Calculator - MaskedTextBox Format Error

Dec 2, 2011

I am working on a mortgage payment calculator that has three user input textboxes (amount, interest, term). The interest input is a MaskedTextBox masked to (00.0). The issue I have is that if the MaskedTextBox is has no user input when the calculate button is selected then I get the error "FormatException was not handled" "Input string was not in the correct format", I highlighted the section in the code below. I'm quite positive the error stems from the MasketTextBox mask of 00.0, the decimal I believe causes the issue when no other data is entered.


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Format A TextBox Like A MaskedTextBox?

Sep 21, 2011

After experimenting around with DevExpress controls and adding them to my form, Custom mask do not seem to work on the MaskedTextBox. If I place a custom mask and debug, I get a null reference exception.

It seems to be the maskedTextBox's mask property that is doing this. I have tried setting the mask through design and by code. However, neither way works.

My question is, is it possible to use a TextBox as a maskedTextbox? To be able to format it? I need the user to enter in hours, minutes, seconds like hh:mm:ss or 00:00:00.

Here's the error I get:

"NullReferenceException was unhandled. Object reference not set to an instance of an object."


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Format The MaskedTextBox Control?

Mar 17, 2009

I am creating a WinForms application using VS.NET 2005, VB.NET, and SQL Server 2000. My problem is the MaskedTextBox control. I can successfully insert the value in an SQL Server table column as smalldate such as 3/17/2009, but it displays as 31/72/009.

I tried the following with no success:mskLastPayment.Text = Format(rdr!LastPayment).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")mskLastPayment.Text = rdr!LastPayment.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")mskLastPayment.Text = CType(rdr!LastPayment.ToString(), DateTime).ToShortDateString

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MaskedTextbox - How To Format Number

May 11, 2011

What can I do when we need to write in maskedtextbox this format
like : 0.00
result : 1235422.10
first level any digits
second level just 2 digits

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Set Maskedtextbox To A Currency Format?

Sep 16, 2007

Does anyone know how to set the maskedtextbox to a currency format that actually works? I have set the mask to $999,999.00 but the user input looks like this 120,0 instead of this 12.00. It seems like the maskedtextbox would be able to handle this type of input without using the keypress events to alter the text.

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Getting Error While Validating MaskedTextBox From Module?

Mar 30, 2011

For two days I have been looking for a way to enable button when MaskedTextBox is completed but no luck.The button does get enabled but not until you type(hit) a key after all characters(numbers) have been entered.To work around this, I adding two different events for the MaskedTextBox like the example below.

Private Sub MaskedTextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MaskedTextBox1.TextChanged
'If MaskedTextBox1.MaskCompleted Then


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Weekly Payment Calculator - 'format Exception Was Unhandled'

Jul 28, 2009

My code is not working it highlights this intHoursWorked = Convert.ToInt32(strHoursWorked) when i run the program and says 'format exception was unhandled' ? Someone said to just initialize the value of lblleftoverminttl ,txtttlminworked, intHourlyPayRate but im not sure what that means?

Here is the rest of my code:

Public Class Form1
' Weekly pay for an hourly employee

Private Sub btnWeeklyPay_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


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Error On Calculation Of Double Type Input From MaskedTextbox In .net?

Jun 30, 2012

im calculating fare amount from 2 masktextbox mtxA and mtxB, i use the format 0000.00 ,, i was able to convert all prompt char values from mtxA and turned them into really zero but however it doesnt do the same on mtxb, though ive used similar code.. so my flow should be: whatever i values i put on mtxA.. on its textchange,its current value should be also put to mtxB plus an additional of 200.00

as an example : if i put on mtxA = 0030.00
mtxB = 0230.00 should be the display

but what is shows on me is mtxB = 2300.00 and also if i save it on the database .00 is not added, tired fixing this so i try to use textbox instead of maskdtextbox, what i did is put lots of conditions and function on keypress to have the same format 0000.00 but i failed because everything on my code mess up whenever the user tried to edit the text according to textbox current position..check textbox.text current length from 0 to before the cursor location...but i dont know what code i should use to get the length..

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Use MaskCompleted On A MaskedTextBox To Display Error If Box Is Left Empty On Submit?

