Compress Large Integers Into Smallest Possible String?

May 5, 2011

I have a bunch of 10 digit integers that I'm passing in a URL. Something like: "4294965286", "2292964213". They will always be positive and always be 10 digits. I'd like to compress those integers into the smallest possible form that can still be used in in a URL (aka letters and numbers are perfectly fine) and then uncompress them later. I've looked at using gzipstream but it creates larger strings, not shorter.

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Returns The Smallest Value In An Array Of Integers?

Mar 30, 2011

how to write a function in VB that returns the smallest value in an array of integers?

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Vb6 - Compress Large MP3 Files To Reduce Their Size And Sound Quality In .NET Or VB?

Nov 22, 2010

How to compress large mp3 files :

I want if i have a 5 mb files then it can be converted to 1mb or low that the high beats and music would be very low.

i want the coding for that in vb or ?

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.net - Dealing With Large Integers?

Apr 19, 2012

So I am making a file crypter so that I can encrypt my VB.NET Application that I am making so that people can't decompile it. I had made this in C# and am transfering it to VB.NET, Everything worked fine in C# but once I had re-written the code in VB.NET i get this error inside of my RC4 Encryption method:

'Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.'

The error is occuring here:

Dim t As Int64 = (s(i) + s(j)) Mod 256

This is the same code above in c#:

int t = (s[i] + s[j]) % 256;

Is there anyway to make that calculation with it erroring? And why does it work in C# but not VB.NET?

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Compress Decompress String?

May 23, 2010

How do I compress/decompress a string in VB.NET ?I am trying to send long string through the Network and need them to be as small as possible before sending.

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Application That Will Display Positive Integers / Negative Integers And Zero Entered In A InputBox

Mar 20, 2010

I tried coding for an application that will display the positive integers, negative integers and zero entered in a inputBox. for some reason it keeps crashing is my code. paging all visual basic professionals. [code]

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Extracting Integers From A String?

Jan 3, 2012

My program uses the serial port to receive characters as a string, then it should extract the integers from this string. This seems fairly simple, but so far has been a very tedious job.

My string is called txt. The problem is that there's no telling how many characters / integers txt will hold at any given moment. For instance, it may equal "4" or "4 5 6 7" or "P 0 1 2 3 4 5 6...255" - with spaces included. I need to reference every number within this string to use as data. I've tried the following:

dim c as new char
dim n as new integer
dim i = 1


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Reg Ex - Find All Integers In String?

Nov 13, 2011

I have a following value "1pm 2am" that I'm using a regular expression againts in SSIS to extract hours from in order to store separately. I've tried using both of the regular expressions below but both only yield the first number "1".


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Split String Into Two Integers?

Sep 18, 2010

This should be fairly easy, yet I have no idea on how to approach this. Perhaps the split command . Anyway, what I need to do is split as string into two integers.

For example MyStringXS = "10, 20"
I need to end up with:
MyIntegerX = 10
MyIntegerY = 20


These strings obviously change. So it could be MyStringXS = "120, 230" Or MyStringXS = "12340, 20342" And so on.

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Error When Converting A Set Of Integers To String ?

Mar 11, 2009

using Visual Web Dev 2008 Express and i am having an error when converting a set of integers to string. see code below. I cannot work out what it is that i am typing incorrectly. For ref, i return ten 0's as the result.

Dim numbers(9) As Integer

For i As Integer = 0 To numbers.Length - 1
numbersString &= numbers(i).ToString & " "

textbox2.text = numbersString

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Convert String To Array Of Integers Fast?

Apr 10, 2012

What is the fastest way to convert a String into an array of Short integers representing the character codes?[code]...

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Program 2008 Won't Show All Integers In String

Jul 8, 2010

I have a code where I search a text file for for example: "2320018200000", then it looks it up and finds a line like this[code]...

I want it to put that entire line in a label, but for some reason it skips the "3 1604001Sf" in the start. [code]...

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Regex To Evaluate A String With Commas Only Integers

May 17, 2012

I have a string like this:Correct Strings Dim value As String = "45, 2111,56, 1, 9, 99, 62,"Invalid Strings:Dim value As String = "10.01, 12,, , "I need to evaluate this string that has this format indefinitely,The regex evaluate the commas who are in series and are only integers.

