2010 Express Items Donot Display In List Box?

Nov 15, 2011

have a project due tomorrow and this is the first part I am so close to getting the answer but when I click display nothing appears in the list box.txtLetter.text is the letter I input from A to Z and Display is what needs to be displayed in the list box.The function selects a letter and finds the letter in an array an

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On


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VS 2010 : Display Distinct Items From A Column In A Checked List Box?

Mar 6, 2012

I want to display distinct items from a column in a checked list box then make a selection or selections and perform commands based on info from a second column in that database the database is a small Access 2010 database in the application directory right now I added the data source and items dont display even though I selected that source in the checked list box properties

Dataset = MyDataSet1
CheckedListBox = MyListBox1

I tried it with a combo box and it shows items but includes duplicates, did I setup the datasource wrong?

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Items Will Not Display In The List Box

Nov 15, 2011

I have a project due tomorrow and this is the first part I am so close to getting the answer but when I click display nothing appears in the list box.


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Display List Of Items In The Webpage Using Asp.net?

Apr 2, 2009

i am doing asp.net project now.. in that one module contains the hotel details. in that one textbox for entering hotel name.. when a user try to enter the hotel name, list of hotels should display below the text box ( for ex: if user enter the letter 'a' then hotel lists which starting with 'a' should display in the listbox below ).

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VS 2010 Return Items In A List Before Returning The List?

May 23, 2012

That was probably bad title, but I'll illustrate what I'm trying to do. I have a method in a class that I need to call several times. The method returns a List(Of String). I'm just grabbing some information from a database.

Public Function GetTestList() As List(Of String)
Dim int As Integer = 0


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VS 2008 [Express] Combobox1 Download "LIST" Of Items

Oct 17, 2009

How do i can make combobox list to be File names like:

- A.txt
- B.txt
- C.txt

I want Combobox list to be files from my webserver [URL] and i want it pickup them example if here is NERD.txt i want it pickup name NERD.txt from my webserver and include it for a one of the list items.

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Display Listbox Items With Multi-extended To Display Items In Label?

Apr 5, 2011

my homework question is to display the selected items from a listbox (multi-extended) in a label. I need to display all the selected names in a label. the simplest most uncluttered way of doing this. This is what I've got but it doesn't work.


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Pick Random Word From .txt File And Display In TextBox (VB Express 2010)

Jan 15, 2012

I need to have two pieces of software, made in vb where one encrypts the contents of a .txt file, and the other decrypts it, and then picks one word at random and displays it each time a button is pressed, but never displays the same word. Or, if there was a way to hard code it into the program as there is only 5 words that would be better.

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VS 2010 - Removing Items From A List (of T) With For Each

Dec 14, 2010

Public Structure ReportOrderType
Public ReportName As String
Public ReportDate As Date
Public SaveFile As String
End Structure
[Code] ....

Basically, I have a list of reports. In one place they get ordered, and later on the program looks to see which ones have come back -- see if the .SaveFile exists on disk. If it exists, then that report gets processed, and then I want to remove that item from the list of reports-on-order. However, I get an error message back that by doing the .Remove(R), I've changed the list itself & things won't go well with the rest of the For Each loop, which makes some sense.

When I get to this routine, the list of ordered reports will be something from a couple of dozen or less, and some number of them (perhaps zero, perhaps all, probably a few) will exist & be processed & then should be removed from the list. How should I go about accomplishing this? This is my first time working with List(of t) as a Visual Basic tool; everything I've used in the past has been with arrays, and I can do this there.

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VS 2010 Checking Items In A List?

Mar 13, 2012

I have a checkedlistbox with numbers in it and I'm trying to load a list of numbers from a database and check all of them (they should all be in the checkedlistbox).

I was trying to do this by loading all the values into a separate listbox using my own subroutine (I know that part works) and then finding the corresponding item on the checkedlistbox, like this:

Dim ItemName As String
For Each item In ListBox1.Items
ItemName = ListBox1.GetItemText(item)
If CheckedListBox1.Items.Contains(ItemName) = true Then
CheckedListBox1.SetItemChecked(CheckedListBox1.Items.IndexOf(ItemName), True)
End If
End If

But this doesn't work: It never returns a match, even when the item is definitely on the list. How do I make this work?

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VS 2010 Link Items In List?

Mar 8, 2012

I have two string lists in VB.NET 2010, one with questions and one with answers:

questionlist.Add("When shall we meet?")
questionlist.Add("Let's meet at eight")
questionlist.Add("Shall we meet in front of the bar?")


