Alternative To Excel As ASP.Net Report Generator?

Oct 18, 2010

I use excel through to generate reports from a web page and then send the file down to the user. We've had some issues with Excel being super slow/inefficient/not closing (even when we keep track of the process id and try to kill it in code...). So I'm looking for some flexible alternatives. We need a replacement that can:

Allow for inidivdual cell formatting including borders (different settings on each side), background colors, font styles/coloring, etc...Allow for cell merging Allow for formatting (bolding in this case) of a portion of the text inside of a cell while leaving the rest of the text unchanged Image insertion/repositioning inside a cell (not crucial)Multiple Worksheets per Workbook.

These are all the features I can think of off hand, any help or suggestiong at alternative libraries to look at would be appreciated. We are running Excel 2007 on the server but we are rolling out Office 2010 to clients so I think that might open the doors for some more supported file formats.

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Selecting The Table At Run Time For Data Report Generator?

Sep 29, 2009

i know how to generate the Datareports through Data Environment by Firing a query

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Report Importing Into Excel

Jan 2, 2012

I have created a aspx page for displaying i would like to import into excel. The report format dispalyed will be

Employee Name:Mahesh Employee
Tertiaery Code A B C D E F G H
Brand C V B B N N N N

i am able to export information into excel.but the format is not in correspondence to report it is showing like

Employee Name EmployeeCode Tertiaery Code
Mahesh 03509033 A

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Make Excel Report Generation

Sep 3, 2009

I am working on an Excel report and I would like the top rows to be empty to allow for an image to be inserted. However, I do not want the image size to change the width of the columns and would rather the data below do that.

This is what I have so far:
If ComDset.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then


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Generate Excel Report From Access Database?

Aug 31, 2009

I am trying to generate an excel report where the data is coming from access database using VB.

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How To Embed Background Picture Into Excel Report In

Dec 12, 2011

I'm trying to embed a background picture into an Excel file. Assuming I have an Excel report (see f.csv) below, I open it as an Excel, embed the picture and then save.I found the following code in one of the websites. It's working but still there is a problem that it always ask me to confirm the overwriting of the file. I want to save it automatically without asking the user about it, but can't find if that's possible. below I tried "SaveAs" and "Save" but it always ask me to confirm overwriting.


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Use DataOnlyExcelFormatOptions To Export Crystal Report To Excel?

Oct 20, 2011

I'm trying to export a Crystal Report with the DataOnlyExcelFormatOptions option. But I stuck, the help is too pour and no running example available.If I use the ExcelFormatOption with the default option, the column order is completely messed up. From the DataOnlyExcelFormatOptions, the attribute might be interesting. But I am unable to find a running solution in VB.

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VB6 Starts Excel To Create A Report.On Several Cells?

Feb 17, 2009

I am converting a VB6 app to VB.NET The VB6 starts Excel to create a report.On several cells, the VB6 code does this:


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Adding A Rdlc Report To An Existing Excel File?

Jun 2, 2011

This may be a lengthy explaination, but I am hoping to make myself clear.I have an existing Excel file that is created using the following code:

Dim warnings() As Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.Warning = Nothing
Dim streamids() As String = Nothing
Dim mimeType As String = Nothing


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C# - Making A Dynamically Created Excel Report Downloadable?

Apr 6, 2010

I have 2 blocks of code, if someone could help me put them together I would get the functionality I am looking for. The first block of code downloads a gridview to excel using the download dialog I am looking for:

Public Overloads Overrides Sub VerifyRenderingInServerForm(ByVal control As Control)
' Verifies that the control is rendered
End Sub
Private Sub ExportToExcel(ByVal filename As String, ByVal gv As GridView, ByVal numOfCol As Integer)


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Creating A Multipage Excel Report In A Single Worksheet Using .Net?

Jun 4, 2010

I am creating a multipage excel report in a single worksheet using VB.Net. I need to display group header information at the top of every page. check whether a cell is the first cell of a page or not.

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Parse Text File And Create An Excel Report?

