Change Registry And Broadcast Changes

Jun 1, 2011

Dear experts. i want to change "hide Extension for known Fils type" and then Refresh Explorer for effects this change. Change Hide File Extension Code:


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Change Registry And Broadcast Changes?

Jun 2, 2011

I find out a solution that can change registry and Broad cast changes to Desktop and Windows Explorer.

Code for Change Show/Hide Files Extension[code]...

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File I/O And Registry :: Change Permissions Of A Registry Key

Mar 16, 2010

How can I change the permissions of a registry key. I want to allow anyone in the "Users" group to be able to write to "SOFTWAREMyApp".

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File I/O And Registry :: Change Value In Registry?

Oct 17, 2009

I need to be able to change a line in the regisrty an am not sure how to go about it, i have searched but nothing i can understand at the moment.

HKCU,"SOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerDesktopGeneral","Wallpaper",0x00020000,"%SYSTEMDRIVE%WebDreamSceneBeach.html"

The part in bold is the part i need to be able to change as i am having to write a little program to change the background on the desktop.

I should be ok once i know more on how to do things like this.

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Change A Registry Value In VB

Jun 15, 2010

I need to change a value which is stored under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREAPP_NAME. It is not possible to use .NET's registry functions, since they have drastic restrictions. [Code] Unfortunately, I get a NullReferenceExeption when I try to set the value. What should I do? I have imported Microsoft.Win32 and RegistryKey doesn't accept any constructor.

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Change Locale Using Registry?

Feb 19, 2011

Is it possible to check locale format on form_load and change it to en-us via registry if any other is preset?

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How To Change Permissions On A Registry Key

May 4, 2012

I am trying to change the permisions of the following registry key from within need to change users to full control (rather than the default of read)Have read through forum, and replies to a previous post I made (n.b. have started a new one as that post covered various things and was getting a bit convulted) and lots of links but still cannot work out how to do it, please can someone help me further?

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VS 2008 Change Value In Registry?

Oct 17, 2009

I need to be able to change a line in the regisrty an am not sure how to go about it, i have searched but nothing i can understand at the moment.

HKCU,"SOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerDesktopGeneral","Wallpaper",0x00020000,"%SYSTEMDRIVE%WebDreamSceneBeach.html"

The part in bold is the part i need to be able to change as i am having to write a little program to change the background on the desktop.

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Broadcast Data Over LAN

Jul 16, 2011

I was wondering if there was a method of broadcasting an file over LAN, my reason for asking is because I am trying to make a LAN file sharing program, so that I can share files over the network easily.

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BroadCast Msg Then Read It?

Oct 24, 2009

Alright im trying to make on application broadcast a message(Hello<Split>Whats Sup?<Split2>O.o HI).How would i make my reader application read that and put Hello one text box Whats Sup? in textbox2 and O.o HI in textbox3.

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How To Send Broadcast

May 18, 2010

I have developed a chat application using wcf duplex, use for WAN networkIn my list chatting, have max 1000 clients online currently.Now i want to send a message to all at once. So i dont know how to do it, how to send broadcast ?

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Change Dpi Settings Via Registry Programmatically?

May 26, 2012

I've designed a project containing of some forms. The problem is that it doesn't display correctly on wide monitors. I've searched for it and found out that it works correctly for dpi= 96. I wanna change dpi via registry in (not manually)Here is the code I use:

Dim dpi As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics
If (dpi.DpiX <> 96 And dpi.DpiY <> 96) Then
Dim DPISetting As RegistryKey =


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Change Registry Settings Via Program?

Jul 9, 2010

We have a VBScript that launches an Access app that connects via ODBC to SQL Server - wouldn't you know the server name is changing.

Is it possible to use VBScript to modify the ODBC information in the registry to point to the new server? Basically changing one specific value for one specific key. Am I better off deleteing the ODBC key and readding it from scratch?

