Application Settings File Locations

Dec 16, 2009

I want define where my application and user settings files will be located.I would also like to rename them.For example my project will have a number of folders located inside the application folder when deployed.One of those folders is labelled "Cfg" and i want my application settings files to be saved in there.This is including the user settings, i dont want to localize the user settings file as is done automatically (at least not at this stage).

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Acceptable Application Folder Locations?

Jan 29, 2009

My application may be run by a number of different users and needs to be able to read and write to the same filles irrespective of what user is logged on to the PC.What is an acceptable location to store these files?i.e. a folder that has read/write permissions set as default.

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Move The Mouse To Different Locations In Another Application?

Feb 11, 2012

How can I move the mouse to different locations in another application. Currently, I used HDC and HWND to get my window's handle. (Also FindWindow). So, is it possible to like MouseMove(HDC, 5,5)?

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.net - Read A Settings Value From The Web.config File In An ASP.NET Application?

Aug 18, 2010

I'm trying to use the following command:

Dim xmlFilePath As String = _

to retrieve the following setting:

<setting name="XmlFilePath" serializeAs="String">


However, xmlFilePath shows up as Nothing after that line of code is run.

What's the correct code to get a setting out of the web.config file in an ASP.NET application?

NOTE: Although you can add keys individually to the <appsettings> tag, I'm trying to figure out how to use it with the "Settings" tab in the project's properties.

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Application Settings - File Has The Default Colors?

Oct 21, 2009

Using VB2008 Express and I have a group box and in Propities|application Settings I have the backcolour set so that it is saved when the program closes. I have noticed in the "Settings. settings" file it has the default colours, but how do I get them?

<Setting Name="GroupBox1" Type="System.Drawing.Color" Scope="User">
<Value Profile="(Default)">235, 235, 235</Value>

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Emulate The Application.settings File's Ability?

May 9, 2011

if there was a way to emulate the application.settings file's ability to do something like the following:

If I add an item to the settings file editor say Variable1 with a a value of "foo"

I can then go to my.settings.default. (and at this point) Variable1 is item that is an option after I type the '.'

Is there a way to do this for a collection? To where I have

Collection1. (and when I press '.' the name of an item would show up?)

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How To Put Application Settings In An External App.config File Using V

Mar 10, 2009

I have been searching and posting regarding this problem and have found nothing to aid me. Discussion is either on web.config files or deal only with external files for connection strings or earlier versions of not 2008.I have already successfully put connection strings into an external config file, but trying the same approach with application settings has failed.There are two sections of the app.config involved with application settings.

1. the configuration and config sections at the top of the config. file where the section group and the section name are described.

2. the actually data for the application settings by section group section name which appears in the body of the configuraton section of the app.config.[code]

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Save Settings In Same Folder Of Application Is In .INI File

Apr 30, 2011

How do I save my settings in the same folder of my application is in .INI file.[code]And how do I delete the app.config folder in the AppData Local dir?Because what I noticed is.. It creates new folders everytime I release a new version of my application.It doesn't consume much space though but still it creates new folder corresponding to the application version.

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Application.Settings VB 2005 - Save Arrays Using The Settings System Object

Jan 14, 2009

I just wondered if you can or can't save arrays using the settings system object. There seems to be no way of entering it at designtime. It seems implied you cannot create new user settings.subobjects at runtime. I'm looking to find the easiest way to save a populated array of PictureBox's. If the only way is a self/custom made/managed .ini file then I need to know so i can start on that but I was hoping to use some of all this phaff in the new frameworks usefully.

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How To Maintain Application Modified Settings In The Settings Files After A Program Update

Sep 8, 2009

Is there a way to maintain application modified Settings in the settings files after a program update? i.e. I have 10 or so values in the settings file and the users can modify them... when I send a program update they revert back to what I initially programmed them to be.

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Change The Default Path Of Settings File For The Application When Installing?

