Created User Account Page But How To Save All That Info To File?

Apr 11, 2010

I created a sign up page for my program using:


How can I save all that info to a file to pull up for later use in the program? All the info was entered into text boxes and at the end of the program I have a button that is named Save Information.

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Edit And Save Button Function In Account Info Application?

Apr 12, 2011

I have a program that allows a bank to view clients information.The app will allow the users to click next and previous buttons to see clients information.I also added an edit button and save button to it.

Public Class AccountInformationForm
Private clients(0 To 8) As Client ' Client object
Private position As Integer = 0


My problem is with the edit button. I want the user to click on the button, gives the message, then gives the option to edit the four accounts.(firstname,lastname,account number and balance)I can do this type of thing in java but unsure about this code.

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VS 2008 Add Quick Info On User Created Event (in Own Class)?

Aug 8, 2009

Something like in the image.I know that <Description("blah blah blah")>_ gives the description, but when the user is in the designer tab, I would like to know how to add that info when intellisense pops up.

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Login Facility Reading In User Info From A Main User File?

Nov 9, 2011

I have been trying to solve this for 2 days now, every text book I own and google have been well and truely exhausted and I am still no closer to solving my problems.I have a login facility reading in user info from a main user file. This takes all info into a temp array and then splits usernames into a username file, passwords into a password file and a current score in a score file.

I have the login working fine and everything else in my program works as intended but touching up cosmetic aspects I want to add a Message box after login to say hello and display current score. This works great for the first name in the user file i.e - after login User1 welcome to the game. Your current score is 45 As intended.But the problem arises with any other users, my message comes out as

User2 welcome to the game. Your current score is 55 I do not understand where the random new lines are coming from. I have tried assigning the message as a variable and removing new line using


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Using SQL Function To Format Account Info?

Oct 3, 2011

I have a SQL function that I am calling in my VB.Net code within a display function. The SQL function will format my account data to include the following results form a Table. The table data: "001000011121" (this is the type of structure the data has before formatted)
So the data table data and vb Properties would be called Myaccount, HerAccount, ThisAccount. Once the data is pulled and then formatted in the code it will result into a GridDisplay as as: ""

The way I have my Public Function in my code is:
Public Funcion GetDisplay(_
ByVal dbBass as DataProvider_
,ByVal pps AS TMGDatarequestParms_
,By filter As IFilter_
) As Ilist
Dim strobe As String = CType(parms.OptionalParameters, DataProvider).Database
Dim sql As BiGSqlBuilder(TABLE)
sql.Select = String.Format("ID, [{0}].dbo.GLForamtAcct(Myaccount) AS [Myaccount], [{0}].dbo.GLFormatAccount(HerAccount) AS [HerAccount], [{0}].dbo.GLFormatAccount(ThisAccount) AS [ThisAccount]", strobe)

I left out some of the return code since not necessary. The only thing I'm concerned is how to format the SQL within the Code above.

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Save Various Info Into A File?

Dec 21, 2009

I'm looking to add a save function to my game, and one of the problems that I have come across is, saving the amount of items the player carries, making it so that the amount # corresponds with the item itself.[code]....

View 1 Replies File Created The Html Page

Sep 29, 2010

I am trying to create a website that will take input from user, and when user clicks submit, it will run the file which will take the data and place it into a MS Access Table. I have created the html page, the file and the db. But when user clicks Submit, a pop up comes up that asks user to either open, save or cancel the file. What am I doing wrong. Here is the code from the file:


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File I/O And Registry :: Using The SaveFileDialog To Save Listbox Info Into A Text File?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm using the SaveFileDialog to save listbox info into a text file. The files save fine, but when you go to save the file, if you hit the cancel button, it will overwrite the previous file you saved, because it's name was the same and it seems to save the previous file as the new name for your next file. Is there any way to catch if the user clicks cancel, and then exiting the sub if they did?

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Retrieve Bank Account Info Via IE (silently)?

Aug 12, 2009

I am working on making a program that will log into my internet banking site (this will most likely have to be done in IE) grab my current available balance and store this to a string, before I do any research I was wondering if anybody had anything like this already completed.I also need it to do this silently (as in no open IE windows) no visibility of program running to the user.

