Creating A Message Box With Column Headings And Columns?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm trying to create a message box that shows a column for Years, represented by 0-10, and an amount, as a $ wise decimal in another column.I was wondering how to create a multi column message box with column headings o.o.

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Table Adapter InvalidCastException When Attempting To Update Through Column Headings

Feb 17, 2011

As the title says, when I attempt to update a row in a table in a database, I recieve an InvalidCastException. I am unsure why, since the variables I am using should be, and indeed, when I check them at runtime, are filled with the correct data.

I am trying to update using the method wherein the row that is being updated is identified with all the variables already stored. Interestingly, Intellisense is telling me that EntryID, the primary key, is only necessary in it's original form, and that the variables that I am attempting to update have question marks after their type.

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Check Box Error Message : Cannot Set Column,The Value Violates The MaxLength Limit Of This Column

Jan 30, 2010

I am trying to placed several check boxes (15) in a group box or on a form. I receive the following error message in Visual Studio:
Cannot set column, "The value violates the MaxLength limit of this column".

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All Columns To One Column / Record Row To One Column

Feb 22, 2012

I am trying to implement a DataViewGrid in VB.NET that will be simply for identifying and selecting GIS features that are already within a database. Simple enough with DataGrids and DataSets, although there is one slight twist.First, I need to be able to populate the grid based on one record of the column [Name] that is chosen from a ComboBox(I have been able to populate the ComboBox, but not the grid).Second, I need to restructure the DataGridView so that each current column name is in a column called "Field" and the row for that one record chosen is in another column called "Value".As you can see here, each "Field" is a column name and each "Value" is one record for each of those columns. So, if I could somehow parse through all of the column names into a "Field" column, and also populate a "Value" column with one record for each [Name], I would be on the road to happiness.

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Creating A Word Table With A Different Number Of Columns In Each Row?

Sep 22, 2009

I'm working with Microsoft Word and trying to generate a table with headings that may span one to three columns. I'm having trouble figuring out how to do this. The table should look something like the following:Counters

Times (hrs)
Flows (gals)
Well Starts


To get it to look this way, I'm not exactly sure what to do from VB.

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Datatable :: Creating New Columns Ignores Datatype?

Jul 9, 2010

I have a datatable which has a number of rows containing dataThen I need to add some empty datacolumns which I do like this:

Dim OT_Hours As New DataColumn("OT_Hours")
OT_Hours.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Double")


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VS 2008 Get All Headings From .doc In .net?

Dec 3, 2009

Just wondering how i can get all of a documents headings (from a specified word file) and put them in a list(Of String)

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C# - Computed Column Based On Other Columns?

Jul 25, 2011

I have a Dataset with a Bunch of Columns used in a Report (DevExpress XtraReports) (DataSet being the DataSource). The Dataset has many columns, and i need to read a column (based on the row type), and decide which column value to read for the row, and apply formatting based on the row type.


Is there a suggested way to handle this in the Report or at DataSet Level (excepting the formatting part)?

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Columns Separated By Spaces And Need Value Of 9th Column?

Feb 7, 2011

how I can get the value of the ninth column. Columns are separated by spaces.

The value im getting will be added to a int so say int = 2 then the column is 32 then the int will be 34

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Creating Columns In DataGridView Error - No Cell Template?

Dec 7, 2009

I have a DataGridView on my windows form. I am adding columns to the datagridview at runtime. In doing so, I create the columns by this code:


At least one of the DataGridView control's columns has no cell template.

I have looked and looked and I appear to be doing everything correct

View 2 Replies - Creating A Message Box, If Dropdown Answer Is Yes?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a working dropdown box that gives the answers yes & no.When "yes" is selected I need to create a message box that displays a simple message and allows the user to click ok, to get back to the survey.I have been working with it, and tried several things but no luck. What would the code look like, and where exactly would I place it to fire at the right time.I am working in VB, with an aspx & aspx.vb page.

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.net - Using Values From Two Different DataRow.Columns For One DataGridView Column

Jan 21, 2011

I need to display a column called Full Name in the my datagridview, but the datasource (datatable) does not have a FullName column. It only has FirstName and LastName columns. I'm setting up my DataGridView like this:


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CheckedListBox With Multiple Columns A Column Headers?

Mar 26, 2010

I need to create a checkedlistbox that has multiple columns and each column has a header. Is this possible? I can't really find much on Google. Here's the headers I need:

Checkbox Title Existing path Destination path

I have created these columns to the checkedlistbox I have in my form, but when it is run the headers don't show up. Also the items I'm adding don't seem to abiding to the column widths I put in. Also with the code I'm providing below the items don't display as multiple rows, meaning each item doesn't get displayed on a new row, but in a new column.

For i = 0 To iMovies
Movie = New MovieItem()
Movie.tmdbid = CInt(StrBetween(moviestag, "<tmdbid>", "</tmdbid>"))


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Sqlbulkcopy Mappings - Upload All Columns Except One Column?

May 20, 2010

I used sqlbulkcopy to upload huge data from local to remote. It works great.The only problem is that there is a table tClaim in which there are 50 columns. One clumn "IsUpload" do not need to upload. How to upload all columns except for this column? If I use columnmappings, do I have to code add column one by one?

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VS 2005 Add Column Between Existing Columns - Not To End Of Datatable?

