VS 2010 Program To Check The Number Of Items In A List Box?

Jul 6, 2010

I want the program to check the number of items in a list box, then send use that number to form a FOR loop and send each to the serial port individually. It actually sends everything, but the program always crashes after the last one saying that the sdprintcount variable is an invalid number for the index. I don't get it as this happens no matter how many items are in the list, and it always crashes on the last one. It sends it, but then it says the index number is invalid.

Dim sdmods As Integer
Dim sdmodsp As String
sdmods = sandwichmodlist.Items.Count


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.net - Check/DeCheck All Items In Check-list Box?

Jul 11, 2011

A couple of questions about check list boxes:

How to check/decheck all the item in the list How do you copy or delete all checked items in the list

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Check Number Of Items In Listbox?

Jan 17, 2009

I have a listbox, textbox, and a button. every time I push the button, an item from the listbox is put into the textbox. when the button is pushed again, it grabs the next item in order and puts it into the textbox. so on and so on until it gets to the last item. once I get to the last item it keeps repeating the last item over and over again. SO what I was wondering is how do I get a messagebox or some sort of checker to tell me when it has moved the last item from my listbox to the textbox?? PS textbox2.text=0 and every time the button is pushed another number is added to the value of textbox2.text. so basically if I could figure out how to grab the value of lines at any given time in listbox I could call a msgbox up!! here is the code I am currently using[code]...

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C# - Check If All Items Are The Same In A List?

Mar 15, 2011

I have a List(Of DateTime) items. How can I check if all the items are the same with a LINQ query? there could be 1, 2, 20, 50 or 100 items in the list.

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.net - Quick Check Of All Sub Items In A List?

Jul 19, 2010

I have a list with a boolean value as one of the properties. I need to check if every one of these is true. Now normally LINQ would give a nice clean answer here, but as I am using .NET 2.0 I can't use that.If there a nicer way to do this or am I going to have to do a for each loop and break out on finding a false?

Edit:Seems I could have been a bit clearer. I have an object in a list (eg List (Of MyObject)). There is a boolean property on this object called Processed.I need to check that all objects in the list are processed.So in LINQ I'd do:if (from o in list where o.processed = false select o).count = 0 then....

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Limiting The Number Of Items In A List Box?

May 19, 2011

Does anyone know how to add a limit to the number of items in a list box? For example, you can't add more than 10 items in ListBox1.

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Check List Box, Clearing And Getting Selected Items?

May 12, 2011

how to get the selected items from a check list box...i have 7 items in it, need to see which ones are selected...and how to clear the checks from the list box?

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Values Of All Checked Items In Check List Box?

Apr 5, 2010

How can I get all the selected values from a check list box? I tried using the name of the check list box (clbLike) but it only returns the first value checked. How can I return all values checked?

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.net - Implement A List(Of) With A Maximum Number Of Items?

Nov 14, 2011

I'm trying to figure out a good way of implementing a List(Of) that holds a maximum number of records.

I have a List(Of Int32) - it's being populated every 2 seconds with a new Int32 item.

I want to store only the most current 2000 items.How can I make the list hold a maximum of 2000 items, then when the 2001'th item is attempted to be added, the List drops the 2000'th item (resulting in the current total being 1999).

Thing is, I need to make sure I'm dropping only the oldest item and adding a new item into the List.

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Gather Up Check List Items And Then Open New Window?

Oct 4, 2009

I am developing a VB web app in VS2005, and I can't figure how to do somehting. Can anyone suggest a way to gather up (non - postbacked) checked items (checkboxlist) on a web form (and of course write them to a file), and then start the report using a new window? If you suggest using htmlwindow.opennew, then I need to know what the constructor looks like for that. Can I get btnReport.click in my aspx.vb code to execute before it is sent to the report form by the "OnClientClick" asp command?

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Limit User By Selecting 3 Three Items From Check List Box

Dec 30, 2008

i have a check list box. i want the user to limit, selecting maximum of three items from the checklistbox. if user select more than that i want a msgbox to prompt.

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Checking Multiple Items In A Check List Box By Variable Values?

