Table Adapter InvalidCastException When Attempting To Update Through Column Headings

Feb 17, 2011

As the title says, when I attempt to update a row in a table in a database, I recieve an InvalidCastException. I am unsure why, since the variables I am using should be, and indeed, when I check them at runtime, are filled with the correct data.

I am trying to update using the method wherein the row that is being updated is identified with all the variables already stored. Interestingly, Intellisense is telling me that EntryID, the primary key, is only necessary in it's original form, and that the variables that I am attempting to update have question marks after their type.

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Code To Edit Data-row Of Table Adapter But Doesnt Update Table

Apr 23, 2009

I have this code to edit the datarow of my table adapter but t doesnt update the table. I think i have a missing code that's why but i cant figured it out. by the way im using vb2008 and SQL as my database. [code]

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Table Adapter Update?

Jun 12, 2011

ve 2 forms form1 & form2.form1 has primary key(parent table) & form2 has the foreign key(child table) me.mytableadapter.update(me.dataset.mytable)is working f9 but in form2 when i try to use me.secondTableadapter.updatehere problem comes the update function is not coming neither recognized by form2 .can anybody tell me why is it ?

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Forms :: Using Update With A Table Adapter?

Feb 21, 2011

I have a form that has a datagridview and a table adapter that displays data from a SQL database. What I'd like to do is that when edits are made to the data in the datagrid, I'd like to post all of the data back to the table. I know that you can do that with a dataset and a data adapter, but I don't know how to do that with a table adapter. Here is the code for my page:

Public Class ExceptionEdit
Private Sub ExceptionEdit_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'MDRDataSet.scratchpad3' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.


When people click on the Save Exception button, I'd like to save back to the update the database with the new data.

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Update Using Table Adapter - "Update Statement Conflicted With Foreign Key Constaint....."

Apr 5, 2010

I have a form with comboboxes, if the user doesnt select a value in the box I want a null to be sent to the database. The insert works fine, i look at the record in the db and see the null. The update doesnt work. gives me a n "Update statement conflicted with foreign key constaint....."

Public Sub Update()
TableAdapterCreate().Update(ID1, ID2, CType(cbox1.SelectedValue, Integer), CType(cbox2.SelectedValue, Integer), CType(cbox3.SelectedValue, Integer), CType(cbox4.SelectedValue, Integer),


As I step through the selected value of the cbox 5 is shown as nothing (which it should be because the user didnt select a value for this combobox). I assume this needs to be a null instead of nothing to get written to the database. the combox boxes need to match a primary key in another table so sending a 0 would also result in the forieign key error since the related table does not have a 0 ID field.

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Table Adapter Update Using Vs2008 - Error "1 'update' Is Not A Member"

Jul 15, 2010

when trying to use the update command for my table adapter, i get the following error.


i've used the same commands several times and even tried copying the code from another project and importing that table and still get the same error. am i missing a namespace or class or something?

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Update The Dataset To Reflect An Added Column In The Data Source Without Deleting The Adapter?

Mar 28, 2011

I've made a dataset using the dataset designer, and I'm trying to add a column to reflect changes made to the database (added a column, nothing fancy). Is there a way to 'refresh' the dataset schema from the datasource without deleting my adapter (and all the methods and queries I've created)?

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Update Function Problem: Table Adapter With Multiple Columns Primary Key?

Oct 11, 2009

I have a table with a multiple columns (two) primary key. I get an error on tableadapter.Update .How can I resolve that??

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Creating A Message Box With Column Headings And Columns?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm trying to create a message box that shows a column for Years, represented by 0-10, and an amount, as a $ wise decimal in another column.I was wondering how to create a multi column message box with column headings o.o.

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Update Data From Data Set And Table Adapter

Oct 6, 2010

I have a windows form program that pulls data from a sql server. That same data is being read from a ASP.NET website that sets properties for the site. The SQL server has 3 tables: tblWebPage, tblObjects, tblProperties. and 6 views for the 6 web page: vWebPage01, vWebPage02, vWebPage03..ect. When the program loads you see buttons for each web page on the site. When the user clicks on the Home Page it loads this data: [code]Now, the problem lies in updating vWebPage02, vWebPage03, ect.. I assume with the same data I can copy my form with the code and change the form name and the data set to build and update. So that's just what I did changed the form name where needed and changed "vWebPage01" to "vWebPage02".When I tested the program My "vWebPage01" form it built and updated no problem. when I went to test "vWebPage02" it built the dataset and table adapter fine but it did not update at all.

