DB/Reporting :: Access Insert Query Does Not Inserting?

Jan 28, 2011

DB/Reporting :: Access Insert Query does not inserting

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Insert Query For Inserting Date Into Access From Masked Text Box?

May 3, 2010

Insert Query for inserting date into access from masked text box in vb.net

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DB/Reporting :: Inserting Link Into The Access Database 2005?

Feb 21, 2008

I am trying my hands on VB.net and is trying out a small application which includes a survey form. The form contains radio buttons and when the respondent clicks on a radiobutton, digit '1' should be placed into the relevant field of the database.I have established a dataset and tried doing it but not sure how to do it because the book (How to program Visual Basic.Net by Dietel) does not teach us that

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DB/Reporting :: Getting A Value - Insert Query To Create A New Record In The Table

Nov 22, 2010

I am working with SQL Server express 2008 And visual Basic 2008. Here's what I'm trying to do, if it is possible.

I am using an Insert query to create a new record in the table. A sequential ID number is inserted into the database when the query is run in Visual Basic.

I want to capture this ID number in a variable and use it immediately following the execution of the query.

Is this possible or do I have to capture the value in a second query.

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Error When Inserting A Parameter In A Query To An Access Database

Sep 2, 2010

I have a form showing a datagrid that is filled with info from an Access database table. The table only has 3 fields: two of them are string type and the third one is boolean. The first String type field is also the primary key (this field is called "clave"). This datagrid is supposed to let the user select one of the rows and then click on a button to delete that row. I'm trying to do that with the following code:


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Error When Inserting A Parameter In A Query To An Access Database?

Apr 30, 2010

I have a form showing a datagrid that is filled with info from an Access database table. The table only has 3 fields: two of them are string type and the third one is boolean. The first String type field is also the primary key (this field is called "clave").This datagrid is supposed to let the user select one of the rows and then click on a button to delete that row. I'm trying to do that with the following code:


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Database - Inserting Into A Access DB With An AutoNumber PK And Getting An Insert Syntax Error

Feb 18, 2010

I am trying to insert into a access db and the PK is an autonumber that is generated by the DB. I am getting a syntax error for the insert statement and dont know why. If possible I would like to return the autonumber value in the same statement.


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DB/Reporting :: Access Insert Attachments

Oct 26, 2009

I'm writing a program to work with access and one of the columns is an attachment data type. I was trying to use a INSERT INTO statement however it errors and tells me that INSERT can't be used for a multivalue field. Makes sense since an attachment type will allow for multiple files however I'm stumped how to make this work. Anyone run into this and if so what's the resolve? Is there a way to make .net make this happen programmatically? The only other thing I can think to do is save the file path or copy the file to another specified location and then save that file's path. To me that's not a good workaround and I'd like to use Access for what it can do.

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DB/Reporting :: Get AutoNumber ID From Access DB After SQL INSERT

Jul 30, 2008

I use the following code to insert some data into a DB:

strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblItems(itmTitle, itmCode, itmImage)"
strSQL += " VALUES('" + txtItemTitle.Value.Trim + "','" + txtItemCode.Value.Trim + "','" + c + "');"


With the DB table having an additional field called: itmID which is an Autonumber field so I dont need to add any data to this field.

But after the above SQL code has been executed I want to get the itmID number assigned to the new record - but I am not sure how to do this.

Im thinkin maybe using SELECT function but with WHERE filtering by the details I have just added but dont know if there is a simpler way.

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DB/Reporting :: Insert Row To Access Table?

Oct 28, 2008

I am using the following from the MS website to add a row to an access table and retreive the last autogenerated number.

Dim cnJetDB As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=test.mdb")


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DB/Reporting :: Query Works In Access But Not In VB?

Aug 13, 2008

I have the following query that works fine if I cut/pase into an SQL query in access, but when executed in VB the loop is skipped - ie, no data is returned.


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DB/Reporting :: Access - How To Insert Data In To A Table

May 19, 2009

I'm trying to remember how to insert data in to a table. Here is my code


I get the error


Number of query values and destination fields are not the same.

I also get some error about the Insert INTO part not being right somewhere. Am I doing this how you would do it, or how would you do something like this?

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DB/Reporting :: Error Running Access Query?

