Add A Number To A String Cell?

Oct 18, 2010

Sub adddashes()
Dim j As String
For u = 1 To 10
dashnumber = 1001
Range("D" & u).Text = Range("D" & u).Text + dashnumber
dashnumber = dashnumber + 1
Next u
End Sub

Ok on my sub, i have a list of names and i want to add a sequential dash number


However, i just straight up can't find the code to 'join' two variables or add a variable to an existing cell.....

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Get A Number Into A Cell But As A String Not A Number?

Oct 1, 2009

I am trying to get a number into a cell but as a string not a number. For example if I have the number as '12345678901234' instead of putting that exact number in it changes it to ' 1.23457E+13 '. How do I get it to read it as a string and not an integer? Here is the code that I am using.

num As String
If pRow.IsProjectNumNull = False Then


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Cell Phone Active Call Number

Aug 18, 2010

IF cell phone is connected with PC over BlueTooth or Wireless and someone call that cell phone is it a possible to get caller person number from cell phone ?

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Get Excel Cell By Row NUMBER And Column Letter?

Jul 19, 2011

In VB.NET, using Interop.Excel, I need to access a cell based on a row number and column letter. I tried my luck with...

pages.title = DirectCast(wksht.Cells(rows, "D"), Excel.Range).Value

Since the parameters took type object, I figured maybe this would work, but got no luck. I also thought of enumerating each letter to a number, but the columns in the spreadsheet aren't as normal. Meaning, they're not


They're actually...


I don't know if this makes a difference in the numbering of the columns. The question should be obvious, but just to reiterate, how can I get a cell based on a row number and column letter?

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Number Beside The String And The Number Will Increment Which Time The Button Is Clicked?

Jan 31, 2009

I created a listbox using VB.NET. When the user select an item (it is a string format) in the listbox and click on a button, there will be a number beside the string and the number will increment which time the button is clicked. Anyone know how to do it...?Below is the coding I'd done, but I don't know how to do the increment part. Anyone know what coding I need to add?

Dim no As Integer = 0
listBox.Items.Add(listBox.SelectedItem & no)

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Change Excel 2007 Column Cell Format To Number No Decimal?

May 26, 2011

VB.NET code to change Excel 2007 Column Cell Format from Text to a Number no Decimal.

Right now Column F shows values that look like


Manually changing it to a Number with No Decimal shows the correct value.

Of course I would like to automate this.

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Setup A Function Involving Multiplying A Cell By A Set Number And Then Having The Result Round To The Nearest 10?

Apr 22, 2009

I am working in excel trying to setup a function involving multiplying a cell by a set number and then having the result round to the nearest 10. Here's the beginning of my function statement fx=e3*1.026. say the result is 8654, I need it to round to 8650. Also if it comes back 8655, I need it to round to 8660. I have about 2,000 records I need to do this to so I was hoping that one formula or statement could be used for all my data.

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Convert A String Containing A Binary, Octal And Hex Number Into A Decimal String?

Jun 7, 2009

I'd like to convert a string which contains a decimal number into string that contains the binary value, the octal and the hexadecimal value of that decimal number.Afterwards I also like to convert a string containing a binary, octal and hexd. number into a decimal string.Basically I'm looking for the functions:


I'd not prefer to rewrite a function, I'm sure the framework must have these functions already.

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Converting A Number Into Number String?

Aug 28, 2010

How can I do for converting 3 in "three". Or converting for example 153 in "one hundred fifthy tree"

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Count The Number Of Times That A String Appears In Another String?

Jul 15, 2009

How do I count the number of times that a string appears in another string. I know this code:

If odocument.ToString.Contains("window.alert") Then
pops = pops + 1
End If

But that will just see if the desired string contains "window.Alert" once, rather than how many times it does contain it.

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Get Value String From Current Cell?

Jan 10, 2009

I am working on my datagridview to get the current cell value from the column. I have three columns which I want to get the cell value from the second column.[code]...

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Copy The Value Of Cell A6 Into Cell A5 Based On A Change In Cell A4?

