DB/Reporting :: Get AutoNumber ID From Access DB After SQL INSERT

Jul 30, 2008

I use the following code to insert some data into a DB:

strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblItems(itmTitle, itmCode, itmImage)"
strSQL += " VALUES('" + txtItemTitle.Value.Trim + "','" + txtItemCode.Value.Trim + "','" + c + "');"


With the DB table having an additional field called: itmID which is an Autonumber field so I dont need to add any data to this field.

But after the above SQL code has been executed I want to get the itmID number assigned to the new record - but I am not sure how to do this.

Im thinkin maybe using SELECT function but with WHERE filtering by the details I have just added but dont know if there is a simpler way.

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Database - Inserting Into A Access DB With An AutoNumber PK And Getting An Insert Syntax Error

Feb 18, 2010

I am trying to insert into a access db and the PK is an autonumber that is generated by the DB. I am getting a syntax error for the insert statement and dont know why. If possible I would like to return the autonumber value in the same statement.


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DB/Reporting :: Access Insert Attachments

Oct 26, 2009

I'm writing a program to work with access and one of the columns is an attachment data type. I was trying to use a INSERT INTO statement however it errors and tells me that INSERT can't be used for a multivalue field. Makes sense since an attachment type will allow for multiple files however I'm stumped how to make this work. Anyone run into this and if so what's the resolve? Is there a way to make .net make this happen programmatically? The only other thing I can think to do is save the file path or copy the file to another specified location and then save that file's path. To me that's not a good workaround and I'd like to use Access for what it can do.

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DB/Reporting :: Insert Row To Access Table?

Oct 28, 2008

I am using the following from the MS website to add a row to an access table and retreive the last autogenerated number.

Dim cnJetDB As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=test.mdb")


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DB/Reporting :: Access - How To Insert Data In To A Table

May 19, 2009

I'm trying to remember how to insert data in to a table. Here is my code


I get the error


Number of query values and destination fields are not the same.

I also get some error about the Insert INTO part not being right somewhere. Am I doing this how you would do it, or how would you do something like this?

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DB/Reporting :: Access Insert Query Does Not Inserting?

Jan 28, 2011

DB/Reporting :: Access Insert Query does not inserting

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DB/Reporting :: Alter A Column In An Acces Database To A Random AutoNumber?

Mar 3, 2008

I'm wanting to alter a column in an acces database, to a Random AutoNumber I know how to do it for incremental e.g."ALTER TABLE MyField Counter(1,1)"but how do you do it for a Random Autonumber??

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VS 2008 Insert Autonumber In Foreign Table

Aug 17, 2011

I want to insert data into my tables. Table 1 (Recipes1) has a primary key (Autonumber) Table 2 (Ingredients) has a Foreign key with the same name as the primary key in Table2 ("RecipeNumber) this is a normal number field. The problem is that when i update the tables, it does not even make it past table1 , which should be ok.


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Ms Access Autonumber Query?

Oct 1, 2009

s = "update Color set Color='" & ListView1.Items(y).SubItems(5).Text & "' where ID='" & CInt(ListView1.Items(y).SubItems(1).Text) & "' "

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Visual Studio 2010 - Retrieve Autonumber From Ms Access To A Strongly Typed Database In .net?

Jun 21, 2012

I am using VS2010/VB.NET/MS Access 2007 I had added a database from ms access to the vb.net application (strongly typed)that table contains an autonumber field.I made a button to add new row and another one to save the row the problem is that I want to get the last autonumber from the database so that I can save the row.

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DB/Reporting :: Can't Insert To Database Using SQL

Jan 24, 2010


Thought I should probably say im using Windows 7 and the 2010 beta Visual studio

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DB/Reporting :: Bulk Insert Is Only Breaking Every Other Row?

Dec 12, 2008

Bulk Insert is only breaking every other row. I've tried every ROWTERMINATOR I can think of, but none of them will break all lines. I've even tried to break it on exact text, and it won't break it on that exact text. I've attached a pic and circled what appears to be the line break that it refuses to recognize as a line break. When I open it up in notepad, it recognizes it as a line break.

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DB/Reporting :: Insert Data Into Database MS SQL Using VB 8?

Jul 30, 2009

How to i insert Variable @ClassID(If Identity Propeties) @LecturerID , @StudentID and a Date from Calendar Control into the Date Collumn , into a Database Called Fingerprint, TableName= Attendance.

