Changes Not Taking Affect

Oct 23, 2008

I'm using visual studio 2008 and creating a Windows For Application.

I'm almost completed my little application and what I've discovered just recently is that any change I made is not taking affect.

What I mean is if I change the display name of a button or insert a msgbox popup, it doesnt make it to the build when I run it. There are no errorswarnings.

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Make Changes To Pq Will They Affect ProcQueue1?

Mar 1, 2011

Private procQueue1 As New Queue(Of c_proc)
Private Sub updateQueue(ByVal num As Integer)


If I make changes to pq will they affect procQueue1?

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C# - Does The Size Of The EXE Affect The Execution Speed

Apr 15, 2011

I'm going to create some command line tools that make use of some large library DLL's. For security reasons I plan to embed the DLL's in the command line's EXE. Example:Suppose the CL's (command line tool) functionality is to just copy a file from A to B. The procedure to do this is included in a 100MB library DLL. If I would just take out the lines of code from the DLL and paste them in the CL's code then the CL would only be 10Kb.But I don't want to do that, so I embed the full library in the CL's EXE, which will make it 101MB in size.I once read somewhere (cannot remember where) that Windows would only use the part of the EXE that's actually used. So if that's true then it shouldn't matter if the EXE size is 10Kb, 100MB or 1GB.I own the code of the DLL, so if the best solution is to not include the whole DLL but just only link to or include those code files, of the DLL project, that are used by the CL then I will go that way.will the 10Kb CL run faster and consume less memory than the 101MB CL?

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Does DoEvents Affect Only Current Thread?

Jun 7, 2011

I have a simple 'Working' form that runs on its own thread to keep the user informed that the application hasn't died during long running operations. In order to get the working form to update I had to insert a DoEvents() call. I'm curious, will this only pump messages for the current thread I'm in, or will it do it for the whole application? I would prefer that the main window stay unresponsive till the operation finishes. Just to be clear, I'm fine with the code I have, but I would like to know how DoEvents() behaves with threads.

Below is the code for the working form.
Public Class frmWorking
''' <summary>
''' Creates and starts a new thread to handle the Working Dialog
''' </summary>
''' <returns>The thread of the Working dialog.</returns>
[Code] .....

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Does The Dll Have To Be Compiled For The Changes In The Config File To Take Affect

Jul 27, 2011

config files, or dll.config for a class library project (dll). Does the dll have to be compiled for the changes in the config file to take affect?The problem I've noticed is that I add a reference to another solution to my dll, and it still has a connection string that points to the test database, even though I've updated it in the config file.

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Using A Checkbox Outside Of A Datagrid To Affect Its Contents?

May 21, 2012

I am using a Checkbox outside of a datagrid. When i select the check box autopostback is true, and this would then show the image, but i cant access the images within the datagrid with that script. If i use a seperate image outside of the datagrid the script works. How can i get this script to work finding when the checkbox out side of the datagrid is checked to then show the image within the datagrid?

The script i am using is
<script runat="server">
Sub Check(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)


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VS 2008 Text Lines To Affect Different Labels?

Apr 26, 2012

I am COMPLETELY new to Visual Basic except for a high school Computer Programming class and I'm attempting to make a text-based game via VB2008. There is a tough problem I'm having. I followed a few YouTube tutorials and managed to create something where you can press a button and have a window open where you search for a text file and have it's file path appear in a text box. My problem now is that I want certain lines of this text file to change the text of certain Labels on a different form. I don't know how to do this though?

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.net - How Does Indirection Introduced By Interfaces And Factories Affect Performance

Aug 20, 2010

I would like to improve testability of some legacy code. To achieve this, I am introducing interfaces for existing classes (and have existing classes implement those) and factories that create an instance of a test object or an object of the original class, depending on some configuration setting.

I can foresee some internal feedback along the lines of 'but this will affect performance', but I would like to be able to test some code (for a service layer in this case), without having to deploy all underlying layers and setup a database server. Do you have any experience where the indirection introduced did affect performance noticeably? What would be a constructive way to respond to the aforementioned feedback?

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.net - Indirection Introduced By Interfaces And Factories Affect Performance?

Apr 15, 2011

I would like to improve testability of some legacy code. To achieve this, I am introducing interfaces for existing classes (and have existing classes implement those) and factories that create an instance of a test object or an object of the original class, depending on some configuration setting.I can foresee some internal feedback along the lines of 'but this will affect performance', but I would like to be able to test some code (for a service layer in this case), without having to deploy all underlying layers and setup a database server.Do you have any experience where the indirection introduced did affect performance noticeably? What would be a constructive way to respond to the aforementioned feedback?

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C# - Launching An App In Compatibility Mode In Windows Affect The App And How To Detect It

Jan 11, 2012

What does Windows do to an app when it is run in Compatibility Mode?Is there a way I can detect the compatibility mode settings in .NET?

