Corrupt Forms, Not Displaying In "startup Form"?

Oct 8, 2010

In properites>Application>"Startup form" combobox, in my VS VB.NET project, I see only 2 forms listed, while my application has 6 forms. Does this mean something is corrupt? I tried to make a new project, then copy only the old vb files into this new project. But still only those two (of 6) forms show up in the "Startup form" combo box.

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Forms :: Startup A Second Windows Forms Inside The Parent Form?

Aug 26, 2010

I would like to know if its possible to start up a second windows forms inside the parent form. Ex: A button is pressed and a new form is showed. I would like to keep that new form inside the parent form, and have it not be able to go outside the parent form.

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All Project Forms Not In Application > Startup Form Combo Box

Jun 3, 2011

I am wanting to change my startup form for my application in Visual Studio for VB.Net. I double clicked "My Project" in the Solution Explorer and then clicked on the Application tab. For some reason I only see 12 forms out of the 6 forms I have in my project when the "Enable Application Framework" check box is True. When the check box is False I see all my forms, why?

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Forms :: Resize Form And All Controls In Proportion To Their Startup Size / Location

Jan 5, 2012

I have been searching for a solution to this but I can't find one. I have played with the anchor and dock properties but they are not doing what I want, so here goes... I would like to place and size all of my controls on my form and then when the form is re-sized during run time (different resolutions, full screen/windowed, etc), have everything just scale up or down accordingly. Anchoring the controls to all four sides of my form re-sizes the control properly but it doesn't move it's location in sync with the other control's size next to it, they begin to overlap each other. Am I going to have to code my own scaling code for each control in my program?

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Application Not Starting Wit New Startup Form After Deleted The Previous Startup Form?

Nov 11, 2009

i deleted my previous start up form to be replaced by another one but each time i launch the application,the deleted start up form is still displayed.i dont know from where this deleted start up form is being loaded.

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Forms :: Displaying Text Inside A Form?

Jun 29, 2009

actually i'm trying to write a small program for my project's presentation. i created a form with buttons, each time i click on a button, i want a text loaded from MS word document to be displayed inside the form.

i thought about dislaying the text inside a label or textbox, but the problem is that the text doesn't preserve its state, i mean colors and fonts which are defined in the MS word document, it just displays everything in black color, small size..etc, even if i change the properties of the label in color or font, thoses changes will be applied to the whole text.

is there any control who can display the text loaded from a MS word coument with its colors and fonts which are already defined in the word document, or there any solution to do this ?

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Forms :: WebBrowser In Form Not Displaying PDF Output In Win 7

Oct 24, 2010

Just moved a .NET 2.0 App from VS2005 to VS2010 and noticed that now when a window containing a WebBrowser tries to retrieve a pdf it thows out an error (unknown file type System.Byte[]). This would usually indicate that Acrobat Reader has not been installed - but open up IE9 and enter the link into the address bar and the PDF displays in the browser without any incident!

Should point out that the app created in VS2005 and installed on Win 7 (actually Server 2008 R2 in 'Workstation Mode') has the same issue.. All works fine in XP and below... Do seem to remember this on a Vista box, but put that down to Acrobat not being installed!

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Interface And Graphics :: Displaying Forms In Another Form?

Nov 17, 2011

I'm looking for a tool that will allow me to display, and change forms, inside my original form.

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Hide Form On Startup If App Occurred Because Of Windows Startup?

Jun 20, 2010

I can hide my startup form (or make it appear hidden) on startup. I can start my app on windows startup--through registry values--if the user checks a checkbox.

But if the app starts up on windows startup, I want the form to be hidden, so the program can just keep working without bothering anyone. If it starts up because the user started it, I want the form to be showing, because the user probably wants to change some settings or something.

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Program 2008 Form Is Corrupt And Can't Be Loaded By Designer

Mar 4, 2009

I have coded in the older version of VB for years (VB6 and prior) and Recently I just began learning VB 2008. In my current project I made a mistake in a form name frmAuthors and so far I am unable to recover. The problem is that I tried to have the form inherit a class I had created (first mistake). The IDE generated a popup message stating the error and provided the option of changing from inheritance from to the class I had created. I said yes just to see what would happen (I was bored so I was up for something new) and that's when the form got corrupted.Is there a way to let frmAuthors go back to recognizing itself as a form object and not a member of the object I had created?

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Displaying Picture In Picture Box Using Application.startup Path?

Oct 15, 2011

how to display picture using the Application.startup path? i want to locate the picture in my bin folder inside my debug folder as i selected the name of the candidate in the combo box.

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.net - Different Startup Forms For Different Developers Using SVN?

Jul 9, 2009

My scenario is such that I have a VB.NET project in SVN and I am using the Application Framework to start the application. This poses a great problem when different developers are working on different forms and they want to have different startup forms. Right now if we change the project settings, its changed for everyone else too. How can we work around this? Can SVN have a class committed into the repository and later changes cannot be committed into it? (more like ignoring a file but with a initial copy in the repo)

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Getting Multiple Startup Forms?

Mar 27, 2009

I'm using Visual Studio 2008 in When I run my application both forms display even though I have a startup form selected in my application. If I select the first form I created the correct window is displayed, but when I select the other form to be my startup both are displayed.

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Load 2 Forms On Startup?

Apr 16, 2010

Is there a way I can load 2 forms on startup, but immediately hide one of them? I want to load both initially, so that there is no flicker the first time when the second form appears.

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Startup Forms And Constructors?