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Take Info From A Text Box And Save It To A File ?

Aug 19, 2009

where can I find information on how to take info from a text box and save it to a file and later retrieve the info and print it out on a printer or back into text boxes? Also creating a database.Example. The Database will contain a list of customers. Within each customer profile there could be any number of databases for just that customer. and with in each database there is a system to keep track of different things.

Main Database = List of different Customers

Customer Data Base = List of different key systems.

Customer database key systems = list of key generated and if the have used that number or not. (Along with other info)

Where is a good place to start.

Basic File saving to complex file saving.

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Save / Load Info To - From A Txt File Without Going Through Savefiledialog?

Mar 2, 2010

How can i save or load info to/from a txt file without going through the savefiledialog.

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VS 2008 - Save TextBox Info To File

Nov 28, 2009

I would like to know how you take the text in a textbox, and save it into a .bat file. I have a program, and I want the users to enter text into the textbox. Then they click the save button and save it. Also. The textbox name is TextBox1 The file is already made though. I have a button that creates the bat file, and I want another button to save the textbox info into the bat.

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Make Program To Show My Torrent Tracker Account Info?

May 24, 2011

i'am a newguy here but i have a one qustion how to make program to show my torrent tracker account info like ratio an something like that

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Save An Already Created Text File?

May 19, 2009

Edit: I figured out how to save as new, now all I need to do is save an already created text file.

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Save Gif File With Newly Created Tag?

Feb 15, 2010

I have been working on this for a while and this is what I got so far.[code]...

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VS 2008 Have A Code For Load Info To Textboxes And Save To Ini File?

Jun 6, 2010

have a code for load info to textboxes and save to ini takes info from hello.ini file and when i load rhe program it will take the info to the texteboxes...

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Show To User The File Info Programamtically?

Feb 15, 2012

how to show to a user the file info of a file programamtically. Can I just use the Properties window that Windows use to show all the detals of a file (e.g. name, type, size, path, date created ect.) I am using the IO namespace

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Save File To A Folder Created Inside Project?

Sep 1, 2011

I am confused on saving a file to a certain folder. I know how to save files and what not but what I can't figure out is this:I right clicked my project name in VS2010 -->New Folder and added a new folder. Now this folder shows up in my Solution Explorer. How to I reference this folders location?

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Save A File In XML And Offer The User A Save Dialog?

Feb 6, 2012

Im trying to save a file in XML and offer the user a save dialog to appear so they can name the file. The file will save using a custom file extention. The problem is I keep getting off the wall suggestions and Im looking for a simple solution. Here is what I have, please only show examples using my syntax based code. Im still a bit new to Vb so posting off the wall examples


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Process.start Access Denied - Create A User Account And Modify It's Registry Before The User Logs On The First Time

May 31, 2012

I thought I postet this yesterday but I can't find my thread so if this is a duplicate please point me at the original one. Background: I need to create a user account and Modify it's registry before the user logs on the first time. Creating the account is done by using the Winnt provider (works great). To create the profile I'm trying to use Process.start to launch a process as the newly created user. With the use of loaduserprofile property the users profile gets created and i can do my regwrites without problem.


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Save Single Windows Form As Many Page And Reload The Page Whenever Call That Page

May 17, 2012

I need sample code to save single windows form as many page and reload the page whenever i call that page...

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Save Application Settings But For USER But Cannot Find The User.config File

Aug 7, 2009

in i am trying to save application settings but for USER but i cannot find the user.config file

when does this file get created?

i searched my entire hardrive. i also searched the entire project.

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Save What See On A PHP Page Into A Text File?

Jun 27, 2009

I am trying to save the displayed text of this PHP page into a text file: [URL]

The page is from the Taiwan Stock Exchange, and I am trying to use VB6 to save the daily record of each stock into the hard disk.

