Code That Worked With MultiView Fails With Wizard ASP.NET

Mar 29, 2010

I originally created a process that occurred by transitioning between views in a multiview and it worked fine. Now, I've moved this same code into a ASP.NET Wizard and it keeps throwing an error at the second step. The error is:Method 'System.Object AndObject(System.Object, System.Object)' has no supported translation to SQL.Any ideas why this would occur when moving the code into the wizard? I'm sure its something stupid, but I've checked over the code 3-4 times now and it appears identical operationally.Here is the code:[code]

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Add Connection Wizard Fails With Access Database

Nov 14, 2005

I have the RTM version installed. I am quite puzzled at this wizard. It works fine with SqlClient. But for Access databases, this wizard completely fails.In this wizard, I only have one option to do - setting the ConnectionString. [code]

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C# - Why This Code Is Not Working While It Worked Fine For Almost A Year

Apr 21, 2009

Does automatic software update causes some of the module property not to work? They are basically the same function that reads image logo from the currently executing assembly. Function named "Get2LogoImageStream" is different from "Get1LogoImageStream" by just Current.ManifestModule.Name vs Current.ManifestModule.ScopeName.

This "Current.ManifestModule.Name " version of the code worked on both Web From app and Windows form app, however right now it only works for Windows App form. But when I changed this code "Current.ManifestModule.Name" with "Current.ManifestModule.ScopeName" and it worked on WEB without any problem. So my questions to fellow C# or VB.NET developers is that does automatic software update causes this kind of issues?

protected Stream Get1LogoImageStream()
Assembly current = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
string imageName = "logo.jpg";


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VB 6.3 Vs 2010 Code Worked In Earlier Version?

Dec 21, 2009

This worked fine in VB 6...but does not in 2010. Any ideas of what I have to change?

If Gun1Avail = "No" Then
targetcount = 1
Do Until targetcount = 7
If frm.Controls("Target" & targetcount & "Gun1") = "Blah" Then
frm.Controls("Target" & targetcount & "Gun1").BackColor = vbRed
End If


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SQL Statement Worked Worked Fine With Access 2007 But Does Not Work In Access 2010?

Aug 23, 2011

upgrade my DAO code to ADO? The following code worked fine in VB.Net for Interop Access 2007.

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Put In Some Code That "worked" The Whole List(Of)?

Jun 9, 2012

I've started using Structure's with code - so I can have a List(Of someStructure) and run code against the structures in the list. They are like mini-classes.

I needed to put in some code that "worked" the whole List(Of) - so I put that as a sub in the structure that I pass the List(Of) to - seems a bit of a hack.

I'm curious what I might be missing about them - anyone willing to share some structure-with-code ideas?

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Update Databound Value On A Label When MultiView Active View Changed?

Feb 22, 2012

I have a MultiView with several Views within it. When the ActiveView changes I want to selectively databind a label that is in one of the views. Ideally, I don't want to do it every time the ActiveView changes, rather only when it is actually the view containing the label that is active.[code]...

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Code Migration Wizard In Program?

Apr 5, 2011

I have come to know that there is a code migration wizard, that heps migrate from vb6 to

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IDE - Create Base Wizard Code

May 13, 2012

I've created a Windows Form app in VB however I've decided the format is best suited to a Wizard style app. I've read a bit about creating wizards however I was hoping VS 2010 had a wizard to create wizards :) From what I've read there is a lot of coding to be done to create a simple wizard. Am I wrong ? Perhaps there is a third party app which generates the base wizard code?

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Configure Datasets Using Wizard Or Hard Code?

May 14, 2010

I'm using and have a small project that displays data from a SQL Server database. I used the Data Source Configuration Wizard to create a dataset. I've noticed web sites and code samples that show coding to connect to a database and I've tried that with success. But I'm wondering what the difference is between the two and which is better to use. The only difference I can tell so far is that by using the wizard, the textboxes on my form are bound and I have a lot less coding to do. By hard-coding the connection, I have to bind the textboxes in code. Is that the only difference?

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C# - Code Stops Working After I Create A Setup Using Publish Wizard?

Jan 15, 2012

Public Sub bk()
Dim strDatabasePath As String =


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Code Stops Working After Create A Setup Using Publish Wizard?

Jan 15, 2012

Public Sub bk()
Dim strDatabasePath As String =


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Build Fails But No Errors In Code

May 3, 2010

I have a Solution in VS 2008 with 2 projects in it (The machine is running Windows XP Professional). I can build the one project fine. The other one the build keeps failing. Their are no errors in the code. I don't get any message when the build fail except, VS ask me if i want to run the last successful build. I have tryed cleaning the solution and then building and rebuilding it.

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Made One Change To The Code And Now It Fails When Run?

