Access Value In Named Range In A Worksheet?

Sep 1, 2011

I'm working on converting an Excel VBA project to a Office Solution. In VBA accessing a named range within a sheet was pretty easy.Sheet1.Range("NamedRange")would give you the value in that cell.

In I've tried several different things, all ending in failure. [url]...

I'm using one of the Visual Studio Excel 2010 Document template, and I managed to set a value in a named range on a sheet. The template creates a class for each tab on the worksheet, so I was able to do this.[code]...

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Check Named Range Contains A Single / Multiple Cells?

Sep 23, 2010

I want to know how many cell a namedRange contains . or want to check either a named range contains a single cell or multiple cells.

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Excel Automation In VB2008 And Dynamic Named Range?

Nov 7, 2009

Having created a small (Excel Automation) VB Appl. to manipulate and present data from Excel sheets in an organised form, I ran across a problem resulting from creating a named range on a sheet, the code line:

oWB.Names.Add("DR_AppData2", RefersToR1C1:="=OFFSET(AppData!R3C1,0,0,(COUNTA(AppData!C1)-2),1)")

seems to work as expected, my only issue here is that this was written on a System that is US-en, and when trying this on a PC DE-de - we have users with varoius language sets - the code fails with a COMException. The only cure I have found to date, is to write the German language version of this:

oWB.Names.Add("DR_AppData2", RefersToR1C1:=BEREICH.VERSCHIEBEN(AppData!R3C1;0;0;(ANZAHL2(AppData!C1-2);1)

How can I write my code / what tools do I need to use, in order that my application will work with any Excel language - and me not having to know all possible equivalents for a particular command or function?

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Reading Named Range Into Array - Constant Expression Required

Mar 11, 2011

I need to read a named range into an array. Then if the value in the 1st position matches a static value, read the value in the second position. I've been looking into array's and this is what I think will work, however I get a compile error on the columns.count "constant expression required". Is it because in the DIM statement I'm attempting 2 things? This is a macro in Excel. The range name is Data1 and the string comparison is "AnyString". The second value will be an integer.

Sub macro1()
Dim rng As Range
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
rng = Range(Data1)
[Code] .....

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Table In An Access Database Named 'tblSubscriptions'?

Apr 9, 2010

I have a table in an Access database named 'tblSubscriptions'. I need to check wether a user with a certain user id has any subscriptions but im not sure how i would go about it. The fields within the tblSubscriptions table are: User ID, Topic Code, Completed I'm assuming i'd need to use the following command: OleDbCommand("SELECT 'Topic Code' FROM tblSubscriptions WHERE 'User ID' = '" & Username)But i wouldn't know how to use an if statement to check whether the user has any subscriptions.

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VS 2005 - Access A Control Named In A String

Aug 21, 2011

I've got a number of buttons in an 8x8 grid named cmd_A1, cmd_A2, etc all the way to cmd_H8.

I want to have a string that contains the name of a particular button, and then use that string to access a particular button.

1) Dim button_string as string = "cmd_A1"

2) Dim current_button as button = [the button named in button_string]

3) current_button.text = "♖"

How do I do step 2?

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Exporting An Excel Worksheet To An Access Table?

Jun 14, 2010

What I need to get done here is not a GUI, like the SQL Import and Export Wizard, which can be run from the SQL (2000) Enterprise Manager only, but a code that I can run from within the Visual Basic For Applications IDE from Microsoft Excel 2003, maybe in the form of a module, class or userform or a combination of all three. The best that I have come across so far, was a class that first checks if the worksheet is in a database formattable condition, then creates the database, if it does not exist, a table and then transfers the data from the worksheet to the table.

I have tried the Access 2003 TransferSpreadsheet method, but that does not solve my purpose, because I want to move the data from Excel to Access, starting from the creation of the database itself.

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Access Excel Worksheet Pre Defined With Name Books.xlsx Through .net?

May 6, 2010

i am new to programming i am trying to access excel worksheet pre defined with name Books.xlsx through i have taken a form with one command button i wrote below code in that:Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices


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DB/Reporting :: Import Excel Worksheet Into Access Table?

Apr 6, 2009

Exporting access into excel wks is easy, but how to import it back in?

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VS 2008 Add A Template Worksheet After The Active Worksheet?

Apr 1, 2012

I have an Excel Add-In with a custom ribbon and custom buttons. I'm trying to get these buttons to insert different templates that I have created for our reports. I want these templates inserted into the active workbook, after the active worksheet.This code will add the template worksheet to the active workbook, but it is placed before the active worksheet:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As Microsoft.Office.Tools.Ribbon.RibbonControlEventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


I have been having problems getting the template worksheet inserted after the active worksheet.Here is what I have so far:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As Microsoft.Office.Tools.Ribbon.RibbonControlEventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim myxl As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application


I get an error with the 'ws' aspect of this particular line: Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.Sheets.Add(Type:="C:Template File Name.xltm").WorkSheets.Add(After:=ws()) The error message states: "Interface 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet' cannot be indexed because it has no default property."

