Strange Error: "Source Code Not Available For The Current Path" / "The Visual Specified Is Not An Ancestor Of This Visual" (from IT)?

Jun 1, 2010

The Datagrid is inside a TabItem. The error occurs when, after cleaning and filling the Datagrid with new items, I select the Tabitem with the Datagrid inside. Until I don't try to "see" the Datagrid, there's no problem.Error (translated fm italian): "Source code not available for the current path"In the details I find:Message: "The Visual specified is not an ancestor of this Visual"TargetSite.Name: "TrySimpleTransformToAncestor"StackTrace is very long, if you wont I'll post it.The error occurs always with some specific data, but I can't find anything different in these data from all the other data.These data cause the error (example row):

imgMarcaPath: imgfornam/4.jpg
ArticleNormName: Filtro olio


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Extracting Visual Basic Source Code From Visual Basic EXE?

Jan 24, 2011

How do you extract source code from a VB.NET .EXE file?

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How To Edit Visual Basic 2008 Source Code

Jan 23, 2010

I downloaded some visual basic 2008 Source Code from a site and when i edit it or delete something it still shows up in program when debuging and playing the program,even when i delete it in code it still shows up how can i stop this

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Visual Studio: Move Source Code Between Projects

Jun 12, 2009

In the "old days" I was working with Linux to create C/C++ programs (really really BASIC...HA!...programs, just learning to program in the courses as an intro) by creating a text file with the source code that was then fed to the compiler/linker that then spit out the executable binary.


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Reading All Files In Current Directory In Visual C++.Net - C And C++ | Dream.In.Code?

Mar 24, 2009

I have created a project in VS2003.Net under VisualC++.-->Windows32 Application. I have to make an executable file that I will be able to run from different machine.The purpose of this file is to read some files that are in a particular directory. I will run the VSC++ .exe file from this folder. So I have to use some code to get the currentdirectory(directory where the current exe file is existing). After getting the directory, I have to find all the files in this directory that has an extension of .config.

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Get 'Illegal Characters In Path' In Visual Basic Code?

Jun 19, 2012

I have a directory with multiple sub directories that contain .doc files. Example:


In my code below, I am trying to display in a list box all of the files that end with extension '.doc' that are in sub directories of C:Users medinaDocuments estenviromentReleased So for example, I have


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Visual Basic 2010 AxSHDocVw.AxWebBrowser Source Code?

May 20, 2011

I have AxSHDocVw.AxWebBrowser in my form. I want to get the source of the navigated webpage

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Determine What Visual Studio Version To Use Based On The Source Code Files?

Apr 17, 2012

I have an old system developed in Visual Basic. How can I determine what Visual Studio version to use based on the source code files? I've tried to upgrade the application using VS2005, VS2008 and VS2010. With VS2005 when I attempt to upgrade the source, it says the system was developed in a newer version. I currently have VS2005 version 8.0.50727.42 installed.

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Visual Studio 2008 (visual Basic) Error Id Bc32400

Dec 19, 2009

whilst trying to debug a sample program, get error code bc 32400. Also error code Class 'CLSID_CorSymWriter' could not be created system error &H80040154&

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MSI Returned Error Code 1638 When Re-Installing Visual Studio 2008 - .NET Framework | Dream.In.Code

Jan 9, 2012

I realize this post is rather long, but I wanted to give all the information up front instead of people having to ask me for more information.At the end of the re-installation of Visual Studio 2008, there is this message:

"Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard: [2] Error: Installation failed for component Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard. MSI returned error code 1638" in the log file dd_error_vs_procore_90.txt.

I have searched on Google for this whole message and found some references to this error, but I have done what they said worked for them and it did not fix the problem for me.When I searched for just "MSI returned error code 1638", I got that it cannot install something because it is already installed:"Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. To configure or remove the existing version of this product, use Add/Remove Programs on the Control Panel".In Add/Remove Programs I see these two programs:

Microsoft SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard 1.3
Microsoft SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard 1.4

Are these programs/versions what the error is refering to? Am I safe to remove them and depend on the similarly-named item which would be newly installed with Visual Studio 2008 - "Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard"? I still use SQL Server 2000 and 2005 on my computer, as well as 2008. I had installed VS 2008 on my computer before without this problem and also have VS 2005 and 2010.

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Code Error In Visual Studio2008?