Mar 22, 2011

This May sound strange but I have about 10 Visual Basic book, including two references that don't explain this property. It is mentioned but there are not examples as to how to use it.

I just came across this property MaskCompleted but I am not sure how to apply it so that MaskedTextBoxes are not left empty or a message is generated.

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Convert To String Error On GPA Average Calculator?

Feb 26, 2010

GPA 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 through 4.0 alredy entered in a listbox in propertiesradFemale, radMale, btnCalc btnExit: lblMale, lblFemale, lblAll to store averages. There are no text boxes.Please look at my code and tell me what I'm missing.... I'm sure it has something to do with the listbox...

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Option Infer Off


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Geting Error Message While Trying To Make A Calculator

Apr 15, 2009

I posted this in the wrong part of the forums. Using visual basic 2008 and keep geting this message whenever I try and test this calculator program I've been mucking around with for the past 2 hours.


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VS 2010 - Error - Create A Basic BMI Calculator App

Nov 16, 2010

I just switched to VS 2010 for Windows phone 7 developement... I am trying to create a basic BMI calculator app...This is what I have now...


However I have these errors which are as below





Did I forget to declare something? This does not happens when I am using the divide and multiply in VS 2008.

Error Screenshot as attached below...

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Calculator Program - Blank Field Shows Error

Mar 8, 2011

I'm doing a simple calculator program calculating Pennies, Nickels, Dimes and Quarters. I made a Try-Catch statement so that if the user enters letters into the text boxes, they get an error message. However, if the user leaves one field blank, the error message still pops up. What's the code so that I can get Visual Basic to recognize that an empty field is the same as 0 so that that message doesn't pop up? [Code]. What do I need to add to it to get that Error Message to stop showing when the user doesn't enter a value into one of the text boxes?

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VS 2010 Wage Calculator Error For New VB2010 Student?

Dec 21, 2010

I'm having an issue trying to get a wage calculator to recognize an overtime formula. The calculator has to have the overall function of figuring the gross pay, Federal Tax Withheld (15%), and the net pay based on the hourly wage and hours worked for the week. The issue I am having is the wage * 1.5 entry (underlined) where it sates it is not an array or a method and cannot have an argument list. If anyone can take a look at this for me and guide me as to why this error keeps coming up and what I can do to make sure it doesn

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VS 2010 - Debug - Code For A Payroll Calculator - Gives Me My Own Error Message Box

Feb 3, 2012

I have written the below code for a payroll calculator. When I run the program, it gives me my own error message box no matter if my number of hours fall within the 5-60 hours range as I have stipulated. Is there something wrong with my code? (well, obviously there is something wrong--I just cant find it!)


'This program calculates the Gross and Net Pay as well as the Tax Deduction amount of an employee's wages when given the input of Employee Name, Tax Rate, Hours Worked, and Hourly Pay Rate.


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IDE :: String.Format Giving Error - Input String Was Not In A Correct Format

Sep 14, 2011

var queryString = string.Format("filename={0}&filestream={1}&append={2)", fileName, Convert.ToBase64String(b, 0, bytesRead).ToString(), 1);

above line of code giving error 'Input string was not in a correct format.'

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VB2008 Calculator - Error "expression Is Not An Array Or Method And Cannot Have An Argument List"

Oct 28, 2009

I am getting two errors for "expression is not an array or method, and cannot have an argument list," When debugging, the formula works quite well. However I will lose points for blue squiggly lines. I am not allowed to use any built in functions like math.


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IDE :: Error "File I/O Error:the Given Path's Format Is Not Support. Delete _vbsnipup Directory And Try Again" Arise While Upgrading

Nov 12, 2010

When i upgrading visual basic 6.0 code to VB2008 by the tool of visual studioïTool->upgrade visual basic 6 code, an error arose.The following is the error message: "File I/O error:the given path's format is not support. Delete _vbsnipup directory and try again."

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Sql - Date Format Error In .net?

Apr 19, 2010

I get this error when I run the application Incorrect syntax near 12, on debugging I found that this error is caused due to the # along with the date. Dim backdate as datetime backdate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)

on binding the data to the grid to filter the backdate records this error is caused Incorrect syntax near 12.

myqry = " select SRNO,SUBJECT,ID where datesend =" backdate Now i am trying to extract only the date or shall I divide the date into day , month and year with DATEPART and take into a variable or convert the date or what should i do

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Error In A Part Of The Date Format. [ Expression (if Known) = ]?

