ASP.NET: TextBox.Text Doesn't Have Updated Value

Nov 16, 2011

I have an initialize function that loads data into my textbox NameTextBox, and then I add an "s" to the name. I then click the Save button that executes SaveButton_Click when debugging the value for NameTextBox.Text is still the original string (FirstName) and not (FirstNames).

Page_Load(sender, e)
Info = GetMyInfo()


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DB/Reporting :: First Row In Datagridview Doesn't Get Updated

Sep 15, 2009

I use two DataGridView“s to manage my database. DataGridView2 is filled with data from a table depending on what value you select in DataGridView1. I also have a search-function so I can search for specific values in DataGridView2. In pictures below I have searched for GroupID = 1 I can also copy all the values in the DataGridView2 into the database if I want to. The data often states what kind of values to use to use during a test of a machine. Sometimes I want to copy all the parameters for one machine and use on another machine. I have added a column that is used to write down notes about the data in the table. This is the only column not copied (except the primary key column) when I press copy. Its called Tableinfo

I can then search the active table for all rows where that column is empty. When I have changed the values or just confirmed that everything is alright I have a button called "Save" that fills that column with the string "Saved" so those rows doesn“t appear next time.

Here is where the problem occurs. When I press the save button I can see that the whole column is filled with the correct value. But when i press update the first row doesnt get updated. No matter how many rows there is in the DataGridView.
If I fill in all the rows manually it works. If I press the save button and then click in the cell of the first row where is says "Saved" and then update it gets updated correctly.


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Image Doesn't Change After A New One's Been Updated

Jan 3, 2010

I've got a page which has 5 images on, 5 FileUpload controls, 5 buttons and in the code behind 5 on click events. The page shows the images and lets users change each individual image if they'd like and it's all working well....except. When the upload is done and the new image has been uploaded to the ftp server, how do I then re-display the same page the user has just used, but this time with the new image image in place of the old? Do I need to call an instance of the page_load event again?

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How To Detect Updated Textbox With Linq

Apr 19, 2011

If this is a stupid question, then let me know. I can't just figure it out.First of all, this is my question. How do I detect the changed value on those text boxes?I have an idea that I create a another string values that have the original values and compare them right before saving or form closing event. This sample just have 3 text boxes, but I have 50 + text boxes on my one form. I can do it that way, but that is not really smart idea.Can I use abcDB.SubmitChanges() to detect any data changes on text boxes?

Dim sqlQuery = (From obj in abcDB.HelloWorld
Select obj.Fname, obj.Lname, obj.PhoneNumber).FirstOrDefault()
me.textboxFname.text = sqlQuery.Fname


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VS 2010 Why Both Textbox Are Not Updated By Threads

Nov 30, 2011

I got this form with 2 textboxes and 2 buttons, when clicking each button, the corresponding textbox should show 1, problem is none of these textboxes show anything

here's the code in form1

Imports System.Threading
Public Class Form1
Dim mc As New mycl


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Wpf - Binding TextBox To A Value That Is Updated From A Different Thread?

Apr 20, 2011

I tried to increment a value as long as I press a button. The incremented value is connected via binding to a TextBox. The problem occures when I update the underlaying integer. I get an exception that another Thread owns it.

<Button Name="Up"


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Data Source Updated As Well When The Variable Is Updated?

Jul 1, 2009

part of my code is in below


I would expect to see the path.Path include the new record, however, I also notice that tempnextgen also include the new record. Can anyone help me out on this issue? Why the tempnextgen got updated as well, how to prevent this unexpected operation?

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Extract Updated Text From Texbox In Datagrid?

Jun 6, 2011

I have a datagrid with textboxes on it that are bound. Displaying the data pulled from the db works. But when a user updates a textbox I am unable to extract that data. I have tried a few options I have found involving using CType.


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Updating Button Text When FormView Item Is Updated?