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Allow XSLT Table Headings To Be Sorted In Ascending And Descending Order On A Webpage?

Aug 23, 2009

I have a ASP.NET web page which has several XSLT's to transform data in a xml file. The XSLT manipulates the data and presents it in a table

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Xml - Allow XSLT Table Headings To Be Sorted In Ascending And Descending Order On A ASP.NET Webpage

Apr 24, 2012

I have a ASP.NET web page which has several XSLT's to transform data in a xml file. The XSLT manipulates the data and presents it in a table.

Is it possible to allow the user to click on each of the table headings to sort the values in ascending or descending order?

The back end code is in in case it helps?

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Refresh Table Adapter When I Have A Child Table Attached With Parent Table?

Dec 21, 2011

I have a data table whose one column is related to a column of another table. I have a listbox in a form which shows a column (which is sorted by another column value by ORDER clause) of the parent table and other columns are in textboxes. The child table is represented by a datagrid. When I add a new item in parent table and click save, the newly created item is listed at the bottom of the listbox violating my ORDER clause. When I wrote some codes to fill data again after updating, it shows an error message[code]...

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Run A SQL Statement To UPDATE A Column In A Table With New Data?

Apr 27, 2012

Attempting to run an SQL statement to UPDATE a column in a table with new data. The column being updated is defined as varchar(40) and the new data is 41 bytes (varchar(41)). I get a generic 'data will be truncated' error message, but no detail on which column caused the problem. I've attached a sample VB program to illustrate the issue. In this scenario, Company is defined as varchar(40).

My question: Can I get a more detailed error message? i.e. can I get an error message that tells me the row and column that the truncation occurs in? Often times, I may be updating hundreds or thousands of rows and only one value in one column from the source file is too large for a database cell. As a related question, does each OLEDB provider create its own error messages. i.e. will the MS SQL Server OLEDB provider potentially give different text in the error message than say the MS Jet OLEDB provider?

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Module Module1
Dim cn As OleDbConnection


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How To Update SQLServer Database Table Balance Column

Mar 26, 2011

I'm maintaining a Table in SQLserver, the Table contains Transaction of Cash In (Debit) and Cash Out (Credit) as follows:

Table Name : "BankLedger"
1/1/11.Opening Balance.................5000
1/1/11.Rent payment...........2500.....
2/1/11.Mobile Bill.............500.....
3/1/11.Monthly Share...5000............
6/1/11.Emp Salary.............3000.....

Now my requirement is how to update the Balance column respectively same as "Running Total" method???

1/1/11..Opening Balance................5000
1/1/11..Rent payment...........2500....2500
2/1/11..Mobile Bill.............500....2000
3/1/11..Monthly Share...5000...........7000
6/1/11..Emp Salary.............3000....4000

My application in Visual Basic 2010 and Database SQLserver 2008.

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How To Update Table Reservation (Column With Total Amount)

Aug 27, 2010

I am trying to update my table reservation I am just trying to update only on column which is total amount but it is not updating.

Here is my code.
Dim a As Integer
a = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to exit????", "ALI ENTERPRISES", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
If a = vbYes Then
[Code] .....

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Update All Columns In The Table With Only The First Column Which Is Imported From The CSV File

Apr 16, 2012

Below code is supposed to update a table in oracle with rows imported. But it seems to update all columns in the table with only the first column which is imported from the CSV file. I figure its the "ReadFields" property which needs to manipulated/changed.


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C# - Update A Specific Column Of Dataset's Table Data To SQL Database

Oct 15, 2011

I have a gridview loaded with data from my database and a gridview swapping function which after exchanging data between rows with a column call "Priority", I want to save these changes back to my database. Only the "Priority" column value will be change, how do I update only that Column of my dataset table to my SQL database?


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Update A SQL Server 2005 Table That Has A Column Defined As TEXT?

Sep 15, 2009

I am looking for the best way to edit and update the value of a database column that is defined as data type TEXT. You can't use a replace command in SQL and if I read in the value, update the data and update the record, the changes are not applied.

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Update Table, Where Column Name Is Selected Dynamically - DropDown.SelectedValue, C#, .NET?