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Events - The Selection In A Box Can Affect The Possible Choices In Subsequent Boxes

Mar 10, 2009

I have a project that has several combo boxes on one form. The selection in a box can affect the possible choices in subsequent boxes. Right now I am using SelectedValueChange to fire the code that loads the choices in the later boxes. There are a number of possible events that I could use:SelectedIndexChangedLeaveLostFocusTextChangedI was wondering if someone could give me a rough idea what the differences are between these. Is there a 'best' evnet to use?Also, I find that most events work when the choice is made with a mouse click but if you click in the box and type in a value an event does not fire. How can I program for the case where the user enters a value by typing it in instead of choosing from the drop down list?

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File Size Affect Speed Of Directory Listing?

May 7, 2012

I have an app that reads a directory to get the filenames in a directory for each File in Directory(process file) next file. I want to know if the file size makes a difference to the time it takes to get the if a folder contains 10,000 photos of 1 megapixel and another has a folder of 10,000 photos of 8 megapixels will it take the same time.

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Size Of The Class Affect The Memory Usage Of The Application?

Jan 27, 2010

Does a the size of the class affect the memory usage of the application? is it better to break big classes into smaller classes or just group them up into one big class.

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Java - Relying On Type Inference Affect Code Maintainability

Apr 15, 2012

I've only used type inference when using LINQ in VB.NET. However, I'm aware that type inference can be used in other parts of the language, as demonstrated below:

Dim i = 1 'i is inferred to be an Integer
Dim s = "Hoi" 's is inferred to be a string
Dim Temperatures(10) as Double


I can see how type inference reduces the amount of typing I would need to write a piece of code and can also make it quicker to change the type of a base variable (such as Temperatures(10) above) as you wouldn't need to change the types of all other variables that access it (such as T). However, I was concerned that the lack of an explicit declaration of type might make the code harder to read, say during a code inspection, as it may not be immediately obvious what type a variable is. For example, by looking at just the For loop above, you might correclty assume that T is some floating point value, but wouldn't be able to tell if it's single- or double-precision without looking back at the declaration of Temperatures. Depending on how the code is written, Temperatures could be declared much earlier and would thus require the reader to go back and find the declaration and then resume reading. Admittedly, when using a good IDE, this is not so much of an issue, as a quick hover of the mouse cursor over the variable name reveals the type.

Also, I would imagine that using type inference in some situations could introduce some bugs when attempting to change the code. Consider the following (admittedly contrived) example, assuming that the classes A and B do completely different things.

Class A
Public Sub DoSomething()
End Sub
End Class


It is possible to change the type of ObjectList from A to B and the code would compile, but would function differently, which could manifest as a bug in other parts of the code.With some examples of type inference, I would imagine that most people would agree that its use has no negative affect on readability or maintainability. For example, in Java 7, the following can be used:

ArrayList<String> a = new ArrayList<>(); // The constructor type is inferred from the declaration.

instead of

ArrayList<String> a = new ArrayList<String>();

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VS 2005 - Custom Control - Affect Records That Were Manually Changed

Jul 19, 2009

i created a custom control that accepts only datetime values. [url] but i'm having some issues with it when it is bound to a column and then i navigate through records. it seems to trigger a row-change to all navigated records even though i haven't manually change anything on these records.

this is affecting the last_update_date and last_updated_by fields of my tables. i need to only affect records that were manually changed. can anyone help me? also, any date field should be bound to the Value property of this control instead of Text. haven't figured out how to remove the Text from bindable properties yet.

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Make A Button That Will Save Changes In One Form That Will Affect Another Form?

Jun 9, 2011

I need to make a save button. The user will work in main form. User also has Settings in the MenuStrip, when the user clicks Settings a new form will open. There user has ability to make changes that will affect the Main form. This is the code:

If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then
End If

This is the change that the user will be able to do that will affect the Main form, but I'm not really sure how to make that the CheckBox1 will be saved when the user clicks it and the clicks OK button. I also want to know how to make a cancel button.

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Getting Subsequent Filters To Not Affect Original Filters?

Sep 21, 2011

I'm designing a form wherein a datagrid is being filtered from numerous controls.

The issue im having is each filter overrides the previous one. Just wondering the best way to approach this problem.

Heres a snippet of my

Private Sub MakeIDComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MakeIDComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged
Sheet1BindingSource.Filter = "Make like '" & MakeIDComboBox.SelectedItem & "'"
End Sub


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Taking Apart A String

Dec 6, 2009

I have a long string that I need to take apart two values, and add them into another string.

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PrintDocument Taking Way Too Long?