Oct 22, 2010

My application is supposed to parse a text file (relatively easy) and create an excel spreadsheet report. Should I write a stand alone VB.NET application that saves the excel file, or should I use VSTO? I am unsure if there are any differences in terms of ease of development, usability issues, API functions available, etc.Are there any other programming languages/interfaces/libraries that will allow me to rapidly develop an involved excel spreadsheet? I am talking about things like functions, graphs, etc.

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VS 2008 Embed Background Picture Into Excel Report In .NET?

Dec 12, 2011

I'm trying to embed a background picture into an Excel file. Assuming I have an Excel report (see f.csv) below, I open it as an Excel, embed the picture and then save.I found the following code in one of the websites. It's working but still there is a problem that it always ask me to confirm the overwriting of the file. I want to save it automatically without asking the user about it, but can't find if that's possible. See below I tried "SaveAs" and "Save" but it always ask me to confirm overwriting.

Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlWorkSheet As Excel.Worksheet


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Reference A Report Variable In The Report Properties Code Window Of A Local Report?

Apr 19, 2011

how I can reference a report variable in the Report Properties Code Window of a local report? I have tried Variables!Claimant.Value (for a variable called Claimant) but I get an error "Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference." I have tried qualifying it with Report. and also with the report name in front of it but I get errors with this also.I have the variable CLaimant defined in the Variables section of the Report Properties.

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Disable Excel Export Option When Generate A Report Via TReportViewer

Apr 19, 2010

How can I disable the Excel export option when I generate a report, via the ReportViewer, in my winforms application? In particular, I want to hide the toolbar button that refers to Excel output/export task, and not .the one that handles to the pdf export option.

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Produce A Excel File From A Certain Series Of Code That Could Be Use For Report Generation?

Dec 7, 2011

Is there a way in to produce a excel file from a certain series of code that could be use for report generation.

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Summarize And Group Access Data Records In Excel Report

May 25, 2009

I am looking to produce an Excel report from an Access database table. The data contains numerous records with fields for Site, Country, Region, Type and a Resolution Time. My problem is that each month the Sites change so I need to be able to write VB code within Access to read the database table and output 'Site' records for that month, grouped together along with the incident details for that site, e.g. The report would have the following headings:


As I will have over 30 different sites and these may change each month how do I loop through the data identifying each site and its associated field values? I have used the following code to open the data and loop through records printing to excel, but am stuck at grouping by site:

Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(sqlStat)
..... Do While Not rst.EOF
.cells(row, 1).Value = rst.Fields(0)
.cells(row, 1).Value = rst.Fields(1)
.cells(row, 1).Value = rst.Fields(2)...

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VS 2005 : Load Report Fail - Crystal After Excel Export?

Feb 8, 2010

Why I've choosen this forum (VB.Net) instead of Reporting is this seems not a matter of reporting. When I load the report normally, it works fine. When I export the report to Excel, it works fine again. After that when I tried to open the report again, it gives the error : "Load Report Failed" . I've to restart my application for make it work fine again.I'm using a Crystal Report Viewer control to load the report.

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VS 2005 Excel Automation - Insert A Page Break Into The Report

Oct 27, 2009

I am writing a report to an excel template and am trying to insert a page break into the report. Part of my code is included:

Imports msWE = Microsoft.Office.Interop

Dim Rnge As msWE.Excel.Range = excelApp.Range("A20:M20")
Dim excelApp As New msWE.Excel.ApplicationClass


Now the pagebreak code executes but it does nothing. Its almost as if it is being ignored. Also I have heard that using Microsoft.Office.Interop is not a good idea as it is slow and unstable.

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VS 2010 - Start Up Excel Spreadsheet Containing Crystal Report Info

May 28, 2012

I am exporting crystal reports information into an excel spreadsheet and now I am trying to open up excel so that the user can view the page but however I cannot SEE the excel file. in Task manager there is EXCEL.exe which shows that maybe excel opens up but the spreadsheet is not visible.

Imports CrystalDecisions.Shared
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop
Private Sub btnPrintExcel_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPrintExcel.Click
[Code] .....