Oct 31, 2011

I've never really used the Check List Box in the past, however, for the recent program I am developing, I am using this control rather than individual check boxes scattered across the form.Anyway, I want to be able to program through code which items get checked in this checked list box. Specifically, I have a variable that contains the text of each check box that I want checked.With a normal check box, I can simply say:

Dim strNames As String
strNames = "John Doe, Mark Johnson, Mike Brown, Cindy Smith"
If strNames.ToString.Contains("Mike Brown") Then[code]....

View 18 Replies

VS 2010 Return Items In A List Before Returning The List?

May 23, 2012

That was probably bad title, but I'll illustrate what I'm trying to do. I have a method in a class that I need to call several times. The method returns a List(Of String). I'm just grabbing some information from a database.

Public Function GetTestList() As List(Of String)
Dim int As Integer = 0


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Program That Will Compare Array Of Grocery List Items Glist And Array Of Coupon Item List

May 27, 2012

I have a program that will compare an array of grocery list items glist and an array of coupon item clist.When I compare the two and if there is a match somewhere in the array I want to have a picturebox visible.When there is no match, I want the picture box not to be visible. [code] The code seems to work great until I come to the else statement.When the code finds a match it displays the picture box and the msgbox without error, but as soon as the message box is cleared, even though i've input it as an ELSE statement, the picturebox goes false again.Does anyone have any idea of how I can "hold" the picturebox to stay visible while the match between the arrays exists?

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Get Items From HTML List Using Program?

Mar 23, 2012

I need to get items from a html list from the vb.net code behind in my asp.net web site. Any thoughts on how this can be done? I want to use the list items then in an sql statement to retrieve data from a database.

Im using javascript on the front end to handle drag and drop between these two lists[code]...

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Add A Number List In Program?

Sep 29, 2010

Private Sub cmdReport_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdReport.Click[code]...

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VS 2010 - How To Count Number Of Items In Rtb

May 25, 2012

Would it be possible to list the number of items in a rich text box? Each item starts on a new line. Something like the following but obviously for a rtb.

TextBox1.Text = ListBox1.Items.Count

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Find A List Of Items Between 2 Listboxes Program?

Sep 15, 2011

I want to check for each item in list box if item exist then add it to listbox3[code]...

but it is very slow if there is way to search for list of items in listbox at once?

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VS 2010 Check If A Number Contains Decimals?

May 29, 2010

VS 2010 check if a number contains decimals?

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VS 2010 - How To Add Unknown Number Of Items To ListView

Mar 14, 2010

I'm gonna add x number of items to a listbox in form #2 form form #1. When I click the button it opens Form #2 and then I tried this code (which makes the form freeze):
Dim qwe As Integer = 1
Do Until qwe = regKey.GetValue("Count") + 1
qwe = qwe + 1
The regKey.GetValue("Count") is a registry key which contains a integer (unknown). What is wrong, or is there another, better way, of doing this?

View 14 Replies

VS 2010 - How To Get Number Of Items In Each Column In 2 Dim Array

Mar 14, 2011

When you have a single dim array, you get number of items in with simple Ubound(array). What is the most efficient way, to get number of items in each "column" in 2 dimensional array? My code (part):
Public Shared LoopStock()() As LoopStockDef
Public Structure LoopStockDef
Dim EntID As Int32
Dim LoopNo As Int16
Dim LoopType As String
Dim loopStPtX As Int32
[Code] .....

You can't Ubound multidimensional array as you can do with single dimensional array, as the second dimension can have different number of items in each column (DimX in the following table)

DimX | (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) |
DimY | | | | | |
(1) | 45 | 41 | 15 | 48 | 49 |
(2) | 35 | 26 | 98 | 15 | 31 |
(3) | 12 | 23 | 36 | 69 | |
(4) | 88 | | 26 | 28 | |
(5) | 74 | | 89 | | |
(6) | 36 | | 25 | | |

If you do
UBound(LoopStock, 2)

You get size of 2nd dimension, not number of items in the table for particular column. The best solution which comes to my mind is to define another array, a multidimensional counter, like
LoopStockDims() As Int16
And count every added item for each column. Is this the best way?

