Creating New Form (in Program) And Re-sizing It

Feb 18, 2011

Suppose we have a form with a button and a textbox

The button code goes like this:

Dim NF as New Form
Dim NC as New Combobox
NF.size = New size (420, 30)


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VS 2010 Set Form Size Longer But After Building Project Form Re-sizing

May 1, 2010

I'm trying to set form size longer, but after building the project form resizing.

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Form Resize With Control Sizing?

Dec 27, 2010

I have been searching for code and/or a tutorial on how to proportianally resize controls and fonts. For example if I design a form at 800 X 600 and the user maximizes the form to 1600 X 1200, I need the form and controls to grow to fill the screen almost like a zoom function.

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Form Resize With Control Sizing (con't) + 1 More Thing?

Apr 7, 2012

why the title has "(con't)" is because of this Form Resize With Control Sizing... almost named it with another thread on here. And I wanted to post, but it was already a 'Zombie Thread'.Thanks to _HAWK_'s post #11, instead of declaring every control I use. Would declaring it an array (fast guess - Label<Array(how many - 1; aka - X)>) work? ... that was probably Java... My point has probably been made, or can I just do Label.Scale(variable)?I had already set my declaration of the form I need to do this on "Resize". I am not quite at this stage yet, but I see this saving a lot of time asking early.

The +1 extra question is:How can I be able to split of a form in 3 unequal sections? The initial form is 800*600-left side has 2 sections, each 400*300 right side is 400*600.I am already using 3 'GroupBox' and it looks ugly because I have each one colored differently.I looked into Splitter and SplitContainter and TableLayoutContainer.

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VS 2008 Panel & Datagrid Sizing According To The Form?

Apr 23, 2009

I am wonderring if there is a way the panels and the datagrid would get bigger according to the form? I need the panel to fill up the form. Because I got the form sat to whatever the users resolution is to a full screen, controls should follow accordingly

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VS 2010 Auto-sizing Form Based On Text Box?

Jan 23, 2012

I'm trying to create my own custom "inputbox" (can't think of VB.Net term for the VB6 input box).

Anyways, I'd like to have a label & a textbox on my form along with 2 buttons. I want to let the label to grow based on the text that is in it. I know it has an autosize feature to it, and guess I can use that, how do I limit the width so that once it hits that limit it goes to a new line so that if I have a message or a question to pose to the user, it doesn't get too wide. Kind of like MessageBox.Show.

It'll be Label at the top, textbox under that, and the two buttons under that. I'd like the textbox to move up/down based on the size of the label, and the buttons to do the same along with the window not becoming too wide.

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Proportional Sizing - Button To Stay Centered Not Just Have The Form Stretch Out

Dec 24, 2009

How can I make it so that when I re-size my program all my buttons and text boxes move with it. I don't know how to explain it, but it's like if I have a button in the center of my form and I re-size my form I want my button to stay centered not just have the form stretch out.

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Resizing A Label And Font Of The Form Based On The Window Sizing?

Mar 1, 2012

I'm looking for help resizing a label's size and its font size based on its window size.That's to say when a window resizes, the label itself adjusts it font and background box to do the same.I know I'm triggering something on the Resize event of the form, but I don't know what.

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Sizing The Form Based On Screen Resolution (1024x768, 1280x1024, Etc)?

Mar 25, 2011

I designed my form on my machine running 1282x1024. It works fine. I installed it on a client machine running 1024x768 and the form goes off the bottom edge of the screen. I set autoscale on the form to none, font, dpi, and inherited, changed my screen resolution and ran the program. It always looks the same, off the bottom os the screen. I tried Autoscroll on with no effect.

My reading of the documentation seems to indicate these two items are more for the system font size and the screen's dpi setting, not the screen resolution but I can't find anything else to work with. How do I make the form and everything on it change size based on the screen resolution?

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Creating A Program That Will Input A Number In A Textbox For Example 5 And Display 5 Textboxes In Form?

Sep 10, 2009

I'am creating a program that will input a number in a textbox for example 5 and display 5 textboxes in form...I have no idea how to do this but here is the code i've done..

textbox1.text = val(textbox1.text)

'i don't know what to do next..

