Code For Connections Between Points?

Aug 14, 2009

This thread (Question) is a continuation of a question answered by JohnWein. the original question asked by me in this thread: an this is the answer:


The question is, in the case of four connections, how can I make sure that all points are connected with minimum number of connections using the same above code?

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Point Connections Through Series Of Points?

Nov 21, 2009

The below photo shows that point 4 is connected to point 1 while point 5 is not connected to point 1 according to the flow direction. How can I programme this?

The below code shows the connections between nodes where the row of the matrix represents "FromPoint" and the column represent the "ToPoint".Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase .Load


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Update Code - Get The Active Connections

May 20, 2010

How to get the active connections like these examples does I just want to keep it simple but basicly i want to get some information about the network connections that are open like these examples does

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.Net SQLClient Connections And SQL Server - Active Connections Reflect Even Though All Closed?

Jul 19, 2011

Using VB.Net and SQL Server 2008 R2: I have recently had a database that using sp_who2 reflects a connection ".Net SqlClient Data Provider" is still active even though the .Net application has closed and disposed of all connections.


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Find Where This Code Might Be Leaving Old Connections Open

Jan 11, 2010

I'm trying to find where this code might be leaving old connections open, and I found this code that might be the cullprit. It is in a function. I'm wondering if this connection would close, if an exception occured from within the USING statement?


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Offset The Points In A Polygon Without Having To Change Each One Individually The Points Are In An Array?

Apr 20, 2010

is there a way to offset the points in a polygon without having to change each one individually the points are in an array

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Reading Forum Input - Opening Database Connections And Calling VB Code

Jul 31, 2011

I am extremly new to this concept of and vb. all the tutorials I see are c# based or very basic for vb. What I have is a contact forum with some basic information. I got the whole "check if the user has input information correctly down pat how ever Its this whole, connecting to a database (sdf) if in another vb file ands calling that method into aspx file and proessing forum input to say "take this, insert into bla..." I come from java, JSP and J2ee bak ground where its not that diffrent and I dont have all week to read books and take baby steps. I have until tuseday morning to finsih this. Right now I am as far as forum validation....


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Build The Shortest Path Between Any 2 Points In This List - Develop Some AI Code For A Game ?

Aug 17, 2010

I'm trying to develop some AI code for a game I'm creating. I have a list of x,y coords and I need help figuring out what I can use/do to build the shortest path between any 2 points in this list. I would like to build a function that I can pass a list of valid X,Y coords to use when generating the path, start point, end point, and have it return a list of points, which would be the shortest path between the start and end point, using the list of points supplied. I have looked at A* and Dijkstra's, but am having problems implementing the algs in code, as all this seems graph based.

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Get The Points Which Make A Polygon From A Region Which Was Derived From The Polygon's Points?

Jan 31, 2010

how can i get the points which make a polygon from a region which was derived from the polygon's points?

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Sql - Managing Connections

Jun 6, 2010

I'm populating a listview with a list of databases on a selected SQL instance, then retrieving a value from each database (It's internal product version, column doesn't always exist) I'm calling the below function to populate the second column of the listview:


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Threading And Db Connections In Vb?

Feb 23, 2011

I'm trying to understand how to handle db connections in a multi-theaded windows program.It I have this simple class:

public class MyClass
private myConn as new sqlconnection
private MyThreadPool(5) as Thread


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Two Connections Under One Transaction

May 24, 2012

I searched araound and having some difficulties in implementing one scenario with SQL Server 2000 and sybase.I have two SQL servers on different locations naming ServerA (MSSQL Server) and ServerB (Sybase server).I have a table called SALARY.Whenever I insert one record to customer SALARY in ServerA, I also will insert it into ServerB.If should any of them failed, both of them should be rolled back.I am using Asp .Net with VB for the programming.I do not have the right to change / add table in Server B. The only thing allowed in Server B is insert/delete/update record.I looked around and find a method to use TransactionScope but I am not quite sure it is the right way to do.url...