Jul 15, 2008

I have an Access XP database with two linked tables and a maketable query. I need to first run the Query through VB 2005 and then get the data from the resulting table created. But I get an error when I run the query as follows. I am getting the SQL Select statement from the SQL view in MS access after I create my Maketable query So it should be ok. I am saving the select in a hidden text box on my form.The query text :

SELECT [SWX-Seats].[Asset #], [SWX-Seats].Account, [SWX-Seats].Product, [SWX-Seats].[Seat Id], [SWX-Seats].[Serial #], [SWX-Seats].Qty, [SWX-Seats].[Entitlement End Date], [SWX-Seats]![Entitlement End Date]-[NS-Seats]![Exp Date] AS DaysDiff, [NS-Seats].[Exp Date] INTO


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DB/Reporting :: Making UnCrossTab Query In Access With VBA?

May 27, 2010

converting a speadsheet into a proper data source. I have imported it in to a table called "B" in access 2007. The problem is that the data is spead out of multible columns and rows, looks like a crosstab query. I need to convert it back to its data. I could do it with UNION Queries but this would be unpractical due to the number of columns.I have created a public function in my module. But I am not sure on how to call it. I get the error:


Circular reference caused by 'BOut'.

on this line:

Code: Set rstout = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("BOut", dbOpenDynaset)

Here is my first try:I have a table called "B":




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DB/Reporting :: Open An Access Query In A Datagrid View And Then Be Able To Make Changes To The Datagrid And Then Save It Back To The Database?

Apr 15, 2008

What I am trying to do basically is open an access query in a datagrid view and then be able to make changes to the datagrid and then save it back to the database.When I try to save:


It says that update is not a member of the tableadapter... Why is that?

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DB/Reporting ::inserting Data From Form To Db

Jun 2, 2009

I'm working on a program in which users will fill out a form, and the information from the form will

be stored in a database. My problem is that I have been unable to insert the data from the form into

my table.

The variables are declared as follows:[code...]

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DB/Reporting :: Inserting Records - No Open Connection?

Apr 17, 2008

If I use the CmdObj.ExecuteNonQuery() I got an error
I'm not having an open connectoin.

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DB/Reporting :: Inserting Values Into Specific Rows

Dec 14, 2009

I am making a game and decided to add a high score section. I currently have this code setup to insert and read from the database, I set the insert code to a bottom just for testing purposes.[code]There are three columns in the database rank, score and name. I set the rank to auto number so the database would assign the player rank automatically, how would I go about inserting the score into the relevant place inside the database and moving the other scores to their new relevant places?

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DB/Reporting :: Error In Inserting - Not Working But Correct Statement

Dec 17, 2008

I keep getting the following error when inserting in to my Access DB using VB.

THe code I use is:

Dim code As String = "INSERT INTO tblUser(Username, Password, Forename, Surname) VALUES('" + txtrEmail.Text.Trim + "','" + "dfd" + "','" + txtrForename.Value.Trim + "','" + txtrSurname.Value.Trim + "');"


I got the sql code to write in a text box and executed i manually in to Access DB and it works perfectly.

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Inserting A Sql Query?

Oct 4, 2010

I have the following code:

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form1
Dim ReturnValue As Object = Nothing


which should return back the next available sunday to me from the database. What I'm getting back is 01/01/0001 - 01/08/0001.

I've tried a couple of versions of this but they all produce the same date.

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VS 2008 - Inserting Value Through SQL Query

Apr 17, 2011

I am working in VB.NET08 and Access Database. Generally we send or update a Value into a Column in a Table through any control like TextBox or Combobox...etc.
rscitycountry.Fields(1).Value = Me.cmbpersonalcity.Text
rscitycountry.Fields(2).Value = Me.cmbpersonalstate.Text
rscitycountry.Fields(3).Value = Me.cmbpersonalcountry.Text

But I need to send a Value or Insert a Value in a Column through Condition. So I wrote a SQL Query for that. By Using this SQL Query I want to insert a value in a particular Column. How can I Update This Column Value in a Table? My SQL Query is :
"INSERT INTO tblPersonsInstitute(InstituteID) SELECT tblInstitution.InstitutionID from tblInstitution where tblInstitution.InstitutionName=" & Me.cmbInstitute.Text & " "
By using the above Query How can I Use? Where I can update??

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INSERT Query - Insert Data To Database?

