Can't Add Row To Local VB Sql Database

Mar 8, 2012

When I try to insert a row into my table I am getting a couple errors.

The primary key is set it auto increment. I tried to add the same row two different ways and after seeing the errors I am lost.

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DB/Reporting :: Copy A Table From A Network Database To A Local Database

Mar 30, 2008

I am trying to copy a table from a network database to a local database. I used DAO and could check if the network table existed using a function that tried to assign a TableDef object to the table in question. If there was no error then I assumed that the table existed and the function returned true...Or it would error out and return false.I could then proceed with the copy or not as the case may be.I am converting the code to and need to know how to check for a table. [code]

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VS 2008 Local Database Versus Service-based Database?

Jul 5, 2009

What is the difference between a local database and a Service-based database? I read the MSDN and searched the Inet.

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Connecting To A Local Sql Database

Apr 6, 2012

I am trying to make make a database in but I am having troble I want to have a form that a user could add and edit columns and rows to the tables in my database. Now a sevice based database would not work on my computer because i did not know how to set up the correct sql sever for 2008 so I used a Local SQL database i have tried to write some code to connect to it.

i will need further help on try to add the controls to edit the database but i will attempt that befor eposting for help. so here is my connection code i am trying to use a data grid to alow the data base to be edited.

also do I need to add the QNA table to data souces for it to be accessed ?[CODE...]

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New Winform App With Local Database

Feb 26, 2009

I have some scripting exp in html, bash, sql, and am working my way through a video tutorial of VB, studio2008 and access 2008 are the apps, though I am thinking of switching to a freel sql application, as my sql skills are pretty decent, just need to rap them into VB.I am working on creating a winform application that will live on an employee's local laptop, that can be used for tracking troubleshooting incidents. The app will write data to local database first independent of internet connection, but can then upload changes to case data that have taken place since last sync, to the current web addressed server. Presently, we access case data through browser, but it is slow, and very tedious, and my idea is to create a stand alone app that can hopefully automate a lot of the tedious functions.. ie create cases from templates, etc..

So far, I created a layout that I thought would work well, by dragging and dropping from tool bar in Visual studio. I also created a database that can store data locally in access. Now, I am trying to figure out how to bind text boxes, month calendars, etc to the actual fields in the database. I am here for general advice, but specifically, I have a tab with a month calendar tool, and a data-grid view beneath it. I want the user, to be able to select dates, or date spreads on the calendar and have cases relative to those dates, display in the datagridview below.[code]and have the month calendar utility populate the case_dttm portion of the query.

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Writing To A Local Database?

Jan 27, 2011

I'm currently under way with a computing project for 6th form and I have encountered a problem when working with a local database.

To give an overview:

-My program is intending to take in data on lorries, drivers and other sections of the haulage industry through multiple forms and afterwards be returned in a suitable manner.

-I have no trouble in reading data from my database that I have set up. However I am unable to write back to the database.

-I can add the relevant new data to either the specific table(Driver_Table in this case) of the Database1DataSet.xsd or to a table set up in this manner.

-My problem is with the Driver_TableTableAdapter.update method.

-When I call this it returns a value of 1 (for one row added) but does not write this to the database.

In specifics the particular section (created to test this section of code) is:

'Dim tbl As New Database1DataSet.Driver_TableDataTable
' Driver_TableTableAdapter1.Fill(tbl)


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Add A New Record To A Table In Local Database?

Jun 21, 2010

I've been trying for hours to do this and can't figure it out.. I'm trying to add a new record to a table in my local database.. Heres the SQL code im using at the minute.. I keep getting this error

"The data was truncated while converting from one data type to another. [ Name of function(if known) = ]" on the line
SQLCom.ExecuteNonQuery() Dim SQLCon As New SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection
Dim SQLCom As New SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand


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Displaying Data From A Local Database?

Oct 27, 2009

i have managed to add a database to my project its kind of a client database tells me their first, second name, email, date they last called etc etc anyway everything works fine it allows me to add, delete edit etc no problems.What i wanna do is on my main form i have a DateTimePicker1 if i select a date on the DateTimePicker1 how can i make it display last client calls in a RichTextBox?


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Local And Remote Database Sync

Dec 5, 2009

I'm posting this in the as I will be using visual studio to perform the task. So here is what I am trying to achieve or at least achieve it more efficiently than what I am doing now.

So I have two identical database setups, both with a table , let call it table tblUsers. The local database is edited through and is a Access database. The second database is hosted on a remote server and is a MySQL databse.