Jul 27, 2010

how to change the default path of settings file for the application when installing??and where I need to change in application so that the application takes this file as setting file for itself (means it do not search in default location )

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Application.restart After Doesn't Load The New Settings

Feb 8, 2008

i have created a user setting named 'setmeup' as string, scope = user, value = "magical meow meow!".in my code i access it and assign it a new value like = "howdy cowboy!" the application restarts, i expect the my.settings.setmeup = "howdy cowboy!" but when i check its contents its still "magical meow meow!".but when i use application.exit() instead of application.restart() and manually restart the program, my.settings.setmeup = "howdy cowboy!" which is correct.what must i do? i want to use application.restart() because i don't want the users to double-click the icon again to start the program. i want the program to restart automatically.

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VS 2008 Having A Ini Type File So My.settings Don't Get Over Written When Load Newer Versions Of An Application?

Aug 23, 2009

how I can go about having a ini type file so my.settings don't get over written when I load newer versions of my application?

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Comparing Characters At Different Locations In A File?

May 2, 2009

My card program generates a text file AllCards.txt - I want to know when the first character in this file is identical to the 3rd, 5th, 7th, or 9th. In this case I would need A (1st char) checked against the 5 (3rd char), 5 (5th char), 7 (7th char) and 8 (9th char).


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User Interface For Various File Locations

Sep 11, 2009

I have a generic question regarding file paths and user interfaces. I am trying to build a user-interface to accommodate various file locations. I typically build interfaces which deal with files on drives. As such, I use a directory tree for this. I usually work with files on local drives. However if I wanted to ensure that all file locations were dealt with I would want to ensure that I was accommodating files in all drives (local, network, mappped etc.). I am assuming that the treeview would support all of these drive option.

However if the files are on a sharepoint site or in some other type of enterprise content system, then am I correct to assume that these file paths will be URLs? If so, then am I correct to assume that a directory tree is not the correct control to use for these locations? Should I be providing a textbox to the user and prompting them to enter this URL? Or is it better to have the URL loaded into a ListView or ListBox (i.e. "My Connections") and then provide these as options via a dropdown box. I am trying to picture a typical user interface. Is it a directory tree AND a text box/dropdown box.

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Program To Store X Number Of File Locations?

Apr 25, 2011

As things are now, I need my program to store x number of file locations. My first approach was to use an array, however as i do now know how many files there will be, i am forced to use redim preserve. That is not very effective and I have therefore started using a StringCollection.

or is there some smart way to store these paths, that I have overlooked?

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Open File Dialog Not Showing Network Locations

Jun 3, 2009

I am doing setup project in VS 2008. I used custom action to select file from local drives. On the button click of custom action form, I am launching Open file dialog as ofdGetNetPath.ShowDialog When I run the setup on Vista, and click the button to open the openFileDialog, it hanged, form becomes non responsive and I have to cancel the setup.

on debugging I got following error "Current thread must be set to single thread apartment (STA) mode before OLE calls can be made. Ensure that your main function has STAThreadAttribute marked in it. This exception is only raised if a debugger is attached to the process."

so I used the following code:

Dim ofdThread As Thread ofdThread = New Thread(New ThreadStart(AddressOf ShowOpenFileDialog)) ofdThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA) ofdThread.Start() Private Sub ShowOpenFileDialog() Me.ofdGetNetPath.ShowDialog() End Sub

now on button click, OpenFileDialog is shown but it is not showing Mapped drive or Network location... what should I need to do to show the mapped drive or network locations?

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VS 2010 Parse A Html File For Image Locations?

Mar 15, 2011

I am using this code to parse an html file for image locations:

Dim htmlDoc As String = IO.File.ReadAllText(path, System.Text.Encoding.Default)
Dim Regex As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("img.*srcs*=s*(?:""(?<1>[^""]*)""|(?<1>S+))")


How would I change the regex string so that it leaves off everthing from the img to the src=, so that I'm just left with what's in between the quotes? Note that sometimes there is stuff between "img" and "src=" and sometimes there is not.

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Copy A File To 3 Locations, The Local Hard Disk, A USB Drive?

Jun 5, 2011

I have a program that must copy a file to 3 locations, the local hard disk, a USB drive, and a network location. I have the file (about 70mb) loaded into a byte array. My quesion is, since I'm not actively modifying the byte array, can I impliment a form of multithreading where all 3 threads read the same byte array at the same time?

