Change Index Numbers Of Controls?

Jun 1, 2010

I have a panel with pictureboxes in it. And I'm using


DirectCast(Panel1.Controls(indexNumber), PictureBox).Image

to assign images to them. But the indexes are a bit messed up and I would like to arrange them a bit nicer. Is it possible?

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Set A Tab Index For The Controls Inside?

Oct 3, 2011

I designed a form, set a tab index for the controls inside, but when I send "tab" from some, the focus not always go to the right one.

I mean:

textbox1 - tabindex = 1

textbox2 - tabindex = 2

textbox3 - tabindex = 3

button1 - tabindex = 4

I send a tab from textbox 2 and the focus go to the button, not to the txtbox3.

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Unable To Index Controls In VB?

May 26, 2009

Does anyone know if you can index controls now in could do it in VB6 - where you would have 6 radio buttons and if you copied the 1st it would ask you did you want to index the control.So you would have optName(0), optName(1), optName(2).... optName(5)It was useful to do a select case on the controls or else do a For loop on them either.I can't see anyway to do this in now, is there a way to do it? Or a workaround for this?

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Change The Numbers On The Text Box, The Data In File Will Change As Well?

Mar 20, 2010

So, I've got a text boxes which loads up a content from a XML file, usually a numbers I want a button, so when I will change the numbers on the text box, the data in file will change as well, in other words a save button That's how the data is being taken from a file


Those EditPaths, Playa2 etc are making up a path to a file

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Move To Specified Tab Index In Code Without Knowing Controls Name?

Jan 15, 2010

I am trying to create a way to use my arrow keys to move around some text boxes. The form has 12 textboxes moving from left to right with 4 in each row. Tab Index will be like this.

0 1 2 3
4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11

In the code I have figured out how to find the current tab index but I am having trouble moving to the next control based on which arrow key is pressed. Here is the code I have so far.

Protected Overrides Function ProcessCmdKey(ByRef msg As System.Windows.Forms.Message, ByVal keyData As System.Windows.Forms.Keys) As Boolean
'This variable holds the current tab index for the control that has focus.


I commented the area where I haven't been able to figure out how to code it. I have spent a few days working this out and have spent the past 6 hours working on this part.

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Change Datagrid Columns Order Or Index

May 9, 2009

I have a datagrid, I am filling it with LINQ as well as a custom class to add data to it.Afterwards, I need the data in a specific order - it seems to ignore me.How do I change a columns properties, like index etc??[code]

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Change Permanently Columns Index Of DataGridView

Feb 12, 2011

I binded a datagridview with datasource, But its order was changed then I used Columns("ColumnName").DisplayIndex property to arrange the columns of DatagridView. Now I am exporting this DataGridView to Excel, All things are right but problem is about the column positioning, Columns in excel file are shown in wrong order (it shows order before I applied Columns("ColumnName").DisplayIndex property to arrange the columns of DatagridView). My question is that how I permanently change the Column index of DataGridView......?

Public Sub gererateReport(ByVal dg As DataGridView)
Dim oExcel As Excel.Application
Dim oBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim oSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim oMissing As Object = System.Reflection.Missing.Value
[Code] .....

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Change Variables In An Array Without Knowing Their Index

Jun 10, 2011

This may sound quite basic, but i was wondering how to change the value of a variable in an array, not knowing the index value but knowing what the variable is.

For example, I have an array and I want all strings within it that haven't got a value to say "Stretched". here is what i have tried:

For Each stl As String In Me.stl
If stl = "" Then
stl = "Centered"
End If

My array is called stl(), and the size of it is always changing, so i can't just change the specific variables within the array

Also, is there some way to show/change etc all variables in an array? e.g. msgbox(stl(all))

I know this won't work, but what will?

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Combobox Index Change On Form Close?

Dec 16, 2010

I have a combo boxthat holds a list of values that are a custom object and when a value is selected a few text boxes are loaded with data. I use the SelectedIndexChanged Event. Works wonderfully.I noticed that this even is also called when a user clicks the 'x' to close the form. I just wanted to understand the logic behind that. I get that the technically index is changing since the cbobox value is being set to nothing, but to me that just seems a little inefficient.