Apr 11, 2010

The following code gives error: Name 'rs' is not declared.[code]

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.net - Several Visual Studio Projects Are Complaining That A Temp File Is Missing And Therefore Cannot Be Opened. Error Code &H80070003

May 31, 2011

I'm running Visual Studio 2010 on a terminal server, and have been, with relatively few problems, for some time. This morning I fired up my PC and over the UK's long weekend, the following issue seems to have developed.I've got a bunch of projects (but not all of my projects, and not all of the projects in a given solution) complaining that a particular file (which does not exist on the computer) cannot be opened, and so those projects will not compile anymore. Here's the error:

Error 31 Unable to open module file'C:Users[username]AppDataLocalTemp2.NETFramework,Version=v4.0.AssemblyAttributes.vb':
System Error &H80070003&

I could simply copy the file into that directory and be done with it, I'm pretty sure that will work,EDIT: Okay, now things have gotten to a whole new level of weird. I've rebooted the server, I get the same error message, only now the file it is asking for exists and can be opened in Visual Studio with no problems. another part of the IDE still insists that it's unable to open the module file.

EDIT 2: Can't delete the file because it claims to be open in another program, but I've logged off and logged on again, and there shouldn't be anything accessing it.

EDIT 3: Because there's a wall of comments below his answer, I'll mention here that Jared's suggestion to delete the SUO file for the solutions having the problem (not files specifically to do with any of the problem projects, strangely) was what solved this, eventually.

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Source Code Available For The Current Location?

Oct 21, 2009

I have a WinForms app in a single project written in VB.Net 2003 (legacy code). There is a MainForm and a SecondaryForm that is run by the MainForm. When I run the app thru the MainForm, I can debug with no problem. However, if I just run the SecondaryForm, I get the debug error, "There is no source code available for the current location", when stepping over,_routeId = CInt(myVar)

At this point I am no longer able to debug thru my code window, but have to use the disassembled code.

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There Is No Source Code Available For The Current Location?

Sep 26, 2010

when i run the application it gives an error "there is no source code available for the current location". Even i try to debug using f8 and msgbox in all forms,It doesn go thru it.I dont know what goes wrong with my application.All the while it goes perfectly alright.what does this error message meant and why all the way in sudden it happens to be like this?

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.net - Get Visual Studio To Produce The Same DLL For The Same C# Source?

May 13, 2010

I noticed that when I build a given C# or VB.NET source to produce a DLL, the binary output is different each time. It would be helpful for our build / deployment process if this was not the case. Can I control this?

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Add A Data Source To Visual Studio 2008?

Jun 27, 2009

I have downloaded and run the mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.5-win32.msi. The wizard goes through the process but when I go to vs 2008 and try to Add a Data Source or Show Data Sources I get a blank. NOTHING! Just like I had not clicked on the command. There are simply no data sources available in this virgin copy of Visual Studio 2008. I cannot even access an access db!

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VS 2005 - View HTML Source Code For Current Web Pages?

Jun 6, 2009

I want to use one button and one textbox to view the HTML Source Code for current Web Pages,or use vbscript(but not use the method of xmlhttp)

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Add A New Data Source To Visual Studio 2010 Project?

Jan 7, 2011

im trying to add a new data source to my visual studio 2010 project. As it stands my project consists of a few windows forms. I plan on making it access a database (made in access, unless this is a problem), and be able to perform pre-set queries, search/sort, and basic delete,add,edit functions. I will hopefully be later adding the function to print reports according to the database entries.However, the problem i am having is that when i go on to data sources, and click add new source, the following happens:3, it asks me which connection i will be using, i click new connection, then in the new connection dialog i choose the following : Microsoft Access Database File (OLE DB), then i browse for the database i made in the 'database file name' box, Then i delete the default username in the log in to database bit, as my database has no protection.

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Congigure Source Control To Work With Visual Studio ?

Jun 6, 2009

How can I congigure Source Control to work with VS.NET

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Check The Current User Document And Setting Using Visual Basic?

Sep 12, 2010

i realise that currently there is not built-in class for the checking of the current user folder in visual basic .net. anyone can advised the workaround for this. E.g. if user123 login to the machine, the code will return "c:useruser123"

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Determine Current Username And Hardrive Letter On Visual Basic?

Apr 13, 2010

Ok, basically, I need to know what the current hard drive letter that the current user is using, along with the user's name, followed by Music. When using the command prompt, we can use a simple code that is just %currentuser%Music but, I guess Visual Basic is a bit more complicated. Haha.

