Change Common Dialog Box In Vista/7?

Nov 2, 2009

I am looking for a way to modify the default values in windows vista and or 7.


* The default directory for the save/save-as dialog box.
* The size of the window.
* The "favorites" list on the left of the box.

I have been looking for a while and the only thing I can find is to edit the group policy but this will only affect programs that are using the xp dialog box.I am sure this is actualy pretty easy but I cannot find anything for the life of me

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Use The Common Item Dialog From Vista In VBscript?

Jul 28, 2009

Im trying to write a few scripts for use in AD in VBscript I thought it would be nice and straight forward to be able to open csv files and the like by using a Browse For File Window so the help desk can simply find browse for the file but i am not having much luck.


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Finding Common Dialog Control In VS 2010?

Sep 1, 2011

I am working on a MSDN project from 2007 it calls for a Common Dialog Control but I can not find it. Has this been deprecated and/or is there something to replace it? If not how can I access this in VS 2010 for a VB project?

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VS 2010 Include A .COM Tool Into IDE (like Common Dialog)?

Sep 30, 2010

I did this before but can't seem to remember how. How do I include a .COM tool into my IDE (like Common Dialog)?

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VB 6.0 Common Dialog Box With MS Office 2007 Enterprise Edition?

Oct 19, 2009

Whenever the code invokes the open dialogue box statement of the VB6.0 code, the application gets terminated.It is expected to open the dialogue box to provide the file path. I'm also having MS Office 2007 enterprise edition. If I do not have MS office 2007 enterprise edition installed, then it is working fine without any problem. So any suggestion/remarks to work on MS office 2007 enterprise edition?

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VS 2008 Have A Windows 7 Common Dialog Open To A Library By Default

Jan 20, 2010

I'm sure most people on here have opened an OpenFileDialog or SaveFileDialog and set the SelectedPath property to point to some directory...

Has anyone done this on a Windows 7 machine and been able to point the thing to a Library? If so, what do you set it to?

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Common Dialog File Multiselect + Explorer Not Showing Files Selected?

Jan 30, 2007

i have a vb script that is imbeded in an html page (hta). when i use the common dialog flags = cdlOFNAllowMultiselect the file list is present in the filename object and are separated by a space. however when i use dialog flags = cdlOFNAllowMultiselect Or cdlOFNExplorer the files that i selected on the dialog box, are not present in the filename object. the only thing that's there, is the path to the files. here's the code:

Const cdlOFNAllowMultiselect = 512Const cdlOFNExplorer = 524288Set ObjFSO = CreateObject("UserAccounts.CommonDialog")ObjFSO.Filter = "All Files|*.*"ObjFSO.FilterIndex = 1
ObjFSO.InitialDir = "c:" ObjFSO.Flags = cdlOFNAllowMultiselect or cdlOFNExplorerinitFSO = ObjFSO.ShowOpen selected_files = ObjFso.FileName msgbox selected_files

how can i get the files names?

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FileOpen Dialog Box [2008 With 64 Bit Vista]

Jan 13, 2009

I gave my Version of VS and OS in title. Well this is my Coding


But i am getting error that Filter string is incorrect. I Stucked in this small thing. I also want a code to get MAC number.

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[2008] Vista Dialog Box Background?

Feb 5, 2009

in vista, if we fires a dialog box then the background get dimmed.

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Special Operation Dialog In Windows Vista And 7

Feb 12, 2012

I'm trying to acheive something similar to this in my application: But is there a way I can get this with custom text in it like this: and have my application show it?

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VS 2008 Compile On Vista For Vista Work Fine But On Vista For Xp NO

May 30, 2009

i compile my form with the below code when i run it on vista work fine without any problem but when i try to run in on XP cant run... that happened with any XP machine.[code]when i run my exe to other Vista machines work fine... but on xp NO.

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Change The Default Endpoint Device In Vista And Windows 7?