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How To Get Permission To Change A Setting In Registry

Feb 14, 2012

I want to change this registry setting in windows vista and 7 ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetservicesUSBSTOR","Start",4) by clicking a button.[code]how do i change ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetservicesUSBSTOR","Start") value to 4..How do i request administrative privilages for my aplication to change registry setting when it starts?

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Registry Manipulation - Change The Default Value

Jun 10, 2011

I'm trying to create a app that will add some reg keys. But I need to change the default value. How can I do it? I don't work :@


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VS 2008 - WMI Registry Value Change Event?

Jul 26, 2011

I am working on a app that will monitor the registry for changes to [ProviderOrder] in [SYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlNetworkProviderOrder].

I have it 90% done with this
Imports System.Management
Imports Microsoft.Win32
Module Module1
Dim Watcher As ManagementEventWatcher
Dim Hive As RegistryKey = Registry.LocalMachine
[Code] .....

If I change [ProviderOrder.test] the app tells me the value was changed and corrects it. But it does the correction twice (because of UpdateProviderOrder changing the value). I thought that using RemoveHandler and AddHandler would take of that.

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VS 2010 - How To Change Registry Key Permissions

May 5, 2012

I am trying to change the permisions of the following registry key from within
Basically need to change users to full control. I need to change permissions for the "users" group.

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Broadcast Video Using Tcp/ip Protocol?

Apr 23, 2011

i have made media player for my own i need code that broadcast video over Lan network "clintes/server "as fast as can.

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Listening To UDP Broadcast With Threads?

Mar 11, 2009

I'm broadcasting a simple message to ..*.255 (changing to 255 the last part of my ip) and i'm trying to listen to it. the code returns no error but i'm not receiving anything. In wireshark I can see the broacast is sent correctly, but with a different port each time (I don't know if that's a big deal).

Here's some parts of my code.
Private Sub connect()
btnsend.Enabled = True
btndisconnect.Enabled = True
btnconnect.Enabled = False
[Code] .....

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Change Permissions On A Registry Key And Other Bits From Within Program?

Apr 28, 2012

I am trying to write an app to automate several things that I have to do on a new computer once I have deployed an image, hoping someone could give me some pointers for them:-

1) changing computer description - wmi perhaps?

2) changing computer name - again wmi perhaps?

3) changing permissions on an existing registry key to full control

4) changing the "time to display list of operating systems" when booting from 30 secs to 3

5) turn off simple file sharing

6) and setting current user account so that password doesn't expire - at moment I do it from cmd prompt and do "wmic useraccount where "name='name'" set passwordexpires = false

7) change power plan settings so put the computer to sleep is "never" on both battery and mains

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Use (add - Read - Change - Delete) Registry Keys?

Mar 28, 2008

Find this tutorial on Dot Net SourceReason of this project:This is the next part of the previous tutorial. We'll learn here how to add, change, read, delete registry keys and values using included a sample that contains all those functionality.Project details:1- How to add a registry key/value2- How to read a registry value3- How to delete a key or a value4- Changing a value or a key5- Hints to use registry with VB.net6- The registry reader ( How to add a registry key/valueOne thing that I think I forget to notice.


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Broadcast A Message To Applications Through The Network?

Apr 29, 2009

I have a program running in many machines in a network. The program reads a Sql database, and there's a table showing one table in a DataGridView in each computer from the same DB stored on the server. The same table in all the computers. What I want to do is, every time one computer changes something in the table, to update every table in all the computers.

Every program writes an entry in the database to know that they are connected to the DB. So any program can know who the other computers are.

How can all the computers know that there was a change in the table? (the idea is the get the changes quickly)

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Create Multicast/broadcast Applications?

Nov 1, 2009

I have some experience creating programs that use tcp to transport information from a server computer to a client computer and vise versa. However, I am unable to create udp server/client programs with visual . My goal is to be able to set up a connection with several computers that can communicate with eachother.Kevin Schaefer "The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning"

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Change Path Of Service ImagePath Value In Registry Just After Installation

Nov 11, 2010

I am trying to change the path of Service ImagePath value in registry just after installation. Unfortunately my change path becomes only single letter in registry.[code]Source code for changing the ServiceConfig taken from codeproject.

