ComboBox Selected Index Property As Integer?
May 19, 2012
I need to develop a function called SetComboBox that accepts the category(ies) in the ComboBox as a string and returns an integer indicating the index position of the category in the ComboBox. The function is supposed to set the category in the ComboBox Selected Index property to match the string category stored in a database for an inventory item.
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Nov 26, 2009
Why can't you set the selected integer for the items in the combobox in the properties window instead of adding code in the form load event? I don't like to have to do things that way, I feel like it is less efficient. Should I just deal with their being no value property for combo boxes or is there a way to do it easier?
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Nov 27, 2009
Error1 Too many arguments to 'Public ReadOnly Default Property Chars(index As Integer) As Char'.K:\VB\Chap06\SumOddEven Solution\SumOddEven Project\Main Form.vb2645SumOddEven Project
Private Sub calcButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles calcButton.Click
Const prompt As String = "please enter even and odd numbers click cancel to end"
Const Title As String = "odd & even Number"
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Nov 16, 2009
i get this error?
' Create the order and store the order ID
Line 175: Dim orderId As String = ShoppingCartAccess.CreateCommerceLibOrder(shippingId, taxId)
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May 16, 2010
im having a problem regard combobox selected index.the combobox wont change its index when i type a text that is the same with one of the items and pressing tab. when i check its selected index its -1. ill give an example to make it simple..combobox items = AB, AC, AD i entered "AB" by simply typing it not by selecting in the dropdown.its index is -1, how can i make the index the same with the items in the drop down?
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Aug 21, 2010
I am using vb 2008, DataBound Controls and typed dataset. My form is having Group Box (initially hidden) and some text box, combobox controls for Data Entry, and the code is
txtCreditDays.Text = 20
dtDueDate.Value = dtSalesDate.Value.AddDays(txtCreditDays.Text)
cboGodown.SelectedIndex = 0 '
gBox.Visible = True
I have set the combo box to select the 1st record in the list however, when the next Statement that is "gBox.Visible=True" is executed, the Combo Box is again set to -1 position. Why is it?
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Feb 6, 2010
I have a combo box setup with 4 items, with indexes ranging from 0 to 3.
Later in my code, I need to do a certain event depending on what is selected. To do this I thought about comparing what the index of the selected combo box item is, because integer comparison is faster than strings, right?
how I can grab the index of the selected value?
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Oct 13, 2008
I can't seem to set the selected index or selected value of a DataGridView combobox when loading data from a database. My DGV has two combobox columns which are bound to datatables. The DGV itself is not bound initially. After adding a row, I select a value from each combobox which then populates the rest of the cells in the row. I'm using the EditingControlShowing event to add an eventhandler to catch the SelectedIndexChange of the combo boxes. This all works as needed. My issue comes when populating the DGV with saved data, I need to add the rows and set the selected index and/or selected value of each combo box. I've searched through various forums and articles for the last week with no luck.
I'm using VS2008 sp1, .NET 3.5 sp1 and SQL 2005 sp2 Express.
View 8 Replies
Aug 2, 2011
I am working on windows application form I am having one text box and Listbox. I want if user type on textbox, then List box item is going to be selected, that is working fine. List Box has more than 10,000 records. It takes time to select item from ListBox, while write data in textbox.
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Feb 15, 2012
I have 1 Table Called "Menu" there are some textboxes and a combobox. I want to fill data in the Textbox called "Menu_Rate" on Selection of combobox selected item & coressponding rate of the Menu shoud be displayed in the textbox.
This is my Code
con.ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Integrated Security=true;Initial Catalog=Restaurant"
cmd.CommandText = "select Menu_Rate from Menu where Menu_Name='" & cbMenu.SelectedItem & "'"
View 10 Replies
Jan 20, 2010
I am trying to have the index value of a selected item in a combobox returned to a variable. Then, if the variable = 1 (which would be the index of th second item in the combobox), I want a groupbox to be hidden (be invisible) on the form. Here is my code...Getting an error that says:
'ListIndex' is not a member of 'System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox'
Private Sub cbxAccounts_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim selection As Integer = CInt(cbxAccounts.ListIndex)
If selection = 1 Then gbxCheck.Hide()
End Sub
View 14 Replies
Jan 20, 2010
I am trying to have the index value of a selected item in a combobox returned to a variable. Then, if the variable = 1 (which would be the index of th second item in the combobox), I want a groupbox to be hidden (be invisible) on the form. Here is my code...Getting an error that says:[code...]
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Mar 24, 2012
how do i get the selectedindex/item of a datagridview combobox column?what i want to do is change the back color of datagridcombobox when something is selected from the combobox?So, selecting 'false' will change the color to RED and selecting 'true' changes the color to GREEN.
View 39 Replies
Mar 1, 2012
Let me try to describe my problems in the simplest way: I have combobox1 and combobox2. I hope to achieve two things: Combox1 is bound to list1 (a list of string). When a user selects an item in list1, list2 (a list of string) will be obtained from database and combobox is bound to list2.If user specifies text1 in combobox1 and text2 in combobox2, then these two values will be shown in the comboboxes regardless of the bound lists.
So the results of above code is that goal 1 is achieved, but goal 2 is never achieved. combobox1.selected index is always 0 and combobox2.selected index is always 0 too.
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Jun 22, 2010
My question is, the SelectedItem property of the Combobox is supposed to return a integer value, is it not? Because I am getting back integers, sometimes, then the next time through I get back a String. Has anyone else had a problem like this with the Combobox?
