Copy File To A File Share On Remote Machine

Aug 14, 2009

I am developing an Application in VB.Net 2.0. I have a module which would copy files from the Local Machine to a shared folder on remote machine. This shared folder on the remote machine is an authenticated folder. So, after searching on the Internet I found the following piece of code.[code]Another point to note is that when I connect to the File Share using Windows Explorer and then try to execute the application, it works properly.I am not sure why I am getting the error when I do not connect to the Shared Folder using Windows Explorer.Do I have to set some property so that the Credentials passed in the authentication are used.I also checked some posts that suggested setting up Mapped Drive to the Shared Folder on the Local machine and then to copy the file using IO.File.Copy function. However, I cannot use this as this Remote Folder should be only accessed through the application and not in any other case by the User. The users will not even have the credentials to this remote Server as it will be configured by the admin.So, Is there any way in which I can set this up and transfer the files from local machine to a remote shared folder?

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Open A File From A Remote Network Share?

Jan 14, 2010

I am trying to open a file from a server

I currently have

Dim attachedFilePath As String = "\myservermyshare est.txt"
File.Open(attachedFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)

This does not open a file.

However, if I change the path to be local then there is no issue.

Dim attachedFilePath As String = "c:... est.txt"

So, is there a way to open a file from remote storage?

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Copy File To Client Machine

Nov 6, 2009

We have a requirement to copy a .txt file into the client machine and open the file using notepad.exe.

We develop our application using MS Visual Studio 2008 VB .Net.

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VS 2008 Copy File To Network Share With Username/pass Passed In The Code

Aug 4, 2010

I've been looking at accessing shared folders, read and write, via the network without being prompted by the OS for the username and password.

On this forum, and googling, I can find many things about accessing network shares, but none using code which also passes the username and password required.

What I'm basically looking for is to not have to map a drive on the users computer. Then using code, write or read files from a network share and at the same time pass the username / password required for that network share.

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Copy .txt File From URL Address To Local Machine?

Jun 16, 2009

I have a text file on a website that I have the direct URL address to. For example, .

I would like to copy it to a predefined path on the local machine. For example, C:Documents and SettingsAll Users .

What can I use to copy the file from the URL to the predefined path on the local machine. A simple CopyFile doesn't seem to handle URL addresses.

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Copy A Remote XML File?

Dec 17, 2009

I have a XML file at a intranet URL as the primary source of config info(2 elements).I need to make a copy of this file on the local pc as a alternate/backup resource incase the intranet is down.I've been digging thru info on XMLReader & XMLWriter processes...but that is too much info to sort thru in a short timeline.


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[2008] Copy File To Local Machine And Allow It To Open

Feb 15, 2009

We have an app that tracks .DOC and .PDF files (and possibly other file extensions). It stores copies of them on a network share. I want to give the ability to the user to allow them to click the file in a listview, for example, and have that file open in WORD or ADOBE or whatever program is associated with that file type.


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Copy A File From Remote Computer?

Apr 10, 2009

I get all Computers name from ldap and I wish to search a file at remote machine and copy it at any desitination. so I have following question1.How can we connect remote machine if they have user name and password?

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Copy A File To A Remote Computer?

Feb 19, 2009

I'm trying to copy a file to a remote computer using the IO.File.Copy method. When I attempt to copy the file, the method throws an UnauthorizedAccessException exception, which is understandable because I am not able to supply logon credentials. My question is: I have the logon credentials (Computer name, username, password) so how can I copy the file to the remote system without resorting to an overkill API call (namely WNetUseConnection)?

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WMI Remote Process To Copy File?

Dec 9, 2010

copy a file to a remote target where UNC connections TO the target might not be possible.However UNC connections FROM the target and BACK to the server will always be possible. So the plan was to use WMI to start a remote command shell (cmd) and use the copy command to grab the file. But this doesn't work. The following command works fine when executed manually from the command line of the target:

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C# - Copy A File From A Computer That Requires Authentication To Local Machine?

Jul 7, 2010

When I use:

File.Copy(strRemoteFolder, strLocalFolder)

I get an UnauthorizedAccessException with the following message: "Access to the path ... is denied."In .NET, how do I copy a file from a remote computer that requires authentication to my local machine? I understand that I'm going to need to supply a username and password in some fashion, but I don't know how to supply that information via an API in .NET.

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Copy File From Client To Remote Server?

May 7, 2010

I'm trying to upload a file to a remote server by using vbscript

below is a code :

Dim fso, f, myFile
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
myFile =$URL


the problem is with this code i can copy the file only in the same PC but it didn't work when i try with different machin i mean from client to server?

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VS 2005 Connect To A Remote Server And Copy A File To Local System

May 27, 2009

I want to know how to connect to a remote system having some shared folder.(ex, \myservermysharedfolder).Actually, I was supposed to copy a particular file which is available in a shared location of a system. To copy that file, first i need to connect to that system with an user id and password.I know copying of file (), But not getting clear idea on how to connect to the shared folder. I have tried with System.Management class, but no use..

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Copy A File From A Local Computer To A Remote Computer On The Network?

Dec 19, 2006

I need to copy a file from a local computer to a remote computer on the network, if i try to use File.Copy without logon i get the following error:"Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password."How do I provide user name and password for file copy?

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Access To A Server File Share To Move A File?

Apr 18, 2012

Im am writing a simple console app that will check and see that a file exists and then if does it will copy the file and move/paste the file into a new location. The file I'm checking exists as a file share on a server and I am wanting to move the file to a folder on a local machines C drive.

