.net - Open Program Once With Multiple Files As Arguments From Explorer?

Apr 24, 2010

I have a program that works when, a file is opened with it using the right click menu in explorer. But if I select multiple files and then right click and open with my program then it opens multiple instances of my program, instead of just passing the multiple files as arguments to a single instance. The program is written in vb.net but is not a windows form, it is just a module, so I can to tick the Single instance option in the properties in Visual Studio.So how do I open multiple files from explorer context menu in a single instance.

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Open Multiple Files Using Arguments?

Jan 24, 2010

I'm using this code to load multiple files using windows context menu, but the problem is that the aplication is open many times as files the user has selected.For example: If I select 14 files, an open them with the application, the aplicacion is opened 14 times and load the form only one. But there is a way to send all arguments once? Because %1 send only one file, or there is for example a %2 that send all file pats in one argument? If there is I'vent found.

This my actual code:

Public Class Program
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim FurBase As New Core.clsDatabase


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How To Open Multiple Files Using "open With" Command Line Arguments

May 15, 2012

I have an application that can read certain types of files, and I have it working so that if you do "open with" from windows, it automatically starts the application and opens the selected file.

Unfortnately, I cannot get it to work for more than one file.

System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs() contrains the following:
System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(0) = name and path to the .exe
System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(1) = name and path to the first file selected to be opened

System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().Length is 2 when the user tries to open 1 file, which makes sense since the first argument is the .exe itself and the 2nd is the path to the file, but it does not increase to 3 if the user tries to open 2 files... meaning that System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(2) is never populated Here is some sample code that shows the problem: It will recognize no files or 1 file being opened, but if you try to open multiple it will only show the first.


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VS 2010 Open Multiple Files From A Checkedlistbox With The Default Program?

Mar 24, 2011

I have a CheckedListBox. In the box are files from a directory. All *.jpg files.

Now I want to open the checked files with the default program.

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Open Explorer & Search Files

Mar 15, 2011

I have a Log folder with files named after creation date: 20110301.txt, 20110302.txt, etc. I want to programmatically open an Explorer with filtered files that created on Feb. So it's like open Explorer -> Search -> Search for 201102*

I tried the code below to open Explorer with Search, but I cannot state which folder I want to search and with what conditions. Is it possible do so?


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Use The File Explorer Form To Browse Files In Multiple Drives?

Aug 8, 2011

Im trying to read a usb in a port using a file explorer. does anyone know how i can use the file explorer form to browse files in multiple drives that i specify? and how can i read and browse a usb port in vb.net (i.e. Write files to a usb or create an app directory on the usb.)

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Open 'Windows Explorer' From Program?

Oct 29, 2010

I have made an alternative OS and i wan't it to open Windows Explorer. I have tried Shell (C:WindowsExplorer.exe) and it works,but the startbar appears at the bottom of the screen when I dont want it to.

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VS 2010 Treeview Multiple Files, MoveFile And Change NodeTag, (explorer Like Feature)?

Jun 6, 2011

I'm having a treeview loaded with all the files and subfolders of a path. Each node is getting the filepath as tag. Once I have dragged a node (file/folder) I need to move the file(s)/(sub)folder to the new directory. Each file(s)/(sub)folder needs to get a new tag

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Pos Explorer - Open, Claim And Enable During Program Startup Then Use The Device On Certain Forms?

Apr 20, 2012

When using POS explorer, everytime I claim my receipt printer it takes a few seconds. My question is how can i claim the device at program startup then share the device between forms? Meaning I want to open, claim and enable during program startup then use the device on certain forms.

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Open Html Files In Internet Explorer That Is Created In Editor That Is Created?

Jul 26, 2011

I have an editor created invb.net that creates html files. And when i click the button run , the Internet Explorer opens my file that is inside the Richtextbox.

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Find Parent ZIP File From Arguments On Double Click In Win Explorer?

Jul 13, 2011

In Windows Explorer, when you open a ZIP file and double-click a file, say a JPEG file (.jpg), Windows extracts the JPEG file to a temporary folder, and passes the temporary file name to the associated program as the one and only argument, such as "C:UsersjpriceAppDataLocalTempTemp1_<>.zip<>.jpg"

I noticed that some applications, like the Windows Photo Viewer in Windows 7 know what ZIP file the temporary file came from. You can click next and previous and get the next/previous files from the ZIP file (as you do, they are also extracted to temporary files). I've googled and prowled through system.io.packaging, but I can't figure out how to get the path of the original ZIP file (the file name is part of the temporary file path). It's not done with the shell-->open command, Windows Photo Viewer only gets the temporary file name as far as I can tell.