Mar 3, 2011

I made a simple change to the coding. I changed a file extention from .s to .csv and now I get an error - "Illegal Characters in Path" grrrr.I get that error when the file path contains a space.

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Wpf - Remove The MsgBox The Code Fails To Run ?

Nov 2, 2010

I have a code that uses WPF Interoperability where I have WPF Item that is being added as user control in windows forms. I use the WPF for 3D view where I add a sphere dynamically and it works fine, all I do is just send x, y and radius from the form to WPF and it draws the sphere.

Now here it is the problem I made a loop that reads list of coords and draws them in WPF control, it works perfectly if I add a blank MsgBox but if I remove the MsgBox it only shows the last sphere in the list, Eg For Each obj As Sphere in LstSpheres. MsgBox("") 'If I remove this the code doesn't work. CreateSphere(obj.x, obj.y, obj.radius, Brushes.Red) 'This Sub adds the Sphere in WPF Control Next

How is that possible, and how can it be fixed?




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VS 2008 Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard - MSI Returned Error Code 1638

Jan 3, 2012

At the end of the re-installation of Visual Studio 2008, there is this message: "Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard: [2] Error: Installation failed for component Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard. MSI returned error code 1638" in the log file dd_error_vs_procore_90.txt.

When I searched for just "MSI returned error code 1638", I got that it
cannot install something because it is already installed: "Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. To configure or remove the existing version of this product, use Add/Remove Programs on the Control Panel".

In Add/Remove Programs I see these two programs:
Microsoft SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard 1.3
Microsoft SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard 1.4

Are these programs/versions what the error is refering to? Am I safe to remove them and depend on the similarly-named item which would be newly installed with Visual Studio 2008 - "Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard"?

I still use SQL Server 2000 and 2005 on my computer, as well as 2008.

I had installed VS 2008 on my computer before without this problem and also have VS 2005 and 2010.

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VBCodeProvider Fails - Exit Code 128 - No Output

Apr 30, 2011

On our software factory grid servers, calling VBCodeProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource randomly fails.


What does the 128 error code mean ? The version of vbc.exe used is the one in the .NET 2 (SP2) folder. Forcing the compiler to work in a new dedicated temp directory does not help (we update TMP and TEMP env variable on runtime, we checked that each vbc use a dedicated temporary folder based on process id and some static counter)


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.net - Unit Test Fails, Tested Code Works?

Aug 14, 2009

I have a simple unit test which tests that a validation function picks up a specific validation issue. The validation item returns a simple object with Item & Message properties. I've written a unit test for this function but this always fails even though I know the function works as expected.

<TestMethod()> Public Sub ContractNote_ValidateForManualInputTest_TradeOrderValueComparison()
'Can't get this test to work even though validation works!
Dim CN As ContractNote = New ContractNote
Dim Trade As New TradeOrder


I've implemented IComparable on ValidationItem (I have a separate unit test which confirms this works). Am I Using CollectionAssert correctly?

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Code Fails To Return Selected Item In A ListBox?

Jan 14, 2012

In my code I have to create a listbox and a form as its container. After adding a few items through code I am not able to make code return a Selected Item when I select the item manually; it always returns the las item added. However ther is no such problem with returning the Selected Index.

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Note Worked Vb App After Formatting?

Jun 15, 2011

I used vb2008 and make a good application and make setup file by advanced installer builder .And install and use one month then I formatted my pc .Then install my application without install vb2008but I get a warning message as

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Making A Code That Will Login To A Cisco Router - "if Wait Fails Goto"

Mar 3, 2011

I'm currently making a code that will login to a cisco router, and show the version, then return the version to me. The connection to the cisco router is using telnet, and I'm using Dimac's w3Sockets code to Connect, login, and return data. Reference

But currently I'm having some problems, since the router sometimes need the login typed 2 times, or having a key pressed to update the terminal(telnet),meaning i have to check if it gets logged in or not. But the problem is that using dimac code, i can only wait() and waitFor(), and if it none data comes whilst waiting, it keeps on waiting. Is there away to do like: "if wait fails goto"

I've tryed "on error goto", but since its not a error, but just keeps waiting, that dont work. Also, To locate where it gets stuck I have it write to my textbox everytime it takes a step in the code, but its like the dimac code overtakes ex: If i send some text to a textbox in the same sub as the connect code is, and it gets stuck at a wait, it dont even write to the textbox, eventhough the textbox.text command was suppose to execute before the wait().


Private Sub telnet(ByVal port)

TextBox3.Text = TextBox3.Text & Environment.NewLine & "Telnet func Called" 'Cant execute this if it gets stuck at login below. ??