The Collumn Are ClassID, LecturerID, StudentID, Date.

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DB/Reporting :: Insert MySQL With 2008

Mar 20, 2012

I'm trying to do a looped insert using the MySQL Connector for .NET and for the most part it's working, except for it's missing out inserts. The code below is what i'm using. An example is there are 20 items in the listview and only 8 out of the list actually insert to the mysql database. It's as if the loop runs too quickly for MySQL to keep up. My issue is that eventually this loop will be inserting many thousands of entries and I can't have it missing information out.


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DB/Reporting :: INSERT Statement With WHERE Clause

Jun 12, 2011

"INSERT INTO Images (PicName) VALUES (" & TextBox1.Text & ") WHERE ImageID = " & Summary..if i run the statement without the WHERE clause it works fine, with it i get the error ' Missing ; at end of SQL statement'

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DB/Reporting :: Collect Data From Table And Insert Into New Row

Jan 4, 2010

I have an access database with 3 tables, want to collect data from 2 and insert them into a new row in the third (although this seems redundant there are reasons for wanting it that way). I created a form and call the data from the two tables fine, once the form is filled I try to add a new row to the third but it will not add the row even though it is telling me that is has. When I open my access table the record is not there. I am new at this and just can't figure out why it won't work, I have tried several approaches the latest is

Private Sub Form3_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim IDNUM As String = InputBox("Enter Student ID Number")
'storing the text entered in a string
[Code] .....

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DB/Reporting :: DataGridView - Insert New Row Entered By User?

Jul 19, 2009

I have a datagridview and, I know I am a bit weird, but when believe it or not, when a user enters a new row I want to insert that row in the database. And even weirder, when a user changes a row in my datagridview I want to update (imagine that) the database.

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DB/Reporting :: Insert And Update From A Table In MSAccess

May 29, 2009

I'm trying to insert and update from a table in MSAccess I've declared everything: Connection, DataAdapter and Commands.I didn't use the Command Builder instead I supplied my own Queries.My problem is if I add three rows to my table all the three rows in my database have the same values from the first row. It seems like the parameters are stuck on the values from the first row. [code] I'm using a DataTable with my DataAdapter since I'm dealing with a single table.I'm filling the table with a parametrized query, and updating it with the same dataadapter.I'm adding rows to my datatable and manipulating the table through code. I know that my data is there and every row has it's own values, I can see them when I debug my program.

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DB/Reporting :: INSERT INTO Statement Working But Not Saving?

May 19, 2012

I'm running into a slight problem with an SQL INSERT INTO statement. I've tried setting this up first as a command statement and now as a stored procedure. When the process runs it's not signaling any errors and it appears that it's working properly. However when I check the database nothing new has been added. I have the statement within a try catch and it's not catching any errors. I've gone so far as to delete the table and recreate it, still nothing. I should also point out that this entire statement was essentially a copy & paste from another program that's working perfectly.

vb.net code below

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
cmd.Connection = con


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DB/Reporting :: Insert Picture Into Mysql From Form

Apr 9, 2012

i am creating an application that will upload a picture into a mysql database. I currently am able to add normal records with text and integers into other tables and get the data in the table to display in listview etc, however, i am wondering how i could insert a picture into the mysql database.I know the field needs to be blob type and have that set.The table i want to upload to is "picture" and contains only 3 fields, "ID"; "pic"; "caption".

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DB/Reporting :: Insert Record Not Adding SQL Database

Dec 10, 2005

I have been following a tutorial in a book Vb 2005 Jumpstart Ch 4..Anyway I have followed the books code exactly and the program runs.It connects to Amazons web service and allows the user to search and display books, the application also allows the user to save the titles that they wish by clicking an Add Title button, when the user does this the current focus title is saved to the database and can be viewed off line.When I hit the add title the record gets saved as I can hit the catalog button which opens a new form with a datagrid that has all the titles I just saved in it!! But when I close the app and run it again the catalog is gone?? back to no records again?Now ive never worked with SQL databases before and this is me just having a go at .Net so I have no idea whats wrong or where to look.[code]

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DB/Reporting :: SQLite Insert Return Unique ID

Feb 3, 2010

I am using SQLite and what I am doing is passing a simple SQL statement to the database, however I want to also return the Unique ID that the insert statement has been entered to, however I am not sure how to do this within a single SQL statement.

