When Click On Listbox A Button Gets Colored?
Jun 17, 2010
i have the following question: my
Private Sub lstKleur1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lstKleur1.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim Geel As String[code]....
i want the following: there are four items in my listbox: Rood, Groen, Geel, Blauw (these are dutch for red, green, yellow, blue). and when i click one of these, the button (Kleurknop1) needs to get the right colour. but when i click it now, it just keeps getting green, no matter which one i click.
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Feb 3, 2009
Using VB 2008 we are inquisitive or it's possible to give separate colors for the items in a listbox.
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Jun 17, 2010
I want to have certain items in a listbox having a color (red in this case).
For example:
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Apr 6, 2009
I have two listboxes. One for unselected bound to a datareader and one for selected. It can move all, some back and forth. I have the move buttons in an update panel and generate a report on a button click. I have this working fine. What I need to do now is color the items red or blue based on a third value from the datareader. Then add buttons to move all red >> / << or all blue >> / << Unfortunately, I can't post the code. I'm using VB.Net 2.0.
View 14 Replies
Oct 25, 2011
I am trying to get diffrent backround colors on the items added to the listbox (And no, i cant use ListView becouse it misses some important stuff..)
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Nov 3, 2010
I am trying to get diffrent backround colors on the items added to the listbox (And no, i cant use ListView becouse it misses some important stuff..)I have found some code, but it only changes the text..
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May 14, 2009
I am trying to put colored text into a list box. I use the following
Private Sub ListBox1_DrawItem(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DrawItemEventArgs) Handles ListBox1.DrawItem
Dim myBrush As Brush = Brushes.Blue
Select Case e.Index
[Code] .....
This works fine and dandy as long as I use 8 pt font, but when I change the font to 20 I get the following: How can I get the list box to display colored text in a large font?
View 5 Replies
Apr 27, 2010
I have a multiple form application with a listbox on each form. I want to be able to select an item in one listbox on one form and then click a button and it show up in a listbox on another form.
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Apr 11, 2009
Right, I'm trying to sort a WPF listbox when a button is clicked, preferrably in pure xaml (otherwise VB). I'm having a hard time seeing as most samples are written in C#. Here's my code:
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="myCollectionView"
Source="{Binding Path=Query4, Source={x:Static Application.Current}}" >
Now when this button is clicked, I'd like the listbox to sort by the field "First Name", I assume I have to change the sort description somehow? Again preferabbly in XAML, but if need be in VB could you try and keep it simple
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Feb 28, 2009
I have a listbox that when you click on the item it displays a picture in a picture box and a message in a label. It works fine when an item is manually selected, but I want forward and back buttons that will do this. It works once but it doesn't highlight the new item in the listbox, so it gets stuck. I can't use a loop either.
See code below:
View 2 Replies
Feb 7, 2012
The List Box has three candidates and a record Button. Every time the record button is hit I need it to add those button clicks for each candidate that is selected in the List Box. My code keeps counting all the clicks no matter which candidate I am selecting in the List Box. How can I differentiate between each selected item in the List Box.
Private Sub exitButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles exitButton.Click
End Sub
View 3 Replies
Apr 16, 2009
I am creating a little form that shows files (on my computer) in a listbox and well i am wanting to be able to click on one of these files in the listbox and hit the delete button and delete it off the listbox and off my computer how can i do this?
View 3 Replies
Feb 23, 2012
webpart vb.bet 2010 not visual webpart I want to grab the selectindexchanged, and run the code after button click. I only really need is the SelectedItem.Text
here's how I did it in VB.net asp page.
Protected Sub listbox_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Click_button
But SharePoint doesn't see this as valid handle.
View 1 Replies
Oct 20, 2011
Hi, i want to click a button and it will select the number 2 item in a listbox?I have this but it does not work :/
ListBox2.SelectedItem = 2
EDIT: nvm, i found it
ListBox2.SetSelected(2, True)
View 1 Replies
Feb 15, 2012
i i have a listbox and 1 button in my application thing i want is when i click on some listbox item auto press that button or when i click on some item in list box it remove selected items from list box just with mouse click
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May 24, 2008
I was wondering if there is anyway I can get mouse coordinates when I click on a mouse button inside a listbox? I know how to do it in the form but when I click inside a listbox nothing happens.
View 9 Replies
Oct 13, 2011
How someone would select an item from a list box and click a button and have that item go into another listbox with it's price? I seem to be stuck on this part.
Here's my code:
I want to select the first option from the first listbox and I want to put it into another listbox along with the price of that item on the same line in the listbox. I can't seem to figure out how to that.
Public Class Form1
Const dcmPRICE_STRESS As Decimal = CDec(595.0)
Const dcmPRICE_TIME_MANAGMENT As Decimal = 695
View 12 Replies
Oct 30, 2010
Using 2 forms how would I click one button, from another form? ie In VB 4,5,6, I would used to do it as:-
Form 1:
private sub Command1_Click()
msgbox "Say Hello"
End Sub[code].....