Aug 14, 2011

I am trying to save date in my database' datetime field.My variable catches date as

vrDteTimePprBgn As Date = Today.Date
then I save it as

drNewRowMCQsAns.Item("DTE") = vrDteTimePprBgn

At runtime, I get error .There was an error in a part of the date format. [ Expression (if known) = ]

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.net - Error: Input String Was Not In A Correct Format

Jan 31, 2011

I have written the following code:

Dim E_ID As Integer
E_ID = Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString("ID"))

But when it executes, I always get a FormatException:

error: Input string was not in a correct format.

What could be causing this?i am sending value like this.

Protected Sub lnkPrint_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lnkPrint.Click
lnkPrint.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return openBadgeReportPage('" + ddEvent.DataValueField + "','" + ddType.DataValueField + "')")
End Sub
End Class

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Difference In Date Format Causes Unexpected Error

Feb 4, 2009

Ok so i have a date time picker that holds a date that was entered by a user. My program works fine when ran on a computer using English(US) regional settings, but when i take it to a computer running any other regional settings, I.E. English(UK), which is the 2nd most common regional settings that will find its way to this program, I recieve an error because the Date format is backwards. What i'm curious about is how can i grab the system Regional Date format in order to rearrange my Date to fix its context?

I know that since the date is stored as a string i'm going to do something along the lines of this to break it apart:

Dim temp()
temp = Split(inputarray(7), "/")
inputarray(7) = temp(1) & "/" & temp(0) & "/" & temp(2)

i am almost 100% sure the above code will take a date in MM/DD/YYYY format and rearrange it to DD/MM/YYYY format.

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Error - Input String Was Not In A Correct Format

Jun 26, 2011

I have a multi-line textbox and split each of the lines. Now I am trying to use each of these lines so that I can write them to a file and center them. But there is an error that says "Input string was not in a correct format."

Here is my

Dim myParas As Object
Dim Titlelines As Integer
myParas = Split(TextBox4.Text, vbNewLine)
Titlelines = (UBound(myParas) + 1)


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Forms :: Error When Trying To Check For String Format?

Jul 28, 2009

I have encountered this error Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'System.IFormatProvider'. when i try to use a "if" statement to check for a certain string format in a the text of a string.heres the code i have done:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnInsert.Click
Dim unit As String = txtUnit.Text


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Input String Not In Correct Format Error

Oct 20, 2009

I am trying to cast a string to decimal and I keep getting the above error. The problem is is there is a value in the text box, it works but if the textbox is empty, it generates this error.[code]...

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Input String Not In Correct Format Error?

Feb 12, 2009

I keep getting the following error: "Input String was not in correct format" and it relates to the following line of code:

objRow1 = objDataSet.Tables("tblStudent").Rows.Find(selA)
I cannot grasp why this error keeps occuring. I have definately used this format (i.e. dataros = dataset.tables("tablename").rows.find(something)) elsewhere and have had no


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Input String Was Not In A Correct Format Error?

Oct 5, 2011

how would I fix the error Input string was not in a correct format error in this function?

Function smallnumber() As Integer
Dim small As Single
Dim smallest As Single


do i have to convert it to something else or what?

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Old Format Or Invalid Type Library Error In .net

Jan 9, 2008

Iam getting an error "Old format or invalid type library" when im running the .net application in systems(pc) having MS Office 2000 versions.and im not getting any errors for higher versions like 2002,2003 etc.This error im getting when exporting to Excel.And i tried the following link [URL] Then also im getting same error.

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There Was An Error In A Part Of The Date Format [ Expression (if Known) = ]

Aug 14, 2011

There was an error in a part of the date format [ Expression (if known) = ]

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VS 2005 Error : This File Is Not In The Standard ZIP Format 2.0

Aug 6, 2010

i have usied ICSharp.dll for zipping my sucessfullyzip the folder but when i try to unzip file manually it shows me error " this file is not in the standard ZIP format 2.0"

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