Feb 18, 2011

I am working in visual studio 2010, framework 3.0.I want to enumerate the Audio Recording devices on Vista and Windows 7 PCs. With the help of Core Audio APIs, this is completed successfully. Now I want to change the default state of devices and also I want to set the state of Disabled device to Enable. In Core Audio APIs, it is not possible. So can I use the Registry to Enable the device or change any device to DEFAULT?On changing the default device from SOUND dialog, windows makes some changes of Binary values in registry Role:0, Role:1,ole:2under HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionMMDevicesAudioCapture {GUID}.

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Size Of Controls Change From XP To Vista And Vice Versa?

Oct 24, 2009

When I make an application on my PC which runs on XP Home Edition, then I send it to my friend who runs on Vista, the controls are sized a lot different on his PC, and also the same way when he sends his Apps to me. Is there any way to fix this problem?

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Change Dialog Heading Font?

Aug 30, 2011

How can I change the Font of a Dialog Heading.

I have triyed setting the Font in the properties window, but that changes the font all the controls on the Dialog, not the Dialog Heading.

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Change ForeColor Via Color Dialog?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm simply trying to allow the user to change the ForeColor of some calculated totals that appear in Read-only text boxes using the Color Dialog box.[code]...

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Font Dialog To Change In RichTextBox?

Oct 25, 2009

I am using visual studio 2010 and I put a font dialog to change in a rich textbox. I tried this code:
richtextbox1.Font.Name = Fontdialog1.font
and it didnt work I dont know why.

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VS 2008 Change Dialog Default?

Feb 18, 2011

A similar request made the other day was for the color dialog to change at run time using the method below.can you show me where the difference is and of course how to resolve the problem as I want the user to be able to change the fonts.


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Change The Directory To A Folder Browse Dialog Not In Documents Only?

Sep 20, 2010

i am working on my search button that searches for the items in my listbox1. however, i have several problems.. one, is that i do not know how am i supposed to search in folder browsing dialog and two, i cannot search for the items inside my listbox1.

For Each foundFile As String In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories
_MyDocuments, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories) --> Note 1


note 1: i want to change the directory to a folder browse dialog not in my documents only

note 2: this are the items in the listbox that i am searching for

note 3: if found, the paths of the items will be displayed in this listbox

note 4: if it is not found, it will be displayed here

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Form.Webbrowser Control Different Between Vista 32bit And Vista 64bit?

Oct 11, 2009

I am been working on an a small app that has a Forms.Webbrowser control that navigates to a Adobe Flash program. I have developed the app on Vista 32bit platform and have had no problems. I have sent the app to a couple of people to test out and one is using Vista 64bit and is running into a problem. I know the webbrowser control just uses the underlying base framework of IE. The problem on the 64 bit machine is when the site is navigated to it says that it needs to have Flash installed. When the user goes to Adobe's site it says they need to use a 32bit browser.

As stated on Adobe site here:[URL] the Flash player need to be in a 32 bit browser. What options do I have to be able fix this problem? Is there another control that I can use that would be the same in a 32bit platform and 64bit platform? Besides navigating to the Flash program, the browser also goes to standard web pages.

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Change The Background Of The Form To Look Like That Of Windows Mobility Center In Windows Vista?

Apr 10, 2012

How can I change the background of my form to look like that of Windows Mobility Center in Windows Vista?

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VB - Pops Up A Color Picker Dialog And Let User To Change The Background Color Of The Label

Feb 15, 2012

I have a question of VB event handler and color picker. Now I have a label, and I want when user click it, it pops up a color picker dialog and let user to change the background color of the label. Not sure how to implement this, can anyone give me a direction?

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Get The 'Progress' Dialog To Display Immediately After The 'Install Icon' Dialog Disappears?

Jun 4, 2009

I have a simple desktop application that uses a .NET setup project (.msi file) to perform the installation. On the first installation, everything proceeds in a timely fashion with good feedback for the user.The problem occurs when the user is installing the latest version of the application over an old version on their machine.There is an unacceptably long delay of about 60 to 180 seconds from the time the installer's 'Welcome' dialog [It's not the Welcome dialog, I've removed that from the Start section of the setup project and replaced it with a CheckBox dialog to ask if the user wants a shortcut on the desktop] disappears until the 'Progress' dialog appears. The user sees minute(s) of blank screen and thinks the install has stopped or failed.