May 16, 2009

I am attempting to copy the value of the TimeStamp in cell A6 which has the NOW() formula into cell A5 Based on a change in Cell A4. The catch is I don't want it to update every time the sheet is recalculated due to updating links in other cells on the sheet. ONLY when Cell A4 Changes. What do I do?

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Highlight Datagrid Cell Based On A String Value?

Oct 7, 2011

I'm trying to get a value in a datagrid to highlight based on the value from a textbox, I can't seem to figure out why it's not working right.

Dim xdata As String = TextBox1.Text
Dim cell As DataGridViewCell
Dim cellVar As String


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VS 2010 - Saving String To DataGridView Cell

Apr 7, 2011

Essentially what I'm trying to do is to save the value of a string() to a cell in the datagrid view. The problem is that when I close the program and reopen it the changed value isn't there... It's not saving properly.

Here is my code.
Dim BOCHURSTOTAL As Double = ((BochurimBindingSource.Current("Give_To_Bochur_Quant") * (bochurpr)) + _
(BochurimBindingSource.Current("Reg_Quant") * (regularpr)) + _
(BochurimBindingSource.Current("Priv1_Quant") * (private1pr)) + _
(BochurimBindingSource.Current("Priv2_Quant") * (private2pr)) + _
(BochurimBindingSource.Current("Priv3_Quant") * (private3pr)))
DataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells("DGV1TotalColumn").Value = BOCHURSTOTAL

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Give The Telephone Number In Telephone(textbox) Cell And View As Result The Name And Surname In Each Of The Cells?

Nov 14, 2010

I am using in a project and in one of my forms i added a datagridview(i am using Access database bytheway). In this datagridview i have 3 columns from the same data table(name, surname,telephone). My question is : "How can i give the telephone number in telephone(textbox) cell and view as result the name and surname in each of the cells? "

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VS 2010 Writing A String Back To A Datagridview Cell?

Nov 8, 2010

I've made a function to convert a number and fraction string eg. "22 7/8" to decimal. I've no problem pulling the data from the current row cell to pass through the function. Checked it via a temp textbox i put on the form. What i actuall want to do is pass it back to another cell on the current row. Tried a few things but having no luck. Here's the code of what works. The name of the cell i'm trying to pass the result back to is called "BaseDec".

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim fact As String


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DataGridView: Only Display Specific Length Of String In Column Cell?

Apr 24, 2012

I am using a list<of T> as a data source for a datagridview and would like to handle the draw event of the datagridview to evaluate the string length of the column cell. If larger than a particular number then I would just do something like

cell.value = string.substring(0,(whatever number I need it to be)).

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IDE :: Grids Contain Only Four Columns Each - Get The User To Be Able To Click On A Cell And Populate Four String Variables?

Nov 11, 2009

I am using Visual Basic.Net 2003 with an Access 2000 database.

An integral part of the program that i'm working on is a DataGrid which I am filling from three different queries, based on the user's input. The Grid properties are coded with specific requirements for each of the queries. I have two simple (hopefully) problems.

1) There is no scroll bar on the grid and I can't find a property or event that will allow me to add the Vertical Scroll Bar. How do I do that.

2) The grids contain only four columns each. I want the user to be able to click on a cell and populate four string variables.

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Sum\total A Bunch Of Cell Values Of An Unbound Column In A Datagrid To A Textbox String?

Dec 22, 2010

I was wondering the best method or code to Sum\total a bunch of cell values of an unbound column in a datagrid to a textbox string. this request is 100% not some student trying to get you guys to finish my project, this is purely for educational and personal information for myself. im new to

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How To Get Number From A String

Feb 8, 2010

I would like to get number from a string eg: My123number gives 123Similarly varchar(32) gives 32 etc

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How To Get Number From String

Aug 7, 2009

i 1 2 get number from string.

Ex: gsgfsg23sd ==> 23
sdfgdsf23dsf432 ==> 23432

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DGV Edit Mode, After Press ENTER To Move The Active Cell Into The Desired Cell?

Nov 29, 2011

in VB.NET DGVedit mode, after press ENTER to move the active cell into the desired cell, notdirectly move to the next line, how is it?