I'm working from my machine which is on the domain where the file exists and I'm logged in and have full admin rights on the domain. I can access the file share but when I run my app it gives an error saying access to to the file path is denied. My question is even if I'm on the network do I still need to provide username and password credentials to make this connection? If so how do I do this?


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Deterime Length Of Time It Would Take For File.Copy To Copy A File?

Aug 5, 2010

I have a program that uses IO.File.Copy to copy files from point a to point b. Its slow, which is fine because there rather large files. I was wondering if there is way to get an estimate time to copy a particular file(s).

Example: File a will take 1 hour to copy, File B will take 30 minutes to copy. Estimate Total Time: 1 hour 30 minutes.

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Reading Remote Share Permissions Using WMI?

May 1, 2010

I've been struggling for hours now to get some working code to list the share permissions of a remote share. I've got WMI code which uses win32_share which lists the shares and path and it works great. I"m now trying to add in a routine to get the share permissions as well.I've searched just about every site for some sample code and can only find some C# (I think) code.

string machine = "MachineName";
ConnectionOptions co = new ConnectionOptions();
co.Impersonation = ImpersonationLevel.Impersonate;
co.EnablePrivileges = true;


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VS 02/03 Grab A File Version Of An Specific File From Multiple Remote Machines

Mar 4, 2012

able to give me a script that i will be able to grab a file version of an specific file from multiple remote machines. I have a list of machines in Txt file ... i want the script to read the list.. and generate a new file that have the Machine names with File version.

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Create A Folder On A Remote Computer Then Share It Out?

Aug 19, 2009

I need to create a folder on a remote machine (The machine name and UNC path are stored in an Access 2007 database. Once the folder is created, I need to share it out with Everyone:Full Control Permissions?

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Retrieving Remote Share Permissions - .net 2010?

May 7, 2010

I can seem to find is vbs code for retrieving remote share permissions using WMI.I've tried to convert this code to run on but don't seem to be getting anywhere.should I try to convert the below code or are there other methods I can use to retrieve the permissions. I can easily get the list of remote shares using win32_share but not the permissions

strComputer = WScript.Arguments(0)
Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:\" & strComputer & "


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Retrieving Remote Share Permissions - VB 2010?

Jul 6, 2009

I've search tons of .net pages and all I can seem to find is vbs code for retrieving remote share permissions using WMI.I've tried to convert this code to run on but don't seem to be getting anywhere.hould I try to convert the below code or are there other methods I can use to retrieve the permissions. I can easily get the list of remote shares using win32_share but not the

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VS 2010 WMI Code To List Remote Share Permissions?

Apr 30, 2010

I've been struggling for hours now to get some working code to list the share permissions of a remote share. I've got WMI code which uses win32_share which lists the shares and path and it works great. I"m now trying to add in a routine to get the share permissions as well.

I've searched just about every site for some sample code and can only find some C# (I think) code.


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File I/O And Registry :: Getting An Alternative To The File.Copy Method Of Copying Files?

Mar 27, 2009

I've got an app which uses a background worker to copy files. It works fine but some files are quite large and it "appears" as though the app isn't doing anything. Is there an alternative to the File.Copy method of copying files so I can report on the progress of individual file copies, like the percentage complete?

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File I/O And Registry :: Load - Read - Locate & Copy Text In A File?

Aug 12, 2010

Before I begin I would like to mention that I am not a noob in VB, it's just I've never had to do anything this complex before. Basically what I want is to have a program that you can load a txt file in, have it copy key words, and paste it in a textbox so I can use it later on. So in this text file, there is a bunch of info, but I am only needing a certain part. Here is an example of a text file (actually a .dat file, but is easily read):


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File Info - Pass Delete And Copy File Method On A Button?

Jul 22, 2011

i am very new to VB. I am working on file operation such as show files, copy file, delete file, show current directory, rename folder, make folder. My problem right now is with delete and copy file. I have a method of delete and copy but i dont know how to pass this method on a button.


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Use FtpWebRequest On A Remote Machine?

Jun 20, 2011

I would like to use FtpWebRequest on a remote machine but I am getting remote server returned an error: (504) Gateway Timeout How can I fix this?

Here is my sample code:

Dim localFile As String = Nothing
Const remoteFile As String = "INBOX/"
Const host As String = ""


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Intercept File Access On A Network Share In .NET?

Feb 24, 2010

I am looking for a way to possibly intercept the point that a file is being accessed on a network share. Specifically before it is determined whether the user has access to the file or not.The goal will be to grant access to that file if the file request is coming from a specific process and that user currently does not have access.

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Accessing UNC Share From Outside Domain For File Transfer?

Nov 2, 2010

I have an FTP Server outside of the domain (In a workgroup). I need to move files using an application called by the FTP client on the FTP server to a share within the domain using

(System.IO.File.Move(SourcePath & Filename, TargetPath & Filename))Impersonation will not work neither will mapping a drive (As no user will be logged on)This is a console application that takes the above parameters.

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Check For Share And File In Local Network?

Jan 1, 2010

I am developing an application, which hunts the local network for attached computers then checks for a share and a file, if found it displays it in a listbox. While testing this I have seen some strange Chinese or Japanese computer names pop up and in a few seconds go away, the names seem to always be different.

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Programmatically Return Who Is Using A Particular File Within A Network Share?

Feb 4, 2012

is there a way to programmatically return who is using a particular file within a network share??

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