Counting Occurrences Of Multiple Letters?

Jun 22, 2012

am working on a homework assignment and have got the vb running well. Except for one area where I am trying to determine the number of occurrences of a combination of letters "XY". All other instances of this works fine for individual letters.

For intIndex = 0 To intLength
strCurrent = strSearch.Substring(intIndex, 1)
If strCurrent = "th" Then


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VS 2008 Counting Occurrences Of Words In Array

Apr 9, 2009

I am in a "survey of programming languages" course and have a professor who doesn't teach. There is no text book for this course.I am working a VB Form project to take a URL, grab the HTML source code, parse out all words, and count the occurrences of each word on the page. I have built the form, and written the code to parse the words and store them in an array. What is the most efficient way to count the occurrences of each individual word in that array (case insensitive), sort the results decreasing from most frequent, and display the results of the ten most used words. I will be displaying the results in two separate listboxes on my form. 1 listbox shows the words, and the other shows the number of occurrences.

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Get Letters And Count Occurrences?

Jun 7, 2011

I am trying to create a program that would allow me to put a paragraph in a textbox, get each letter, and output the letter and number of occurrences of each letter in a listbox.

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VS 2010 : Counting Number Of Occurrences Of Element Within An Array Or Arraylist?

Mar 13, 2012

there are any nifty in-built .net methods that can essentially return either the number of occurrences of each element in an array, or simply return the modal value.

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Count Occurrences Of Letters In A String?

Nov 4, 2009

QuoteWrite a Visual Basic Console Application which executes a Do-While loop repetitively. Each time the Do-While loop executes input a String value, count and display the number of occurrences of the letters �a�, �b�, �c�, �d� and �e�. Use at least one Select Case statement inside your Do-While loop. For example, suppose during one execution of the Do-While loop you input the following String value: �My mother is a great lady!�. Your program should input this value into a String variable, compute the number of times each of the letters �a�, �b�, �c�, �d� and �e� occurs and output the results: a � 3, b � 0, c � 0, d � 1, and e � 2. Terminate your Do-While loop once a value of �All Done!� is entered for the String value.

Here is my code:

Dim s1 As String
Dim a, b, c, d, e, count As Integer
Do While (s1 <> "all done")


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Count The Occurrences Of Letters In A String?

Nov 5, 2009

My problem is an error that states Variable 'count' hides a variable in an enclosing block. Here is my project and my code so far:

1. Write a Visual Basic Console Application which executes a Do-While loop repetitively. Each time the Do-While loop executes input a String value, count and display the number of occurrences of the letters �a�, �b�, �c�, �d� and �e�. Use at least one Select Case statement inside your Do-While loop. For example, suppose during one execution of the Do-While loop you input the following String value: �My mother is a great lady!�. Your program should input this value into a String variable, compute the number of times each of the letters �a�, �b�, �c�, �d� and �e� occurs and output the results: a � 3, b � 0, c � 0, d � 1, and e � 2. Terminate your Do-While loop once a value of �All Done!� is entered for the String value.

2. In the same Visual Basic Console Application, following the Do-While loop described in step 1. above, enter another String value and modify it by replacing all occurrences of the word �hi� with �hello�; all occurrences of the word �today� with the word �tomorrow�; all occurrences of �hate� with �love�. Output both the original String value and the modified String value.

This is my code:

Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim s1 As String
Dim a As Integer = 0
Dim b As Integer = 0


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Displaying The Number Of Occurrences Of The Letters A,b,c,d,e?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm having a hard time displaying the number of occurrences of the letters a,b,c,d,e I want to use IndexOf, but just don't understand how.

]Dim s2, s3 As String
Dim s1 As String
Dim a, b, c, d, e As Integer
Do While (s1 <> "finish")


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Counting Words + Letters At Runtime And Display It In A Label Box

Feb 12, 2009

Im trying to get an application to count letters and words. I want it to count them at runtime and display it in a label box. My form will run and I can type text in my textbox but my lblOutput doesn't update.[code...]

