- Gridview Row Update Only When Changed, Javascript Not Changing Value?

Jul 11, 2011

I've got a gridview ( inside of an update panel. I also have a "Save" button so that when I click "Save" it loops through all the rows of a grid view and passes the data to a stored procedure to update each row. This was too slow as sometimes I would be updating the database even though a change did not occur.

I decided to add a field in my gridview like so:

<input type="hidden" id="hdnIsChanged" runat="server" />


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Javascript - Close Child Aspx Page If Gridview Index Is Changed On Parent Page?

Nov 17, 2011

I have a parent page and child page, both aspx. All is working, but now I would like to close child page, if user leaves child popup page and goes back to parent page and clicks on something else like page index of Gridview. I CANNOT close popup child page if user goes to another app, or some other location, I only want to close if something on parent page is changed.

I have the PageIndexChange Event set up for other purposes, I would just like to add some functionality, perhaps a script manager to close the child popup page if the Gridview index is changed, java or another way which ever works best.I think I might also need to check if the child page is even open.


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Javascript - Update Page After GridView DataBind?

Sep 27, 2011

Apparently, part of the problem is that while an ASP:GridView has an OnDataBound() event (which you can use in the code-behind), the corresponding HTML table that is produced does NOT, so you can attach that event to JavaScript. (Did I get that right?) So, that's why I'm having trouble with that bit of the issue. Back to the drawing board. I'm a desktop developer (WinForms with VB.NET) transitioning into ASP.NET development. My mind is really bending around the DOM and JavaScript and Session State and all of the stuff that goes along with web development. I'm not stupid, and I've done research (including hours of video watching and hundreds of pages of "Intro to ASP.NET" reading), but I keep hitting the wall with what seem to be fairly straightforward problems.

Basically, my current situation can be summed up as follows:

I have a page that runs a very long process initiated by the user. The long process can take up to a few minutes , so I want to indicate to the user that SOMETHING is happening.When the process has completed, I either have:

a. Results to show in a GridView

b. No results to show

If I have results to show, I want to display them. If I have no results to show, I want to show a label to the user that says "No results to show."


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C# - Show Hide Using Javascript On A Control Inside A ASCX Control In A Gridview (ASP.NET + Javascript)

Oct 8, 2010

I have written a web usercontrol (ascx). Inside, there is a Panel that I want to show/hide on click of a hyperlink inside the usercontrol. Normally, this is easy just by doing something like this (the onclick attribute is added to the hyperlink on prerender):


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GridView SelectedIndex Changed Not Firing On First Click

Apr 1, 2011

Here is my code:
Protected Sub BookingsGV_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BookingsGV.SelectedIndexChanged
BookingID = BookingsGV.SelectedValue
Dim query = From a In db.Approvers Where a.ApprovalStatus = False And a.BookingID = BookingID
Select a.ApproverEmail()
[Code] .....
When I click on a row for the first time it is selected but nothing fires and my details panel is not displayed. When I click for the second time I get the expected results.

View 1 Replies - Dropdownlist In Gridview Not Fire Select Index Changed?

Nov 18, 2010

i have problem for the drop down list in the grid view, it not fire the select index changed. I bind the data for the drop down list when the row databound. But when i select the data, it not fire the select index changed. Another drop down list which hard code the item list fired the select index changed. Below is the code behind and the front end code.

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlItem" runat="server" Width="80%" AutoPostBack="true" OnSelectedIndexChanged="ddlPrice_SelectedIndexChanged"></asp:DropDownList>


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Changing DataGridView BindingSource At Runtime Works But Then Fails When Changed?

May 23, 2011

Changing DataGridView BindingSource at Runtime Works but then Fails When Changed

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ASP .NET Gridview Paging With Javascript

Jun 13, 2011

I'm experiencing a problem when clicking on the page number within my ASP .NET gridview. When I click another page number, I am redirected to another unrelated page within my project.This wasn't a problem until I added jQuery to my masterpage, so I'm guessing there is some sort of conflict in the javascript code. When the aforementioned redirect happens, the page PageIndexChanging event isn't fired and there isn't a postback as far as I can tell. [code]

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Gridview Doesn't Update Insert/update Commands

Jul 21, 2010

I have a gridview that is set to a sql datasource, it is generating the columns automatically. If I add a column to the table it is referencing, it will draw that column and display it, but it does not update the insert/update commands to include the new column. Is there any way have it rebuild those commands automatically?

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Delete A Gridview Row Using Javascript Or JQuery

Dec 26, 2011

How do I use this jQuery function to remove a row.

$(document).ready(function() {
$("tr").filter(function() {
return $('td', this).length && !$('table', this).length


Here I have another control delete button, in delete button I will get a id to delete, here I want to pass that id as a parameter to script function ,
and I want to search hidden field contains those value and delete that row.

