Allowing Only 1 Decimal "." In Textbox?

Jun 28, 2006

I am having trouble making it where if the user types more than one "." decimal they get a error msg or whatever. Mainly having problems coding the Character "."

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Form Decimal To Textbox, From Text Box To Decimal

Dec 21, 2010

1) One Decimal Varibale stores a decimal value

2) The value must be converted in string ( some time the comma is used as decimalplaceholder some time the dot)

3) the user modifies the value

4) i need to riconvert the string back in decimal

how can i do this


Variable 123.34D ----> textBox 123,34 or 123.34 -----> variable 123.34D

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Allowing Certain Types Of Characters For A Textbox?

Jun 25, 2010

I am creating a converter program (lengths, weights and such), basically just for the learning process because I still find myself very new to this.Well it's like this, I have a textbox where the user is supposed to write the value of the unit he/she wants to convert. As we all know there is a possibility to write in many weird strings which the program later on result in a big error. I recently managed to get rid of dots, because the program couldn't convert if there were a dot among the numbers "." (commas "," works great!). And now there are other types of errors I need to get fixed. I will make a short numeric list.

1. I wonder if it's possible to make dots "." to mean the same thing as a comma ",".

2. I also wonder if i could disable letters a-z or like -#@%&]?! and so on, i just want the basic 0-9 with a coma or dot.

3. I tried to make a Msgbox that tells the user when he/she has done an overflow, a number to big for the program to handle, for example [Observe the code is also trying to prevent the user from writing a minus "-":

If TextBox1.Text.Contains("-") Then
TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text.Replace("-", "")


The minus thingy works great, but the 9999999... code, it always creates problems so I have commented it out for now until I know how to handle it.

4. Even though I got rid of the dot "." problem, the user is still able to write more then one comma, and I also want to get rid of that. The code I use right now for the "disable dot problem" is:

If e.KeyChar = "," Then
If TextBox1.Text.IndexOf(",") > -1 Then


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Allowing Only Letters And Space Key In Textbox

Nov 3, 2009

I have a textbox and I need to restrict entry to only the letters A-Z , a-z and the space key. I know I need to use something like
If (Microsoft.VisualBasic.Asc(e.KeyChar) < 65) _
Or (Microsoft.VisualBasic.Asc(e.KeyChar) > 90) etc
with an e.handled at the end

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C# - Why Textbox Id Not Allowing To Start With Numeric In

Sep 7, 2010

I have to give textbox control id like below

<asp:TextBox ID="7_1" runat="server">

It is not allowing me. If I give

<asp:TextBox ID="Test7_1" runat="server">

Then it works fine. Why? Why can not give start with numbers?

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Only Allowing Integer And Backspace In A Textbox?

Mar 5, 2010

i am trying to make a program and i only want the user to be able to enter numbers and use the backspace this is my code so far.

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyPress
Dim allowedChars As String = "0123456789"


i have tryed adding "ascii char (08)" to the program but its not worked

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Allowing Only Numbers (not Letters) To Be Entered Into Textbox

Nov 15, 2009

I have a textbox which controls the interval of a Timer control. How do I filter out letters? Is it possible to restrict entry to numbers only (like if you enter a letter or a space, nothing happens)? Is there a property of the textbox that can accomplish this?

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C# - Validating An ASP.Net Textbox As Not Empty But Allowing Whitespace?

May 24, 2011

I have an ASP.Net 2.0 textbox which I need to be validated as having some content, but where whitespace alone is valid input. A required field validator seems to reject a pure whitespace input as invalid. A regular expression validator won't fire at all on empty content. Is there a simpler way round this than using a custom validator control?

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ErrorProvider Not Allowing Blank Date TextBox Field

Dec 31, 2009

I'm using the ErrorProvider in VB.Net (2005) which is associated with a BindingSource that is bound to a custom object that I have created. This custom object contains a date field that has a "Date" data type that. I am using a "TextBox" to bind the date field in my form. My issue is, whenever the TextBox loses focus and is blank, "String not recognized as a valid DateTime" is displayed by the ErrorProvider and the focus can't be changed to any other control on the Form. It's good that the ErrorProvider validates entries on Date fields by default (I didn't set up my custom object to display this particular error for the date), but it should allow blank values. I want the user to be able to have a blank date with no error message displayed. How can this be done using a Date field bound to a TextBox?