May 12, 2011

I'm still somewhat new to ASP, and can't seem to figure out what the issue is.When I update an item in FormView, I need the text of a button to change.I'm using:

Protected Sub fvClientInfo_ItemUpdated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.FormViewUpdatedEventArgs) Handles fvClientInfo.ItemUpdated
btnEditClient.Text = "Edit"


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VS 2010 Label1.text += Textbox1.text Doesn't Work

May 25, 2012

Label1.text += textbox1.text doesn't work, say they is 0 in label1 and i enter 1 in the textbox1 it adds it to the label like this


But i need it like add up whatever is in textbox to whatever is in label1 This works

Label1.text += 1 but thats not what i need I got this to work once before, but i cant remember because its been long time ago.

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Label.Text = Val(Textbox.Text) / (Textbox.Text) - How To Obtain The Info

Dec 7, 2010

LblPPG.Text = Val(TextBoxPP.Text) / (TextBoxQTY.Text)

This is the only way I know how to obtain the info I need for this equation but if generated again with no input from the textboxes I get an error. Is there anyway to bypass this if its generated a second time with no inputs?

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Messages Doesn't Auto-scroll Down Textbox

Jan 10, 2012

I'm making a chat, but when the messages appear in a textbox, it doesn't auto scroll down. Is there a way to auto-scroll down when the messages appear?

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When Do A Retry Curser Doesn't Set Back Into Password Textbox

Sep 11, 2009

Please advise with any info you might have. I have the code below. Everything works ok until I try out the select case. When I do a retry the curser doesn't set back into the password textbox so that the user can try again.[code]

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Basic Search Doesn't Compare Selected Element With Textbox Value

Sep 17, 2011

I've been having problems with a really basic search routine that I have used successfully before but now for some reason does not. I have a text file that looks like this: Spindly Killer Fish, fish, spindly, aggressive, dangerous, grey, Sect.B Tank.1, 20 It is then loaded into a two dimensional array with comma separation. This is all fine and with the following nested for loops it works also, it just doesn't seem to compare the selected element with the textbox value. [Code]

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Redirecting Console Output To Textbox Doesn't Write All Lines?

Nov 24, 2011

I try to redirect a robocopy job to a textbox. If I write the complete output after the job finishes, all is displayed correctly.


myProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"
myProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = "/C " & Chr(34) & cntCommand & Chr(34) & " && exit"
myProcess.EnableRaisingEvents = True
myProcess.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden


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VS 2008 TextBox DataBindings - Default Null Value Doesn't Show Up

Jun 29, 2010

I have a form that has several controls, most of them are textboxs. All controls are binded to a bindingsource. The controls that always have values, they are displayed correctly, but the others ones that have null values in the data source, the default null value doesn't show up. This problem it's driving me crazy... There must be something that i'm missing. Some of the code that i had used with no luck:


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Setting Textbox Text Equal To Textbox Text On A Different Form?

Aug 6, 2009

is it possible in design mode to set the textbox text property to the text property of a textbox in a different form in

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Text Doesn't Appear Until Loops Are Done

May 31, 2010

when I run my event below the "sending commands.." text doesn't appear until my loops are done, even thought the complier shows it goes to my Label1.Text line first.. why? I want the message to appear while it is looping. [code]

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Text Doesn't Change?

Jul 24, 2011

Im having some really simple problems. whenever i click a button its supossed to disable another button and write text into a label that has words in it. for some reason it doesnt work

If move1 = "TL" Then
lblBL.Text = "O"
btnBL.Enabled = False


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Mesaage Box Prompt - When Copy And Paste A String Value On The Textbox - TxtSearch The KeyPress Doesn't Work?

Dec 7, 2009

I have a text box called TxtSearch on my form. The value entered should always be numeric before the search can be done if its any other data type the following Message box is give - Only a numeric value is allowed in this field", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "GCPM.. (Code shown below)

Private Sub TxtSearch_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TxtSearch.KeyPress
If Char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) = False And Char.IsControl(e.KeyChar) = False Then[code].....