Private Sub btnDelete_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click
'some operations
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Me, GetType(String), "Deletearow", "DeleteGrid_Row(" & Me.hfSelected_GvResultsRowTocID.Value & ");", True)
End Sub

View 2 Replies - Selecting A Rows In The Standard .net 2.0 GridView Using JavaScript?

Mar 20, 2009

how i can get the grid to select a row by clicking on any cell in the row?

The only way i can do this at the moment is by setting the AutoGenerateSelectButton property to True, but this adds a column to the grid with a crude "select" hyperlink and only selects the row if the word "Select" is cliked on.

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Getting ID Of A Control From Gridview Edit Mode To Be Used By Javascript?

Jun 8, 2011

Basically what needs to happen is when the user clicks edit onto the gridview and clicks on a certain textbox a javascript calendar popups up and the user picks a date.So far, I can set it statically and the calendar works for that one row, but not the other rows since the ID changes.My ASP Code (id of textbox has been set to txtStartDate):

<asp:TemplateField SortExpression="StartDate" HeaderText="Start Date">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtStartDate" onClick="ddlchange()" Runat="server" Text='<%#Bind("StartDate")%>'>


This works, for one textbox. It does not work for other since 'ct102' changes with every row.

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Update Timestring() When The Timezone Is Changed?

Sep 8, 2010

Does anyone know why the string generated by the Timestring() function remains on the old timezone time if you change the timezone whilst the application is running.

Is there a way to fix this problem without restarting the program.

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Javascript - GridView ImageButton Confirm And Delete Record

Sep 13, 2011

I've got a huge problem here. I've managed to add javascript to my server side, but the problem it is not deleting. It doesnt have produce any errors so I don't know where to start:


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Javascript - Set JQuery Toggle To Be Open On ASP.Net Gridview Postback

May 12, 2011

I have a jQuery 'toggle' function on a table that I am using in conjunction with an gridview. I have pagination on my gridview and when I click on the next page, it posts back and therefore closes the Toggle/Table - I need a way of keeping it open. I have had a similar issue in the past with the Accordion function but resolved it via this method

<asp:HiddenField ID="hidAccordionIndex" runat="server" Value="0" />
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
$(function () {


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Update Changed Values In Datagridview To Oracle DB

Apr 21, 2010

I am using oracle database and i already created a connection and retrieved data from my oracle DB to Datagridview using oledb commands,now my major challenge which has gotten me sick is to update any changes made in the datagridview to the oracle database. I tried using sqlcommandbuilder but failed. This code is what i used to retrieved the data from oracle and place it into the datagridview.

These are my declarations i made at the beginning of the form:

Private myDA As OleDbDataAdapter
Private myDataSet As DataSet

These are the codes inside the search button to load the retrieved data from oracle into the datagridview

Public con As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=MSDAORA.1;User ID=SYSTEM; Password=simon; database=project")


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Update DataSet As Table Is Changed In SQL Server?

Apr 16, 2012

My Scenario is that i have fetch data from one SQL Server table into DataTable.Now if any record is changed or New Record is saved into SQL Server Table i want to fetch or update only that record into my data table. is it possible.

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Count Checked Checkboxes, Excluding The Header In An Gridview Using Javascript?

Nov 7, 2011

I'm currently counting all the checked checkboxes in an gridview using:

$('#cphMain_gdvSalesOrder').delegate('input:checkbox', 'click', function() {
var count = $('#cphMain_gdvSalesOrder').find('input:checkbox:checked').length;

Whereas I need to count all the checkboxes that are checked apart from the one in the header.

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Trigger A Rebind Of Gridview From Javascript Or JQuery On Markup Page?

Sep 11, 2009

Is there a way to trigger a GridView rebind from an html markup page using jQuery or jscript?

I have an ActiveX download control which passes all events via jscript.

So, a have a download complete event on the markup page but not the code behind.

Here is the main aspx page:<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="Head" Runat="Server">

<script type="text/javascript" src="aurigmaiuembed.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function FileDownloader_DownloadStep(Step){
//The file list is going to be downloaded - "2 = About to Start"
if (Step == 2){


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Update Label On Master Page When ComboBox Value Changed

Feb 3, 2011

I have a content page which contains an UpdatePanel and has a combobox. When the combobox value is changed I want to change a label in my Master page. So, the main problem for me is that I don't want to make a full postback with every combobox value changing. Is there some trick to overcome full postback?

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.net - Selected Value Not Changing When Gridview Is Re-ordered

Aug 11, 2011

When I select a row from my gridview by clicking on a linkbutton called 'Modify' and is the last cell in the row. Using the code below I can retrieve the key value from within the GridView1_RowCommand sub and move to the modify screen with the correct data.

Dim r As Integer = e.CommandArgument
GridView1.SelectedIndex = r
Dim Company As String = GridView1.SelectedDataKey(0).ToString


When I try to access the first row it returns the first row value from the original Gridview and not from the re-ordered one.