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.net Program Shows Error : InvalidOperationException Was Unhandeled An Error Occurred Creating The Form

Jun 2, 2011

I got a serious problem. Though I have made my program newly it shows error. I have used 1280,1024 animation only for first form then used 1280,1024 image for every form. Today I was checking then it was showing me error message for 19th & 20th form. If I use On Error Resume Next then it shows error for another form ; if I use same code there in the menu item I mean so that I can get rid of error when I click to show a form it shows another error. First error message is "InvalidOperationException was unhandeled An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is parameter is not valid." and second error is "OutofMemoryException was unhandled Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown". I have noticed it that it doesnt show error message for those form which have few labels and text boxes. It shows error message for those forms which have 1 menu bar, 2 picture boxes(one is 1280,1024 & another is 250,456), 2 group boxes, 40 labels, 3 combo boxes, 38 text boxes & three buttons. Please help me I need to get rid of this problem. Does it mean that I cant use unlimited control there in my form?

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Forcing Re-sizing To Be An Odd Multiple Of 8?

Sep 11, 2011

I have a couple of split panels nested inside of each other. The problem is, I'm rendering an 8x8 tiled game inside of the center panel. Basically, the height and width of the panel need to be an odd multiples of 8 so I can find the center tile displayed easily.I need the width and height to be divisible by 8. The number 8 is multiplied by should be odd:EDIT AGAIN these numbers below do not refer to the size. They refer to two number being multiplied. I've changed them to a * to show this. These numbers below apply to both the height and width. One number should be odd, the other 8. 8*x

5*8 - Good
6*8 - Bad

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Sizing Box User Control

Mar 18, 2012

I am writing a control in that will allow a user to resize something. So far, resizing works, but I can't get moving to work properly, instead of moving where the mouse moves, it seems to flicker between two positions, but I can't figure out where these positions are coming from. It follows the mouse sort of. I know the explanation isn't very good so here is some code so you can see for your self: pastebin.Apologies for this bad quality (please point out the bad stuff so I can correct), but this is really giving me a nightmare and I couldn't figure out a clean way to write this.To clear the code up a little, the moving takes place where the selected handle is "m".[code]

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Sizing Image To Fit Screen?

Oct 27, 2010

Having many thousands of pictures, I made a screen saver with the functionality I want. If the LAN path goes away it reconnects later, bad pics can be deleted, rotated and saved, etc. Sometimes the pics don't size correctly and expand off the screen. The problem may be reuse of the same picturebox. What I might do is have a dedicated picture box with autosize left on, use that to obtain raw image size, then reload again into the picture box that will be displayed.

Private Function loadimage(ByVal pic As PictureBox, ByVal lab As Label, ByVal fname$) As Boolean
With pic


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Sizing The Listview Columns?

Jun 14, 2010

I've setup a listview with two columns. Both have a fixed width which totals the width of the control (to fill the control fully and not display a horizontal bar)This works fine as long as the form does not change, anything such as a font change on the system will cause the list view to look off alignment.LV2.jpg shows it in the designer, LV.jpg shows the same listview with a different font.Is there an easy method to fix the position or auto size the last column to the edge of the control?

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Auto-sizing Buttons In TableLayoutPanel

Apr 15, 2012

I have a form with a TableLayoutPanel with the following properties changed from default:


This is a stripped-to-the-basics version of part of my app. I want to generate a vertical, scrollable array of buttons which will allow me to select groups of photos. Each button will represent a group of one or more photos in a collection. The app will scan a folder and determine which groups are present, and which files are in each group. I create the buttons (with AutoSize), then determine the width of the widest button (at the same time, setting the button anchor property to make all buttons the same width. I then set the form to accomodate the width of the widest button.


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Datagridview Row Header Automatic Sizing

Aug 11, 2011

I have a datagrid and have added in some row headers:


However the row header width is very small and you cant read the header without adjusting it. What is the formatting command to automatically size the header to fit the text?

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Locating And Sizing PictureBox By User?

May 20, 2009

I can get a user to locate and size a PictureBox by using the values from TrackBars but is there a way in which a user can do the same by dragging using the mouse?

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VS 2010 - Dynamic Picture Box Sizing ?

Jan 31, 2011

I am successfully able to pull images into a picturebox in my program and manipulate them in a variety of ways. What i need to be able to do is the following.

