.net - Way To Have A Client Use That Interface?

Mar 6, 2009

Let me give a scenario then see if anyone has a solution / work-around.I've got a library (DLL) that contains only classes. In another library, I've got interfaces that the classes in the first library implement. Clients will always reference only one version of the library containing the interfaces (always the latest one) - and only additions will be made to those interfaces (more interfaces / methods). Also, there will only be one version of that interfaces library - so that clients don't need to update references (the interfaces library will be loaded through reflection - so the usual probing rules do not apply, we can only load what the client specifically asks for). The library implementing the interfaces will have multiple versions that different clients reference at the same time.

The problem occurs when a client assembly is referencing an old version of the implementation library. It creates an object from a class type in the implementation library - then passes it to another client assembly. That client assembly uses the latest (and only) version of the interfaces library and attempts to cast the object passed to it with the appropriate interface type. This cast fails with the exception 'System.TypeLoadException: Method X in type Y from assembly Z does not have an implementation'. I expected this exception because in the new version of the interface (same version number - old library clobbered), method X is defined, but even though the old version of the object that is passed contains metadata that says it implements the corresponding interface, the mapping fails on the new interface method X because it doesn't have any implementation in that class.

So, my question is this; Is there a way to have a client use that interface, but only cause an exception when a method that is not implemented on the referenced object is called (rather than the exception being generated when the referenced object is cast to the newer interface type)?By the way - late binding isn't an option because we want intellisense / compile time type checking ... Also, I know how to do this with function pointers and wrapper classes - I was just hoping for a better solution that is more in tune with regular .NET types.

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Inherited Interface Not Seen By VBA Client

Sep 3, 2010

I am writing a COM Add-in for Microsoft Access 2010 using Visual Basic 2010.

I do not understand why the members of an inherited interface are not available to VBA. They do not appear in the VBA Object Browser and a run-time error occurs if an attempt is made to use them.

Here is a full code sample which demonstrates the problem:

First I have a base class with a defined interface:

Public Interface IClassBase
Property id As String
Property Name As String
End Interface


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Server Client Interface Application?

Apr 13, 2011

I want to create a server client application in which The server will communicate with the client and give them commands. I did the same in visual basic 6.0 using Winsock component.Now I want it to implement using Visual Basic 2008, how to do it and which component to use.

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Client-Server-Client Multithreading - Instant Message Another Client

Jun 21, 2010

We are creating a Who wants to be a millionaire style game in VB. Our server is pulling information such as questions and answers from a Access Database and sending them to the contestants (Clients). All transfer of information is directly from the server to each client. One of the "Life Lines" we want to use is "Ask a friend", where one client is able to Instant message another client for a short time to get help on the question.


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Writing A Program With 1 Client And Server Where Client Side Creates A Text File

Dec 1, 2008

I have been reading through Atheists posts in regards to client-server and TCP client/server connection's. But how do i go about writing a program with 1 client and server where the client side creates a text file.Once the server sees there is a text file it connects and downloads it to itself or the client pushes the text file to the server.Once on the server i will read the text file and put its info into a sql db.

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SMTP Email Client Fails On Local Machine Needs To Run On Client

Jun 29, 2010

I have an application that takes a series of reports and sends them as attachments in an email to a specified group of email accounts.

When I run the Java version of this using apache commons and the same setting, the email is sent. However, when I run the VB.NET version of the code, it fails on my local machine and on the client machine.

I have a VB.NET web application running on a server that uses similar code. I tried that code locally and it fails. Yet, the web application is working perfectly.

Why is it that the Java application can send the email, but the .NET application cannot?[code]....

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VS 2008 Chat Server/client - After The Client Clicks Disconnect Or Closes By Task Manager, Looses Connection

Aug 18, 2009

Im using the code from [URL] as a starter, most of the code is the same. the chat system works fine but on the client a added a disconnect button "clientSocket.Close()" and as soon as i click that i get errors, on the client, this is the code...

Private Sub getMessage()
For infiniteCounter = 1 To 2


And this line...

serverStream.Read(inStream, 0, buffSize)
gives me "Unable to read data from the transport connection: A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall."

Now im talking the server, after the client clicks disconnect or closes by task manager, looses connection, etc the server crashes and gives me.

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Interface And Graphics :: Create A User Interface In A Game Such As The Application XFire Using VB?

Jan 12, 2010

how to create a user interface in a game such as the application XFire using Visual Basic?

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Interface And Graphics :: Use A Graphical User Interface That Contains A Drag And Drop Form?

Oct 19, 2008

I'm working on a design project where I have to use a Graphical User Interface that contains a drag and drop form. It consists of having a window dropped on a wall. Both of them are images to scale. I would like to know what kind of code I would have to use to show the x and y coordinates of one of the points of my window when dragged so when I drop it, I'm dropping in it on the desired coordinate of the wall.

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Chat Client To Client Without Server Just Use IP Address For It?

Apr 19, 2012

Chat Client to Client Without Server Just Use IP Address For it?

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How To Make A VB Application That Can Stream From Client To Client

Feb 7, 2011

for a school project i need to make a vb application that can stream from client to client.

