Create A Console App And A Win Form All In One?

Mar 30, 2009

I have a simple console app that has various command line args. I'm running the app as a different user so I cannot use the CreateNoWindow property. How can I add a winform progress bar? My thought would be that when you use a specific command line arg it would launch the winform progress bar and not the console window, but with other command line args they would operate as normal in the console window.

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Create Simple Login Console?

Jan 5, 2012

I wrote webbrowser program with .net. but it's something i need to know it's irrelevant about webbrowesing.. i create simple login console?

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Create A Console Application Which Would Read Input From User?

May 27, 2011

How to create a console application which would read input from user and assign the input to a variable? The problem is, I need to enter several words on one line separated with blank spaces like "ab cd efg" and then assign ab to one variable, cd to another variable and efg to another variable. Also the entered words can be any lenght.

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Create Console Application To Calculate 23 Numbers Of Fibonacci?

Sep 24, 2010

how to create console application to calculate 23 numbers of fibonacci?This is the script I had done but facing an issue:

Module Module1
Sub Main()
'area to declare all integer
String inputstring;


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Create Console Apps Like The Edit App In CMD With Visual Basic Or C#?

Feb 26, 2009

Im still working on my scheduling program and Im thinking of how to get it where it dont add my agent until they actually leave for lunch and not just t the time they are "supposed" to. So sine my program sends emails Ive been thinking of making it where the agent replies with #lunch sh250080 and then when my program receives it it adds them to the lunch list.

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Create User Which Can't Login To Console But Which Can Access Secure Folders From Remote?

Jun 14, 2009

I think it should be something related with "Local Security Policy".

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From Console To Form App?

Oct 21, 2011

I m trying to use the following code inside form application. The code works fine with console app but doesnt work fine in Form App due to continue while loop wait...

What can I do to make it work?

Public Class AsynchronousSocketListener
' Thread signal.
Public Shared allDone As New ManualResetEvent(False)


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Get A CMD-Like Console Into Form?

Jan 30, 2009

I wanted to get the Console which i access with Start > Run > Cmd in to my Form.

What i want to do then:

Well the thing i want to do is run a Perl-Script but it should copy the thing that the Perl script answers after running in to a Richtextbox so it doesent even have to be a CMD in my Form but it should copy the answer in to my Richtextbox after doing it with:


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Create Console Program Where User Enters A Character And Respective ASCII Value In Denary

Nov 21, 2010

The latest assignment from my teacher was to create a console program where the user enters a character and the respective ASCII value in Denary, Hexadecimal and Binary, Even Parity, Odd Parity and Hamming code is returned.I've managed to implement all of them except the latter with relative ease, I am familiar with the concept of Hamming code and can compute it easily by hand, but don't really know how to implement it as a function in my program. [code]

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Easy VB Console Coding - Create A Pyramid Of Stars - Convert The Numbers Into The Symbol?

Oct 19, 2009

I'm currently taking a VB class as a complimentary in college, so keep in mind that I'm lowest of the low when it comes to this. For my assignment, using a console application, I need to create a pyramid of stars, such as this:

Enter number of stars: 3

So far, I've gotten to the point where it'll display enter number of stars: 3

How do I convert the numbers into the symbol?

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VS 2010 Creating A Console Application That Will Create And Store Client Information As A .txt File?

Apr 24, 2012

Basically i am creating a console application that will create and store client information as a .txt file it is going okay but i have come across a slight hick up i want to use something on the lines of this .....

dim lastname as string
Do Until Integer.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), LastName) = False
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input, Please try again")


this works fine to trap out numbers from letters but the problem i am getting is when the program calls uppon LastName it is recording 0 and wanted to know if there is a way of getting past this ..... so basically i need a way to allow letter but not numbers and symbols and then dispay a pernolised error message but at the same time use Stream writer to save was the answer is in a .txt file.

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Make A Form That Has A Console In It?

Apr 1, 2012

I want to make a form that has a console in it, almost like putty.

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Run A Form In A Console Application?

Nov 27, 2009

I need to write a windows application that accepts parameters, so I guess the best way to do this is console applications. But I have one question, in my console application startup module I use the following code to show the form that I designed, but the application does not recognize Application.Run command. I tried adding the required dlls , but no luck. Is there any other way to show my form?

Dim frm As New Form1

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Windows Form App Using Console?

Oct 26, 2010

im trying to write a Form app that actually uses the program. However it doesn't seem to be doing anything. I have it to change a few settings but it doesn't do anyhting. I made it beep by using System.Console.Beep so i know its activating the function. Here is what i have.

Private Sub graphics_1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles graphics_1.Click
System.Console.Write("netsh interface ip set address name=""Local Area


It doesnt appear to do any of that! is there a way that i can view the console it is writting to to see whats going on?

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Windows Form From A Console App

Jul 15, 2010

I am working on an application that needs to have both a command-line AND windows form interface. I have designed the form, and written a basic console app. The issue comes when I try to display the GUI, as the application is a Console project in VS2008. I do the following:

Dim Apply As Boolean = False
Dim Check As Boolean = False
' Snip.


And the GUI flashes for a second, but then goes away. How do I make the GUI stay up, and wait for input?

