VS 2008 Add Quick Info On User Created Event (in Own Class)?

Aug 8, 2009

Something like in the image.I know that <Description("blah blah blah")>_ gives the description, but when the user is in the designer tab, I would like to know how to add that info when intellisense pops up.

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Create Quick Info And/or Parameter Info For Own Code?

Jul 23, 2009

how to create Quick info and/or parameter info for own code?

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Created User Account Page But How To Save All That Info To File?

Apr 11, 2010

I created a sign up page for my program using:


How can I save all that info to a file to pull up for later use in the program? All the info was entered into text boxes and at the end of the program I have a button that is named Save Information.

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Quick Find And Quick Replace Dialog Windows For 2008 IDE?

Dec 7, 2010

I am developing a VB application using the Visual Studio 2008 IDE. I was making changes to my code using the Quick Replace function when the dialog window stopped displaying. Selection of Quick Find or Quick Replace from the Edit menu, as well as use of shortcut keys (CTL+F and CTL+H) all have the same affect: the IDE loses focus but no dialog windows display. Is this a known issue with an available fix?

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Event For A Form Created In Code As Part Of A Class

Jun 18, 2010

I have created a class which generates a form in code. I have hooked up the buttons and a text box so that they work. Now, I am trying to hook up the Resize event (and probably will need other events) for this form. How do I do that? If I can understand how to do it for the Resize event, I should be able to apply that to whatever other events I might want to use. I can't just put "Handles frmMyForm.Resize" or "Handles Me.Resize". I get the message "Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types." This all has been a learning experience.

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Put The XMLSerializer Behind A 'facade' Class That User Won't Have To Supply Type Info To The Constructor?

Mar 19, 2012

I wish to put the XMLSerializer behind a 'facade' class of mine so that user wont have to supply type info to the constructor. But doing this has a problem. Consider this class:

Class XmlFormatter
Private Shared xs As XmlSerializer
Public Function Deserialize(ByVal serializationStream As Stream) As Object
Dim o As Object = Nothing


The problem is that the user of this class cannot use Deserialize without first using Serialize because the XMLSerializer instance is created in Serialize and it is shared. But using Deserialize without this instance will simply return Nothing.

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VS 2008 Class ParamArray Info

Apr 24, 2009

I'm building a class, and i let the user select several options to show or hide some features in another form.In my class i declared an enum with 5 values, and in one of my class constructors i declare an paramarray of the type of the enum.Now i want that when i declare a new object of this type, when the user put the "(" char, a popup/tooltip/intelisense (don't know what to call it), show all the options available. Like in the classes that allready exist in the framework...

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VS 2008 DoubleClick Event To Display Package Info In MessageBox

Jul 30, 2011

I am having trouble with the DoubleClick event of a ListBox.What I need to have happen is when the user double clicks the package number in the ListBox, all the information will display to a MessageBox.This should include package number, arrival time, and so on.[code]

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VS 2008 - How To Add Event To Dynamically Created TextBox

Jul 7, 2009

I created a textbox dynamically and I want to have a text change event for this textbox. I know I must use addhandler.

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VS 2008 Enum And Radio Boxes-passing Info To Business Class?

Jan 29, 2011

I'm trying to pass data from the main form to a business class form for calculation.I have 3 types of cars and I can't get the code right to pass that to the business form. It seems correct to me, but obviously, it's not.This is the code for the calculate button, I can't figure out why its telling me that CarSize is not a member of the business form when I have it in the Enum statement at the top. I'm going by what the book says and this appears right according to it.

Dim CarTypeInteger As Integer
'determine the car size from radio buttons
If LuxuryRadioButton.Checked Then


In the book it says to specify the class name when declaring the enum on the business form. So to me it looks like it should be -RentalRate.CarSize.Luxury The error I have is 'CarSize' is not a member of the 'ChristiansCarRentals.RentalRate'.

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VS 2008 Change Event Of Button Created Through Code

Jan 30, 2010

I have this code to create a new button

Dim NewButton As New Button
frmDownload.Controls.Add(NewButton )

This works. But I want to change what happens upon clicking NewButton. It should start an application. I tried NewButton.Click but that event doesn't exist.

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VS 2008 User Created Unbound DGV?

Apr 10, 2012

I am stuck on have a user enter data into a DGV and then creating a table out of that data. I need to know how to take the data the user enters into a DGV cell and have addded to the dgv so that it can then be added the a table here is what i got so far:

Private Sub Button3_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click


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VS 2008 : Display Info In Textbox When User Select A Certain Node?

Aug 28, 2011

i have treeview.. in which i want to display info in textbox when user select a certain node..

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Writing User Info Such As User, Computer Name, Date, And Time To An Acces Database?

Sep 25, 2009

writing user info such as user, computer name, date, and time to an acces database using a button click event. Then use a query to check if the user has accepted the aggreement. If the user has accepted the aggreement then call a vb.exe that display the aggrement. I have a login script that runs the vb.exe and uses a button click that records the user info to a csv file, but if the user has already agreed to the policies I do not want it run again.

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Login Facility Reading In User Info From A Main User File?

Nov 9, 2011

I have been trying to solve this for 2 days now, every text book I own and google have been well and truely exhausted and I am still no closer to solving my problems.I have a login facility reading in user info from a main user file. This takes all info into a temp array and then splits usernames into a username file, passwords into a password file and a current score in a score file.