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Interface And Graphics :: How To Procede With An Interface Design Approach

May 18, 2012

I was wondering if I could elicit some tips on how to procede with an interface design approach.That is. What is a good way to go about establishing a "work area" where one can have multiple "floating forms" in this area.Can you have a form which occupies the entire windows desk top and the other forms "float" in this space? the "floating" forms would need to interact with each other where pressing buttons etc on them would affect other forms on the "workspace") Or what would be a good way to start accomplishing that? Or is there a better way to get the same effect?

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Interface And Graphics :: Link A Class / Object To An Interface?

Apr 21, 2010

I'm trying to make a .dll that contains a lot of basic functionality that a program can use. Currently i am trying to use interfaces to make a lot of this functionallity independend of the program using it but i hit a snag. The Basic idea is that a programmer will create his own object using the interface discribed in my .DLL file. Then implements those functions as he likes. He can then instanciate a controller (found in the same DLL) and sends his custom object implementing the interface to that Controller. The controller can then be started and will take over all the work. I do not know what type of object is send to the controller and idealy i want to program it in such a fashion that i shouldn't care as long as the object send implements that interface.In code I am trying to achieve the following: (quite simplyfied)

Public Interface MyInterface '<----Decleration of the interfaceFunction GetData() As Integer
Function SetData(Data As Integer)
end interface


this propperly. I know that the second i set the interface adaptor in the Controller VS comes nagging that it can not be converted to a "MyInterface" Class. Obviously i am doing something wrong. I can change the datatype that the controller expects to the "MyController" type but that would completely ruin the whole idea of flexibillity. I am hoping someone sees what i am trying to do and can point out where i made the thinking error.

View 6 Replies

Interface And Graphics :: Picture Of Interface And Get Feedback On Changes For Easier Use?

May 21, 2012

Is this where i would post a picture of my interface and get feedback on changes for easier use? If not is there someplace on this forum or any other forum to do this?

View 1 Replies

C# - Structure Map - Registering Wrapper Of An Old Interface For A New Interface?

Nov 18, 2011

in the codebase i'm maintaining there is an old interface. Let's call it IFoo. It pretty much became obsolete and replaced with the Interface INewFoo with a change a few weeks ago, but for backwards-compatibility purposes, i wrote a wrapper class which implements INewFoo and takes an IFoo in the constructor.To clarify, consider the following code.

Public Interface IFoo
Sub DoStuff()
End Interface[code].....

For both interfaces, the implementations are loaded by scanning a few assemblies with StructureMap. Now, let's get to the bad things. Most implementations for the old interface were put into forms for reason i can neither understand nor change. Because those tend to be displayed and disposed, i have to create a new instance every time i use ObjectFactory.GetAllInstances(Of IFoo). Thats still no problem, but i'd like to register a INewFoo-Wrapper for each registered implementation of IFoo, so that i can just use ObjectFactory.GetAllInstances(of INewFoo) and get all implementations of IFoo AND INewFoo.I can't iterate through the implementations of IFoo and register a wrapper for each one because as far as i can see, you can just register those with instances.Wrong code below:

For Each ass In assemblies[code].....

My question is: Is it possible to register a wrapper for each implementation of IFoo which always creates a new instance of the implementation before creating a new instance of the wrapper?

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Declare A Property As An Interface Collection Of An Interface?

Feb 7, 2011

I want to declare a property as an interface collection of an interface, and I want to instanciate the explicit type later, in the constructor. Something like this.

Public Class LicenseFile
Implements ILicenseFile
Public Property Collection As IList(Of ILicenseFileDataNode)


In short, the question is "Why It Didn't work"? This is a simplified scenario, but It's easy to take a workarround, But I need understand the reason because It's fails.

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Using Interface With Relay And Interface Is Connected To Computer?

Dec 17, 2009

I'm using interface with relay and interface is connected to computer on COM (serial) 9 pins port. In Visual Studio 2005 I'm using this

SerialPort1.DtrEnable = True
SerialPort1.Breakstate = True


View 23 Replies

Client Socket - Send Message Through Client Socket Receive Specified Argument Was Out Of Range Of Valid Values

Oct 15, 2011

Below is my code, but when i send the message thru client socket i receive Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: size

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim serverStream As NetworkStream = clientSocket.GetStream()
Dim outStream As Byte() = _


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VS 2008 Client-to-Client Messenging?

Jun 28, 2009

this is probably easier than I think it is.I would like a client-to-client messenging system without using Winsock if possible. At the moment an IP based connection system would be okay.

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VS 2010 Client-to-Client LAN Messenger?

Jun 15, 2010

Can't find any free ones so thought I would work on one on my own for the heck of the learning experience with TCP stuff.I'm about ready to start on the messaging aspect of it.The biggest thing I'm wondering about is figuring out when people are online.I'm not too sure how the whole thing works.Say I turn on my messenger. Would my messenger just send a message to all IPs on a certain port to say I'm online and then wait for a message back from the IPs that can return messages and then figure out who is online that way?