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Import Excel Worksheet To Ms Access With User Defined Data Types?

May 5, 2010

i am using vb .net and importing excel sheet to ms access. i am doing this work very well. but i want that when a user select the excel file to import, than user must asked for the data types that he want for the different fields, by default when user imports the excel file it assign the text data type to text filed such as name and number data type to numeric field such as roll_no. but i want that user select the data type according to his need.

code that i use is to import file is given below:

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Public Class Form2


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Access Excel Worksheet Pre Defined With Name Books.xlsx - Exception From HRESULT: 0x800A03EC

May 6, 2010

i am new to programming i am trying to access excel worksheet pre defined with name Books.xlsx through i have taken a form with one command button i wrote below code in that:


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Selecting A Date Range From An Access Database?

May 16, 2009

I have the following code to select records from an access table based on a date range. The user is required to select a week ending date (Saturday) from a datetimepicker field.The date field in access is formatted as short.The values in the database range from 12/04/2009 to 2/05/2009. When I select datetimepicker as 2/05/2009 (i.e. 2 May 2008), no rows are returned. Following is the resultant sql statement:

show: Select * FROM Work_Time WHERE WorkerID =1001 AND (WeekDate >=#26/04/2009# AND WeekDate <=#2/05/2009#)

However, if I select datetimepicker as 25/04/2009, the correct numbers of rows are returned. Following is the resultant sql statement:

show: Select * FROM Work_Time WHERE WorkerID =1001 AND (WeekDate >=#19/04/2009# AND WeekDate <=#25/04/2009#)

Private Sub btnGetTSData_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGetTSData.Click
Dim dSelect As Date
dSelect = dtWkEnding.Value


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Cannot Access A Disposed Object Named "MainForm"

Mar 28, 2011

I want to dynamically call form, but after the form is closed and reopen i got the error "Cannot access a disposed object named "MainForm"". I've been searching about this error and found out that basically i'm trying to access invalid control.

My question is how i can use the object again? I mean closing and opening form is very common thing to do, so it should be able to be accessible trough the run time. To give you better perspective [code]...

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Access Create Multiple Records Based On A Date Range?

Oct 19, 2011

I have an MSAccess 2007 DB to record our employees Personal Days Off (PDO). Until now I have only had a form to record each single day taken. This results in time consuming repetitive entry when an employee takes multiple consecutive days or weeks off.

My database consists of two tables:tbl_PDO (to hold the Worker, DateTakenOff and TimeTaken) tbl_Employees (containing the Employees contact info, Name, Address, etc.) A form for Single date data entry with tbl_PDO as the record source and the following fields: (This is the original entry method one day at a time and works as it should)cboWorker(with Record Source tbl_Employee[Worker] DateTakenOff(ShortDate) TimeTaken (in hours) A form for Date Range entry with tbl_PDO as the recored source and the following fields: cboWorker(with Record Source tbl_Employee[Worker] StartDate EndDate TimeTaken (in hours) I have been trying to work with bits and pieces of code Ive found online to create multiple rows in a table based on a date range.[code]...

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Add Multiple Values Selected By Date Range From Access Database?

Oct 6, 2010

Access database: Inventory

Column 1: Pprice

Column 2: Date

Now what I want to do is on a button click, I want to search the database for a date range, lets say September/01/2010 thru September/30/2010. Then I want to pull all of the Pprice values and add them together to come up with an inventory parts cost for the month.

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VS 2008 Retrieve Query From MS.Access Database Criteria Is Between Some Date Range?

Nov 15, 2009

I want to retrieve query from MS.Access database criteria is between some date range,but I get the following error when execute my reader:Syntax error in date in query expression 'D_ate BETWEEN # @DateFrom # AND # @DateTo #'.

Dim StrSQL As String
StrSQL = "Select * from Pla_Comp Where D_ate BETWEEN # @DateFrom # AND # @DateTo #"
myCommand = New OleDbCommand(strSQL, conn)


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Query Date Range Statement - Bind An Access Database To A MSChart Control

Jun 10, 2011

I am trying to bind an Access database to a MSChart control in VB Net 2008. I have a test database populated with four fields SAMPLE-DateTime, Values-Number, MAX-Number and MIN-Number. I'd like to only display the rows that fall within a specific date range but I'm running into a problem when i try to execute the following command:


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Simple Inventory - Program Using Classes Hard Coded - Database Named "DATABASE" In Ms Access 2003

Sep 29, 2010

I want to create program in vb2008 express with ms access database. Can somebody help me so i can learn how to program using classes hard coded. I have learned vb6 before but it has a big difference on vb2008.

