to get row keys or cell values from the grid when a row is selected.

I also need to call a method each time a row is selected.

How i can do this using ASP.net & VB?

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