View 13 Replies

VS 2008 TCP Server / Client - Client To Send The Server 4 Numbers - Depending On The User's Choice

May 9, 2009

how to create a client/server... But I couldn't... I don't want anything fancy. Just want the client to send the server 4 numbers, depending on the user's choice; after that, the server would turn off the pc, restart it, etc. It all depends on the number received. Is there a rather "simple" way to do it? If it's not to much trouble you could use Atheist's example. (Btw I don't understand the code and, yes, I've checked on [URL])

View 9 Replies

VS 2010 : Send Data From Client To Server (encrypted) And The String Sent From The Client Is Not The Same As Received From The Server?

Jun 27, 2011

Hey guys, I am trying to send data from client to server (encrypted) and the string sent from the client is not the same as recieved from the server. I've been killing my brain for hours to get this to work but I cant manage. Im converting everything to Base64 string.


Public Sub SendMessage(ByVal msg As String)
SyncLock myclient.GetStream
sw = New IO.StreamWriter(myclient.GetStream)


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TCP Server/Client "Individual Send To Conected Client"?

Jul 4, 2009

I have got the server app an the Client app Both Working to what i can see But My issue is i was only asked 4 days ago if i could add a Private msg and Whisper Feature as well as admin controls I have Done what i could to it then realised i have no idea how to only send the data to the selected client.

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VS 2008 : TCP Server/Client "send Hashtable To Client App"?

Jul 15, 2009

i have been working on a chat program Server side and client side i have most of the features i was asked to put in but then once i got most of the bugs out i noticed something the server admin could send whispers and alerts to single users but then when you try do do it on the client side it wont work so i looked through it all and found my issue the user list on the client is only a list of the names in server hash table so i was wondering how do i send the hashtable and all of its data E.G. user connection information to the client so that it can send commands to individual users like the server side can

Public clients As New Hashtable()
' This subroutine checks to see if username already exists in the clients
' Hashtable. If it does, send a REFUSE message, otherwise confirm with a JOIN.


i tried to send the hashtable over the same method used to send the user names to the client but it cannot convert the hashtable to a string so that wont work so my question is How do i send the hash table to the user from the server then display the username on the client ??

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Create Client-server App, In Which Client Can View Files On Server?

Nov 15, 2011

basically i just want client to say "C: emp" ENTER

then, server must reply with all its files in c: emp

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Send Data From Client To Sever And Sever To Client In 2010

Jan 13, 2011

Client/Server Application in vb.net 2010 i have created but it was just basic one. I need to show send data from client to sever and sever to client and and more functionality. (like showing price ot item or anything

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Server Response Was Successfully Sent To Client Without Client Response Back?

Apr 21, 2010

i made a tcp/ip application using the .NET TcpListener class, my problem is that sometimes (about 30 / 4000) the connection between the client and the server got interrupted in the middle and the server response to the client is lost.is there a way to know if the server response was successfully sent to the client without the client response back?

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Communications :: Client-server Communication Program - Click On CmdListen In The Server Form And CmdConnect In The Client Form

Jul 23, 2008

The problem I have is: When I click on cmdListen in the server form and cmdConnect in the client form,both programs won't respond and they crash for some reason I don't know.

Client source code:


Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Text
Public Class Form1


Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Text
Public Class Form1


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Extend The Client Area Of Form To To The Non-client Area?

Nov 19, 2009

I guess thats what I need to do, Im trying to allow the user to right click on the top of my form, and my custom Context Menu Strip is displayed, not windows context menu strip. I guess somehow i would need to get the size and draw a rectangle on the non client area and see if the user has right clicked in that rectangle? if so how would I get the area of the non client area?

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Server/Client - Basic Tcp Server/client Application

Mar 30, 2009

I've basically made a basic tcp server/client application. The thing is that I'm behind a router and so will be the other people that use my clients. I've had to use port-forwarding or the software "rinetd"to run quite a few applications online.

Let me explain: I'm on a lan network that connects to the internet. Whenever I want to host a server - for instance a basic ftp or http server. If I give my external IP to anyone, they won't be able to access my server. Even if I portforward, it doesnt work. I have to use rinetd here. For other applications, portforwarding works. I'm not sure how these things work at all.

Anyway, my issue now is that I have created this server/client application. I'm having serious doubts that if I run the server, I'll have to either a) portforward or use rinetd to get people to connect to my server. IF I need to portforward, that's fine. However, using rinetd would really suck... My 2nd concern is as follows: IF the person running the client is in a similar situation as me (i.e he's on a lan that has a router which connects to the net), will he have to portforward or use rinetd as well? If he portforwards that's fine. But I don't think I could get people to use rinetd.... Also, if there are more than 1 person on a lan trying to connect to my server, there is a big problem when they try to portforward: they will only be able to allocate one of their internal ip to that port, and the others won't be able to connect, right? How does this work? I mean, I use many softwares like msn/skype/(some games)/firefox that do not need portforwarding/rinetd. Yet they work. My housemates(other people on the lan) use the same softwares, and it works fine. There's no clash/probs watsoever How come these run fine?

Anyway, back to my issues. Given I have no knowledge about how the above work, I was wondering whether there was a way to host a vb .net server application on an external website (external to my house) so that I might *avoid* the above mentioned problems, and to what extent that would be a sound solution.

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