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Datagrid New Row Cell Validation - Validate Empty Text And Indicate Error On Cell?

Jun 1, 2010

The problem is that if you never enter anything into a cell for a new row then that cell is never validated. This is a problem because I have columns that should not be null. I am doing the check in the row level validation and storing the information about which cells are empty that should not be empty. The row level validation works fine and the row level validation error indicator goes on,(red exclamation mark at the beginning of the row) but I also need a visual indicator on the individual cells that are in error.

I am thinking that setting the HasError property for the cells that are in error should cause them to display n error style (the default red border). Is there a way to this this either from XAML (perferably) or from code?Alternatively I could cause those cells to re-validate when the row editing is finished. Does anyone know how to do this?

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Display The Column Header And Cell Value Of The Clicked Cell In The Data Grid?

Dec 1, 2011

I need to display the column header and cell value of the clicked cell in the data grid. For example if I click Argentina from the country column, the text box will display country = Argentina.So far the code I have is, please help me figure out the code for displaying the information in the text box

sender As


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C# - -copy A Formatted Cell In Excel To A Table Cell In Word Using .NET?

Apr 20, 2010

I'm attempting to copy cells, one at a time, from an Excel 2003 (or 2007) spreadsheet to a Word 2003 (or 2007) table. I'd like the code to be version-agnostic, and so am using late binding. The formatting of the contents of the Excel cell, such as color, underline, strike-through, needs to be preserved. My approach is to use a Word doc as a template. It has a table at the top which I can copy to the end of the doc, add rows as needed, and fill in the word table cells with the data from the excel spreadsheet. Unfortunately, all the formatting disappears. All I get is the text itself.

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DataGridView Cell Borders - Bottom Border Of The Cell Disappears?

Dec 23, 2011

Have this code so that when a checkbox in a column of my datagridview is checked, then the corresponding cell in column 2 (of the same row the check box is in) will turn blue with font color white.


I'd also like to add a line so that as well as the cell going blue, the bottom border of the cell disappears, so cellborderstyle = none.

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Implement The Use Of Enter Key When Entering Data And Moving From Cell To Cell?

Feb 17, 2009

I wanted to implement the use of Enter key when entering data and moving from cell to cell. How am i going to implement that?

For example:

Text Box 1: Date: 02/02/2009
Text Box 2: Name:

then after entering the date on the text box i wanted to move to Text Box 2using only the Enter key.

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Make DataGridView TextBox Cell A ComboBox Cell When It Has Focus

Dec 23, 2011

I have a DataGridView with several columns. One column is a TextBox column named "Status". This column can only show one of three values: 'Final', 'Ready', or 'No Reportable'. I want to have some code that would turn the TextBox cell into a ComboBox cell when the user left-clicks on the cell to allow the user to choose one of these three options. When the user clicks elsewhere or the cell loses focus I want the cell to change back to a TextBox cell.

Here is what I have so far, but the code throws an exception indicated below Plus, I don't think the code would remove the combobox when the cell loses focus.

Exception: "Provided cell does not belong to this DataGridView control."

Private Sub dgvCalculatedResults_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles dgvCalculatedResults.MouseDown
Dim ht As DataGridView.HitTestInfo = Me.dgvCalculatedResults.HitTest(e.X, e.Y)


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Office Automation :: Loop Through Excel Range Cell By Cell?

Oct 4, 2009

I have user form that copies data form on excel sheet to anther after the paste takes place.I need to perform a cleanup process. If the cell Value = N/A or the Cell formating is Strike thruIt need to1) Cut the Entire row 2) Shift the Row up3) Then paste the cut row into an anther sheet in the workbook

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Prevent Moving To An New Cell In Datagrid If The Current Cell Is Empty

Aug 2, 2011

I have a datagrid that will be accepting data from an external measuring device via the serial port. The grid is also open to editing records as well. Part of the process of making this grid user friendly is to intercept the "enter" key and move to the next cell until there is a value in the cell. This is only for some cells, other cells can be blank. I have worked out how to intercept the "enter" key from another post on this forum. Here is the code:


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