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Variable Lists In Dictionary (String / Boolean And Integers)

May 5, 2011

So I had a smart idea to make a dictionary with all my variables so I could save them easily in chunks. This includes String, Boolean and Integers. When I was in Framework 3.5 I only had a few warnings about stuff that I didn't have coded in, but now in Framework 4 I am maxing out all my warnings with Implicit conversions. Personally I don't want to go to every number and put quotes around it put quotes around "True" because then it may change the method.

Public Function loadGeneral(ByVal fName As String) As Boolean
Dim tempDict As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
For Each kvp As KeyValuePair(Of String, String) In GeneralSettings
Dim v1 As String = kvp.Key
Dim v2 As String = QuizZing.My.Settings.GetSetting(fName, v1)
[Code] .....

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When Passing An Object As An Argument To A Method, String Properties Are Populated But Integers Are Null

Jan 27, 2011

I have a class and method exposed to a client app. The class looks like

<DataContract()> _
Public Class Class1
Private v_string As String
Private v_integer As Integer


The method is declared as

<OperationContract()> _
Function GetStuff(ByVal bar As Class1) As String

In the client code I create an instance of Class1 and set the values for v_string and v_integer, but using Wireshark to look at the xml being sent to the server only a value for v_string is being sent as part of Class1. I'm guessing this is because it considers the value of v_integer to be null/not set. Here is an example of the client code.

Dim MyService as New Service1.ServiceClient
Dim test as New Service1.Class1
test.P_integer = 1


how different types are passed/used since Integer is a intergral type and String is a class, but can't seem to work out what to do to fix the problem.

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Array Of Integers Comparing Integers?

Feb 2, 2012

Basically I have and array of integers that vary in size. I need to compare each number to each other number and display which number is repeated. For example:

Dim ints() As Integer = {1,2,2,5,4,6}

The number that shows up more than once is 2.

How can I run through the array and compare each integer with the numbers in the array. I tried a for loop but it didn't return the value I was looking for.

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Convert Large String To Hex Using Vb6.0?

Oct 6, 2009

provide Vb6 sample code to conert this value 2450258259404013568 to Hex as &h220110E7A7BE4000. while trying from win calc it's returning correct value as required.

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VS 2008 Searching A Large String?

Jun 27, 2009

I haven't programmed for some time, so I'm a little rusty Basically I'm storing HTML within a variable, and I need to count the amount of times a specific element appears e.g. <h3 class=r> for now.

I thought of using a for each loop, and passing the string above into the parentheses of the loop (using a variable ofc) however for many reason's, I don't think this has a chance of working (won't bother explaining why, as I assume you can guess). Then thought of using the .Contains method of the string class, but I simply can't think of how to use it with what I'm trying to do.

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Remove Empty Space From A Large String?

Oct 5, 2009

I try to remove empty space from a large string, using replace(), and using regex.

the replace method:

Do While (stripped.IndexOf(Space(2)) >= 0)
stripped = stripped.Replace(Space(2), " ")

and with regex using its replace with : "/ss+/" - regular expression.

but I am still stuck with empty strings such as :

temp ""String

these string have lengths ranging between 3 and 8, so I have tried to adapt the replace function with something like this:

replace 2

Do While (stripped.IndexOf(Space(4)) >= 0)
stripped = stripped.Replace(Space(4), Space(1))

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WebMethod Not Working When Returning Relatively Large String?

Jul 6, 2010

I am using Virtual Basic with ASP.NET in Visual Studio 2008. I am using Webmethod to communicate from/to the server with the client. Data can be queried and returned in small amount, but when I try get a relatively large amount of data, it's returning me a Server 500 error. My data is 226561 character long, so it's not that large, but it's relatively larger than my other working testing set, which are about 10k character long.

PageMethods.my_func("context", success);
function success(result, userContext, methodName) {


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Adapt String Combination Code For Large List?