When a button is clicked the program will check if the answer matches the answer in the list. The problem is that I need it to pick the corresponding entry from the answer list to check if the answer is correct. How can I do this?

View 11 Replies

VS 2010 List (of T) Removing Items?

Mar 7, 2012

I have the following

Public itemArray As New List(Of ItemArrayStructure)
Public Structure ItemArrayStructure
Dim DisplayText As String
Dim Checked As Boolean
End Structure

If I know the DisplayText of an item in this array, how can I remove it?

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VS 2010 : Make A List Items Property?

Nov 23, 2011

how to create a property like this:[URL]

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VS 2010 ComboBox List Items Still Exist?

May 2, 2011

When i use the code below to delete an item from a comboox, the text of the combobox deletes but the item still exists in the list

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VS 2010 Storing Data Along With List Box Items?

Sep 19, 2011

What I'm trying to accomplish is first of all, adding items in a list box, but while doing so, store data into that item so when the user clicks on it, the data will be brought up into the correct text boxes.

My idea on how this will all work out has to do with array lists. I'm thinking each time an item is added to the list box, an array list is generated containing all the data from the text boxes. The array list would be named as the text of the list box item.

So then when the user clicks on one of the items, it can find that array list easily because of the selected index, and then update the text boxes with the data.

Is the way I'm thinking of possible? If not, or if there is an easier what, what would that be?

View 12 Replies

VS 2010 Program To Check The Number Of Items In A List Box?

Jul 6, 2010

I want the program to check the number of items in a list box, then send use that number to form a FOR loop and send each to the serial port individually. It actually sends everything, but the program always crashes after the last one saying that the sdprintcount variable is an invalid number for the index. I don't get it as this happens no matter how many items are in the list, and it always crashes on the last one. It sends it, but then it says the index number is invalid.

Dim sdmods As Integer
Dim sdmodsp As String
sdmods = sandwichmodlist.Items.Count


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VS 2010 : Adding Selected Items In List Box To Multi Picturebox?

Aug 9, 2011

building simple program that i could print index pictures to 11x17 size paper. and came across with listbox multi items selected and wanted to add them to different picture boxes?

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VS 2010 - Display The Array In A Checked List Box

Feb 24, 2012

I want to have an array with 2 columns - a list of applications in the first and the command to install them in the 2nd column. I want to display the array in a checked list box and based on selections run the command in the 2nd column I have done single column arrays but never tied them to commands


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3 Comboboxes, Donot Want Same Data Repeated?

Oct 30, 2009

I've run into a bit of a roadblock trying to figure out how to programmatically not allow the same data in multiple comboboxes. I'm usnig VS2008 and I have 3 comboboxes on a form, all with the same data, say "apple", "orange", and "red". The comboboxes are nothing more than a user definable sorting method on which gets calculated first. When I use the .SelectedItemChanged event on any of these, I'll obviously be duplicating. Any idea on how I can program to automatically switch the combobox that is duplicated to the value that is missing? I don't want to hard code it as further down the road I will have up to 7 comboboxes. Below is what I started with coding. Not sure if it is the best way to go about it, but it works on 4 of the 6 combinations.


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VS 2010 - Make A Listbox Count The Number Of Selected Items And Display It In A Text Label

Jul 28, 2010

I am just wondering how I can make a listbox count the number of selected items and display it in a text label. My listbox selection mode is on MultiExtended.

Also, can someone provide the definitions for:


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VS 2010 Pull And Display The Data From The Database Into The List Box?

Jan 27, 2011

I'm currently working on a Capstone Point of Sales project. We're using a multi-column list box to pull up the item #, Item Name, Quantity(may be deleted) and Price. However, I haven't had much experience with a connect database in Visual Basic. how to pull and display the data from the database into the list box?

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VS 2010 Connecting VB 2010 Express To SQL Server 2008 Express Database Via IP

Feb 29, 2012

I am trying to make a user account SQL database work with Visual Basic 2008 Express for login purposes, i.e. usernames & passwords. Plan is to host this server so people can login to use the the application and verify they have a valid account. I would like to host all the account information in SQL due to the possiblity of hundreds of users at any given time. I also need the ability to add data to the database for users registering for the first time. The SQL server will need to be able to access the SQL Server databases remote via WAN.

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Webservice Donot Return Current Windows User Name?

Feb 5, 2011

This is the function that I use in web service for getting current windows user.