If I clicked the button in form2, it would automaticlly, click the button in form1. Do I, do it the same way in VB Express or has it changed?
View 5 Replies
May 14, 2011
my source code in design part is:
<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" Style="display: none" CssClass="modalPopup">
<asp:Panel ID="Panel3" runat="server" Style="cursor: move;background-color:#DDDDDD;border:solid 1px Gray;color:Black">[code]......
Ok button click is not accessing click event.
View 1 Replies
Feb 26, 2010
I created a button control ,, by double clicking only the process was going on,,when iam single click the button nothing is to be happenend,,so i want to change into single click insted of double click........here my coding is given below.......
<asp:Button ID="getrec" UseSubmitbehavior ="false" runat="server" Style="left: 30px; position: relative; top: 0px; z-index: 101;"
Text="Get Record" />
Here the coding is all are correct but the problem is when double clicking the button only it was worked ,,,iwant want to change it into single click
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Jul 2, 2012
i'm making some login function with some website but this website button is some different before what i know method. to login this website , first should have to some button click then drop down menu go down then can input id and password. how can i emulate click and make drop down this menu? if you go following website you can see right side 'Log in' button if click this button drop down menu go down [Code]
View 2 Replies
Mar 23, 2009
I have a vb.net application that uses Flash movies (AxShockwaveFlashObjects.AxShockwaveFlash). I have buttons in the flash movie. When they first start using the application, they can single click on the buttons in the flash movie and button responds accordingly. But after a while (and I haven't been able to pin-point an exact thing that changes it or my issue would be solved), the user has to double-click on the button in the flash movie for them to work.
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Jan 31, 2009
How can I make a program so you click a button and select a File using a OpenFileDialog and click send on your computer and it will send the file to a different computer and then a SaveFileDialog will show asking where to save the file on the other computer. Oh ya I cant use WinSock or whatever becuase im using Windows Vista 64 Bit. I need it because I for some reason cant use printer sharing. It might be because im on A 64bit Vista Machine and I want to print a file off of a 32bit XP Home Machine.
View 6 Replies
Dec 1, 2010
I want to create a server control that inherits System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button but gives it special capability, now what do i mean? i want my button to be a confiorm button that will work like so:
Renders to the page as a button of lets say cancel after the user clicks it i want to catch the click event (within the server control) and now after the click makeing the button not visible and makeing some kind of content placeholder (that will render from the server control) visible. that content place holder will have 2 buttons inside of it: yes and cancel. I want the programmer that adds this control to be able to register a function to the click event of the yes button. and the second cancel confirmation button should make the first button appear agian. (i know how to do this all in the client side but this time i need it all as server events)
My question is this: how do i catch the click event? i want it all to be handled inside the server control itself. so a programmer that adds this control wont have to worry about anything but just needs to register to the click event of the "yes" button.
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Dec 16, 2009
I am writing an Automation program to control an MS Acces applcation. Here is the sequence of events:
- Load MS Access Database (Done)
- Load an MS Access form (Done)
- Take dates from Main.VB and populate 2 fields in MS Access form (done)
- Load another MS Access form called Stage_2 (Done)
- Load a file name into a filed in the Stage_2 form (Done)
- Do a click event in MS Access linked to a button called Pre_Stage_copy on Stage_2 form (How do I do these?)
- Do a click event in MS Access linked to a button called Pre_Stage_import on Stage_2 form (How do I do these?)
View 6 Replies
Nov 2, 2009
1. Retrieving data from an .mdb
2. Displaying the table(s) in a datagridview
3. Populating an array of structures with the table data
4. Searching the array of structures for a member value equal to a string
5. Displaying the matching array elements in a listbox.
[code] Any suggestions? Am I missing something simple? Should I be using a Multidimensional array instead of a structure?
View 3 Replies
Jul 13, 2011
I have a basic window that has 20 buttons (One, Two,.....,Twenty).Currently if you click on a button its background color changes, and changes back on next click.I'm looking for a way to make it so when the mouse button is held down I can drag across the screen and it will change every button I hit.Disregard the "Shut Down", "Restart", "LogOff", "Clear", and "Invert" buttons. This idea doesn't apply to them.
View 5 Replies
Mar 23, 2010
One the click of a button the stopwatch starts, then on the click of a second button the stopwatch stops then states either in a msgbox the time taken between the two button clicks.
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Dec 2, 2011
We are having problems with the speed in parts of our application, Standard .NET 4 Windows forms application. We have a ListView containing some commerce items and the user can click on items to put them in a shopping cart. The problem is that when clicking 10 times fast on one item, only 4-6 items is added to the shopping cart.I get the same result when building a simple test application with only one ListView, with one item and a debug.print in the click handler.I have tried to add a Button in the same testapplication and this is fast..[code]
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May 20, 2009
i just started playing with the menu toolbars in the toolbox. neat stuff. this thread is mostly for a contextmenustrip, since i'm trying to do a virtual right click on a regular click so the context menu shows..
i would like to know how to do a virtual right mouse click, so that's primary and reason for this thread, but if there is another way to have the context menu act on any other commands, then do post..
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