Dec 13, 2009

The problem I'm facing is that PrintForm has a shoddy quality while getting the printouts and PrintDocument takes way too long to get on receipt printed (Almost 5-10 Seconds!)I'm either looking for an alternative for PrintDocument or somehow make the PrintDocument run faster

printFont As


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Taking A Name And Separating It In Input Box

Oct 26, 2010

im trying to get a name entry from an input box to show up in two separate places on my project, ie first and last name, but i either get nothing or the same text for both labels.[code]

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Taking A Picture With A Webcam?

May 15, 2012

I am writing an app to take ID pictures using a webcam, I need a PictureBox to display a live image of the person sitting infront of the webcam in which I then need a captured picture to desplay as soon as a Button is clicked.

I don't even know where to start.

1. How do I get the PictureBox to comunicate with the webcam?

2. I also will need to crop and resize the picture and then print it, but this we can diskus later.

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Taking A Value Of An Attribute From A Xml Node?

Mar 25, 2010

I have created an xml file and i would like to now extract data from it.

Is there a function within that reads xml and takes out all the attributes with a certain name? For example to withdraw all the authors names from an xml file about books?

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Taking Data From Arrays And Using It

Oct 13, 2009

But like always I have a question. I need to take the data that I have stored in arrays and use it. But how do I do that? What I need is to take numbers stored in the arrays and add and subtract them and put them in the appropriate array , like this:


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VS 2008 ReadAllLines Taking ONLY Chr(13) As EOL?

Sep 11, 2010

Is there a way to use ReadAllLines to read in a text file that contains some Chr(10) (linefeeds) but uses ONLY the Chr(13) (carriage return) as the true end-of-line?What I mean is, DON'T treat a Chr(10) as the EOL. ONLY treat a Chr(13) as the EOL.Obviously I could just read in the whole file as binary and then split it into lines by scanning for Chr(13), but I just wondered whether or not there's a setting in VB.NET to set the EOL character so I didn't have to do that.

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VS 2010 Screenshot Taking?

Aug 21, 2010

i found some code to take screenshot from screen it works perfectly - changes and my - skill is pretty low ode is here:

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Module Module1
<DllImport("user32.dll")> _


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Resize An Image While Taking In Account The Dpi?

May 7, 2010

I have this fingerprint scanner I'm working with. The fingerprints taken are index/stored in our imaging system and the fingerprints are put on certain documents and printed.When I scan the image in and then load it into a bitmap object, the width and height are (w:480,h:640).Now if I open this file in any image viewer and print it from there the finger print is as big as a fingerprint should be.Now when working with it in code, it's huge. I have found some resize code online, but the resulting image is horrible.Is there anyway to resize an image while taking in account the dpi and such so the image is highest quality (same as print out?).

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.net - SendKeys And Taking Photos Of Screen?

Jul 6, 2011

I made this VB.NET code to take a picture of my entire screen, but instead it only takes a photo of the focused area. Why is this?

Public Function SaveScreen(ByVal theFile As String) As Boolean

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.NET: Site+taking Data From MSSQL?

Jan 12, 2010

I'm watching tutorials about creating Web Site and about controls.I think I added SQL Database to the project (it's not empty) properly. Suppose it has two columns: FirstName, LastName.I have TextBox1, TextBox2 and Button1 on the web site form.I enter any integer number (5, 10, 15 or whatever) into TextBox1. I want to press Button1 and get a value of 5th person (10th, 15th or whatever) from SQL Database into TextBox2.Who can help me with that? Should I read about ADO.NET and use something from there?Later I want to use VB for work with that strings.

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Any Way To Simulate Human Temperature Taking?

Feb 27, 2010

I am trying to simulate human temperature taking. Basic I just need a button, a textbox , a progress bar and a timer. What I want to do is that when the button is clicked, the progress bar will slowly increment and after it reaches maximum, a random number in the range 35-40 will be generated in the text box.

Now so far, this is what I've done:
Public Class Health
Private Sub Health_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
[Code] .....

So this is suppose to be a temperature gadget for kids and therefore when a certain amount of temperature is alarm is sent to the parents. So the progress bar is working fine. The random number generator too. A "sent" dialog box is open if the temperature is >38.
1-The number is working. But I would like the number to b e generated AFTER the progress bar reaches maximum.
2-The sent dialog box is open basically the moment I click on the button to start the progress bar (if the num generated is>38). And it keeps up looping and opening.

View 2 Replies - ExecuteReader Taking Time, Not In SQL Server?

Jun 2, 2011

I am executing stored procedure using ExcuteReader() command. If I execute Stored Procedure in SQL server it is taking 2 secs. But in code taking around 2 mins. I tried DataAdapter.Fill(). Still the same.

What is wrong in the code?

spString = "usp_graph"
sqlcmd_q.Connection = sqlCnn
sqlcmd_q.CommandText = spString


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