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Replicating Table Rows In A Datatable Causes The Datatype In An Excel Output Report To Be Different?

Nov 3, 2010

I pull a report from SQL Server being not a fan of cursors I process that table server side in my code behind file. So I pull this report that is an address label report and my client wants there to be X number of labels per person. So I coded this function:

Private Function ProcessX(ByVal dt As DataTable, ByVal X As Integer) As DataTable
Dim dtProcessed As DataTable = dt.Copy


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Set The Column Width And Leave The Top 10 Rows Empty In Order To Insert An Image Into Excel Report?

Sep 3, 2009

How can I set the column width and leave the top 10 rows empty in order to insert an image into my Excel report?

Here is my code:

If ComDset.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
With Excel


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Close The Crystal Report Viewer And Pass The Parameter Again And Should Be Able To View Report Again?

Aug 15, 2011

When i pass the parameter and run the report it works fine as i close the form it closes the form is there any way so that i should be able to close the crystal report viewer and pass the parameter again and should be able to view report again.

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Print A Report Which Is Receipt Having Size 3 X 4 Cm But Unable To Resize Crystal Report?

Dec 30, 2010

I got a problem I want to print a report which is receipt having size 3 x 4 cm. i am unable to resize crystal report. i am using crystal report coming with visual 2008.

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Alternative To SQL CE?

Jul 15, 2010

I've created an app (VB.NET) where each installation of the app works with a single local database on the PC. No multiuser and no ability for the user to change databases - the database is effectively part of the app, with a fixed scema, only the data will change.At the moment the database is SQL CE. It has about 30 tables with some simple relationships between the tables.

I'm wondering if there is an alternative to SQL CE that might be faster in this scenario. Although SQL CE is excellent and easy to use, I get the feeling there is perhaps an unecessary overhead when using it for something simple - and it does seem a little slow when my app is doing complex stuff that interacts a lot with the DB. In my prototype I actually loaded the 'database' tables from text files into Arrays and developed subs and functions to perform the database searches etc. It was blindingly fast but I realised it wasn't a scaleable solution because it was an 'in-memory' database. A compromise would be to 'page' data into array when needed, but it all gets horribly complex and that's probably why some very clver people have created SQL CE !

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CrystalReportViewer1.PrintReport() - Record The Report Printed Report Serial Number - Date And Time To The Database

Apr 26, 2010

I created a button instead of the print button in crystal report because i need to record the report printed report serial number, date and time to the database. when i click on the button, dialog box appear. if i click on the ok button , system record the printed report details to the database and report printed successfully. but when i click on the cancel button , system again recording the printed report record.


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Crystal Report Not Loading - Get The Load Report Failed Notice

Jun 5, 2011

I have created an application using 2008 and for reports Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008 but the problem is, when I run the application in another machine away from developing box, I get the Load report failed notice. I don't have any idea on how I should approach this issue. I tried installing the CRRedist2008_x86 and CRRedist2005_x86 but still the problem won't go away.

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Display Data From Table In Report Footer Of Crystal Report?

Dec 2, 2010

I'm having a problem with my crystal report with regards to report footer. I want to display the data from the table, column name "Remarks" in report footer but when I try to call the data it doesn't show the remarks. I'm using VB 6 and mdb files as my back end. Is there any command or fundamental that I've missed?

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Generate Runtime Legent In Report Viewer Chart Report?

Mar 11, 2009

i have tride to generate report by using in built functions of report viewer. but it disply only the default color in to the legend. in my report i am showing chart report by using student marks and their name. the chrt bar color get changed as per the students marks means if student is pass then the the report bar display with green if failed then with red color i want to show the legend with student pass and fail status but on my x axis i have given a only a marks column value and it s showing only marks lable in legend but i want to show it with their status means pass with green color and fail with red color if anybody have the answer of this query plz reply immediatly

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Report Viewer - Custom Header On Every Page When Print Report

Jul 1, 2011

i want same custom header on every page when i print my report, how can i?

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