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VS 2010 Count Number Of Splitted Items?

Feb 13, 2011

I am back as always! Here is my question. First and formally, With the code;

Dim Splitter
Splitter = Split(request, ";")

With that data above, I am creating a For Statement to loop all the data being pulled, into a Rich text Box. Here is the question. I need to count the number of objects Splitted.



The Splitter is ";", And there are a total of 4 Objects needing to be split. How can i count the number of objects? The Objects are Car;Train;Boat;Bike, And I need visual basic to count the number of those objects which is 4. But I need a function that will output that.

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VS 2010 Check Whether A Certain Number Is A Member Of The Arra

Jan 18, 2012

I need to check whether a certain number is a member of the array. Is this a good way?[code]

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Add, Edit & Delete Items In A List Of Geographical Coordinate In A Program?

Aug 21, 2010

In my project, I want to use Coordinates of a place (eg; London) which is selected from a list of several thousands of coordinates of places.

I thought of using comboBox / ListBox to display the list of the coordinates of places.

I want to know how to make this "editable"; ie: anyone using this program should be able to Edit / Add / Delete a coordinates of a place. And the newly added Place should be saved so that he/she can use it whenever it is needed.

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VS 2010 - Do Until Loop To Check Entered Number In Textbox

Feb 2, 2011

I am writing a Do Until Loop to check if the number entered in a textbox is between 1 and 12 in Visual Basic 2010.

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VS 2010 - Removing Items From A List (of T) With For Each

Dec 14, 2010

Public Structure ReportOrderType
Public ReportName As String
Public ReportDate As Date
Public SaveFile As String
End Structure
[Code] ....

Basically, I have a list of reports. In one place they get ordered, and later on the program looks to see which ones have come back -- see if the .SaveFile exists on disk. If it exists, then that report gets processed, and then I want to remove that item from the list of reports-on-order. However, I get an error message back that by doing the .Remove(R), I've changed the list itself & things won't go well with the rest of the For Each loop, which makes some sense.

When I get to this routine, the list of ordered reports will be something from a couple of dozen or less, and some number of them (perhaps zero, perhaps all, probably a few) will exist & be processed & then should be removed from the list. How should I go about accomplishing this? This is my first time working with List(of t) as a Visual Basic tool; everything I've used in the past has been with arrays, and I can do this there.

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VS 2010 Checking Items In A List?

Mar 13, 2012

I have a checkedlistbox with numbers in it and I'm trying to load a list of numbers from a database and check all of them (they should all be in the checkedlistbox).

I was trying to do this by loading all the values into a separate listbox using my own subroutine (I know that part works) and then finding the corresponding item on the checkedlistbox, like this:

Dim ItemName As String
For Each item In ListBox1.Items
ItemName = ListBox1.GetItemText(item)
If CheckedListBox1.Items.Contains(ItemName) = true Then
CheckedListBox1.SetItemChecked(CheckedListBox1.Items.IndexOf(ItemName), True)
End If
End If

But this doesn't work: It never returns a match, even when the item is definitely on the list. How do I make this work?

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VS 2010 Link Items In List?

Mar 8, 2012

I have two string lists in VB.NET 2010, one with questions and one with answers:

questionlist.Add("When shall we meet?")
questionlist.Add("Let's meet at eight")
questionlist.Add("Shall we meet in front of the bar?")


When a button is clicked the program will check if the answer matches the answer in the list. The problem is that I need it to pick the corresponding entry from the answer list to check if the answer is correct. How can I do this?

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VS 2010 List (of T) Removing Items?

Mar 7, 2012

I have the following

Public itemArray As New List(Of ItemArrayStructure)
Public Structure ItemArrayStructure
Dim DisplayText As String
Dim Checked As Boolean
End Structure

If I know the DisplayText of an item in this array, how can I remove it?

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Forms :: Write A Program For A List Box Having 10 Items In That Just By A Single Click On One Of The Item?

Dec 6, 2011

how to write a program for a list box having 10 items in that just by a single click on one of the item it should be written on the button if a list is containing notepad than by clicking on the button it should open the notepad?

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