I have a database named "DATABASE" in ms access 2003 and the details are: Table :

EMPLOYEE(EmpNo, EmpName), DEPARTMENT(DeptID, DeptName), CATEGORY(CategoryID, CategoryName), SUPPLIER(SupplierID, SupplierName), ITEM(ItemID, Itemname), ITEMLIST(ItemListID, ItemID, ItemDescription), INVENTORY


All the CAPITALIZED name are Table and all items inside the parenthesis are fieldnames. I don't know where to start on working on this RECORDS. I was able to understand visual basic 6 a bit, and i am trying to apply the coding to VB 2008 but all i get is errors. I am hopeless now and i need help to be able to start my programs. If someone can give me a sample code, i think i would be able to trace the line of code to be able to understand it. I am currently an inventory manager on the small company i was working with and i like to organize my record by using database.

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Random Number In Range Is Outside Range

Dec 14, 2009

I am using the following code in the Load method of a VB form to generate random numbers in the range 1 to 8. Without fail after enough loops the range is exceeded and 9 is the random number returned every time. The line using the Rnd function is from: Rnd Function (Visual Basic)


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VS 2008 Error: Range Variable 'sender' Hides A Variable In An Enclosing Block Or A Range Variable Previously Defined In The Query Expression

Mar 25, 2010

I am getting the error:"Range variable 'sender' hides a variable in an enclosing block or a range variable previously defined in the query expression."for this

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Linq
Public Class Form1


I can select any other item from the table without the error. "sender" has the same properties as "receiver" in the SQL table.

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Using Range In VB When End Of Range Varies?

Jul 7, 2010

I'm using vb in excel 2007 and need to work through a range or array, the size of which varies from time to time.

The examples of using range always demonstrate using literals eg "A1:A25"

How can I programatically determine the end of the range - ie up to where the cells value is blank

And then can I use a variable in the range statement - eg .[A1:Lastcell]

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My Resources Has No Property Named

May 4, 2012

I am using Visual Basic 2010 and added a single image through the designer. The name of the image is "add.png". When I reload my form it gives me an error:

Warning 4 The type 'MyProject.My.Resources.Resources' has no property named 'add'. F:Vb2010MyProjectMyProjectFormsFrm.Designer.vb 599 0
Me.btnNew.Image = Global.MyProject.My.Resources.Resources.add

I Change this code to This :
Me.btnNew.Image = Global.MyProject.My.Resources.add
But its not work properly

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Add Worksheet To Current?

Jun 2, 2011

My program runs and after running creates some data in datagridview. I export the data to an excel file. Till now all things are okay, but I want to have the excel file open and export the second iterations data to the same file but different sheet. I have done everything but it gave me an error. Here is the pieces of code related to exporting. [code]...

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Adding A Row Do A Worksheet

Sep 26, 2011

I have the following code to add a row to my worksheet... DashboardSheet.Rows(DashBoardRow - 1).Insert shift:=xlUp It does add a row but it also clears the row above where it was added. In my program I add a row then populate the row, add a row, then populate the row. Since each time I add a row, it clears the previous row that I just populated, I end up with all blank rows excep the last one.

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Convert .xls To .csv By WorkSheet ?

May 8, 2012

I already know how to convert .xls to .csv but the problem is it only converts the first work sheet, but I want to convert the .xls per Worksheet or when I choose it from combobox.

Here's my code on how I convert .xls to .csv


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Finding The Name Of The First Worksheet

May 27, 2010

I am trying to find the name of the first worksheet in excel. I can get the list of sheets, but i need to know which on is the first one in the workbook. using vs 2010 and office 2007

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Get A Single Value From A Worksheet?

Mar 6, 2008

i can get a single value from a worksheet using and excel.q)How do i get a range of values eg A2 to A5 and print them out eg with a msgbox. I know i can use the cells command but i want a range command where specify excel cell range.

'MyString = XL.Cells(4, 1).Value MyString = XL.Range("A2", "A5").Value 'error MsgBox(MyString)

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.net - Differences Between C# And VB Handle Named Parameters?

Feb 25, 2010

Now that C# supports named parameters, I was checking to see if it was implemented the same way VB did it, and found that there is a slight difference. Take for example a library function like this:

public static void Foo(string a, string b)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("a: {0}, b: {1}", a, b));


The way VB does it requires much fewer instruction calls, so is there any advantage to the way C# implements it? If you don't use the named parameters, C# produces the same thing as VB.

EDIT: Now that we've determined that the extra instructions go away in release mode, is there a particular reason for them to be present in debug mode? VB acts the same in both modes, and C# doesn't insert the extra instructions when calling the method normally without named parameters (including when you use optional parameters).

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Bring Up Characters Through Named Searches?

Jan 17, 2011

I am very new to and for a project I am supposed to do some "outside research" and create a database. The database should consist of items (sports players) who have a number of different values (one set is physical: strength, speed, agility, acceleration) and preferably another (technical ability: ball skill, dribbling, shooting, etc). I want the database to classify these and give each traits such as "Power Shooter" if the shooting stat is upwards of 90, etc. I want to be able to bring up characters through this and also through named searches.

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