Code Error In Visual Studio2008?

Apr 11, 2010

The following code gives error: Name 'rs' is not declared.[code]

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MSI Returned Error Code 1638 When Re-Installing Visual Studio 2008 - .NET Framework | Dream.In.Code

Jan 9, 2012

I realize this post is rather long, but I wanted to give all the information up front instead of people having to ask me for more information.At the end of the re-installation of Visual Studio 2008, there is this message:

"Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard: [2] Error: Installation failed for component Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard. MSI returned error code 1638" in the log file dd_error_vs_procore_90.txt.

I have searched on Google for this whole message and found some references to this error, but I have done what they said worked for them and it did not fix the problem for me.When I searched for just "MSI returned error code 1638", I got that it cannot install something because it is already installed:"Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. To configure or remove the existing version of this product, use Add/Remove Programs on the Control Panel".In Add/Remove Programs I see these two programs:

Microsoft SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard 1.3
Microsoft SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard 1.4

Are these programs/versions what the error is refering to? Am I safe to remove them and depend on the similarly-named item which would be newly installed with Visual Studio 2008 - "Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard"? I still use SQL Server 2000 and 2005 on my computer, as well as 2008. I had installed VS 2008 on my computer before without this problem and also have VS 2005 and 2010.

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Studio2008 Can't Find That Namespace

Sep 23, 2009

In my program i use a character.

But on my laptop i installed windows 7 and in there visual studio2008 cannot find that namespace.

Is there any change since windows7? or is it the framework that causes this problem?

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Strange Error: "Source Code Not Available For The Current Path" / "The Visual Specified Is Not An Ancestor Of This Visual" (from IT)?

Jun 1, 2010

The Datagrid is inside a TabItem. The error occurs when, after cleaning and filling the Datagrid with new items, I select the Tabitem with the Datagrid inside. Until I don't try to "see" the Datagrid, there's no problem.Error (translated fm italian): "Source code not available for the current path"In the details I find:Message: "The Visual specified is not an ancestor of this Visual"TargetSite.Name: "TrySimpleTransformToAncestor"StackTrace is very long, if you wont I'll post it.The error occurs always with some specific data, but I can't find anything different in these data from all the other data.These data cause the error (example row):

imgMarcaPath: imgfornam/4.jpg
ArticleNormName: Filtro olio


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.net - Several Visual Studio Projects Are Complaining That A Temp File Is Missing And Therefore Cannot Be Opened. Error Code &H80070003

May 31, 2011

I'm running Visual Studio 2010 on a terminal server, and have been, with relatively few problems, for some time. This morning I fired up my PC and over the UK's long weekend, the following issue seems to have developed.I've got a bunch of projects (but not all of my projects, and not all of the projects in a given solution) complaining that a particular file (which does not exist on the computer) cannot be opened, and so those projects will not compile anymore. Here's the error:

Error 31 Unable to open module file'C:Users[username]AppDataLocalTemp2.NETFramework,Version=v4.0.AssemblyAttributes.vb':
System Error &H80070003&

I could simply copy the file into that directory and be done with it, I'm pretty sure that will work,EDIT: Okay, now things have gotten to a whole new level of weird. I've rebooted the server, I get the same error message, only now the file it is asking for exists and can be opened in Visual Studio with no problems. another part of the IDE still insists that it's unable to open the module file.

EDIT 2: Can't delete the file because it claims to be open in another program, but I've logged off and logged on again, and there shouldn't be anything accessing it.

EDIT 3: Because there's a wall of comments below his answer, I'll mention here that Jared's suggestion to delete the SUO file for the solutions having the problem (not files specifically to do with any of the problem projects, strangely) was what solved this, eventually.

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Visual Studio 2008 (visual Basic) Error Id Bc32400

Dec 19, 2009

whilst trying to debug a sample program, get error code bc 32400. Also error code Class 'CLSID_CorSymWriter' could not be created system error &H80040154&

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Comment A Code Visual Studio Code Snippet?

Jul 6, 2011

How do I add a comment to code snippet in Visual Studio?

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Extracting Visual Basic Source Code From Visual Basic EXE?

Jan 24, 2011

How do you extract source code from a VB.NET .EXE file?

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Write A Code For Serial Ports Without Sucess But The Code Does Not Throw An Error ?

Feb 20, 2011

what is wrong with my code and I get no feedback from my button click event, i have imported. ( code Below) and i have tied differrent combinations of the code without sucess.maybe add extra to my code for the list to show open Port or closed ports.

Imports System.Management
Imports System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher
Imports System.Management.ManagementNamedValueCollection[code].....

View 9 Replies

.net - Can Code For Visual C++ And VB On Ubuntu

Jun 26, 2010

I want to change my OS to Ubuntu, but I have pending projects in Visual C++ and Visual Basic. I have not worked with Ubuntu before, so will I be able to carry forward my pending work to Ubuntu? Will it work with the IDEs available in Ubuntu?

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.net - Legacy Code Visual Basic To C#?

Jul 6, 2011

I'm building an c# app that is designed to replicate and enhance the functionality of an VB6 app developed many years ago. My problem is that one module in the old app does some realy complicated things and trying to replicate this starting from specs would be a big pain for me. Even if this sounds like the best idea.

My question is : is there a way i could keep the old VB module and integrate it into the c# app, so that i wouldn't have to rewrite everything ?

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Cannot Develop Visual Basic Code?

Mar 26, 2009

Launch a Quadratic Equation Mathematics Machine.The machine is to take input from the user in respect tovalues for a, b and c

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Cleaning Visual Basic Code?