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Counting For Multiple Decisions With A Message Box

Feb 2, 2009

i have an exit tool strip that asks if you want to save your data. If the user clicks no then it closes the form, or if the user clicks save it saves the data and closes the form otherwise it does not close. What i'm running into is how to account for both a yes or no answer. The current way i'm doing it pops up a second message box if the user clicks no.[code]

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VS 2010 Datatable - Summarize Multiple Occurrences Of An Item In A Datatable

Jun 5, 2012

I have a datatable that has a resource in one field and hours used in another, it looks like this -

Resource Hours Used
Manager 1
Accountant 1
Field Staff 2
Accountant 3
Manager 4
Manager 1
Administrator 6
Field Staff 4
Manager 0.5
Administrator 1

What I want to do is be able to create a summary of the data table above that groups multiple occurrences of a resource and adds up the hours used for that resource, creating a summary that looks like this -

Resource Hours Used
Manager 6.5
Accountant 4
Field Staff 6
Administrator 7

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Display Multiple Lines In A Label, Counting Numbers?

Feb 24, 2010

Im just trying to get a simple multi line label box counting numbers using vbCrLf.

Dim startNumber As Integer
For startNumber = 1 To 4
lblCount.text = "Number = " & startNumber & vbCrLf
Next startNumber

I just want something to display like this in a multi line label, not a textbox:

Number = 1
Number = 2
Number = 3
Number = 4
But... I keep getting something like:
Number = 4

I already turned auto size off and expanded the label.

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NumericUpDown With Letters - Show Only The Range Of Letters

Apr 2, 2012

I'm keeping track of some things that are numbered and others that are lettered; while NumericUpDown is perfect for selecting numbered things, I need an analogue for selecting lettered things. The obvious choice would be a listbox that just contains all the letters of the alphabet. But I need to show only the appropriate range of letters, so if I want to use a listbox, I need to write a function that populates the listbox with the first n letters of the alphabet; if n > 26, it should continue with aa, ab, and so on. How do I do this?

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VB Program- Number Occurrences?

Nov 30, 2011

a program is supposed to display the number of times a number occurs in a larger number. For example, iff the user enter 356, its supposed to show the numbers 0 thru 9 and say how many times the number occurs in the program. I am pretty sure somethings wrong with the first For loop, but I am not sure why it doesnt work, all it prints out are zeros.


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Count Number Of Occurrences In A String?

Nov 14, 2011

I've googled for a while now, but I can't seem to find it.

I'm looking for a way to determine how many times a character occures within a string.

Let's say for example I want all comma's to be counted in the following string:

How can I retrieve the number of comma's? in example 5.

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Count Occurrences Of An Item In An ArrayList?

Sep 7, 2010

After executing a query with LINQ to SQL, the result I have is an arraylist (.ToList) of items with ID numbers. The number of items and their occurences will vary with each query. I would simply like to count the occurences of each specific ID in the list.

How do I do that??

The only count function I know of (.count() ) is for a count on the entire list. I've also I've been reading on how to loop through the list items but I don't understand how I can do that if I don't know how many specific ID's there will be from each query result.

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Evaluate All Occurrences Of A Field Within A List In .NET?

Apr 6, 2011

I am new to VB.NET and I keep telling myself there must be a better way to do what I need to do several times a day which is look into a list and see if that one field is set to true anywhere in that list.

So far, I've been using the For Each statement:


But I know some of the other languages can do something like: if ListOfPlayers(*).isActive == true

which just seems more concise and to the point.

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Removing All Occurrences Of Given Character From String

Jul 16, 2010

If I have a string like: (240). Is their a easy way to strip out the "(" and ")" so that I am left with 240?

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Replace All Occurrences Of ' With " Within A String?

Nov 11, 2010

I want to replace all occurrences of ' with " within a string.

I know it can be done with the replace function, but I don't know the coding for the ' and " characters

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.net - Count The Number Of Occurrences Of A Char In A String?

Mar 30, 2012

Count specific character occurances in string

I have a delimeter in string that i have to validate. How can I count occurrences of that char. For now i have a next function.

Private Shared Function CountChars(ByVal value As String) As Integer
Dim count = 0
For Each c As Char In value


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.net - Count The Number Of Occurrences Of Each Character In A String?

May 31, 2011

I'm scanning through all characters in a textbox. Then the program counts how many of each character is in the textbox. Here's the code which adds all characters to a list:

For each c as char in TxtBox

Everything's working fine, except this will also add returns to the list, which I don't want. I thought I could write like this:

If c <> chr(10) Then
End If

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Find Out Number Of Occurrences Of An Item In Array?