Here is what I would like to achieve:

1. Enter a stock ID into the search box labled "股票代碼". The ID is a four digit integer such as 4111, 6122.

2. After submitting the ID, save the displayed trading record into a text file.

I do not know how to submit a stock ID, nor saving the displayed text. So far I am only able to save the source of the webpage, but that it does not contain the data I am looking for.

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Save A Web Page(image Included) As .doc File In .net?

May 7, 2010

I am newbie here and sorry if I post at wrong section if I did it. May I know how to do that in I try response.addheader but it seems this can only work but cannot save the image file to my document.

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How To Save To Selected Account Only

Aug 15, 2011

I can load my edit form withthe selected account from the datagridview on form1..I can update aany of my information but when I save the information it updates the first account in the database. How do I save to the selected account only? [code]

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.net - Getting The Contents Of Web Page And Processing It (Print Or Save To File)?

Nov 19, 2009

I am a Real Estate appraiser and have some limited experience with vb and .net. I have a task which I perform which requires me to go to the conuty appraisers web site and print a copy (to image bmp or jpg or directly to the default printer) of the current public record info for anywhere from a few pages to 1,000 plus records at a time.

I don't really get paid to do this part of the job so they don't care whether it takes me a few minutes or several hours to do this. I thought there must be a way to automate this process, so last week I started searching and test code snippets.What I have to date opens an instance of IE; navigates to the reguested page; finds the form elemet for AcctNo; fills it in and submits the form. The page that comes back is formatted for screen presentation and is not suitable to be sent to the printer. There is however a link which when clicked returns a page formatted for pinting. Downside is it also brings up the print dialog which then has to be handled. I was able through several methods to click either the print button or the cancel button which leaves me with a document that is either sent to printer or sitting on screen.

The questions are: Is there a way to do this without displaying the Print Dialog? Maybe a HTTPRequest or HTTPWebREquest as I have no need to see the screens just need the final page.The resultant page is typically longer then letter by a few lines and wants to print on two pages. It would be nice to resize the page to fit and typically it will be the same resizing. If I stick with the print dialog either clicking print or cancel how can I intercept the document and decide by options set in the program wheter to send the file to the printer or save to image?

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Save The Data Of Dynamically Created Textbox On Clicking The Save Button?

Jun 18, 2012

I am working on desktop application. I had created number of dynamic textbox and label and I want to save that data on clicking the save button.

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Access Objects On A Dynamically Created UserControl An A Dynamically Created Tab Page?

Dec 5, 2011

I can usually find the answers to most of my questions via the Google Gods, but not this time.I have a form that has a TabPageControl and on that page a collection of labels and text boxes via a usercontrol.

On the form I have a button that allows the user to create a new tabpage, when the code adds a new page, it automatically adds the UserControl collection. I can't get my head around how to access the objects on the newly created tabpage.

What I need to be able todo is take the index of the tabpage that has focus and translate that against the UerContol name, but I havn't a clue how to do it!


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Created A Page In .Net And Brought That Page Into A FB App?

Dec 5, 2011

I currently have created a page in VB.Net and brought that page into a FB app and now showing that in one of my pages on there.Currently it shows everything to all users, but I would like to only show the intro to non-fans and everything else to fans. I did find an app but the items I am showing are dynamic from my own website.

So that's number 1, 2 is, when they are fans, collect data from them, such as name and email address and profile picture.I found the C# SDK, but way above my head right now.

I tend to work really well with full sample examples, so if you have come across any,

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SaveAs Dialog And Extensions - Allow The User To Select A Filename To Save A File Either As A Doc File?

Jul 1, 2011

I'm using the FileSaveAs dialog control to allow the user to select a filename to save a file either as a doc file, an rtf file or a pdf file (that part was easy).However, after a bit of testing, it seems that the file extension doesn't automatically change when selecting the different file types.If the filename in the dialog is Foo.doc and I select FileType *.pdf and click "Save", my app still tries to save the file as a doc type.Virtually every other MS app automatically changes the extension to match a selected file type from the Office Suite to Paint. here's my code:

Dim dlg As New SaveFileDialog
dlg.InitialDirectory = m_sReportFolder
dlg.FileName = sProjectName & ".docx"[code]......

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