<WebMethod()> _
Function User() As String
Dim p() As String = Split(My.User.Name, "")


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Unhandled SqlException In VB 2010 Express Thta Does Not Occur In VB 2008 Express?

Oct 16, 2010

I tried to start using VB 2010 Express with a program I originally developed with VB 2005 Express that I moved to VB 2008 Express successfully a couple years ago. It uses a database file (*.mdf) that is on the computer ( not out on a server). When attempt to run the program in debug mode, I get the following error "An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file C:Documents and SettingsTomMy DocumentsQuizzing StuffQuestion Database 2010QuizQuest ionGameQuizQuestionGameinReleaseQuizQuestionDB.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share."

I first made a copy of the entire project folder that was working in VB 2008 Express and gave it a different name. In VB2010 I opened the project in the copied folder and it said it successfully converted the project. I am able to open the Data Source inthe Designer and see the database structure as I expect. I think the project is still using SQL Server 2005 Express (because it is what is checked in the list of prerequisites on the Publish tab).

Note, I have programmed off and on for many years, but fairly new to using databases and SQL Server.

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Connecting VB 2010 Express To SQL Server 2008 Express Database Via IP

Feb 29, 2012

Here is the scoop: I am trying to make a user account SQL database work with Visual Basic 2008 Express for login purposes, i.e. usernames & passwords. Plan is to host this server so people can login to use the the application and verify they have a valid account. I would like to host all the account information in SQL due to the possiblity of hundreds of users at any given time. I also need the ability to add data to the database for users registering for the first time. The SQL server will need to be able to access the SQL Server databases remote via WAN.

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INSERT Or Update In SQL Server 2008 R2 Express In VB 2010 Express

Jan 21, 2011

I am trying to re write a VB6 program using MS Access, many years ago, using VB 2010 express and SQL server 2008 R2 Express. I have a database with several tables, which I created using the designer. I am able to connect to the database and select data and display it in textboxes etc in vb code. What I have not been able to in code is to INSERT rows DELETE rows or UPDATE any data in the tables. I can do any of these operations using the Query Designer, but I want to do it in code. I can post some code if necessiary, but I thought it might just be some property that I had not set in the designer.


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VB Express 2010 Slower To Compile And Run That Older Versions Of VB Express?

May 12, 2010

Is VB Express 2010 slower to compile and run that older versions of VB Express? I've installed it this weekend and it seems a little sluggish on my quad core computer with 1 gig of RAM. I have VB Express 2005 installed for my students at school and it seems to fly just fine. Those school computers are older P4s with 512k of RAM.

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Determine If Property Is Generic List<of T> Via Reflection And Loop List Items

Oct 1, 2009

I'm looping all the properties in an object via reflection:

For Each p As PropertyInfo In values.[GetType]().GetProperties()
If p.CanRead Then
'Do stuff
End If

how to determine whether the property in question is a generic List(Of T)? If it is I need to loop the list itself.

I've experimented with GetType and TypeOf but have not managed to get anything working.

To clarify, I want to keep this generic. I do not want to specify the type of T, I need to loop the list items and call the ToString method on each item. T could be one of a number of different types (application specific reference types). Is it possible to do this without specifying types?

(VB.NET 2005 with .Net 2.0)

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Placing Selected/unselected Items In Checked List Box Into List Boxes?

Mar 16, 2011

This program is supposed to allow the user to check items in a checked list box. If the item is checked, it goes into the Completed List Box on the right. The program then adds the unchecked items to the Pending list box on the left. I keep getting placement values (e.g. O,1,2) instead of the strings (e.g. "Key Returned") in the list box results (see photo attached)

Public Class frmCheckOut
Dim i As Integer
Dim cleaning As String = "Cleaning Inspection"
Dim damage As String = "Damage Repaired"


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Shuffling Items Inside A Movie List / Need To Delete Half List

May 16, 2011

Another program I am working on for fun, I am basically shuffling a list inside a listbox, what I want to do is delete the rest but not sure how to go through with that. At the moment I have this: [code] Just contains the code, declarations outside weren't included.So anyway, once clicked, it will call on the function to basically shuffle in a for loop, I was wondering if I should (or how should) create another function and call it in the click button or have just a loop in the click button so it deletes half the list. What I am doing is I have 20 list of items, I want the program to shuffle the items and then deleting the lower 10, meaning, if I had 10 items and wanted 5 top, I'd want: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and deleting 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

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