My code is below:
Dim mySQL As String = "INSERT INTO DisplaySetFolderTbl (parentID, folderName) VALUES ('" & selNode.Tag & "','" & Trim(Me.txtName.Text) & "')"
Dim cmd As New SQLiteCommand(mySQL, MISData.Instance.dbDRV)
Exit Sub
End Try
MISData.Instance.dbDRV is the connection string

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DB/Reporting :: Database Unrecognized Field, Can't Insert Data

Apr 19, 2009

I've been staring at this and can't seem to come up with a solution. I've tried several different methods that i found on the web but to no avail. I'm hoping you all could take a look at the code below and give me some direction as to why I'm receiving the error "The INSERT INTO statement contains the following unknown field name: 'Deposit_Date' . Make sure you have typed the name correctly and try the operation again. Sorry if it's kinda jumbled below


Dim SQL As String = "INSERT INTO Deposits ( Deposit_Date, Deposit_Time, Location, Miscellaneous, " & _
"Miscellaneous_Adjustment, Dispense, Dispense_Adjustment, " & _
"Replacement_Card, Replacement_Card_Adjustment, Deposit, " & _


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DB/Reporting :: Getting A Value - Insert Query To Create A New Record In The Table

Nov 22, 2010

I am working with SQL Server express 2008 And visual Basic 2008. Here's what I'm trying to do, if it is possible.

I am using an Insert query to create a new record in the table. A sequential ID number is inserted into the database when the query is run in Visual Basic.

I want to capture this ID number in a variable and use it immediately following the execution of the query.

Is this possible or do I have to capture the value in a second query.

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DB/Reporting :: VS 2010 Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement?

Sep 29, 2011

I keep getting this error "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement." on this line "da.Update(ds, "Llenar")" when i try to update a microsoft access 2003 database with this app.

1.Imports System.Data
2.Public Class A�adir
3.Dim coneccion As New OleDb.OleDbConnection


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Insert Data From An Access Unbounds Form To An Access Table

Jun 9, 2009

I'm trying to insert data from an Access unbounds form to an Access Table using the follwoing code:

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DB/Reporting :: Automatically Generate Update/insert/delete Commands

May 18, 2010

I followed an example from a VB 2008 Wrox book on creating, binding and updating a data set but I am having a problem. The code is supposed to automatically generate the update/insert/delete statements for me (according to the book) but when I call the update command, the data is not saved.

Here is my code

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class FrmAddExpenses


After the form is loaded, I change the EntryDate field (which is a DateTimePicker) and close the form which should save the change but it doesn't work.

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Cannot Insert New Row To .mdb Access Database, "Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement" Occurs

Feb 20, 2011

here is my code so far:

Public Sub cmdSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSave.Click
Dim i As Integer


when i click the button, i get a error message saying "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement". as far as i can tell, i have everything i need to insert a new row into the database, and i dont see why this problem is occuring.

item(0) is an autonumber key field, so that should make a new record by itself, and i have declared the input textboxes as the data() array

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DB/Reporting :: Datagrid MS Access And .Net?

Jun 16, 2008

I have taken up a task where end user should be able to enter information via vb interface into microsoft Access database. This then will be displayed onto the Datagrid via VB interface. The program needs to be setup in a way that first entry by end user will flash upon 3 hours.


VB Interface
Basket Number | Number of Trays | Run Type | Time In
1 | 1 | CNC | 15:00:00


Values defined within database shows in this datagrid.The Datagrid works fine and I can insert values into the database fine as well however, I am not sure how to setup a timer so that when 3 hours are up the first entry into the database(shown on datagrid) starts flashing.This is needed so that the end user gets an alert when the time is up so that he can take the trays out of the oven.

In Summary: Can we really setup a timmer so that a value in the datagrid will flash at a particular time.Below is the image of an application. Here you can see the data on the datagrid however I want it to flash after 3 hours. So the first entry will flash after 3 hours following the 2nd entry.

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How To Use Autonumber In Other Field

Oct 19, 2010

I have one table in MS Access 2007 called "Case" and this database is link to my project in VB2010. The first field in the table is called "Auto" i made this one as autonumber. What i'm trying to do now is to create the "Case ID" with the combination between current date and current autonumber in "Auto" field. eg: 191010-12.

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