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VS 2005 Combobox Selection Index Change?

Nov 17, 2009

I am using the following code to populate a picturebox at form event load

Me.PictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile(String.Format("{0}{1}.jpg", Subject_Values.TextBox1.Text, Me.list1_MLStxt.Text))


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.net - Listbox.selected Index Change Variable Assignment?

Apr 3, 2011

What is the correct way of assigning the selected index's value from a listbox to a variable? The user selects an item in a listbox and then the output changes depending on their selection.

I use:variablename = listbox.text

in the listBox_SelectedIndexChanged event and this works.

When I use the button_click event I use:

variablename = listbox.selectedindex

But this does not work in the listbox_selectedindexchanged let me know if it is okay to use it like I did above or if I will run into problems and why you cannot use the selectedindex method.

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Cannot View Hidden Fields When Page Index Change?

Feb 11, 2010

I use a GridView control with paging allowed, when i select a row in the first page i can retrieve the values of all the fields including the hiddenfields with the instruction (GridView1.DataKeys(GridView.SelectedIndex).Values(0)). The grid have all the DataKeyNames and I populate the gridwith a dataset i made the problem:when I change the paging of the grid the grid shows me the real data, but when I tried to select one row

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Should Changing The Parent Of A Listbox Change The Selected Index

Mar 22, 2012

You wouldn't think so, but it does when the listbox is bound to a datasource (as far as I can see).

I've reduced the behaviour to the code below. The "if" line toggles between loading a list via data binding and loading a list "manually" (both use the same data table). In each case I set the selected index afterwards, and then change the parent form. With manual loading, the selected index is retained, with binding it is lost. I cannot see how this makes any sense - I don't see why changing the host form should alter any property of the list. Is this a bug?

Public Class Form1
Sub main() Handles Me.Load
Dim ListControl1 As ListBox = New ListBox


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VS 2005 Prevent Index Change In List Box On Keypress

Apr 16, 2010

I'm having a problem with my listbox control. I am trying to handle all the keypress events for the listbox and changing the index to the item I want as they type. But the problem is the listbox changes the index to the last key they hit. Here is what's going on.


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Winforms - .net, Combobox.datasource Will Change Selected Index?

Mar 1, 2012

Let me try to describe my problems in the simplest way: I have combobox1 and combobox2. I hope to achieve two things: Combox1 is bound to list1 (a list of string). When a user selects an item in list1, list2 (a list of string) will be obtained from database and combobox is bound to list2.If user specifies text1 in combobox1 and text2 in combobox2, then these two values will be shown in the comboboxes regardless of the bound lists.


So the results of above code is that goal 1 is achieved, but goal 2 is never achieved. combobox1.selected index is always 0 and combobox2.selected index is always 0 too.

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Interface And Graphics :: Colours Disappear On Listview Index Change?

Apr 1, 2009

I have a listview with a number of items with different color backrounds on each. But when i click on one of the items, the color of the item that the selection has just left turns to white, but it is recognised as being green/blue/whatever. If i open up another form on top of that one, and then close it, the colour comes back for the area that the form was covering.

I have a textbox that changes its backround color based on the color of the listview item currently selected, and that always shows the correct color.

I'v crawled the web and can only find one instance of it happening and that was a graphics accelerator problem, but i cant turn off my accelerator.

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List View Move Items (rows ) Up Or Down (change Index)

Jul 9, 2011

I want to move a selected item up and down on a listview.I thought by getting the index and -1 or +1 would work .But can't find the code to define the index of a row.

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Windows - Selected Index Value On Text Change Property - Performance Hit

Aug 2, 2011

I am working on windows application form I am having one text box and Listbox. I want if user type on textbox, then List box item is going to be selected, that is working fine. List Box has more than 10,000 records. It takes time to select item from ListBox, while write data in textbox.


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Change Numbers To Text Value?