The Photo Viewer command line is
undll32.exe "%ProgramFiles%Windows Photo ViewerPhotoViewer.dll", ImageView_Fullscreen %1. I did use ProcessMon to watch Photo Viewer and saw it read the .zip file (probably using zipfldr.dll) but could not discover how it knew where the original zip file was.

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Open Multiple Files In ListBox From OpenFileDialog?

Mar 15, 2009

When I select multiple paths from openFileDialog in my listBox control enter only one path by try. This is probably because that I use OpenFileDialog.FileName. I wish to load all selected files in one time...but in this case Add(OpenFileDialog.FileNames) give me the value stringArray in same listBox. I suppose that maybe exict peace of code through ItemCollection which give me opportunity that I import all file path in one try in listBox control. It was interesting because how I may implementing matrix between openFileDialog and listBox..

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Open Multiple Files With File Association?

May 3, 2012

I have a tab-based application that handles multiple documents. It is designed such that the user cannot run multiple instances of application. Furthermore, the user can double-click on a document file, and the application will launch itself and open it.[code]...

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Access Command Line Arguments - Get Filename Into App After Appname Is Double Clicked In Explorer?

Jan 25, 2010

I built an app in VB 2008 Express.I have published it by using the Publish tab of the project properties dialog. In other parts of the publish dialog, I have successfully associated a file extension (.xyz) with my app. To finally publish it, I click the Publish Now button, not the Publish Wizard.The app publishes fine, and after installing it by clicking on the resulting Setup.exe file, it runs fine. The app creates a .xyz file (essentially a text file). I then close the app. In Windows Explorer, I can see the .xyz file with my custom icon. When I double click on the .xyz file, my app starts up.So far so good.

Now I need to implement reading the contents of the .xyz file in my main form's load event.I thought it was going to be easy by following a snippet to read the command line, and with the knowledge that the filename clicked on is the first argument (item 0 of the argument collection).So I started testing like this:

Dim strMessage As String
strMessage = "Count: " & My.Application.CommandLineArgs.Count & vbCrLf
For Each argument As String In My.Application.CommandLineArgs[code]....

So, is the method I'm using to deploy considered Click Once? Note that I am not online-enabling anything, so I am hoping I don't need to get into the ActivationUri learning curve, which seems to be about URL's.How can I simply get the name of the associated file double clicked on into my VB.net app?

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MDI Texteditor - Support Multiple Concurrent Open Files

Jun 9, 2010

I am suppose to recode a notepad assignment that i have done so that it is able to support multiple concurrent open files, that is MDI files i my note pad i had use a textbox instead of richtextbox can any one tell me if i have to use back the textbox in my recoding or not.

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Open Explorer To A Specific Destination But Shell("explorer") Doesn't Work

Jun 2, 2010

I want to open explorer to a specific destination but both shell() and process.start() are not opening explorer. They both open other applications like calc and notepad though. It works fine when debugging but not after I publish.

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VS 2010 Open Multiple MP3 Files In Windows Media Player?

Jul 18, 2010

I'm creating a kind of 'playlist manager' application where the user can create his own music playlist and then play it from my application. However, I don't want to give my application any playback features itself, as there are already so many media players around. Instead, I just want to open the files in the current playlist in the media player of the user's choice.

I have a list of MP3 files (their filenames), how do I now open these files simultaneously in, for example, Windows Media Player? I can get it to play one song, using this command (and Process.Start)


Surely this must be possible? You can open multiple files in windows itself simply by selecting them and opening them at the same time. I'm pretty sure the filenames of the selected files will then be in the arguments of wmplayer so that it can open them, but I just don't know in what format.

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Click The Import Button, Open Multiple Files (done) Then Save Them As A Settings

Apr 27, 2012

I want it to do the following: When they click the import button, open multiple files (done) then save them as a settings. Then on form load, open those files so I do not have to re-import them!

I have tried this


on form load and settings.txt included 2 file names and locations. It is only opening the 2nd file NOT the first. How can I make it open ALL files in that settings file? I also tied ReadLines

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Open Program Multiple Times?