Currently I have no problem connecting and editing either database through I'm using OLE DB to connect and handle the Access database and ODBC 5.1 to connect and handle the MySQL database.

Here is what I would like to do:

User opens the program Presses the "update local" button

The program updates the local database to whatever the remote database is The user uses the program to edit fields in the local database

When done, the user presses the "Update remote" button and the remote database fields that have been edited with the program in the local database will be updated to the remote database.

Currently, the only way for me to do this is to go line by line in a for next and use a command builder to compare each field and update that way.

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Open A Connection To A Local Database?

Jun 22, 2010

I'm trying to a open a connection to a local database and no matter what I try it just won't work (I'm pretty new to SQL Server and VB for that matter) I tried using 'sqlconnection' with different connection strings but none of them worked or gave me any useful error messages so I tried using 'OleDBConnection' instead, this hasn't worked either and it gives me this error instead:"A first chance exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in MyProgram.exe"

Here is the code I am currently trying:

Private Sub MemDetailsSearch_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
ConnectionString = ("Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data Source = Database.sdf")
DataConnect = New OleDbConnection(ConnectionString)


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Sharing Database In Local Network?

Jun 23, 2010

I have created an application using Visual Basic .NET, the application use an access data base which must be shared in server of a local network. The problem is when I run the application in a client machine (connected to the network) I can't connect to the data base.In the same machine the connection work which it's not the case when I change the location of the base to: Data Source="serverIPAdress/DataBase.mdb"

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SQL Wont Connect To Local Database?

Apr 29, 2010

Normally i dont use MSsql databases but i was wondering how it works. A friend of mine told me its almost the same as as using MySQL well i can tell its not.I'm used to use mysql in but i don't get this local sql database to work.Where does it go wrong after checking allot of things it going wrong at opening the connection.I will show you in 2 code blocks what i actually do.First of all i create a SQL class so i don't have to write alot of code over and over. (remember the class ain't finish but its enough to make a connection)(local Database used and iam working in VS2010 Ultimate)


The program should do nothing except showing some data out of the database in a textbox at moment. Like i said before already i know for sure its going wrong at opening the connection.The database doesn't have a password.

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Vb Express Not Updating Local Database?

Mar 13, 2012

i'm using a copy of visual basic express for my home projects. i'm just started one that is needing a local database, so i added one to the project and created the tables with with colums no problems.

i created an 'Admin' user straight into the database and use that to log in. i have also created an a form so that you can add other users and view existing users in a datagrid view.

the original source code i used was supplied in on this forum page:


its all well and good, and works fine, right up to the point when i shut the program down and then re-open it the next day, all the users i created the previous day arent there anymore.

the code for creating the users is this :

Dim con As SqlCeConnection = New SqlCeConnection(My.Settings.Database1ConnectionString)


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Populate Local Database Table With Remote Server Database Table ?

Aug 11, 2012

I am having a remote server it has INVENTORY DATABSE , and also iam having same databse in my local system. I want to populate by local database table with my Remote database table through code by click a button. How to do this .

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Backing Up Database From Remote Server To Local

Mar 25, 2010

I am making a VB.NET application that can download/backup the database that is currently on a remote server. I have Remote Server IP,Username,Password and Database name. I am also able to connect to it. But I don't know what to do after connecting to it. I don't know what all files are need to be backed up. (I think database and log file both must be backed up, I am not sure).

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Connect To Mysql Database Which Is Online And Not Local

Jun 5, 2011

Well i somehow failed to use the search on this site. How do i connect to an online mysql database via VB.NET? I did lot's of search the past few days Could not find my answer.

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Local Database Connection/Data Extraction?

Mar 23, 2012

I've been looking over a bunch of code snippets and I'm just not understanding what is going on there.anding the connection, reading/manipulation, and closing pI keep reading all about these DataAdapters, Ole and Sql and Sqlce and I don't know which to use or whatever.I made a database in VB.NET 2010 that came out as database.sdf and I selected the Local Database option (I assume this is relevant?). I then populated the database with a row of data with column titles and a primary key. The table contains many different columns, but for test purposes, the following is relevant:

DB Name: db_test
Table Name: Locations
Primary Key Column Header: CITY


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MS Access Database File On Local Network

Jun 22, 2010

I am working on a project based on networking. My problem is that database on server (time to time updated by clients Application) is available in shared folder sometime any client delete that database file from shared folder then project stopped working. So give me process for accomplish this problem is there any way through which is database on server work invisibly and client unable to delete that file. I tried read only attribute on shared folder then my project unable to insert record in that database file.