Jan 15, 2011

Is it possible too change numbers into text?. I have two textboxes, textbox one has a value like 85.22, can textbox2 read as Eighty Five Dollars and 22/100 ?. No matter what textbox1 value is it will read text in the second textbox.

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Change The Order Of Numbers?

Mar 26, 2009

how I can change the order of numbers. for example i have 147, how would i make the out put to that 741? anther example 24, Then I would want 42. or 542 -- 245.

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How To Change Numbers To Words

Aug 29, 2011

if I have Textbox1 to type numbers

and how to convert numbers to words in Textbox2 ?


1= one


23= twenty three

and so

how to do that ?

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Numbers Change When Put Into An Array?

Jun 2, 2011

I have a datagrid in my form and numbers are input it. I then loaded one of the columns into an array. This is the piece of my code that loads the array:

Me.dgv.CurrentCell = dgv(1, 0)
For i = 0 To (Me.dgv.RowCount - 1)
Receipts(i) = Convert.ToSingle(dgv(1, i).Value)
Next i

The first value is -2912895.29. I put the program in break-mode and it keeps loading the first value as -2912895.25. I checked and it loads all of the values a few cents off.

View 2 Replies - Change The Font Color Gridview Row Based On A Columns Value - Can't Index Gridviewrow?

Feb 1, 2011

i am getting a syntax error at drr(5) which 5 is the column i want to base the color change on. this method works when i am using a dataset

Dim Land As String = "Land"
Dim Air As String = "Air"
Dim Cruise As String = "Cruise"


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Change Controls Size And Location Based On The Change Of Font Size?

Jun 14, 2010

I have the Context Menu Options like ( Small Font , Large Font ) based on the selection I want to change the size of the Font in the Controls,Control's Size & location(x,y,height,width). The resize of the controls should not affect the look and feel of the forms.

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Countdown Timer - How To Change Color / Size Of Numbers

Sep 17, 2009

I am creating a countdown timer that will start counting down from 30 minutes. How would I do this and also change the color and size of the numbers in the countdown? Windows Vista and is Visual basic enterprise 2008

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Controls Change Look At Runtime?

Mar 10, 2010

I did something that when I now load my program(VB 2008), my controls; combo boxes, buttons, progress bar, etc. look like they are from VB 2005 or like VBA buttons, not the rounded edge buttons of 2008.

They look like vb 2008 controls while I am in design view, but then they change their style when I run the program..

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IDE :: Change The Default Value(s) Of Controls?

Jan 31, 2012

Is there any way to change the default value(s) of controls? How about setting the default value of Textbox.Multiline to True which would make it easier to arrange on the form.

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Appearing To Change Controls On A Form?

Aug 31, 2010

VBExpress 2010 .Net 4.0 I'm trying to have a form that you click on a button and it goes to a new page of the same size in the same location. An example of this type of thing would be the different pages of an install wizard. In this particular project, I have an "instructions" page that you click on that takes you to a new form. On this page is a "back" button that takes you back to the main screen. I'm just not sure how this type of thing is normally done. What I have done works, but you can see the page 'flip' a little, and the form button on the taskbar disappears and reappears as the new one loads.


and I have an equivalent subroutine on the other form to get back. At first I had the Three middle line of code interchanged, which looked much smoother, but for some reason it didn't work on the first click, upon which the form would suddenly move to the wrong location, after which it would work fine, no matter where I moved the form.

I have a feeling that this is probably done in a completely different way, but can't think of a better way of doing it. One way would be to just use one form and change the controls instead, but it would get quite cluttered.

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Cannot Change Position Of Controls On Form

Sep 6, 2010

I am using VB2008 Express. After making changes to the position of controls on the form, the controls position reverts to the original position when the program is rebuilt and run. At first, there is no problem, but after 30 minutes working with the program, the problem begins. I am careful to keep all the files together. I am using XP Professional and .net 3.5

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Change All Fonts Of Controls In A Form?

Jun 23, 2010

How can I change font of all controls in a form at same time?

have a Way?

Obs: not when executing...

Visual Basic 2010;

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