If you're curious why I need this, it is because I am making a program for my company to help backup our music and documents from their computers before we get new computers.

When using the code above in the command prompt in Windows, you would get something like: C:UsersRobertMusic, but this does not work for Visual Basic 2008.

My current operating system is Windows 7. I can supply more information if needed.

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Keyboard Shortcut In Visual Studio To Select The Current Block?

Oct 26, 2010

In VB Classic, VBA and also in Visual Studio you can dbl click close to the left hand margin of a block of code and it will select the whole of the current block (sub, function etc). In Visual Studio this clickable area is adjacent to the line numbers on the left.Is there a keyboard shortcut that will do the same job? that is, select the "current block".

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Setup A Db Data Source In A Visual Studio 2005 Deployment

Oct 21, 2009

I'm working on deploying a visual studio 2005 windows application executable with an embedded crystal report using visual basic. It seems to install everything just fine, however, the system dsn isn't being setup.

How do you configure a setup project to setup the system dsn during the installation?

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Visual Studio 2008 Debug Is Launching .NET WPF App With Old Source Files

Feb 23, 2010

This started happening randomly yesterday. When I press F5 to test my project, an old build of the program (circa yesterday afternoon) launches. No changes (and I've tried in a few different files) are reflected in the project. However, and this is truly perplexing, if I go to Build --> Build from the Menu bar, the output .exe in the /bin/release/ directory DOES include all the recent changes.


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Data Source Path - Error: End Os Statement Required

Mar 7, 2012


am getting error: End os statement required

View 5 Replies - Without Data Source Assign In Crystal Report With Visual Studio 2008?

Apr 22, 2011

I am studying crystal report with visual studio 2008. I knew OLEDB, ADO.Net And ADO connections etc. But whatever connection that we must assign data sources. I want to non-configured and assign data sources as like data-grid. In the data-grid, we can configure data field name and generate data assignation in runtime. Can I do this for report or not. If I can this, tell me how can I do this.

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Connecting Visual Basic To SQL Server Using VB Data Source Configuration Wizard?

Dec 29, 2007

I am a brand new user of MS Visual Basic 2005 Express and MS SQL Server 2005 Express. I have familiarized myself with both programs but have one extremely frustrating problem. Once I open SQL Server, I can not establish a database connection from Visual Basic using the Visual Basic Data Source Configuration Wizard (even if I close SQL Server). If I reboot and open Visual Basic first, I can then connect using the Visual Basic Data Source Configuration Wizard. But then I can not switch to SQL Server and open the database (even if I close Visual Basic). Again, I must reboot to open the database in SQL Server.I suspect there is a setting somewhere that needs to be changed, but I can not find it?

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IDE :: Visual Studio 2010 Reference Path To Local Assembly Won't Change?

Jul 20, 2010

We have upgraded our project from Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2010 without any issues until now. Our project contains a folder call Libraries which contains different versions of Oracle ODP.NET DLL's as well as different versions of Telerik DLL's. Our project contains references to one of the versions of each. The problem is once we remove the reference and re-add it by browsing to the new version, again inside the Libraries folder inside the project, it adds the reference, but to the same version we just removed. We can even copy the DLL to our desktop, remove the reference and add to the new one on our desktop and it still will point to the Libraries folder version???. The only we we can actual change the reference to the new DLL is by manually changing the path in the .vbproj file, which is obviously not going to work for us. The same behaviour worked perfectly in VS 2008. We switch our references quite often, when new versions come out, but also far more often to QA different versions of ODP.NET and Telerik Control DLL's, so manually editing the .vbproj file is becoming quickly cumbersome. If I browse to a specific version at a specific path, Visual Studio should ALWAYS do what I'm telling it to do..

I did some seaching and came across a few other people with the same issue. This better not be as designed and if it's a bug, which I believe it to be, when will it be fixed?[URL]..

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VS 2008 Visual Studio Cannot Start Debugging Because The Debug Target (path) Is Missing

Nov 21, 2009

I get this error every time I try to debug.But, I do not know how to fix it or why it started occurring.

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Create In Visual Studio A Small Site With Related Links Based On What The Current Page Is Displaying?

Nov 5, 2010

I know this is not the right place for this question but still I would like to create in Visual Studio a small site with related links based on what the current page is displaying, from what I understand it's about MVP/MVC

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