View 2 Replies - Adding Textbox To Modal Popup Stopped Allowing INSERTS?

Nov 14, 2011

I have a modal popup that allows an admin to choose from a variety of checkboxes to add features to a specific product. If there is a checkbox that an admin believes should be available but isn't because that feature is not in the database, I have added a textbox so that user can add a new feature to the product.

Once I added the textbox, it stopped allowing inserts. At first it was in the same If Else as the checkbox for each loop, but I have recently changed it so the textbox is in it's own for each loop. I have an underline under the words txtFeature.Text that says Value of type 'Char' cannot be converted to 'System.Web.UI.WebControl.Textbox.'

vb code:

For Each feature As ListItem In cbxAddFeature.Items
If feature.Selected Then
Dim strSQL As String = "INSERT INTO Marketing


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.net - Decimal.TryParse Is Failing On TextBox.Leave And TextBox.LostFocus?

Dec 22, 2010

I have a TextBox in a Windows Forms application in VB 2008 (.NET 3.5) where a user can key an estimate amount. I am allowing them to key dollars and cents, and I want to round to the nearest dollar. The original code had the rounding down when the data was written back to a table, and that worked fine - I have this code in a "Save" routine that fires when the user moves to a different screen or record:

Dim est As Decimal : Decimal.TryParse(txtEstimateAmount.Text.Trim, est)
Dim estimatedAmount As Integer = Math.Round(est)

I decided that it might be nice to actually do the rounding as soon as they leave the field instead, so they're not surprised when they reload the screen and find that 1822.60 is now 1823. So I took the exact same code and added it to the TextBox.Leave event handler. And the weirdest thing happened: instead of the variable est being populated with 1822.60 after the parse, it gets set to -1! What the...?

Debugging the handler shows that the value goes into the parser correctly, and if I do the parsing manually via the Immediate window, it parses correctly, but when I let the code do it, it invariably gets set to -1. What's even weirder is that any number gets parsed as -1, not just decimals, and any non-number gets parsed as 0 (which is correct).

Has anybody else ever run into this before? I tried moving the code to the TextBox.LostFocus event instead, but with the same results. I have no idea what in the heck is going on, and obviously there are workarounds galore for this, but it just makes no sense whatsoever.

EDIT: Here's the full event handler (current behavior for which is to put -1 in the TextBox):

Private Sub txtEstimateAmount_Leave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtEstimateAmount.Leave
' Take any dollars-and-cents amount and round to the nearest dollar
Dim est As Decimal


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.net - String.Format Decimal With Sign Fixed Number Of Decimal Places, No Decimal Separator?

Jun 27, 2012

What is the cleanest, most readable way to String.Format a decimal with the following criteria

start with a sign symbol (+ or -)
a fixed number of fraction digits
no decimal separator
right aligned
pre-padded with "0"'s

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Allow Only One Decimal Point In A Textbox?

Mar 5, 2009

Here is the code in C# to allow only one decimal point in a textbox:

if textbox5.text.contains(".") && e.keychar="."

I have to use it in VB.NET 2003 version, but I can't use the contains property. How can I do this?

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TextBox Convert It To Decimal?

Mar 28, 2012

I have a textbox aka TXT_Weighting in which I place a value of %.

If I put in a number 0 < number < 100, it works.

However, If I put in 100, I get this error: "error converting Data Type numeric to decimal"

The Database Field has the DataType of decimal(10,2).

I have tried converting it to decimal, string, int, float in the application, but once it saves, gives the same error.

I know it is because of the database field having the type as decimal. But I cant stop the entire application, just so I can change the data type of the field.

How do I save it without getting this error? How do I control it from the application?


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Textbox To Number With Decimal?

May 28, 2009

How to convert the textbox.text to a number with decimal points. Once the subroutine have been process, the numbers will be dispalyed on the textbox or label in a format with two decimal numbers.

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Allow Only 2 Digit After Decimal Point In TextBox?

Sep 18, 2009

validation for , allow only 2 digit after decimal point in TextBox in eg 150.25

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Decimal Places Control In TextBox

Jun 25, 2009

i am very sorry for the inconvnience. this is my first post... i have downloded this souces code version of (VB6) . i want to convert to 2005 or 2008[u]..... i think this function usefull for others also. i am try to develop Payment system. i will post it after complete. there are so meny controls. i need this one also add to my Payment System.... Text Box Keypress event is not compatibal with


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Limit Textbox Decimal Input In C#?