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Storing Data In Local Database Embedded To App

Aug 9, 2011

I am about to develop an application in 2010, until now I used to connect to database server to manage my data . Now i need to develope an .exe which could run in any pc, so I need somehow to store the data in a local database which is embedded to my application, I see .NET has a local database. My question is a right choice to use a local database for these kind of solutions?

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Avoid Using Any Database Server And Use A Local File As Datasource?

Feb 15, 2012

So I have an application which uses MSSQL server as datasource. Is there anyways I can avoid using any database server and use a local file as datasource ?

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Define Where MDB Database Is Stored In Local Hard Disk

Jun 10, 2009 seem to place my database file into/userprofile/local settings/apps/2.0/data/random/random/appname/data/ folder.Can I define easier location for my published app. I am also worried that when upgrading this database is ignored or something bad happens?

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Unable To Read Records From Local MS Access Database

Aug 27, 2008

I am a Visual Basic Programmer and presently migrating our applications to Vb.netQuestion : I need to access the records from a MS Access database to the Text box or for some user login validation using vb.netso i coded to give a message box if any row is returned by the connection.but its not all selecting any rows even though i queried as "Select * from <Table Name>"also i am unable to debug it.....I am attaching th code snippet used along with this mail.plz revert back if there is a solution.[code...]

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Visual Basic Saving Data Into Local Database *.MDF Or *.SDF?

Feb 22, 2012

I am trying to Save my data into Local Database (*.SDF or *.MDF) but i due to some reasons i can not do it. I have seen 100s of Video on it and tried all possiable ways, but still my data is not saving into Local Database. and i do not get any error messages. However i can save my data into SQLEXPRESS database. i am using Visual Stodio 2008.

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VS 2005 Creating The Crystal Report Using The Local Database?

Jan 2, 2010

i am using a local database i.e,the sql server express that comes with the vs2005,dont have any sql server additonally installed in my pc.

whice creating a crystal report,first this comes:

on clicking next,this comes:

then i selected and click next,then this comes:

but it did not show the database(Database1.mdf) which i created in my local database.

then how to create the crystal report when i am using a local sql server express database?

which options to select from the images that i showed above?

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VS 2008 - Dataset - Created A Local Database With A Table

Apr 13, 2011

I do not know much of datasets. I have created a local database with a table as per img 1 attached, and I use them in a simple drop down selector as per img 2. But I get the message as per img 3 , and I played around with the dataset, removing teh primarkey, etc.

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VS 2008 How To Make SetUp For Program With Local Database(

Sep 3, 2010

How I make SetUp for program in with local database(data base which include in visual 2008) to make it work in other computers which not have the visual studio 2008?

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VS 2008 Local Access Database (.mdb) Add, Delete And Update

May 23, 2011

I will be displaying most of my data in a Listview, One I found that works with how I want it starts like this:

Dim Connection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim DataAdapter_ As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim DataSet_ As New DataSet


The Add, Update and Delete on the tutorial didn't seem to work any chance

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Copy Online Mysql Datase To Local Access Database?

Jul 19, 2011

I am able to copy the complete online mysql database to the local ms access database, but the problem is that the local database needs to be emptied before the new data is being copied.And a progressbar needs to display the entire progress.Here is the code what I have now:


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Deploy Windows Application With Its Local Database SQL Server R2 Express?

Apr 5, 2012

how can i deploy windows application developed using and Sqlserver R2 Express as local database? can i make it in setup format(including sqlserver) to deliver to clients?is it compulsory the client should install SQL Server R2 Express in his system apart from the installation of this windows application?

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Forms :: Get The Message That The Local Database Is Empty But The Program Still Runs?

Dec 27, 2011

I'm having an issue with the startup of my build app with vb2010.Let me explain what the situation is at the moment.

I have a form and a splashscreen. I use the application events (startup event) to check if there is a network connection, if so the splashscreen will run and it will check if the database is available, if this is the case, it will copy the online database to the local ms access database.If the startup check of the network is false, it the user gets a message that there isn't any network available and the program will try to run normal, then when the user clicks the ok button of that message, it will check if the local database has any records. If so the splashscreen will run and the program starts normal (without copy the database, because there isn't any network available).The issue that I am having is, that when there isn't a network connection and the local database is empty, (I do get the message that the local database is empty), but the program still runs, while it should exit.Here is the code of the application event:

Protected Overrides Function OnInitialize(commandLineArgs As System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection(Of String)) As Boolean
Me.MinimumSplashScreenDisplayTime = 5000[code]......

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