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Getting The Value Of A Row In A Gridview After Selecting Its Checkbox Using Javascript - Vb- To Avoid Refreshing The Page At Each Select?

Oct 28, 2011

I have aspx gridview with checkbox on evryrow, what is required is whenever we check any of the rows, a query should be launched to change the specific agent -each row consist of agentID, Pass, Status- to Paid Status. using javascriptWhat I need to know is how to loop to get the Checked row and get the ID of the row checked so that I can get THe ID of the Agent in thos row so that I can update its status.using javascriptI found something similar on stackflow:t GridView selected row DataKey in JavascriptBut it is not my case, what is needed is at the check of a checkbox a javascript function should launch through which I could update the selected row in grid view after having the index of this row and this all to avoid refreshing the page.

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Update Databound Value On A Label When MultiView Active View Changed?

Feb 22, 2012

I have a MultiView with several Views within it. When the ActiveView changes I want to selectively databind a label that is in one of the views. Ideally, I don't want to do it every time the ActiveView changes, rather only when it is actually the view containing the label that is active.[code]...

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C# - Apply Textbox Blank Validation On Button Click Inside Gridview In Using Javascript?

May 11, 2012

How to apply textbox blank validation on button click inside gridview in javascript?I have a gridview that contains 2 textboxes and a save button in each row.I want to validate the textboxes on corresponding save button click.


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Changing Database Tables Displayed In A GridView Control?

Sep 17, 2010

Using a Windows Form with a Menu bar and a Gridview control, I have bound data to the GridView from an MS Access 2000 database query using Dataset. The contents of this table displays just fine. But I want to be able for the user to select a different query from the menu bar and display it in the same GridView control. How can I change the query bound to the control (in VB)?

Public Class Actinide Private Sub Minerals_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Me.Actinide_Series__Radioactive_TableAdapter.Fill(Me.Minerals2000DataSet._Actinide_Series__Radioactive_) End Sub Private Sub LanthanideToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LanthanideToolStri


The error message that it is giving me is:

"Value of type 'Mineralogy.Minerals2000DataSet.Yttrium_MineralsDa ta Table cannot be converted to
'Mineralogy.Minerals2000DataSet._Actinide_Series__ Radioactive_Data Table'.

The query is getting information from two seperate tables,so I can't just bind a table to the control and then filter what is displayed using SQL.

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Changing Font Colour On Alternate Rows In GridView

Aug 16, 2011

I'm looking for a way to change the font colour on alternate rows within a datagrid. e.g. normal row would be green and the alternate row would be blue. I can change either by using

The problem is that I am having trouble using both of them together as I need to manipulate both colours. I have created a HtmlRowPrepared event and have been setting them there, however, If I set the Row.Forcolour first, it will over ride the AlternatingRow.Forcolour and vice versa. This needs to be done via SEVER SIDE code only as the colour choices are held in the database.

View 2 Replies - Change Javascript To Update Panel

Apr 2, 2012

I have JavaScript that works excellently but I need to change it to Update Panel and I can't get it to still work properly. What I want it to do is if it selects 1 in the first dropdown, pick c in the second dropdown. I am using vb.


View 2 Replies - JavaScript Update Field In Another UserControl?

Dec 20, 2010

I try to explain better. I have one user control in page, and inside this have UC2 (modal pop up). And I try to achieve this: When I close UC2(modal) i try to update some fields on UC1. And this works fine for one(I have UC2(modal) and on button Save OnClientClick="SaveInfoCI()"), and in UC1 on top of page

function SaveInfoCI() {
= document.getElementById("<%=UC2.GetClientID%>").value; }

but because i reuse this control in another place i want to update another field. Basically now i Have 3 JS function that update 3 fields. And I try when I click save in UC2(modal) I must execute one of this 3 javascript f, to update right field. I don't want to have 3 same UC with only difference in OnClientClick="SaveInfoCI().

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Javascript - Jeditable To Update Database?

Sep 14, 2011

I need the jeditable plugin to update the ProductName in the database when it gets edited. As of right now the ProductName only updates on the page. I didn't install this plugin so I'm not familiar with how it works or the code behind it all. I am just looking for some help, I understand that the code might look funky, but I didn't write any of this.


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Programmatically Changing GridView Column Header Text Breaks Sorting

Jan 26, 2011

I have ASP gridview bound to an Entity Data source which works no problem, however when I try to programmatically change a header columns text, it appears to break the styling and will not allow sorting either, below is how I am trapping and changing the Header row column text.

Protected Sub gv1_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles gv1.RowDataBound
If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.Header Then
'retrieve the values from the userdeftable
e.Row.Cells(6).Text = App.Session.Company.UserDef3
End If
End Sub

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