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Create A Console Application That Lets A User Enter 20 Names And Then It Sorts Them Out Alphabetically In Order?

Mar 25, 2012

I need to create a console application that lets a user enter 20 names and then it sorts them out alphabetically in order and then displays them.

Module Module1
Sub Main()
Const names As Integer = 20
Dim index As Integer


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Compile C++ Console App AS Library And Run It From VB Form?

Oct 5, 2009

I have C++ console application, and I dont want to leave it as exe, but I want it to be integrated to the main application written in

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Mixing Console And Form Together Fail

Mar 29, 2012

My app is basically console based but I need a Form to run in background. Adding a form in the app works but using Form1.Show didn't work, so I used VB.NET Application.Run(New Form1) However, in Form1_Load Me.Hide didn't work. I have no idea why. It works in buttons or other components in the same form.

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Open Form From Console Module?

Aug 24, 2011

I am working on a chat program and I'm am trying to combine 2 projects into one solution. I have a console project and a win form project. So my question is how do you open or show a form from a console module?

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Show Cmd Console In Windows Form?

Sep 23, 2010

i'm what you call a "noob" in visual basic, and i came up with an idea to make a program the i can monitor my server in a windows form application instead of the cmd. This picture will show what i mean[URL]...

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Using A Windows Form In A Console Application?

Oct 30, 2009 2008 I am using a windows form in a console application.If I turn off the console by changing Application Type, I lose the Sub Main routine that I need to startup the program.

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VS 2008 Console App To Windows Form?

Sep 25, 2009

Im abit stuck on this Instant messenging program Im using code from this website. [URl]..but its server is a console app, Id like to convert it to windows form but I have 2 errors

Reference to a non-shared member requires an object * 2 on broad cast and msg

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C# - In A .NET Console App, Have A Line Of Text Stay Visible In The Console All The Time?

Jun 1, 2011

I was thinking of adding a simple bandwidth monitor to a console application and I was wondering if it would be possible to keep a line in the console window visible at all times. I could set something up manually to pass new console output into a method that would get the contents of the console, clear the console, add the bandwidth data on the first row, then rewrite each line of previous information back to the console, etc.. but that seems like a really hacky way to go about it, and I'd be limited to the amount of rows visible at once in the console window (no scrolling).

STATS: Downloaded: 2599b, Uploaded: 754b <- this always stays at the top
constantly changing text
constantly changing text
constantly changing text


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.net Read From Console When Using A Windows Form Application?

Sep 25, 2011

I have a problem with reading and writing to the console from a windows form application.

I am running visual studios 2010 and I am coding in visual basic.The current code that I have is as follows:

Declare Function AttachConsole Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal dwProcessId As Int32) As Boolean
Declare Function FreeConsole Lib "kernel32.dll" () As Boolean
Dim test as string = Console.ReadLine()

With the following code I can write to the console but I cannot read from it,

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C# - Display Console.WriteLine Into Textbox On Form

Mar 7, 2011

Console.WriteLine("Network adapter: {0}", adapters[i].Name);
Console.WriteLine("Status: {0}", adapters[i].OperationalStatus.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Interface: {0}",
[Code] .....
What I want is to have this Console.WriteLine displayed in a text box on the form but how to do it.

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Console Versus Blank Form Project?

Jan 21, 2011

Regarding a console application and VB forum program - In searching XML parsing examples I find several using Console.Write and Console.Write - To show my inexperience I (out of habit going through a couple preliminary examples) I created a new VB project with a blank form - I then copied and pasted the XML example using the console commands Errors - I just found the "create console application"What is the difference between a console application and the project using a blank form? Can the console commands like Console.Write work with a VB form project?If so (#2)What is the advantage in creating a console application - why not just start with a blank form and go?

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Convert Console Application To Windows Form?

Jul 18, 2012

I manged to get some code what works fine but it uses console application I have tried to convert it by hand and change things around to get it to work but with no avail Im certain it should be simple but I may be wrong [URL]...Ignore the title of the pastebin its not C# its If you think im trying to be spoon fed I can post my convereted code but it doesnt work and proably 99.9% wrong

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Go To A Form In A Code File In A VB Console Application?

Feb 25, 2010

how do i get my console application to show Form1 when the code for a Code File/Module is finished? I've already tried

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Listboxes On A Windows Form In A CONSOLE Application?

Jul 18, 2009

I want to create a console application that has a Windows Form inside of it that contains listboxes. I use these listboxes like a database. I want to load the listboxes with filenames and then work with those file names via the console code. I'd like to do this in a console method because I want to pass arugments to it from the command-line. The issue I am having is when I reference db.listbox1.items.add etc., the error I get is:

db is my Windows Form
main is my console code
vars is global variables I use

Error 1 Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference. C:UsersxyzDocumentsVisual Studio 2008Projectsindexindexmain.vb 105 21 bindex

The code:

Public Sub open_first_file_for_timestamp()
Using fs As New FileStream(vars.working_first_file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
Using fx As New StreamReader(fs)


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Merging Console With Windows Form Application

Oct 27, 2009

I am merging a console application with a windows form application. The console application reads: [code] I need the Main sub to be done before the form apps starts so that the program registers as a DDe server.I would not use the console window in the merged module.I tried my. application. startupevent but it did'nt work.

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