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Using TCP To Listen For Connections

Dec 17, 2010

I am developing an Application that uses TCP To listen for connections, and then when a message is sent to the server and then it alerts the IP that is running the server. (Lets say the server is on a iPhone, and some how the iPhone gets a text message, which alerts a tcp server running in the background via a .jar, it would send the owner of the iPhone a message on the computer telling it it has a text. This is just an example though, but I think it gets the general idea across. I've been trying to do this, and I can connect to a TCP Server (using for testing purposes, will move to a solid IP and Port later). I can start the server (its still buggy and under development) but i don't know how to connect to the server via an application, and when a certain message is received to alert the IP Running the server.

My Server Code is:
Dim serverSocket As New TcpListener(8888)
Dim clientSocket As TcpClient
Dim infiniteCounter As Integer
Dim counter As Integer
[Code] .....

Now I know that to connect you'd do something like
Dim clientSocket As New System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient()
Dim serverStream As NetworkStream
clientSocket.Connect("", 8888)
serverStream = clientSocket.GetStream()
And I know I would have to use some sort of Byte() method to send/receive messages, but I am at a loss on how to set it all up.

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Best Way For Concurrent HTTP Connections?

Apr 22, 2010

I need to download a bunch of pages from a web server, ie. spidering. I know that servers are typically configured to only allow a couple of concurrent connections from a given IP, but that would already halve the total time to run the script instead of downloading one page at a time.

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Classes And Connections To The Database?

Jul 28, 2009

i've been previously using Visual Studios built in wizards for manipulating data access to and from an MSAccess Database, however just recently i coded my own classes and connections to the database, ive been able to select, update and delete records effectively however my problem comes with inserting records.

I have a 3 tiered table database:Tbl_PO, Tbl_Parts, Tbl_Shipments each po has multiple parts, each part has multiple shipments.when i insert a record into the tbl_PO, i need to retrieve the ID used on that insertion.

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Closing All (maybe Older) SQL Connections?

Feb 15, 2012

I am using two SQL connections in my Program. I declare them like this:

Public SQLcon As New SqlConnection("server=(local);database=master;Trusted_Connection=True;")


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Closing Connections On Redirect?

Feb 20, 2010

How do I go about closing a connection if I redirect before I can close it? Does it close when the new page loads? For example:


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Connections: Opened And Closed?

Nov 7, 2011

I have a Visual Studio 2008-SQL Server 2005 app that will be throwing alot at it. It's my testbed learning app. I'm also a student of this craft(43 years young) like another poster posted on another thread. I come from a PICK/BASIC jBase background. Anyway as-is my app has a connection to the database that is opened on form load. I close the connection on form close. It's a one form app currently. Is this wrong? It seems that maybe I should not have a connection opened possibly all day. I'm looking into incorporating Datasets, dataAdapters into my next phase of evolution. I looked at the material and it's tough. For me anyway. But I will get into it. I will fetch the data into a dataset so that I can keep the connection open only for a little while. I was turned on to this "keep the connection just as long as you need it" idea from someth

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Create Connections Through Proxies?

Jun 25, 2010

I am making a web browser and I was wondering how I could create connections through proxies. Right now the browser only uses UDP packets, so any info specifically on that would be great.

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DB/Reporting :: Different Types Of Connections In .Net 08 ?

Aug 28, 2009

The current project that I'm working on is mainly employing a database back-end, and I have a few questions regarding database connections in .Net, before I actually convert.

For VB6, I connect to my databases using ADODB connections and recordsets in code only, and not by binding controls. I perform my queries using SQL statements..For differentations in the type of database, such as connecting to a MySql, a MsSql, or an access database, it was mainly the connection string that had to be changed.. and ofcourse installing the drivers.

Now for VB.Net, I believe this can be done using the System.Data assembly. While looking into it, I've seen that it has a lot of members, such as System.Data.Odbc, System.Data.OleDb, System.Data.SqlClient.

