2008 Programs Won't Open On Any Other Computer!

Mar 31, 2009

They are all working on my computer,but they are not working on any other computer(I tested it on about 10 computers). They are working when i start making it,but after they are not working. When i try to run it on other computer it is not opening(there is not any error message), or there is a crash report(application crashes). So they are working on beginning of programming, and after they aren't.

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How To Open Programs On Computer Viewed In A List

Aug 21, 2009

is it possible to have the open programs on my computer viewed in a list, and have the abbily to minimize and restore if so, what are the codes for it and what do i have to attach it ro (butten etc) it is for my OS i am making.

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Can't Open Existing Programs In VB 2008

Feb 22, 2009

I will do a program then save it and close it out but when I go back to open it it won't open. It just sits there. I'll click on Recent Projects and they won't open. I'll click on Open Project and select a existing file and it will just put it in Recent Projects but won't open it up.

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Run Programs On Computer Without .NET Framework 4.0

Aug 30, 2010

Is it possible to use/run a program (either the .exe from the Debug folder, or the ClickOnce Application from building) made in Visual Basic 2010 on a computer without .NET Framework 4.0, or any .NET Framework at all?

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List All Programs Installed On Computer

Aug 15, 2011

instead of all listed in the registry key, "Microsoft Digital Image Library 9" doesn't even show in installed programs list. [Code]

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Cleaning Up Open Programs

Sep 11, 2009

first, what is the base minimum that windows needs open to run... ex. svchost.exe, explorer, etc.

Second. is there an easier way to close all programs except the ones i want to stay open, i want to keep the needed basics open and my program, which will open other programs, but i want to make sure nothing else is running so that things will go as smoothly and as fast as possible. I just don't want to manually check what processes need killed and place them in the program one by one, i want to kill all but a few.

Extra credit... stopping all unneeded windows services would be nice too, but that would probably be too long of a process to worry about, and not really worth it considering the benefit of speed it would give.

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Open Paint, Firefox, Or Other Programs?

Jun 12, 2009

How do i open Paint, Firefox, or other programs?Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Set Button Click Events And To Use Them To Open Other Programs?

Oct 4, 2009

what are some helpfull source codes to set button click events and to use them to open uther programs .

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Open File Stored In Programs Application Folder?

Sep 6, 2007

I would like to place the code below in a click event for a button to open a word file. I have added the document (group2.doc) to the Application folder of the target machine in my setup project. how do I write a dynamic file path that will open the file?


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DB/Reporting :: OLE Database Access - Move My Programs And The Database To Another Computer And Hard-disks

Apr 21, 2008

I want to move my programs and the database to another computer and hard-disks. It looks to me as though I nearly have to re-create the controls and rewrite some of the code to make it so the programs still work after the move. At least with ODBC all I would change was the DSN definitions external to the programs. Is there an easy way to move or rename a database without loads of work?

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VS 2008 Computer Restarts And Mapped Drive Appears Under My Computer?

Mar 31, 2009

Problem:When my computer restarts my mapped drive appears under My Computer. When I try to use it from code I get errors. If I open the mapped drive by double clicking it, and then try the code, it works. What I discovered is that when my computer starts the status, using net use, is


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Open Computer And Other In .net?

Apr 6, 2011

I want to know how to open My Computer, My Document, Recycle Bin and the Start Bar in vb.net? I mean a user has to click on a button and all of these must be opened. Its a prank I'm doing.

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VS 2008 - Share Files From A Computer To A Computer That Are Connected In?

Dec 21, 2009

How do you share files from one computer to another that are connected in one wireless internet connection? I mean, it's possible using shared folders this means it could be possible in vb.net too..

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Cannot Open <service> On Computer '.'?

Sep 20, 2011

I've looked through several posts to find potential solutions to this problem, however I don't find them very suitable for my needs.Some included the user to run the application as Administrator However, even as I start VS2010 as administrator, starting or stopping my service continues to throw the exception.

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How To Open / Close Ports Of Computer

Jul 7, 2011

I am making a VB .NET application using Visual Studio 2010. I want to know how to open/close ports of the computer. The application will be running in Windows XP only.Actually the thing I want is to close all ports but 80 but also have the ability to open a few more if I need them. Any ideas?

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Open File On Remote Computer?

Jan 9, 2012

I use this code to open noatpad on remote computer, but this open just a process without show the noatpad:

strComputer = "computer name"
strCommand = "notepad.exe"
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\" & strComputer & "


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VS 2010 Can't Open Forms On Another Computer?

Mar 19, 2012

I've copied a project from one computer to another and while I can open the project and its one module, when I try to open any of the forms, I get this error:

Quote: There is no editor available for 'C:UsersDaBoyesDesktopWattsDBForm6.vb'.