Apr 12, 2010

I have the following code to generate combinations of string for a small list and would like to adapt this for a large list of over 300 string words.Can anyone suggest how to alter this code or to use a different method


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Extracting String Or Set Of Emails From Large Group Of Text

Jun 6, 2012

Basically this is my problem, showing the results of a string. I am making a program for a customer and he wants to be able to extract a string or set of emails from a large group of text. In this case he wants to be able to copy a webpage and extract all the emails out of the webpage. The problem i am having is showing the results of the List(of string) Function. So far, I can copy the page, paste the content to a textbox and then i have a function that is supposed to filter out the emails and paste or Show them in a list box.

I dont know why but no matter what I do I always get this error:
Error1Value of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)' cannot be converted to 'String'.
This happens when I try to output the return results to a textbox or list box.

Here is the code for the whole program:
Entire Program Code:
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
[Code] .....

I have tried almost everything I could do, I am relatively new to string functions so that is my main problem.

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Grab Specific Text From A Large Textbox Or String?

Mar 17, 2010

I have a text box that a bunch of information in it. Is there a way to grab specific text from a large textbox? Here is my example textbox and the text that is stored in it:


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Javascript - WebMethod Not Working When Returning Relatively Large String

Dec 9, 2011

I am using Virtual Basic with ASP.NET in Visual Studio 2008. I am using Webmethod to communicate from/to the server with the client. Data can be queried and returned in small amount, but when I try get a relatively large amount of data, it's returning me a Server 500 error. My data is 226561 character long, so it's not that large, but it's relatively larger than my other working testing set, which are about 10k character long.

PageMethods.my_func("context", success);
function success(result, userContext, methodName) {


Is there anything I can change to increase WebMethod returned string length limit? Is there even a length limit or is it some other problem I could not see?

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Missing Data While Sending Large String Over TCP. (client/server)?

May 16, 2012

I have a Client/ server application where the Server is in java and Client is in i send large string from client to server am not receiving complete text.code attached below.

Dim clientSocket As New System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient()


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Open A Large Text File / Find And Replace A String

Nov 1, 2009

I would like to step through each *.txt file in a given directory, open it, find and replace all, perhaps a thousand, occurances of a given string (e.g. "00/00/00"), then close and save file, and step to next one in the directory to do the same find and replace. I've been looking at filestream classes and regular expressions but don't see a clear way to do this.

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Large Multidimensial Array - Write A Program To Do Markov Chain But States Are Quite Large

Jun 9, 2011

I want to write a program to do Markov chain, but my states are quite large. First of all I calculate all the transition probabilities and revenues for all states(1381860 total states), and store in a multidimensional array. Public RevArr(0 To 9, 0 To 750, 0 To 282) As Long

After that the iteration of markov chain should use these as inputs to calculate the steady-state probabilities. But when I try to run the main code I got this error.Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.

The following is the declaration of second array I add just another dimension for storing all the iterations, but I get this error. Dim stateprob(IT + 1, 0 To 9, 0 To 750, 0 To 282) As single

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Out Of Memory Exception For StringBuilder.ToString Method For Large Size Of String Data

May 19, 2010

I am facing an amazing problem in my application. On my Developement server when I am running my application, then there is one function where I am trying to put whole stringbuilder contents in a string object. This Function is used for paging the reports.For that I am using a method of Stringbuilder.tostring() and when I chek the value of this statement (stringbuilder.tostring()) it shows no such interface is supported, which later on throws exception of system is out of memory. Here i am using .net 2.0 framework and sql server 2005 database.But when I run the application on stagging server then there is no such exception thrown.[code]

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Sql - Visual Studio 2010 Crashes After Pasting A Large Multi-line String (Approximately 1500 Lines)

Jun 4, 2012

I am creating a VB application in Visual Studio 2010 that installs some SQL stored procedures. These stored procedures are encrypted otherwise I would just supply my clients with .sql files to create the stored procedures.

The install script that creates the stored procedure is 1500 lines in length and has been formatted in the way VS 2010 requires multi-line literals to be in:

"First Line" & _
"Second Line" & _


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Getting The Largest, Smallest And Average Value?

Jul 19, 2011

My problem is I have a program that needs to input 3 values in 1 textbox only. I've been trying to figure that out for a couple of days now.this program must show the largest, smallest and average of 3 values.

Public Class Form2
Dim array() As Integer = New Integer() {a, b, c}
Dim a, b, c As Integer


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