Oct 20, 2009

I am working with two different connections because the information I need is stored in two different locations. One being Oracle, the other being Access. I pull all the information I need from Access with the exception of one field which I pull from Oracle. When I add this field to my datatable, it adds it to the end. I am wanting the column that I add to be between column 1 and 2 of my current datatable. Anyone know the best way to do this? From what I could find, there wasn't a way to re-arrange columns. Here is my code.

Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter(" SELECT tblSummary.WorkOrderNumber, tblLabor.Crew, tblLabor.NumberOfMechanics, tblLabor.NumberOfHoursPerMechanic, tblTasks.TaskNumber, tblTasks.TaskDescription FROM (tblLabor tblLabor INNER JOIN tblTasks tblTasks ON


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Change Color Of DataGridView Headings?

Jul 26, 2010

How do you change the colour of the headings and the record selector. That is forecolor and backcolor?

I want to change it to navy so it blends in with form.

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DataGridView Row Headings Disappear On Tabpage2?

Feb 16, 2010

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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.net - DataGridView Resizeable Columns But Last Column Can't Be Resized Bigger?

May 10, 2011

For c = 0 To grd.Columns.Count - 1
grd.Columns(c).Resizable = DataGridViewTriState.True
Next c

That allows all the columns in my DataGridView to be resizable EXCEPT the last column. Why?I DO get the little resizable-mouse-pointer... but you can only make the column SMALLER, never WIDER.(Same problem if I try to set all the columns to Resizable, using the IDE)Shouldn't I be able to resize ANY column I want, bigger or smaller?

View 1 Replies - Split Date Column Into Multiple Columns By Year

Oct 20, 2011

I'm trying to split a date column into multiple columns by year. If I could achieve a roll-up subtotal at the end that would be awesome.

I'm thinking the best way to do it, is using a .NET datalist control, but I'm open to suggestions.

Example data:

1/1/2009 | 1234.56
2/1/2009 | 4567.89


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Auto-size Listview Columns To Fit The Column Names

Jun 30, 2009

I'd like to autosize listview columns to fit the column names. From what I saw this should do it but it doesn't work for me. Can someone see what I'm doing wrong or know of a way to do it? The listview is designed to dynamically build the coulmns based on the number of coumns in a recordset.


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Forms :: Create Two Columns Of Checkboxes But Only The First Column Is Being Displayed

Sep 16, 2011

I want to create two columns of checkboxes but only the first column is being displayed.


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ListBox, Adding Column Headers And Spacing Out Columns

Mar 16, 2012

I have been trying to pull rows from my access database into a list box, so the rows do appear on the list box, however the columns are not spaced out, and when I put & Space(10) & inside the ListBox1.Items.Add() the values are all scattered around. How do I fix this?

And how do I add column headers for them?

TransactionTableApt.FilltList(LoyaltyDataSet.Transaction, busid1)

Dim x As Integer = 0


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Update All Columns In The Table With Only The First Column Which Is Imported From The CSV File

Apr 16, 2012

Below code is supposed to update a table in oracle with rows imported. But it seems to update all columns in the table with only the first column which is imported from the CSV file. I figure its the "ReadFields" property which needs to manipulated/changed.


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Creating A Running Total That Will Be Displayed In A Textbox And Message Box

Mar 9, 2009

i am cannot for the life of me figure out how to create a running total that will be displayed in a textbox and message box. here is what i need to mimick - [URL] this is my code:


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Expose DataGridView.Columns And Have The Column Editor Work Properly?

Sep 6, 2005

I have a user control with an embeded DataGridView. I exposed the Columns property so that the columns collection could be edited in the visual designer:

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Forms :: Listview And Columns - Display All Services On A Computer Into Column

Oct 16, 2009

I'm trying to display all services on a computer into column 1 under Processes and column 2 as services. I can't figure out how to do this with the WMI statements.

Here is my code......

Private Sub OKButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OKButton.Click


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Linking Data From Two Columns And Convert New Column To DateTime Within A Datagridview?

Feb 3, 2011

I am trying to link two columns with dates and time to a new column, but the original columns are not in DateTime format. Here is sample of the data:



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VB2012 Load A File Into A Listview Which Has Columns And Each Column Has Its Information?

Jun 18, 2012

im using listview not sql or other cr..p (Plain)I would like to get a guide to help me with all features of listview im new in dat area?But the most important thing is i want to know how can i load a file into a listview which has columns and each column has its information

Example - < Columns
Website Name
Website Location
Website Description


so how can export it and load it ?and how can one add records and remove if using tht type of manner?

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Creating Xml File From Master Detail Access Tables With Two Key Columns In Each Table In Vb 2005

Sep 10, 2009

I'm getting this error 'column' argument cannot be null. Parameter name: column at the bold character instruction. Also I would like to know how to relate two tables with two key columns in each table

Dim connection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(strTextoConn)
Dim EnPartesdataSet As DataSet = New DataSet("Enpartes")
Dim strsql As String


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Retrieve Data From Text File That Is Contained Within Headings?

Feb 15, 2012

I am making a simple application that will be able to store competition data into a text file that I have given a custom extension to on saving. Here is an example of the format that i have saved the data in.

[Comp_Name]Test Competition[Comp_Name]
[Location]Silverwood Lurgan[Location]

When i open the file, i want to redisplay the data in separate text boxes. Later on in the project i want to be able to search within the file for headings for example;

if "[Heat1]" is present then get all text between [Heat1] and [Heat1]

i am currently able to use the streamreader and open file dialog to retrieve the entire string of text fromthe however i am not sure how to go about getting the text between the headings I have used.

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