Jun 26, 2010

How can I make a textbox in which can be only typed a number like 12.00 or 1231231.00 or 123123

I've done this in a very long way and I'm looking for the best and fastest way.

Also the decimal separator must be culture specific.:


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Read A Decimal Value Via Maskedtextbox (or Textbox)?

Jan 22, 2011

In COBOL, I read a value (a currency amount with 2 decimal places, for example) via a picture clause (and a screen section, of course), like:



The tricky part here is, whenever the decimal sign key is pressed, the input procedure understands that the following number is to be displayed to the right of the decimal point (not left).

Now, I'm trying to do this in VB. Unfortunately, my all attempts failed with MaskedTextBox.

Do I have to hardcode this procedure in my program, or is there an easier way to get around this?

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Set As Default Two Decimal Place For Textbox?

Jan 28, 2009

1)How to set the textbox only allow (Numbers , No decimal)?

2)How to set as Default two decimal place for textbox?

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Show Amount Due Decimal In Textbox?

Oct 4, 2009

My problem is My AmountDueBox.text keeps showing my SubTotalDecimal. I want it to Show My Amount Due decimal (SubTotal + TaxDue - TradeInDecimal). I have text boxes displaying the various elements of the total along the way and they are all right except the final amount due. TotalDecimal- TradeInDecimal.

Public Class VBAutoCenter
'Declare Variables
Const SalesTaxDecimal As Decimal = 0.08
Const StereoDecimal As Decimal = 425.76
Const LeaterDecimal As Decimal = 987.41
Const CompNavDecimal As Decimal = 1741.23
[Code] .....

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Textbox Validation For Two Decimal Places?

Mar 2, 2010

I need to amend the code below to cater for only two Decimal places. Anyone know how i can do this?


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Validate Textbox 2 Decimal Places?

Mar 30, 2010

I currently have a calculation that gets performed based on the type of operation a user chooses on my form (+, -, *, or /). I have it check their answer against the correct answer and tell them if they get the answer right or wrong. I need to know how I can check the answer when they choose a division sign that checks only the first two digits of the lbltxtAnswer label. I also currently have a validation that checks for numbers only, so if the user types in a decimal, the error message displays, which I don't want it to do. Here is my calculation and validation [code]...

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Validate Textbox Allows Only Numeric And Decimal?

Aug 31, 2010

it should take either decimal values or integers and max length is 16if it takes decimal value as input then it should contain only 14 digits in decimal place and 2 digits in fraction part eg(1234567.12-valid) but (12345678.123 - invalid) and also(123456.12345- invalid)

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VS 2010 Only Allow 1 Decimal Point On Textbox

Feb 20, 2012

I got this class from another vb help forum and I'm using it for fields that accepts monetary values. Is there a way to incorporate a '1-decimal' point only rule?ATM, I can enter values like this: need to limit the number of decimal points used. (1.0000)[code]

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Change Format Of My Textbox Into Two Decimal Places?

Oct 29, 2009

How can i change the format of my textbox into two decimal places "#,###.00"

i used mask textbox and used this format 0,000.00 but i cant input more than 4 digits whole number

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Decimal To Binary Conversion And Display In Textbox?

Mar 7, 2010

I want to take more than one number separated by one space from txtDec textbox and display their binary form again separated by one space in txtBin textbox.

My code below ---
Private Sub DecToBin()
Dim i As Integer = txtDec.Text
Dim binary As String = Convert.ToString(i, 2).PadLeft(8, "0"c)
txtBin.Text = binary
End Sub

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Validate A Textbox Which Should Allow Only Numbers With Decimal Point?

May 11, 2010

I am developing windows application in, i have textbox which should allow only numbers with decimal point. for example "99.00"

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VS 2008 Textbox Formatting From Decimal To Integer?

Sep 12, 2011

In a textbox on my form, I have a value that loads in it that is something like "10.38 - 12.33"

I want it to where the textbox will display whole numbers only. So it will show "10 - 12"

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VS 2010 Format Textbox To 2 Decimal Places?

Nov 14, 2011

I am trying to format a textbox so it reset itself to 2 decimal place on leave.

So someone types in 10.899 and when they leave the textbox it will format to 10.90.

I have tried this: Textbox1.Text = String.Format("{0:n2}")

and I get this error:{"Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list."}

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