Jun 22, 2010

im in the middle of doing sql queries i can search my data base usingGetDateFrom (Select, from, where) Me.nameTableAdapter.FillBy(namenDataSet.descip, Me.box1TextBox.Text,Me.box1TextBox.Text, Me.box2TextBox.Text, Me.box2TextBox.Text)i have this working fine im struggling with inderting data to my databse i have made the query ..

INSERT INTO `details` (`Forename`, `Surname`, `Username`, `Password`)
VALUES (''& ForenameTextBox.Text &'', ''& SunameTextBox.Text &'', ''& UsernameTextBox &'', ''& PasswordTextBox &'')


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Inserting Error - Insert Data Into Database?

Apr 4, 2010

I am trying to insert data into my database but because i have relationships in the database, i can't enter data into one unless the other has been entered but i can't also do all that at the same time.This is the error i get: You cannot change values of this column because it is related to another table, what do i do and what is the next best option if i don't want to use "autonumber" but want to make sure i don't repeat numbers. How do i implement that?

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Sql - Inserting Variables Into A Query String - It Won't Work

Apr 22, 2010

Basically i have a query string that when i hardcode in the catalogue value its fine. when I try adding it via a variable it just doesn't pick it up.This works:

Dim WaspConnection As New SqlConnection("Data Source=JURA;Initial Catalog=WaspTrackAsset_NROI;User id=" & ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("WASPDBUserName") & ";Password='" & ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("WASPDBPassword").ToString & "';")

This doesn't:

Public Sub GetWASPAcr()
Dim dt As New DataTable()
Dim username As String = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name


When I debug the catalog is empty in the query string but the WASP variable holds the value "WaspTrackAsset_NROI"

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VS 2008 Inserting Records Based Upon A Query In .net?

Oct 19, 2011

I'm getting an error on my index simply setting a string field prior to using it and entering the loop. When I set this field within the loop I get a error still. how to go about Inserting records based upon a query in vb .net? The following is the code that I have:

Public Sub Insert_RunsizeUPCs()
Dim Command As SqlCommand
Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim dsin As New DataSet


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Why Is This Insert Code Inserting Data Twice On Button Clicks

Dec 25, 2011

The following code inserts same data two time in database table, but I want it to insert only one item when button is clicked.What is the problem in this code?

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If RadUpload1.UploadedFiles.Count >= 0 Then


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Inserting Multiple Records In Database Using Single Query?

Apr 11, 2011

I am using vb.net and sqlite as database. I am using below scenario to insert multiple records in database using a single query.

INSERT INTO TableName (FirstCol, SecondCol)
SELECT 'First' ,1
SELECT 'Second' ,2
SELECT 'Third' ,3
[Code] .....

For less records it is working very well.But when I am inserting about 800 records at a time, executenonquery is throwing the following exception:
SQLite error
Too many terms in compound SELECT.

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Access Database And Using A Parameter Query With The LIKE Operator To Return All Rows That Match Query?

Apr 28, 2010

I am connecting to an Access database and using a parameter query with the LIKE operator to return all rows that match query. The string to search for is taken from a Textbox

sql =

"Select * FROM Allview WHERE Info Like" &
"*" &
CStr(TextBox1.Text) &
The query does not return any data in vb, but when run from access with same string, there is data returned.The connection to the database is done correctly, as I am able to return data with various other queries.

Partial code :
con As
New OleDb.OleDbConnection[code]....

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Running A Query On Access From VB, Passing Variable Or Function As Query Parameter

Apr 7, 2012

I am trying to run a query an Access db from VB. The general query which I want to run is

SELECT * FROM Patient WHERE Patient.PatientID = ?
or SELECT * FROM Patient WHERE Patient.PatientLname = ?

I tried using an input box which captured the user input and pass that variable to the query, but that failed. Then I read about writing a function and using that, however, I keep getting an error which says Function not defined, but when stepping through the code, it seems to work. Here is my function: [Code]

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DB/Reporting :: Reporting During Query?

Feb 25, 2011

I have a form that when you click a button it begins a query. I want the user to know that they already started a query and they basically need to wait and not hit the button again. To do this I have a list box that has an lbResults.item.add() to it

Private Sub btnControlKSMS1117Query_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnControlKSMS1117Query.Click


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