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Need Assistance With Method Of Converting To Specific Column Locations To A File

Aug 21, 2009

I am looking for any assistance on the best method to accomplish this task. I need to take a comma delimited text file, load it into memory, and then grab indevidual columns of data and export them to a file.[code]I need to for this project I ma working on grab ALL of COL C for example and export it and the data to that column to a file. Can someone provide me with assistance on the best and easiest method on doing this? I know I can do it with a lot of parse text's and many methods of using a listbox or arrays but I'd like to explore some options.

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VS 2010 - My.Settings - Can't Find File Which Reflects Changes To User Settings

Apr 15, 2011

1. I can't find the file which reflects changes to user settings. This might be because I just can't find it (I can see a bunch of user.config files but they are all empty - weird!), or...

2. I'm not actually saving them when I think I am.

Regarding 2. - do I need to invoke

Is this all I need? And if so, why are my user.configs empty?

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Open File Dialog Not Showing Network Locations And Mapped Drive?

Jun 3, 2009

I am doing setup project in VS 2008. I used custom action to select file from local drives.On the button click of custom action form, I am launching Open file dialog...asofdGetNetPath.ShowDialogWhen I run the setup on Vista, and click the button to open the openFileDialog, it hanged, form becomes non responsive and I have to cancel the setup.on debugging I got following error"Current thread must be set to single thread apartment (STA) mode before OLE calls can be made. Ensure that your main function has STAThreadAttribute marked in it. This exception is only raised if a debugger is attached to the process."

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VS 2008 Settings Are Read From App.config Instead Of Settings-file

Oct 30, 2009

I have created a settings-file for my plug-in-based app. When the mainApp writes the settings to the file, the pluginApp should read the settings from the settings-file (when opening or at runtime even better), but somehow it reads the settings from the app.config-file. This means that the pluginApp never will read the settings according the values of the file.

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Change The Default Settings In The My.Settings By Writing "Application.startuppath"?

Jan 19, 2010

I recently made an application which have some settings one of them a saving path

I want to make check if the saving path settings is available or not (drive)

If not so it got a default value which is application path

I tried to Change the default settings in the My.Settings by writing "Application.startuppath"But the application accept it as a string is there any way do dodge this problem?

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Save Application Settings But For USER But Cannot Find The User.config File

Aug 7, 2009

in i am trying to save application settings but for USER but i cannot find the user.config file

when does this file get created?

i searched my entire hardrive. i also searched the entire project.

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VS 2008 Using 'Settings File' (Settings1.settings)

Aug 5, 2009

I saw that you can also use a "Settings File" (Add new Item)to add your settings instead of the application settings. But I can't seem to write any values to the file. Someone with experience with the "Settings1.settings"?

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Make A "user.settings" File Or Something Similar That Stores Information For Application?

Jul 16, 2010

I am looking to make a "user.settings" file or something similar that stores information for my application. I'm not sure how I would read a text file per line and do something depending on what it says.

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Save A Collection Of Key/value Settings In My Application's "user Settings"?

Apr 14, 2008

I'm trying to save a collection of key/value settings in my application's "user settings" (they're column widths), but while I see no errors, when I run the code (in the IDE) my collection in "My.Settings" is always nothing at startup. I do a "My.Settings.Save" when the application exits, and barring the "serializers not found" errors in the IDE, no other errors occur. When I run my application as an exe, it behaves the same way..

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.net - Store Application And User Settings Of An Application Running With Multiple Instances?

Jul 12, 2011

Which is the best way to store application and user settings of an application running with multiple instances?My problem is that using the vb's "Application Settings" one instance would overwrite the other one.I want to identify each instance with a number passed via command line argument. I could use this number to identify the appropriate settings of the running instance, but I see in a local INI o XML file a better way to handle that.

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.net - Application Settings Scope - User Vs Application?

Apr 13, 2012

If I create a user level application setting and bind it to a text box on a form, then type something in the textbox, the value is automatically saved and when the application is launched again the value appears in the textbox. This doesn't happen when I scope the setting as application.

Why are application scoped settings not saved automatically like user scoped settings are?

If this is by design, how can I manually save these settings and load them at runtime?

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