Make sure the application for the file type (.vb) is installed. I can open the forms just fine on their own--I just can't open them from within the project.

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Build A Class Or A Part Of A Program That Can Be Add Into Other Programs To Be Used In That Programs?

May 27, 2011

I am sure this can be done, as Visual Studio is basically built this way. What I want to do is simply make a class that my other workmates can use. But rather than have it in a code form, I want to build it (partially), and then my workmate can add it into their programs (sort of, like the add reference for the .NET stuff).

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Access The Files That Are Open By Another Program On The Computer?

Sep 23, 2009

I have a program that needs to access the files that are open by another program on the computer.When my application comes up I can easily see if the other application is running with the .net Process.GetProcessesByName method

Dim MyProcesses() as Process = GetProcessesByName("AnApplication")
For Each Instance as Process in MyProcesses
If MsgBox("application is running - do you want to end it?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo or MsgBoxStyle.Question, "Warning") = MsgBoxResult.Yes then


The problem is that the Instance.Kill does not allow the application to end gracefully. In VB6 you could use the SendMessage API to send a close message to the application and it would end gracefully - i.e. give the user the normal closing prompt. This just slays the application - leaving any open files in their potentially incomplete state, etc.

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Cann't Open IISADMIN Service On Computer

Nov 29, 2009

I have written a small VB.net program to connect remote server and read the status of system Services(IISADMIN), here i am able to connect remote system, but while reading below error popup coming...

"Cannot open IISADMIN service on computer"

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Cannot Open Database Due To This Message :because Of Computer Name Change

Nov 16, 2009

Im doin project in vb.net as front - end and sqlserver 2005 as back-end

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Open The Specific Port Of A Windows Computer?

Jan 15, 2010

I tried to make a winsock program.But when i run, i have a SocketException "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refuse it."Any suggestions on what i should do? Im using 17477 port.By the way Im using my own computer to test it. So i have no idea why.How should I open this specific port in my own computer?

Is it possible that I could include it to could into my program so that i don't need to open the ports of each computer? Below is my code.


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Simple 'open Cd Tray' App Not Working One One Computer

Jul 4, 2010

I have a simple executor that when clicked, opens the CD tray.[code]On my computer it works fine but on another computer, it only opens the CD tray if there is no disk in it.[code]

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Copied Project To New Computer But Can't Open Design View

Jul 22, 2011

I have a project I built in VB 2010 Express Edition. I copied the project's folder to a flash drive, pasted it into the visual studio 2010 projects folder on a different computer, and opened it with VB 2010 Express Edition on that computer. I can view the code, but when I try to open the design view, I get the following error:


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Make The Application Work(load) When Open Computer?

Feb 3, 2012

I'm using vb2008 How can make the application work(load) when I open my computer?

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Making EXE File - Installation Not Needed But Open Automatically To Other Computer

Jan 7, 2011

I'm using vb.net 2008. Just want to ask how to make exe file? Installation not needed but open automatically to other computer.

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Coding Programs That Interacted With Other Programs?

Feb 2, 2010

I started with VB 6.0 back when i was 14, I was mostly into coding programs that interacted with other programs. Recently I installed VB.net 2005 pro i got from school, and i grabbed few source codes that teach show interaction, I feel so dumb, i dont remember anything lol. It be great if you guys can share some source codes and other stuff in this field. also other day i was in dream spark and i am able to get copy of VS.net 2010 ultimate edition, are there a lot of major changes, cause i got 2 thick book for VB.net 2005..

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Distributing Programs: Getting Programs To Users Who Might Want Them?

Feb 23, 2009

When you've finished a program and you're trying to distribute it to the mass public. How is the best way to go about doing this? What sites would you post your program on and getting the word out that there is a new program on the block and it does xyz. This is directed to freeware so there wouldn't be any advertising.

Sorry for not explaining it very well the first time.

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Programs From VB6 To VB 2008 Express?

Sep 21, 2011

I am trying to move my programs from VB6 to VB 2008 Express. My initial problen is with getting data from my Jet database. I've searched for samples but haven't been able to find anything to help me. I would like to be migrate the Jet database to the vb 2008 system.

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VS 2008 : Communication Between .net Programs?

Jun 15, 2011

I have a Windows Form Application which has been developed in vb.net 3.5. It is a charting program and shows stock market charts to users. Now I have made another program in vb.net (same .net version) and I want this program to interact with the one I made before. The new program is like a small scripting language. So for example: if I run a script then its output should be reflected in the other program. How can the two programs communicate ? Both will be running on same systems. No remote stuff. I mean passing arrays,strings or possibly structures.

Plus I have several functions which are written in first program. Is it possible for the other program which is an .exe also to call the functions of the other one if I make sub/function public or something. The reason is we can calls functions or subs if we include a dll. But can one exe calls functions/sub of another exe (if both program are in .net).

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