Jan 6, 2012

however there is a portion in this code that can be simplified more (the if orelse statements). I know it has something to do with a collections class or an array, but I'm stumped on how to change it.

Function GetLastName(ByVal accountName As String) As String
Dim lastName As
Dim stringArray As Array = accountName.Split(" ")


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How To Hide Code In Visual BASIC

Jan 18, 2012

Say I want to distribute my Visual BASIC program, but I don't want people who download it to be able to look at the Visual BASIC code. How would

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Loop Code In Visual Basic?

Aug 15, 2011

im making a friend adder for teenspot and this is what i have. basically you click a button and it adds the person selected on the list, then you have to click it again to add the next one. the thing is i need to know how to loops this so it just keeps moving down the list adding people automatically


ive tried multiple times with do...loop and and all that kinda stuff, but i still havent figured it out. what it does is, it only runs through the add me pages and never clicks confirm which is the second part. im kinda new to vb

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Visual Code For Keyboard Without Software?

Aug 23, 2010

I saw that their are software do download to record keystrokes etc .I have a BOFC (SAP) add in on my excel called Financial Consolidation(ALT C)If I use my mouse when recording the marco it doesn't read this in excel , can one code it normally in VB ? i.e. how do I select ALT C , etc . Is it possible to code or do I need to download some software ?

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Code A Visual Basic IP Address Changer?

Aug 13, 2009

I have a Vista O.S., but I want my program to change the Ip address on mutiple O.S. with one click of a button or possibly on a timer to switch ip addresses every few minutes. How would I do this in VB 2008?

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Code To Run - .exe In The Mix With My .vb Files In Visual Studio 2010

Dec 10, 2011

I have a .exe in the mix with my .vb files in visual studio 2010 and I can't figure out a code to run it. I added it through the add existing if that means anything.





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Compile To P-code In Visual Basic 2005

Jun 24, 2009

i had 13 years old and i need to know how to compile my programs to p-code in visual basic,

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Converting Javascript Code To Visual Basic?

May 4, 2009

I�ve tried a verity of different things but I can�t seem to find something that works so I thought I would Ask here, if This is the wrong place then Sorry If you could point me to the correct place the I would Post there. Now I have this JavaScript code that I want to get working in a VB.Net Client side application?

function send_request() {
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla, Safari, ...
http_request = new XMLHttpRequest();


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Port Visual Basic .NET Code To Java?

Mar 2, 2012

Dim sr As New IO.StreamReader(Mapfile & ".txt")
'Dim intValue As String = ""


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Run Visual Basic Project From Java Code?

Oct 20, 2009

some idea to how to run VB project using Java.

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See The Registration Code Entered For Visual Basic?

Aug 12, 2010

I recently downloaded Visual Basic Web Developer, Visual C# 2010 Express, and Visual C++ 2010 Express asI intend to learn ASP.NET, C#, and C++ after I have learned more about VB.NET (wish me luck, haha.)I am creating a text file with all of my registration codes, but I did not keep my registration code for Visual Basic (neither in records norn email.) I have tried re-clicking the 'Register Product' button, but I just get a message saying that I havealready obtained a key. Is there someplace I can go within the program to view my code?

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Use HTML Code In Visual Basic 2010?

Feb 22, 2012

< body>
< h1>My First Heading</h1>
< p>My first paragraph.</p>
< /body>
< /html>

if Possible to Use HTML Code like above in Visual Basic 2010 in WPF?

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Visual Studio On Win 7 (64 Bit Ver) Won't Allow Debug To Change Code

Jul 28, 2010

I upgrade my computer to win 7 64 bit and run visual studio 2008, When I try to debug my old dotnet application (orgiinal from XP) it wont allow me to change any code while stop and debug. It said 'Change to 64 bit application is not allowed.

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.net - Using Rjindael And RSA To Encrypt Data Stored In QR Code In Visual?

Jun 23, 2011

I'm wanting to encrypt some data (hopefully under five hundred bytes' worth) and store it in a QR code. Originally I wanted to use RSA, so the data would be signed with User A's private key and User B's public key, but unfortunately, VB.NET doesn't like encrypting that much data. I've read that I should use Rjindael to encrypt the actual data, and then use RSA to encrypt the key used by Rjindael. However, I'm not having much luck being able to search the web for some kind of tutorial or something.

Also, if I was wanting to store this on a QR code, wouldn't I have to store both the encrypted data and the encrypted key used by Rjindael? Do you think this would all fit? I may be able to use version 40 on medium error correction [URl].. it stores 18,672 "data bits"), but I would prefer to use a lower version (that is, smaller) if at all possible.Generating the QR code won't be the problem (I know there's a .NET library for that), I'm just curious about getting the data encrypted to begin with.

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.net - Visual Basic Tools UML To Code Or Reverse Engineering?

Jan 9, 2012

I would like to either generate VB Code from UML or vice versa UML from Code. Does anyone know some UML tools for VB6 or VB.Net that can do this?Is it possible with Visual Studio 2010?

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Access VB Code In Solution File Without Visual Studio

May 21, 2009

Is it possible to get access to my VB code if I have the solution files on a USB hub but no access to Visual Studio? Can I open them up in Notepad?

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Ask Code In Visual Basic 2008 For Calculator Programming?

Oct 18, 2011

Build calculator using visual basic 2008

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Change VB Project Code To C# Using Visual Studio 2010?

May 25, 2011

how to Change VB project code to C# using Visual Studio 2010?

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