1) Pull images into a picture box on my main form and dynamically resize either the picture box or the image so that the image doesnt lose its scale when it comes in

2) Have a method of pre-screening an image to be loaded before it comes in so that i can change its size without losing scale .. ex.

if my image is 1200x1200 i do not have that much room on my form so i would want to say something like

if getimagewidth()>600 then

me.picturebox.width = getimagewidth()/2

end if

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Window Sizing & Position To Center

May 30, 2012

i'm playing around with fore & background colors, putting text in different places so i thought i'd try to size and position the console window but Console.SetWindowSize(640, 480) gives me an error saying that it has to be less than 170? [Code]. Positioning the window to the center of my screen isn't working either?

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DB/Reporting :: Up-sizing Access 2003 To SQL Express?

Sep 19, 2009

I have an access 2003 database. I have VS2008 installed. I had SQL 2008 installed and with the problems upsizing I dumped SQL2008 and installed SQL2005. I would like to upsize the Access database to an SQL Express database. When I open Access 2007 and open database tool to do an upsize, I get ODBC-Failed.

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VS 2008 ToolstripItem Sizing (width Of The Item)

Oct 26, 2011

I want the width of the item to be (lets say) 300 ... how do I do this? when I set the autosize property to false (so it doesn't size to the text) and then set the width to 300 it goes past the edge of the menu! This is what i mean ... in the designer as this shows you the width.. but the runtime version is the same:

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Windows - Auto-sizing Zoom On An Image In .NET

Jul 16, 2009

I'm considering a personal learning project. Using .NET(preferably VB) I want to build a simple desktop app that's only function is to display comics, like CDisplay, but with more advanced navigation. I want to be able zoom in by clicking on certain areas of an image, individual panels for instance, and have the zoom area automatically snap to the panel and blow it up. The images are usually in a standard format like .jpeg, .png, etc..

Something like this is what I'm going for: [URL]

I'm not even sure what this is called? Image mapping? Tone mapping maybe? Is it possible to do this within .NET or would it require some kind of outside library? Code samples would be nice, but obviously this is pretty vague request.

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Run My Form It Says: An Error Occurred Creating The Form. See Exception.InnerException For Details?

Jan 5, 2010

when i try to run my form it says:An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details.The error is: Cannot create ActiveX component

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Creating A Link From The Control In One Form To The Entire Nother Form?

Apr 12, 2009

I have another question (and anticipate that I will have about two more before I'm done with my class project). Here is my issue (and I'll copy and paste my code for clarification). I need to link up the control from the form on either side of the current form that I'm working on so that if I click on the buttons that I'm titling previous and next that I can click on the proper button and either go directly to the previous form or the next form. I was successful in doing this for two earlier forms on this project (with some direction from a couple of helpful people on this forum before), but for some reason, no matter what I details I use the controls do not connect to the previous and next forms.

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Option Infer Off


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Creating A New Form On A Old Form , Then Hide & Show Them?

Dec 5, 2010

I have two forms , and I want write a code like ( &

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Creating A Poker Program With Vb?

Mar 18, 2012

I have to design a form that analyzes a poker hand entered by the user in the textbox and then the listbox has to display the type of hand entered. for example, four of a kind, three of a kind, a pair, a flush, a straight if ace is low, an ace-high straight that is the sequence 10 j q k a, etc.I have no idea where and how to start the coding.i am really stuck..

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Creating A Program For A Camp?

Jun 8, 2009

I am creating a program for a camp that I run. I want to install it on several computers and they all share the same database. It needs to be a local database because our network isn't connected to the internet. I want to keep track of student records, staff records, and finances. I also want it to be password protected with certain features avaliable to only authroized users.

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Creating An IM Type Program?

Mar 23, 2012

Alright I am just starting out with Visual Basic and I am trying to figure out how I would go about doing this. I have the general idea of how I want it to be done but I am not sure of what code I need to use. What I want to do is be able to type in Text box 1 and copy whatever I type into Text box 2. But I also want to be able to send it to anyone else with the program that are listening for a connection. I also want to be able to show the IP address in Text box 3 that the computer is using at the time.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged


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Creating Calculation Program?

May 28, 2009

Fist off, I am new at this and only learning it for a class. We have a program to create using Visual Studio 2008. The teacher doesn't give us much to go by so I really have no idea where to even start so any code will be a great help. Here is what i have to create:Your project will allow the user to enter a stock transaction and determine the stockbroker's commission. Each transaction includes the following data: the stock name, pricer per share, number of shares involved, and the stock broker's name. Assume price per share = P. The stockbroker's commission is computed in the following manner: If the P (price per share) is less than or equal to $50, the commission rate is $0.19 per share, if P is greater than $50, the commission rate is $0.26 per share.

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