Jan 17, 2012

I'm using Streamwriter/Streamreader for the first time in this project and keep getting an "Argument out of Range Exception was unhandled" error.It says "length cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: length."This happens at "dblYearly Income." Also, how do I find out the number of occurrences of an item in an array? For instance, I have a Race combobox and need to find out how many occurrences there are for each race.Also, is there a way to count the number of occurrences of an array itself, I guess the upper index value? [code]

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C# - Remove Duplicate Char On String (more Than 3 Occurrences) Using Regex?

Jan 13, 2012

I'm sorry if it's a duplicate of some question but this is specific on Vb.Net Regex function.

I need to remove any occurrence of 3 or more duplicate characters on a given string. For example:

Dim strTmp As String = "111111.......222222 and 33"
Dim output As String = Regex.Replace(strTmp, "????", "")

The "????" part I guess should be the Regex expression, which I must assume I know almost nothing about.

I don't know if that's the correct syntax. But I need the output to come as:

"1.2 and 33"

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Finding The Subsequent Occurrences Of Character And Separate As Substring?

Feb 22, 2011

I am developing an application proj on it.. In that, I want to separate charaters of the string which is of following stream, 18 Feb 2011 06:05:24 0601 110218055515,3,26;9948;9948;9947;9951;9956;9954;99 61;9958;9965;9967;125672N0801272E;110218055550; In this I want to separate as, Mail recieved time = 18 Feb 2011 06:05:24 msg recieved time = 110218055515 msg sent time = 110218055550 Position = 125672N0801272E water level 1 = 9948 water level 2 = 9948 water level 3 = 9947 water level 4 = 9951 water level 5 = 9956 water level 6 = 9954 water level 7 = 9961 water level 8 = 9958 water level 9 = 9965 water level 10 = 9967 I am only aware of IndexOf and LastIndexOf methods, and these methods are used to find the index of first and last occurence character position, but I want to split the string in subsequent characters too..

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Search A Specific Word And The Number Of Occurrences In A Text File?

Sep 20, 2010

its like this if we think the original textfile like this [its meaning less] dim original as string = "myname is not thename wasthe notthe nameisnot nere!" i want to see what words are recurring, like name, the, was, not but i cant use split(), substring because they may even exist as combined words like thecat and i need to know the number of time it has recurred

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Read Upper And Lower Case Letters Without Having To Put The Upper Case Letters In Select Case Statement

Oct 28, 2009

i have a program using a select case to convert letters to special charaters. My question is how can I get the code to read upper and lower case letters without having to put the upper case letters in my select case statement. Example: Part of my code is


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Search Within An Array And Display The Number Of Occurrences That A Value Within The Array Appears?

Nov 13, 2010

I have to search within an array and display the number of occurrences that a value within the array appears. I know that my code is incorrect but this is what I have so far. If anyone can point out what I am doing wrong that would be great.

Private Sub btnResult_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnResult.Click
Dim intSearchAmount As Integer
Dim intCounter As Integer
Dim intIndex As Integer


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Replace Occurrences Of ALL Characters And Replace Them With A Specified Character?

Mar 6, 2010

How can I specify in my string that I want to replace occurrences of ALL characters and replace them with a specified character? Something like this:

'assuming currentWord is a string that contains any word
_myWord = CurrentWord.Replace("a-z,A-Z", "*")

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Can't Make It Stop While Counting

Mar 16, 2012

I have a simple form with Start/Stop buttons and a textbox that shows a ctr. When you click the Start button it loops to displays an incrementing ctr in the textbox. Can't seem to figure out how to get the Stop button to work while the ctr is being displayed. I've tried putting the loop in BackgroundWorker and Delegates too with no luck. Am I close or in left field, what's the magic? [code]...

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Counting All Characters In A Text Box?

Mar 14, 2010

I need a simple method of counting all characters in a text box and when a button is clicked a message must display if the amount of characters has exceeded 25.

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Counting Characters In A String?

Feb 4, 2011

Ok, so I have a string called item. It's value is "Coffe`". When I try to get the number of caractors by using:

textcount = item.length

However it returns with the value "5". even though there is 6 caracters.

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