Mar 10, 2010

I want to Update Column of a Table where ColumnName will be DropDown.SelectedValue.Example: A set of RECORDS will be displayed from a Customer Table where CUstNo ='1234' and City= 'Chicago' and Grade ='B' Once displayed I want to Update the grade to 'A' of all those customers from the above criteria. In My case I have like 100 Columns, so in where Clause Column Names will be selected from a DaropDown.In My Query, Update Customer SET ColumnName= 'some value' where ColumnName ='ActualValue'So how can I pass the ColumnName which is Dropdown Selected Value. I believe I can't give as Update Customer SET DropDown.SelectedValue = 'some value' where DropDown.SelectedValue ='ActualValue'

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Added Table To Database But Can't Reference Table Adapter In Code?

Feb 26, 2011

I added a table to my Access database. I added that table to my dataset. Using Database Designer VB Studio, my table and tableadapter show up in the design view. The class definition is in the datasetdesigner.vb, and it shows in the object browser. But, I can't reference it in code. I am a newby and obviously missing somethning.

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Building A Table From Code Behind And Attempting To Change Alternate Row Colors?

Feb 7, 2011

building a table from code behind and attempting to change alternate row colors.I have it working but at he moment only using Drawing.Color when I would like to use a hexidecimal value, is there a way of doing this?

Here is the code thats doing it at the moment:

If j Mod 2 = 1 Then
r.BackColor = Drawing.Color.Aquamarine
'Table1.Rows(j).Cells(i).CssClass = "odd"


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Using A Table Adapter To Insert Data Into Another Table?

Feb 23, 2011

I have a form that fills a table adapter with this:

Me.Scratchpad3TableAdapter.Fill(Me.MDRDataSet.scra tchpad3

and what I'd like to do is when users edit something on this form that they post the changes to a table called exceptionsedit which is not part of that dataset. What I don't know how to do is to how to insert those edits to the exceptionsedit table.

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InvalidCastException - Retrieve Values From A Look Up Table With The SelectedRows Method?

Nov 28, 2011

I'm trying to retrieve values from a look up table with the selectedRows method. But i'm getting the exception InvalidCast. It says: Conversion from string "Codigo" to type'Integer' is not valid. Well my code is varchar not numeric.

frmMovimientos.codDestino = dgLook.SelectedRows("Codigo").ToString
frmMovimientos.desDestino = dgLook.SelectedRows("Descripcion").ToString
Catch ex As Exception[code]....

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Get Id Value With Table Adapter?

May 29, 2010

To get an id value after a table insert into an Access database you do a SELECT @@IDENTITY. I would like to know if this will work if your INSERT query is a table adapter query? I created an INSERT query for a table in the dataset designer which is working. My concern is that if I make another query with SELECT @@IDENTITY it won't work because table adapters make a new connection each time. Can someone clear me up on this?

View 5 Replies - Unable To Update Column In Oracle 10g Table Having The Name "PURPOSE"

Feb 24, 2011

Trying to update an oracle 10g table using and the oracleclient connector Here is the sql syntax:


everything works fine. The column PURPOSE does exist and I am able to INSERT information into the PURPOSE column.

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Add Columns To Table Adapter?

Jun 16, 2009

I have a table adapter that I use just to fill a form when it loads. I've added two new columns in the backend and went in through the "DataSources" and added them. They appaear in the XSD designer but for some reason are not filling the form when it loads. I the form is writting to the backend correctly via hand coded SQL.

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Add Where Clause To A Table Adapter?

Feb 28, 2012

I have a dataset setup by using the Visual Studio wizard and in the form is this line of code:


The select statement for the table adapter is[code]...

Can you tell me how to add a Where clause using coding on this table adapter?

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Creating A Table Adapter

Apr 24, 2012

I have code in that was created using Visual Studio 2008. It has got queries done via data sets and table adapters. dsStagMyfileDesigner.vb and dsStagMyfile.xsd are the files having all the sql queries. They are code generated by using data table adapters I believe. Editing them might screw the system.


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Filtering A Table Adapter?

Aug 17, 2010

I'm currently trying to create a system which stores different cases for clients using Visual Studio 2010.When adding fields from the database a table adapter is automatically created.Me.TblMattersTableAdapter.Fill(Me.MJPAccessDataSet.tblMatters)Now my problem is that each case may be at a different stage. They are either 'Active', 'Closed' or 'Archived'.So my question, is there a way to filter these results? I've tried creating DataTable and only adding the archived cases but I couldn't get it to work. I was trying.

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