Count Files In Directory?

Oct 31, 2009

I have a few questions about the following 1.What purpose does the first line of MSDN example serve? ystem.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection(Of String) Why use this? I tried reading about it on msdn, but i couldnt make much of it.

2. Why use CStr in the msgbox? For me it works fine without it with Strict on. am i missing something?

3. Am i making a mistake using my own version over MSDN example? I dont like using code that i cant understand, which is why i changed it in the first place.


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Get File Count Of Particularly Named Files In A Directory?

Apr 20, 2009

I just need to get VB08 to look for the file which start with an integer and then the username in the application startup path.[code]...

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Scan A Directory And Copy All Excel Files To A Single Directory?

Feb 28, 2009

am trying to scan a directory and copy all excel files to a single directoryhere is the codeTry

For Each foundFile In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles("e:datainventory_resultsarchive", FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories, "*.xls")


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Get Files From A Directory And All The Sub Directory's To Show In A Checked List Box?

Jul 14, 2009

I'm trying to get files from a directory and all the sub directory's to show in a checked list box. This is my first time working with arrays?here is the code

Public Class add_to_play_list
'IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory & "\x"'
Dim Home As String
Dim Fi As New ArrayList


I have a sansa fuze and i have to make my own playlist for it so i want to have the program read the songs that are on there and show it to you in the list box and you can check off the ones you want then it will read the mp3 files to make the playlist, it needs the path, name, and duration from the mp3 file. i can get the name and the path so far...

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Count Number Of Directories And Get The First Directory's Name?

Dec 20, 2011

I am writing a simple GUI for a 7-Zip command that will zip multiple directories, with two files in the working directory, to their own separate archives. The problem is that I have no idea on how to count the number if directories (only directories and not files) and find the name of just the first directory.Here is what I have so far:


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Count The Content Of A Specific Directory?

Sep 6, 2010

how to count the content of a specific directory?And how do you delete an old file (ex. say your old program that create a back-up. But it has already created many back-ups and now it takes to much of the space in your hardisk.)

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Select A Directory And Move Files From The Directory

Apr 8, 2011

I am going to need to create a windows form for work that we can connect to a database table, select a directory and move files from the directory that are in the table and move to another folder. The directory will have sub directories that I need to search for the file name and move. I would like to have the table hold the file name (or path) and move all files that are in the database. There might be 20 files or 1000. Depends on the client we are processing for.


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VS 2008 Copying Files From Directory To Directory

Dec 25, 2009

I'm using a dialog box to select multiple files and move them to the directory "C:/Playlist". I guess you can say I'm having trouble with 2 things.

1. The Loop

2. Use of the dialogs FileNames function


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Directory Searcher SearchResultCollection.count Is Very Slow

Feb 15, 2011

I have a directory searcher that is looking for dynamic groups.When I try to process the results it is taking 30 seconds to return the results.the ds.findall is very fast but when I try to find out the number of records returned or anything about the results it take the 30 seconds. So i am assuming that this is where the actual retreival of information is taking place.[code]

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VS 2010 - Count The Content Of A Specific Directory?

Aug 31, 2011

how to count the content of a specific directory?And how do you delete an old file (ex. say your old program that create a back-up. But it has already created many back-ups and now it takes to much of the space in your hardisk.)

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Get The Count Of Subfolders Of A Directory Using Visual Basic 2008?

Aug 1, 2009

in windows; when you right click over a folder you can know how many subfolder available (the total number) is there a way to get this number using simple code i am using vb2008

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VS 2008 List Files In A Directory + Write The Result In A Text Files?

Dec 14, 2009

I am trying to create a program which will read the files that exist in a directory, and then write in a text file the specific information (full file name, date created)i have found several code in the site but i cant make it work, the machine i am running the code is XP and i am using VB2008.The code i have found is the following:

Imports System.IO
Imports System.String


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Reconcile A List Of Files And A Directory With Subfolders/files To Find Changes?

Jun 3, 2010

I have a SQL Server table with a list of files (path + filename), and a folder with multiple layers and files in each layer. I'm looking for a way to reconcile the two without having to process the list twice. Currently, I'm doing this:

For Each f as FileInfo In FileListFromDatabase
If f.Exists is False, mark it as deleted in the database


Is there a better way to do this? I'd like to avoid converting all the matching files (of which most will be) to FileInfo objects twice. Since I'm a T-SQL developer first, I'm picturing something like an OUTER JOIN of the two lists where they don't match. Something LINQ-ish?

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Copying Files From One Directory To Another Directory

Oct 13, 2010

i am trying to move a file (test.txt) from say from:[code]I understand from the MSDN forum, i can use this File.Copy(pathA, pathB) OR Directory. Move(pathA, pathB) where pathA = C:folder_ est.txt and pathB = C:folder_ est.txt

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Merge Multiple Excel Files Into One Excel File And It Works For 3 Source Files But Its Not Working If Workbook With Worksheet Count Is > 3?

Aug 18, 2011

I'm trying to copy multiple excel source files into one excel file. My current code is working only for 3 source files..If more than 3 files are there, it doesn't copy the data but creates blank work sheet in the output excel file. Lets say I have a source folder with 5 excel files. Each workbook contains one worksheet with data. It copies upto 3 worksheets along with data into output excel file.

Lets say excel1 contains A as work sheet, excel2 contains B as work sheet ,excel3 contains C as work sheet ,excel4 contains D as work sheet ,excel5 contains E as work sheet .Now my output excel file should look like..OutputExcel with A, B, C, D, E along with respective data.But my current code is giving output as A,B,C worksheets along with respective data but its creating blank sheet1,sheet2 in place of D & E.