Now, when you copy and paste a String value on the textbox - TxtSearch the KeyPress doesn't work. The TxtSearch doesn't prompt the message and when you click the Search Button the application crashes - dsiplaying an error converting data type varchar to numeric.. What I want to do is if someone uses the copy and paste tool to enter the value in the textbox- TXTSearch and there is a datatype not numeric the message prompt is called ..

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New Text Doesn't Appear On A Label After I Do A Calculation

Mar 9, 2009

I am writing a program that finds the net pay of an employee.

The label I want the net pay to go into is lblPay

I also use lblPay.Text = decNetPay

It doesn't show up when I click the "Calculate" button. What does show up is $000.00

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Doesn't Seem Possible To Hold The Text Boxes In Array

Oct 5, 2009

[Code] this code iterates through 5 text boxes to check that the value entered is numeric and also that there are no blank spaces. How would i put this into .net as it doesn't seem possible to hold the text boxes in array.

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Multithreading - Doesn't Update The Rich Text Box

Nov 22, 2011

how to use multithreading. Still don't know what i am doing wrong in the code below i don't get any errors it just doesn't update the rich text box (frmArmaghRecords2.rtbOpenArmaghFile3).


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StreamWriter - Doesn't Show The Text Box Items

Nov 1, 2009

When i tried to run this code, it doesn't show the text box items on the text_1.txt. Its only show the tester1, and tester2 as in the quote. What did i miss out?


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ToolStripTextBox Cut Method Doesn't Remove Text?

Jun 23, 2010

I have a toolstriptextbox and a custom context menu strip with a "Cut" menu item. When you select text in the textbox, display the context menu and select the menu item, the cut method of the textbox is being executed, the text is pushed to the clipboard, but the text is not being removed from the textbox. The code is as simple as follows.

Sub menuItemCut_Click (byval sender as object, e as eventargs) handles menuItemCut.Click
End Sub

I have verified the event is fired, and the selected text in textbox gets sent to the clipboard. For some reason the selected text is not removed from the textbox. Has anyone ran into this issue before when working with a toolstriptextbox?

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Parsing Text File Doesn't Pickup All If Statements?

Jun 4, 2011

I have a piece of code in my application that is giving me a funny result. I am reading a text file and based on it's first word on the line I have a bunch of IF statements that then assign the value to a variable.

The problem is that not all the if statements are being met, well they are but that's what's weird.


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Saving Text - Add Save Features Doesn't Seem To Work

Mar 11, 2010

I have made a text editing application and, as you might have guessed yourself, I needed to add save features. Well, what I have implemented so far is the ordinary "Save As..." feature which I made by using a common SaveFileDialog. Now it's time for the hard part. I need to add the "Save" function located in many Windows applications (Notepad etc.). This is what I'm working on at this moment but it doesn't seem to work.


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Text Property On A User Control Doesn't Work?

Feb 24, 2012

I created a simple user control with a label, and one property that allows me to set its text.I can call the property Text2 and everything works well, but if I call it Text it doesn't work.

I tried both this:
Public Overrides Property Text As String


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Incorporating Databases - Information Doesn't Fill In The Text Boxes

Oct 11, 2010

I think the problem arose because of Windows 7, but when I was at school the program worked. The program fills in the text boxes with information from Microsoft Access. However, my laptop has Windows 7, and when debugged, the information doesn't fill in the text boxes like before. Also, for added information, the school's computers run with Windows XP.

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Published Program Doesn't Include Text File And Database It Needs To Run

May 11, 2009

When I publish my program I get no errors, and then when I install it on another machine it says it gives me the error that it can't read the txt file that it stores data in. If I hit continue it also fails to read the database. The database file is stored in the bin/debug folder and I told my program to include it when I first added the data connection. Anything I can do to have these included so my program can run on other machines?

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