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Unauthorized Access Trying To Change Remote Registry On Xp Machines?

May 4, 2011

I'm trying to write a console application that can modify registry subkeys on remote pc's in the same network. I have it working in my own environment but when I install on the customer machines I'm getting unauthorized access when it hits the OpenRemoteBaseKey. The security settings in the application properties is set to full trust application so I'm not sure why it won't work.

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and first I just installed it on the customer machine and when it wouldn't work I ran the source code in Visual Studio 2005 which is on the customer machine but got same results.I can run the app directly on the remote machine and it will change the registry subkeys as directed, I just can't do it remotely. RemoteRegistry service is started. Both machines are logged in as administrators.

Here is the source code:

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Security.Permissions


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BroadCast An Image, Kinda Like Uploading It On A Timer?

Jul 23, 2010

I want to be able to kinda like have a timer that will get an image off my Hard Drive, and upload it online, so that all I'd have to do is download the image, even if it's been written over, I want to be able to broadcast an image from my hard drive, using only my IP Address. is my IP Address.8888 is the port.Somthing like if you were to goto or Update.Jpg If YOU were to go to this address on your machine, you could see the image... Of coarse, it will probably be an image of which I was able to get from Printing my Screen image, and then saving it as like C:Test.Jpg, but the Timer would get my Desktop Image, or Print My Screen and Save it and Overwrite the Test.jpg image on the C Drive... Ya know what I'm talking about?


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Building A Program At The Moment That Changes Registry Entries To Turn On And Change?

Dec 23, 2011

building a program at the moment that changes registry entries to turn on and change, and off proxy settings. This small program is going to be dropped on each persons desktop so they can easily turn on the proxy in work, and turn it off when they take their laptop home.

However, the proxy address changes depending on which company I am at. I would like to be able to make a single program, but have a "hidden" setting to change the proxy and store it in the program, and push a copy of the file out across the network to each machine. I tried to make it so the proxy address can be saved as a string in My.Settings, but it would have to be made as a User setting rather than an application setting to give it read-write access.The only other option I can think of is to hard-code the proxy address into the program, which really isn't ideal

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Check Local Format On Form_load And Change It To En-us Via Registry If Any Other Is Preset?

Feb 19, 2011

Is it possible to check locale format on form_load and change it to en-us via registry if any other is preset?

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Change Registry Settings To Open Eml File From Web Pages In Outlook Express?

Jul 10, 2008

I couldn't find an appropriate forum which would suit the type of problem I am facing so I am putting it here.I needed to create an intranet web application that has pages with hyperlinks to eml files. The eml files as is known are email files in MIME format which outlook express can open. However what I found was if eml files are on your machine, it opens in outlook express but when opened as an hyperlink, it opens in Internet Explorer (IE) as an mhtml file. And any attachments that may be in the eml file are not displayed at all!I didn't understand why IE has to poke inbetween. After searching the net, I came across a solution that required changes in the Registry of the client machine.The change is to be made to the node HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTMIMEDatabaseContent Typemessage/rfc822.The following is a REG file that can be imported for this change.[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTMIMEDatabaseContent ypemessage/rfc822]"extension"=".eml""CLSID"=""However after this change, though eml files opened in Outlook express, MHT files stopped opening in IE.Then I simply deleted the rfc822 node and to my surprise, MHT files opened in IE and eml files opened in outlook express and everything was fine!!But I don't want to use this sledge hammer solution. I want to know what this registry key is for and how can I set it to achieve what I want . i.e. open eml files from web pages in outlook express without affecting other file types

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Broadcast CTRL+C To Program Without Using Complicated Code (accessing Windows API) To Do It?

Jan 1, 2010

Suppose I want to broadcast CTRL+C to my program without using complicated code (accessing Windows API) to do it.

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