SSIS Script Task Vb.Net Code:

Sub Main()
Dim filePath
String =


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Directory Listing - Write A Simple Program That Will Let Me Choose A Directory And Get A Listing Of All Files?

May 8, 2010

All I am trying to do is write a simple program that will let me choose a directory and get a listing of all files in that directory and its sub-directories and show it in a RichTextBox. I got as far as being able to select the directory but when I click "OK" I get "access to c:documents and settingsstevedesktopmp3 is denied".The code I am using is listed below.


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How To Copy, Delete, Show Files, Show Current Directory, Change Directory, Make Folder, Rename Folder

Jul 22, 2011

how to copy, delete, show files, show current directory, change directory, make folder, rename folder. My problem is i have a method on deleting a file and copying a file, but i don't know how to pass the method so that when i click the delete button it would let me choose what file to delete. By the way im using buttons on each function.[code...]

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Count Files In A Folder

Oct 8, 2011

i am using VB 2008 EXPRESS EDITION. i want to know how to build a program that counts how many files in a folder and checks if the number of the files are increasing or not per specific time (lets say 1 second) . if files are increasing then its okay, if not. then the program assume that the MAIN PROGRAM RUINING is halted and it must be restarted.


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Count Files In A Folder?

Jan 26, 2012

How would I go about counting specfic files in a given folder?I have for instance these files; 6-11715.jpg ,6-11715_1.jpg, 6-11715_2.jpg, 6-11715_3.jpg, 6-11715_4.jpg, 6-11715_5.jpg, 6-11715_6.jpg.

I want to be able to show the first picture then using a next button load the second picture and so on. When I get to the last picture I will repeat the process.

I'm thinking I need to count the files first based on the left string of the name to get the total number. then based on the number I can pull the fill with the file name change accordingly.

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VS 2008 Count All The Files In C:?

May 2, 2010

I'm trying to count all the files in C: with this code that i have made.

Dim searchResults As String() = Directory.GetFiles("c:", "*.txt", SearchOption.AllDirectories)


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Count The Number Of Files On A Drive

Jan 5, 2006

Anyone know how to get a count of files with a given extension on a drive? There may or may not be folders on the drive.

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Keep Count Of Files Like File0.txt - File1.txt - File2.txt - File3.txt?

Mar 22, 2011

This time I would like to ask you how to keep count of files, without keeping count of them Let's say that in my folder I have file0.txt and file1.txt, next file I would like to write is file2.txt. I would open file file1.txt and save it as a successor (file2.txt).


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Verifying Files In A Folder Based On Line Count?

Jun 5, 2012

I'm trying to figure the best way to verify the contents of a folder based on another count via a listbox. Here is my current code to count the number of PDFs in two different locations and total them together for a grand total.

'counts test1 pdfs
Dim f As String, c As Long


I have another process before this that will create the PDF's based on the files listed in the listbox.What I am having trouble with is verifying that the PDFs that are created in the Test1 and Test2 folders equal the counts from the listboxes. This count needs to match before running the next process. I'm kind looking for wait or loop until both counts match, again before running the next process.

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Get Files In A Directory?

Sep 17, 2009

I am trying to get the files in a directory and display them in a list box. I have that part working, but I would only like to show the files that are NOT hidden. I am currently using this:

Dim atts As FileAttribute = CheckDirectory.Attributes
If (atts And FileAttribute.Hidden) = FileAttribute.Hidden Then...
this is part of a for each loop.

But is there a way to only return the files that are not hidden, instead of having to check if they are?

I also need this to see how many files are in each directory so I don't have to count each file in each directory within the current folder. If I use the CheckDirectory.GetFiles().count, it counts the hidden files to.. A for each loop is just too slow..

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Get The All Files In A Directory Using .net?

Nov 11, 2010

how to get the all files in a directory using .net.. Iam using windows operating system and i know microsoft asp technology..

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C# - Deleting Files In A Directory?

Feb 12, 2011

I have seen questions like What is the best way to empty a directory?

But i need to know,

what is the fastest way of deleting all the files found within the directory, except any .zip files found.

Smells like linq here... or what?

UPDATE: By saying fastest way, i mean the Fastest execution time.

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Check If A Directory Has Any Files Every Second

Apr 21, 2010

I want to have a windows application that would check a specific folder for any files, and if there are any files I will run some code to each file, I was going to use a timer and set it to refresh every 15 seconds or so but I am not sure if there are any other ways to do this that would not take up as much resources.

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Convert All Files In A Directory To UTF-8

Dec 2, 2011

I'm trying to convert all text files in a directory to UTF-8 But i keep getting The File is in use by another Process: The process cannot access the file '.2122011.txt.UTF8.txt' because it is being used by another process. But the file is not open nor is another other Process or Application using it. Yes i have restarted To make sure nothing is using it.


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Copying Files From A Directory To Another?

Feb 23, 2012

I know how to move a single file to another directory. However i am having issues with moving a series of files and files in subdirectories to a single folder. Here is what i have:

Dim ProData As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonStartMenu)
' Textbox1 is just a box for the TARGET directory'


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Copying Files From One Directory To Another

Apr 18, 2010

I want to include a function in my program that involves my copying files from my cd drive D:/ to my hard drive C:/. The code I'm using is below but it isn't working. The first one came up with an error, and the second one didn't come up with an error but didn't copy the files.
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(foundFile, destPath & foundFile, True)
Dim srcPath As String
Dim destPath As String
srcPath = ComboBox1.Text & "Web Browser"
destPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonProgramFiles)
[Code] .....
The combo box allows the user to select which drive the cd is in, incase you were wondering.

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