View 4 Replies
Feb 16, 2010
In a combobox populated by a DataTable I am having two issues!The SelectedIndex property will not set 1. Either by integer 2. Or by FindString
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Sep 1, 2011
I have a weird question and I honestly hope you understand what is happening here: I design my form (using VB.NET) and put on it a few textboxes, comboboxes and a listview. After the design, I want to adjust the TabIndexes for each control on the form. On the right-hand side of the interface is the property box.
I then select the 'TabIndex' property item and enter a number key (for instance 0) for that selected item. I then select the next textbox control and enter the next number (for instance 1) WITHOUT re-selecting the 'TabIndex' property item. As soon as I select the combobox or listview control, the currently selected property item jumps to 'Items' or 'Collections' and does NOT remain on the 'TabIndex' property item. Why is this happening? Everything worked fine and all of a sudden this starts happening. Should I reset the editor settings or how can I resolve this matter?
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May 24, 2011
I have an array of integers and I need to know the index of the largest number (not the actual value, just the index of whichever is highest).
However, if one or more indexes "tie" for the highest value, I need to have all of the indexes that share that high value.
I assume this function would need to return an array (since it could be one or more indexes), but I am not totally sure how to go about getting the more efficient solution.
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Oct 19, 2010
I have a program that calculates values of a function, say f, with respect to another variable, say L.I have an array of f(L), for L going from 0 to a given integer value, say t-1 in steps of a value i.I need to export the values of this function to an Excel spreadsheet in a given column, and to do this, I would like to re-index the function f, since i is much less than one, and so the following loop I use (see below) won't work:
For L = 0 To t - 1 Step i
Sheet.Cells(L, 1) = L
Sheet.Cells(L + 1, 2) = f(L)
Next L
The first code in the loop will essentially load the values of L itself, at which the function is defined and calculated, and the next line will load the values of the function at each value of L.Since the indexes of the row and columns in an excel spreadsheet only go in steps of 1, I need to convert the indexes of the function, or the indexes to which L is loaded, so that it would be scaled so that the first entry corresponds to L=0, but the next is L=i, but loaded into row number 2, etc.
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Jan 31, 2012
I want to know How to get The last selected Index in the multi select of ListView.For example, when i select Item from index 1 to 10, so I get index 10 as the last selected index.But if i select Item from 10 to 1, so I get index 1 as the last selected index.
View 5 Replies
May 3, 2011
how to get the selected index from a listview i know you can do the "ListView.SelectedIndices.Item(0)" but then you still need to know the index of the selected item.
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Dec 9, 2010
'Get the selected index of the list box 'use that selectedindex for the row of the array and get both the quantity and price into local variables in VB
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Oct 19, 2011
Can any one tell me how can i get the current selected indel in the ListView.
I need to execute a code every time the selection changes in ListView.
I have listView with only one column. All the list will be in column 0.
I used the below code in Listview1_Click event and able to get the selected index value,but when i used the same code in the Listview1_SelectedIndexChanged and Listview1_ItemSelectionChanged its giving below below error Private Sub ListView1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListView1.Click
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Dec 6, 2011
I think I'm having a brain fart on this but I can't seem to figure out why this is not working.
Public Class Radio_Main
Dim RadioDial As String = 1
Dim Go As String = "http://"
Private Sub pb_Tuner_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pb_Tuner.Click
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Jul 22, 2009
I drag Tabcontrol.& add two tab pages. I have contextmenu Strip, dat i bound to tabcontrol.I select the ContextMenuStrip & set it to ContextMenuStrip1
Now i right click on tab headers.Suppose i right click on tabpage1,contextmenu is displayed.I want that when i right click on tabpage..I want to get the index of that tab..Even if dat tab page is selected.[code...]
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Jul 24, 2009
I drag Tabcontrol.& add two tab pages.I have contextmenu Strip, dat i bound to tabcontrol.I select the ContextMenuStrip & set it to ContextMenuStrip1Now i right click on tab headers.Suppose i right click on tabpage1,contextmenu is displayed.I want that when i right click on tabpage..I want to get the index of that tab..Even if dat tab page is selected.Ex-Mozilla.
Private Sub TabControl1_MouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles TabControl1.MouseClick
Above event gives me the index,when i select the tab.
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Aug 19, 2009
How to fill another combobox depending on the value selected from first combobox?
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Nov 21, 2011
In my solution I have a form in which I have to choose a beginstation and an endstation. I have to select both from comboboxes. Now what I want is that when I choose a beginstation, the chosen station will be gone in the combobox of the endstation so that I can't pick the same endstation as the beginstation.Is there a way to do this? I've tried a lot with SQL and LINQ queries but it didn't work out :(
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May 5, 2009
The first would be, how would I go about making each index in a list box an integer or decimal value? For example, If I wanted the 1st (or 0) index to = 300 and the next one (1) = 400. The next question that I have is that, if I had two or more list boxes with each index as a certain value as listed above, how would I go about adding up the total for each index that is selected?
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Jul 18, 2010
I need a way of converting the listbox.selectedindex into hex and then writing it to a file(The writing is done using PackageIO.writer). The weird thing is the code i use works for most of it but on some of the writes and conversions it just converts the selectedindex to 00 when its not.
Dim Writer As New PackageIO.Writer(Filepath, Endian.Little)
Writer.Position = &HE24A
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