My question is, what is the main difference between those namespaces (just briefly)? I would like to generally understand the main differences before I start with anything. I have also heard about LINQ. It looked very alien to me in the MSDN library. (PS: what's the deal with Ado.Net?)

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Finding Available Wireless And Lan Connections?

Oct 14, 2010

i'm using Visual Basic 2008 - Office 2007 - addin for ppt.

ok i'm going to delete the other thread. i'm going to rephrase and try to explain as clearly as possible.

I need to find a code that (when i click the "Search" Button) will start searching for all available lan and wireless connections.

All the available selections will be shown in a List Box provided.

Once i find one i want to use, i can stop the search (by pressing another button "Stop" in this case) or just straight away click the one i want and press another button ("Select" in this case) and if it needs a password or WEP then it will display or it will just connect without asking.

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Finding Process IP Connections?

Feb 26, 2009

Im making a small servermanager for a game. I have a list of players with their IP's that are currently connected to the the whole game. I want to find out what IP's are connected to a certain process so I can match these with the list of players and then add the players that are in the server hosted by this servermanager, into the playerlist.Adding players to that list and looking them up for a matching IP already works. I just cant figure out how to find all the IP's that are connected to a certain process.

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How To Scan For Connections On A Certain Port

Dec 17, 2010

I'm using a TcpListener and TcpClient to search for a connection on a certain port,and display a message when a connection is made, but i do not know how to do this. My code so far:

Dim port As Integer = 81
Dim serverSocket As New TcpListener(port)
Dim clientSocket As TcpClient
Dim c As Integer
Dim ic As Integer


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Kill Tcp Connections Using Program?

Jan 12, 2010

I wrote application which displays tcp connections to the PC, but how can i terminate them? [code]...

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Multiple Socket Connections?

Nov 14, 2010

OK here is some code I nicked from web and I have changed some things, it works but only accepting one client, how do I make this accept multiple clients?


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Server - How To See All Open Connections

Mar 11, 2011

I searched on google for these terms : "How to see all open connections in" and it should be for a server im running and it would be like to see witch users are connected (ip) and then if i type in the console -disconnect ip then the user will be disconnected from the server but is this technical posibble ?

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Sql Server - Reducing SQL Connections To Just 1 -

Feb 7, 2012

I am currently working on an web page with a GridView displaying a table from a database.This GridView has 4 DropDownLists that will be used to filter the data shown on the GridView. When the page loads 4 Sub routines are run, each one connecting to the database with a select statement to fill the DropDownList with relevant filter headings.

Initially, I had one connection with a loop that populated all of the drop downs but these contained duplicates. I then split the filling of each DDL so that the select statements could contain DISTINCT. I would like (and am sure there is a way here) to be able to populate all of the DDLs with data from one connection.

Code for one connection:

Protected Sub FillDepDDL()
Dim conn As New SqlConnection()
conn.ConnectionString =


The other 3 column names: FirstName > DDLFN, LastName > DDLLN, Wage > DDLWag.This is only a test DB and the princibles learned here will be applied to a larger live project.

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VS 2008 Incoming Connections?

Jan 3, 2010

I was wondering, if there is a way to block incoming connections from specific ip adress that tries to connect to computer

I assume that it cant be via windows host files

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VS 2008 TableAdapters Connections?

Jul 8, 2009

I need to change the connection string of all tableadapters at runtime, can anyone tell me for the best way to do it?I have a conection string in my settings, that i can't change at runtime (application scope), i could go to dataset.designer and change the value to a new variable but i don't think this is a good method.

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VS 2010 SQL Server Connections

Aug 24, 2011

I'm pretty new to VB.NET and connecting to SQL Server.What is considered best practice when building an app that needs to connect frequently to a SQL Server DB to fetch, write, delete and update records?Should a connection be opened at app startup (a connection at start is opened to validate the user) and left open for subsequent transactions or should a connection be opened, closed and disposed of each time a read/write to the DB is required?

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