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.net - Unable To Open .DBF Files In Windows 7 That Had Worked Under XP

Dec 20, 2010

I have a VB.NET application that will let me preview .DBF files that come in from some of our clients. The application then attempts to spit out a CSV from this file that we can then use in our various environments. This application worked under Windows XP 32 bit. Our company recently upgraded most of us to Windows 7 x64 which has caused this application to fail. I verified that the target build for this application is x86 and not "any CPU" and rebuilt the app but same issues occur.

It originally used System.Data.Odbc and connection.ConnectionString = "Driver={Microsoft dBASE VFP Driver (*.dbf)};SourceType = DBF;SourceDB=" & dbfSourcePath & ";Exclusive=No; Collate=Machine;BACKGROUNDFETCH=NO;".
The location of the failure is at connection.Open(). The error given is: "ERROR [IM001] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver does not support this function".

I noticed that the drivers for VFP were not installed and that the Access DBF drivers did not work similar to the post here. The fix listed there is to install VFPro SP2, however, we do not have any FoxPro installs to install a service pack on top of. I then tried to install the OLEDB driver for VFP 9.0 and am now using System.Data.OleDb and connection.ConnectionString = "Provider=VFPOLEDB.1; ourceDB=" & dbfSourcePath & ";" but it now tells me that the connection.Open() line has this error: "Feature is not available".

I am at a complete loss as to how to get this application to work under Windows 7 x64. Below are the 2 variants of the code with the file open path removed for readability (I have verified the path and file exist):

ODBC version:

Imports System.Data.Odbc
Dim strSelect As String
strSelect = "SELECT * FROM " & dbfSourceName


How can I use either an OLEDB or ODBC connection to open these .DBF files under Windows 7 x64?

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Adding Adodb.dll To Project That Worked On Other Computers?

Jun 16, 2010

my program does not work on other machines.although they stood Framework & adodb.dll.writes that the error in the "Update".

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Control Array Worked In VB2008 But Not In VB2010

Nov 26, 2011

I see no options to change. I see the HTML icon but it does not seem to activate. OPtion at the bottom HAS CODE is checked. This code worked in VB2008 but I get the indicated error in VB 2010. I would like to understand what changed.


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VS 2008 Send A Login Request To A Website And Then Find Out If It Worked Or Not?

Jan 2, 2010

I would like to know how HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse works. How would I send a login request to a website and then find out if it worked or not?

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Create Pay Calculator Where Would Enter Total Minutes Worked And Hourly Pay Rate

Mar 27, 2009

I have this homework assignment where we have to create a pay calculator where you would enter the total minutes worked and the hourly pay rate. and then i have to create the code to show what the total weekly pay would be. I have to display the Hours Worked: and the Leftover minutes: I also know that the formula to calculate the weekly pay is totalMinutesWorked / 60 = hoursWorked and i have to use the Mod operator. [code]

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Creating A Program For My Workplace Which Stores Hours Worked, Calculates Pay And All That Stuff?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm creating a program for my workplace which stores hours worked, calculates pay and all that stuff.Problem being, the database will be accessed through the network and i want to be able to select the database from an openfile dialog on first use to locate the database. On every program start up it then would have the database location stored within the program itself.

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VB Coding - Program That Calculates Minutes Worked Times Pay Rate Equals Amount Of Weekly Pay

Mar 16, 2011

I am trying to build a program that calculates the minutes worked times pay rate equals amount of weekly pay this is what I got but it doesn't calculate


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PayRoll Calculator On Vb - Program That Accepts Input Of Employee Name, Employee Type, And Number Of Hours Worked

Sep 30, 2009

You need to design and create a program that accepts input of employee name, employee type, and the number of hours worked each week for two weeks.

You must be able to select an employee type. An employee of type Trainee makes $10 per hour. An employee of type Regular makes $15 per hour. An employee of type Manager makes $20 per hour.

The program should calculate the employee pay for the week. The employee should receive 1 times the regular pay for any hours worked over the prescribed 40 hours in a week. The program should output the following information:

-The employees name without trailing or leading spaces

-Regular hours worked

-Regular pay

-Overtime hours worked

-Overtime pay

-Total pay

The Problem that i am having right now is "Displaying " the overtime hours on my "FORM VIEW" i mean i did the math right its just when i type (lblOverHrs.Text = CDec(CDec(OvrHrsWrkWeek1.Text) + CDec(txtOvrHrsWrkWeek2.Text))

Its says the "OvrHrsWrkWeek1 and 2" are not Declared which not really sure where i went wrong..

Heres my code


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How To Create A Wizard

Feb 15, 2011

Is it possible to create a wizard in VB 2010.


And can I integrate a SQL database to store the data the users enter? It will be for automatic account creation. And I only want them to enter data once, and then I want to retrieve it for every signup.

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