I have the login working fine and everything else in my program works as intended but touching up cosmetic aspects I want to add a Message box after login to say hello and display current score. This works great for the first name in the user file i.e - after login User1 welcome to the game. Your current score is 45 As intended.But the problem arises with any other users, my message comes out as

User2 welcome to the game. Your current score is 55 I do not understand where the random new lines are coming from. I have tried assigning the message as a variable and removing new line using


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VS 2010 Created New Class And Require Text-box Field Within A Sub In New Class

May 9, 2012

can someone please help me with a textbox? I have created a new class and require this textbox field within a sub in the new class but i get Error1 'TextBox1' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.I have tried MyClass.TextBox1 = Form1.TextBox1 but I get declaration expected.

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Declaring A Object - Instance Of An Object To Be Created When A Form Loads Or Another Class Is Created

Oct 5, 2009

If you want a instance of an object to be created when a form loads or another class is created, you have two options:

Public class example

private IAmAObject As IAmAObject

public sub new()


Or like this:

public class example

private IAmAObject as new IAmAObject

public sub new()


I always use the first one. It's more type work but I think it's neater. How about you people and is there any real difference between the two?

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VS 2008 Add More Than 1 Info In A Database, But The Rest Of The Info Stays The Same?

Jan 7, 2010

I'm making a database app. I've finish the search, add new, and add function. What I'm trying to do is to expand the functionality of the add new item function.

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VS 2008 Display Event Data From A Class

Nov 6, 2009

I have a class that I want to handle it's own events but still have the instance inherit it.for instance I want the event to display in a text box but from class level.[code]

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Raise Event In One Class And Handle The Event In Another Class?

Dec 27, 2010

Is it possible to raise event in one class and handle the event in another class? If so, how?

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VS 2008 Quick Way To Print A Pdf File?

Sep 17, 2010

What's the best/quick way to print a pdf file? The user in the gui only needs to select the pdf and set the printer settings...

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VS 2008 Really Small And Quick ListView?

Jan 6, 2010

Really small and quick question:When i have a listview, with detail view mode. Say i have like 5 columns.

When i select one item in one column, it only selects that item in that specific column i clicked, like a cell

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[2008] TONS - Set Of Default Images And Then The User Created Replacement Images

Feb 11, 2009

The app i am working on is for creating theme for the iPod touch... It has to deal with LOTS of images (100's potentially) There will be the set of default images, and then the user created replacement images. I started loading all the defaults into a resx file... thinking then I could just pull them out. now that I started setting the default, this sucks! lol the app will do this, on load it will set all the images (variables) to the resx images then when a theme is loaded, it will replace the default with the user image (if the user img exists) otherwise, the default stays. Then the "screen" is drawn to show the user. so, here is just the images to build the wallpaper, dock, and status bar...


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VS 2008 Quick Simple Alarm Clock Program

May 16, 2011

[code] Runs fine for 4 seconds. as you can see tried thread.sleep but did not help.just crashes itself then crashes my entire programs

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Get Click Event Info?

Nov 11, 2009

I have what I am pretty sure is a pretty simple question, but I can't seem to find my answer. I have a whole lot of label's that I click (I use them as buttons) anyway, in the handles ...click sub I want to create a variable that gets the name of the label/button that is clicked. I am sure this must be pretty common but I have searched and have not found a thing.

This is so I can have one handles label1.click, label2.click etc that gets the name of the button and then does what it is suppose to for that particular button. I am using RS-232 strings to control and AV receiver.

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VS 2008 - Implement Event To Detect User Inactivity

Jul 30, 2011

PROJECT TYPE: Windows Forms Application
LANGUAGE: Visual Basic
IDE: Visual Studio 2008

I am developing a parental control application containing a feature that logs a user off of the computer after an administratively set period of time. I do not however want the application to continue counting time against the time limit when the user is not active on the computer. EXAMPLE: Child logs on and is active for an hour then leaves computer for 45 minutes to get dinner. The session timer needs to ignore the 45 minutes of inactivity. I have thought of two ways to accomplish this.
1) Use a SystemEvents.SessionSwith event (to detect the Start Menu > Log Off > SwitchUser action), or
2) Use an event which would detect user inactivity in excess of a set time, e.g. 5 minutes (similar to a screensaver).

Either event would call a method which would simulate a pause feature (as StopWatch and Timer have no pause support that I know of). I believe the 2nd option would prove to be more universally affective as 1) some users do not have Fast User Switching enabled, and 2) users would be required to manually switch users in order to prevent their inactive time from counting against them. My problem arises when I attempt to implement one of these methods. According to the IntelliSense error checking engine, I have absolutely no clue how to do either of these tasks in spite of the research I have conducted on the topic. I would prefer to go with the system idle time approach.

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[2008] Make An Event Happen When User Presses A Key?

Oct 1, 2011

i'd like to know how to make an event happen when user presses a key ... let's say space or whichever...and the other thing - how to display a folder on my hard disk ("E:Music") in a ListView box in my program?

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VS 2008 Creating A User-drawn Listbox Class?

Aug 1, 2009

having trouble trying to add different items to the listbox. What happens is that the item that's in the listbox gets redrawn every time I try to add new item, why is that?

Public Class ColoredListBox
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.ListBox


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Obtaining Info From Event Viewer?

Oct 19, 2011

I want to be able to search the windows event log (security) on our 2008 DC to find out when a certain user logged in. Using the system.diagnostics.eventlog namespace I can search and view information based on the event Id(4624) but I cannot work out how to display the login name of the user.

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VS 2008 : Handle The Event Of When The User Checks/unchecks A Checkbox?

Jan 17, 2010

I have a ListView object with the View property set to Details.I also have the CheckBoxes property set to True. Now, how do I get the user's input if they choose to check a box? Right now I am using the ItemCheck event, but that code runs even when I add something to the ListView object.What is the proper way to handle the event of when the user checks/unchecks a checkbox?

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