Mar 5, 2012

I was able to narrow down a problem to a certain point. I was hoping for an explanation or some light shed upon it. I went to Project/Project1/Application/Startup Forms. I found that when I included a "New" constructor in the form I wanted as startup, the form became unavailable for choosing as a startup form. I do not quite understand this because I noticed from work in another document that the form I want (call it StartupForm) actually has a basic "New" construction with no arguments, so that is why I do not understand quite what is happening here.


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Forms :: Displaying Forms Automatically On Different Monitors

Jun 13, 2012

I have created an application that uses two forms one is displayed on a touchscreen and is a basic input form, the other is displayed on a large display monitor and is basically an information form, both displays are connected to the same pc. The program works great I have just one annoyance is if the program is restarted it displays both forms on the touchscreen and I have to drag the information form onto the big display. Is there a way to specify on load that each form gets displayed maximized on a certain screen so I don't have to drag one form onto the correct screen?

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Forms :: Displaying Progress Bar On Windows Forms?

Apr 2, 2010

I have a progress bar on a Windows Form which displays the number of records as they are retrieved from the database.The problem I'm having is that the entire Form.Load() method seems to run prior to the form being displayed, which means all my code updating the progress bar is gone to waste.

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Forms :: Check On App Startup Is Login Is Else Start Mainform?

Aug 13, 2011

I'm creating an app, with a splashscreen, loginform (just enter a name) and a mainform.With I use my.settings. Now here comes the issue I run into.The splashscreen should check (onload) if the my.settings.user contains any info, if it does, the mainform should be shown, if not the loginform should be shown. On my app settings I have splashscreen set to the splashscreen and the first form is set to login form.


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Change Startup Position And Move A Docked Form With Parent Form?

Mar 23, 2011

well i successfully docked a perpixel alpha form with the main form(form1). but the perpixel alpha form always appears at the top left corner of the screen and when i move the main form the form(perpixel alpha form) inside it dosen't move it stays at the top left corner. ALWAYS. to dock the perpixel alpha form i used

Me.toplevel = false
Me.parent = form1

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VS 2008 - Mdi Form - Startup Form For My Program - Hide The Treeview

Jul 2, 2009

I am using 2008 i have been using a mdi form which is the startup form for my prog. and i have a main menu on that form. now i would like to shift to tree view as my client has asked for it. whenever a node is selected i can select the form corresponding for that particular code. everything is fine till here. but when the form is loaded the tree view is coming on top of the form the tree view is docked in a pannel. now i have tried everything treemenu.sendtoback and the say the form to b called is taxtypemaster then taxtypemaster.bringtofront but still the tree view is coming over the form

I have tried the following :

Dim mMenuSelected As String = e.Node.Name
Select Case e.Node.Name


Even the visible doesnt work as it seems after the .show it makes the tree view visible again. how do i hide the treeview pls. someone guide me at the earliest. i feel it is not the prob. of treeview but something to do with the mdi form am i right ?

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VS 2010 Forms Startup Position To Be Right Side Of Users Screen?

Nov 8, 2011

I have my main form which will have the option to hide itself and open up a mini version. I would like this mini version to start at the top-right of the users screen.I have went through other posts and understand that you can set distance from top-left.

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Pos Explorer - Open, Claim And Enable During Program Startup Then Use The Device On Certain Forms?

Apr 20, 2012

When using POS explorer, everytime I claim my receipt printer it takes a few seconds. My question is how can i claim the device at program startup then share the device between forms? Meaning I want to open, claim and enable during program startup then use the device on certain forms.

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Visual Studio 2010 - Get Forms Application Startup Method To Be Sub Main() In Program.vb?

May 17, 2010

Trying to get it to behave like C#, where there is a Program class with a static Main method.However, in the project properties, I cannot set Program.vb to be the startup object, only the forms (it is a forms application).

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VS 2010 Splash Screen Loads On Startup And A Lot Of Child Forms That Load When Opening?

May 31, 2011

I have an MDI parent screen that loads on startup and a lot of child forms that load when opening. So as the child forms load there's a lot of flashing and it looks really ugly. Once they're loaded all I have to do is use a bring to front, maximized command and it works smoother than closing a form and opening a new one every time a different form is selected. I've tried creating a splash screen, minimizing the forms on load, etc and everything still works in order so first the splash screen then the forms load.

How would you set it up so a splash screen stays on top of all other forms for like 5 seconds while the forms load in the background without seeing them load? Right now the screen shows then when it's done it moves on to step 2 which is loading the child forms. If no splash screen, how do I make it load so you don't see all the child forms opening at once?

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Close The Startup Form And Open A New Form?

Jan 3, 2010

What I want is -

Dim filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Application.ExecutablePath.ToString)
Dim openForm As Object


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Can't Run Startup Form

May 23, 2011

As usual, I change the startup form under Application tab. At this time, it doesn't run my selected Startup form. Whatever I set to any forms or even excluding that form, it still runs the same form.

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Get The Name Of Startup Form?

Mar 31, 2009

Is there a way to get the name of startup form? I want to access a property of a control that is on startup form.

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Getting A Form To Startup On Top

Jul 28, 2010

VB2008 application.

Using a splashscreen.

When the spashscreen is done, the main menu for the program appears.

The problem is that the main menu appears UNDER things already open on the desktop.

Always On Top could be the answer BUT if I do that, all sub-menus will be UNDER the main menu rather than stacked on top.

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IDE :: A Startup Form Has Not Been Specified?

Oct 30, 2010

I continue to get this error when using the code samples from Cengage's book Zak's Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2008. I am running Visual Studio 2010.I am attaching the code below:

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Option Infer Off


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Startup Form Has Not Been Specified

May 16, 2011

I'm supposed to invoke the click event for the two default radio buttons when the form first appears on the screen and I did that but its giving me the following error message when I run the form.A startup form has not been specified.url..

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