Nov 5, 2010

Is there any way that I can tell if a second version of the same program is opened by the user.

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Exe Program Will Not Open .Txt Files?

Jan 18, 2009

Ok first i want to say im sorry if i put this inthe wrong section i have no idea what the thing im doing is called "I call it a notepad" Ok i made a notepad saved it ect now i got the .exe file i tryed making that my default notepad but when i click on a .txt file i get an error massage

C:Documentsand SettingsUserDesktopTry.txt is not a valid Win32 application

i dont get the point in making a program and not using it..The Notepad is only a simple one "My first project" Only has features like


Edit 1 If anyone can tell me the diffrence between TextBox and RichTextBox would be nice also

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Can Get Web Browser To Open And Open File That Was Clicked On In Explorer?

Aug 7, 2011

I've noticed that when you click on a web page in Windows Explorer, or open a file in general, and the default application to open it is internet explorer, ie opens and opens the file. However, when I tried this on my Web Browser it opened, but ignored the file and went on its usual routine. How can I get my Web Browser to open and open the file that was clicked on in explorer?

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VS 2010 Don't Allow Program Open Multiple Windows

Apr 1, 2012

i am making mp3 player. i didn't wanted to use open buttons so i've associated my app with .mp3 filetype (with If (My.Application.CommandLineArgs.Count > 0) Then...)

The problem is when i want to play next song while the first one is playing it opens my program again so it plays 2 songs at the same time.

I want to do is when im opening new mp3 make it shut down the old one

I guess there is more methods that open in same app but just change the url.

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All Exe. Files Now Open To Program Made In VB?

Aug 24, 2010

My brother had his son make a simple maze program with Visual Basic. Now all exe files on his system open to the maze, even system restore opens the maze. They have windows xp and he usually can figure things out but this one has him stumped.

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All Exe. Files Now Open To Program Made?

Dec 23, 2010

My brother had his son make a simple maze program with Visual Basic. Now all exe files on his system open to the maze, even system restore opens the maze. They have windows xp and he usually can figure things out but this one has him stumped.

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Open Files With Default Program?

Mar 20, 2011

Is it possible to open a file with the default program installed on Windows ? Lets say we have the exact location of the file on the hard disk and it is a *.pdf file , how can we give the order for that file to get opened by the default program ? In case it matters , I want to open *.pdf and *.doc files . It doesn't matter which program exactly will load the file , the default is fine by me .

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Program Does Not Open Files Correctly

Aug 2, 2009

I have a program that when you set it as the default program for opening rtf files, and open the file, not from the program, but from windows. It doesn't open it at all. It launches my program but, the file doesn't open in my richtext box.

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Access The Files That Are Open By Another Program On The Computer?

Sep 23, 2009

I have a program that needs to access the files that are open by another program on the computer.When my application comes up I can easily see if the other application is running with the .net Process.GetProcessesByName method

Dim MyProcesses() as Process = GetProcessesByName("AnApplication")
For Each Instance as Process in MyProcesses
If MsgBox("application is running - do you want to end it?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo or MsgBoxStyle.Question, "Warning") = MsgBoxResult.Yes then


The problem is that the Instance.Kill does not allow the application to end gracefully. In VB6 you could use the SendMessage API to send a close message to the application and it would end gracefully - i.e. give the user the normal closing prompt. This just slays the application - leaving any open files in their potentially incomplete state, etc.

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Program That Open Html Files In Iframe?

Jul 7, 2011

I'm new to VB and i want a simple program that opens a local htm file when you click a button into a iframe of the program.

What should the code say for the button to open a local file into a window?

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Forms :: Write A Program And Set It As Default To Open .txt Files?

May 8, 2010

i want to write a program and set it as default to open .txt files so when i double click on a text file that it opens in that program and displays the text into a RichTextBox

my question is how do i display the text in the RichTextBox after opening the program through a double click on a text file?

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DB/Reporting :: Accessing Multiple Database Files With One GUI Program?

Jul 20, 2008

how would I go about making the user access different local SQL databases. As in they use a GUI program to access / read / write data in a database but can also use that same GUI program to do the same to multiple database files.Is that sort of setup easy to integrate into a VB program? or does a VB program by nature only try to access one database? To integrate the open and close dialogs into a VB GUI in terms of different database files, is there much involved?

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