In the setup project properties, I've got the 'DetectNewerInstalledVersion' and 'RemovePreviousVersions' properties set to true. So, I believe that while nothing appears to be happening, the installer is actually removing the old version. The 'Progress' dialog does not appear until the new version begins installation.I've been trying to either:

a) Get the 'Progress' dialog to display immediately after the 'Install Icon' dialog disappears

b) Show another dialog while the Uninstall is running to let the user know that the setup is still running and everything is OK.

I have been unsuccessful with both methods. I'm using VS 2008 SP1?

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Custom DialogResults - Create New Dialog Results For Dialog Forms?

Nov 11, 2009

Can I create new dialog results for my dialog forms? And then use them with Form.ShowDialog method?

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Forms :: Modeless Dialog Active When Modal Dialog Displayed?

Nov 16, 2010

Is there a way to launch a Modeless Dialog that stays active even when a Modal Dialog is launched? Can I put the Modeless Dialog in a seperate Thread or something like that?

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Passing Information Between Forms/dialogs (Form -> Dialog -> Dialog)?

Dec 22, 2009

I often use the process of displaying a dialog from a form, with the dialog user input then used to update the main form without any problem. In a new scenerio I launch the main application screen, I then show a login dialog ontop of the main app screen and can launch another dialog from the login if a new user is required. The plan is to update the login dialog (updating a combobox to reflect the addition of a new user) from the new user dialog.

See code below :-

'Update login forms user list as new user added successfully
frmRoomBookingLogin.cboLogin.DataSource = Nothing
frmRoomBookingLogin.txtPassword.Text = "Updating password from dialog"
MessageBox.Show("The password text is " & frmRoomBookingLogin.txtPassword.Text)


The messagebox implies the dialog has been updated yet the text does not change. Is it possible to update the dialog when using a setup such as Form -> dialog -> dialog? I'm intrigued as why the dialog does not reflect changes. I have never refreshed/repainted the dialog as never required to in my other examples when updating a form from a dialog and never encountered a problem when using a two tier form setup.

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How To Use A File Opener Dialog And A Folder Browser Dialog

Jan 27, 2010

I have an assignment due this week in which I have to make a app that has 5 buttons and a picture box. When each button is clicked it has to show the corresponding picture in the picture box, the fifth button closes the app.

I have the whole form set up the way it should be, but I have no idea how to write the code to make the buttons display the images and close the app.I have the images in a folder within the project folders.

I have yet to be able to find one, the one I found should how to do it using a file opener dialog and a folder browser dialog but that is not what I think my prof wants us to do, as that is more for a picture viewer app that lets the user choose the file of the image they want ot view.

All i want is for the buttons to be linked to specific photos that are part of the application itself and have them open.

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Modeless Dialog Active When Modal Dialog Displayed

Nov 16, 2010

Is there a way to launch a Modeless Dialog that stays active even when a Modal Dialog is launched? Can I put the Modeless Dialog in a seperate Thread or something like that?

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Dialog OK Button Sometimes Returns Dialog Cancel?

Jun 30, 2009

I have a Dialog that is basically a confirmation dialog on some SQL statements. After the dialog I have an if statement: If frmRelease.ShowDialog() <> Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel then.My buttons are set as DialogResult = OK and DialogResult = Cancel respectively on the dialog form.

For some reason, sometimes my button set to DialogResult = OK is returning me a DialogResult.Cancel, and causing me to skip a block of cleanup code.

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Don't Show Any Dialog, Or Detect The Dialog Using The Dll Name

Jun 3, 2009

I'm using a DLL in 2005, and this dll show a messagebox with OK option. I would like to close this Messagebox by code.

I was investigating to use SetWindowsHookEx, but I can not detect it. Is it possible to don't show any dialog, or detect the dialog using the dll name?

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Forms :: Opening A Dialog From Another Dialog

May 29, 2009

I have a dialog which opens another dialog. The problem is that the second dialog opens behind the first. Is there a way to stop this from happening? I tried bringtofront with no success.

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