DB/Reporting :: Referencing Rows In Access?

Feb 17, 2008

When referring to a list or group in .net, generally, it starts with 0 as the first item, but concerning the starting place in an Access table the first row is considered 1. Is this correct and, thus, represented in the code below?

intCurrRow = 0
If dtOrderEntry.Rows.Count > 0 Then


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DB/Reporting :: Scrolling Through The Rows Of Access Database

Jan 25, 2009

Usually, to go through my Access Database records in VB, i used the "Data control tool" in the older versions of VB, but i cant find it in VB2008, is there anyother tool that allows you to scroll through Access database records, on VB 2008?

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DB/Reporting :: VBE 2008 Referencing Fields?

Dec 9, 2008

In the long rung, I'm trying to setup a program to have a local database of files (It's a media player, so think of the library in WMP). I'm just trying to figure out how to do it, so this is a proof of concept thing I'm having a problem with.

Here's the code:

Dim dsDataset As New Database1DataSet
Dim drRow As Database1DataSet.FilesRow


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DB/Reporting :: Merge Two Rows Into One Row From Many Rows?

Apr 5, 2012

merge two rows in to one row from many rows below is data example:

id Date AccessType Empno CardNo
1 |04-03-2012 07:23:42 AM | Door Access Granted | 150512 | 8543183
2 |04-03-2012 09:37:05 AM | Card Exit Granted | 150512 | 8543183
3 |04-03-2012 11:08:07 AM | Door Access Granted | 150512 | 8543183
4 |04-03-2012 03:20:32 PM | Card Exit Granted | 150512 | 8543183
5 |04-03-2012 07:47:09 AM | Door Access Granted | 150506 | 8234333
6 |04-03-2012 09:37:03 AM | Card Exit Granted | 150506 | 8234333

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Accessing Specific Rows And Information From The Rows Using VB In An Access DB

Mar 23, 2010

Public Shared Function isMatch(ByVal username As String) As Integer
For i As Integer = 0 To table.length - 1
Dim cellValue As String = table.getRow(i).getCell("Alias")


I have the code listed above as a translation from a Java snippet. The problem i have is that in Java, my table was stored as a dataset and as such, the methods were easily identifiable by "getRow" and getCell" using specific numbers and column names. However in VB the information is stored in an MS Access database (which i already have an open connection to, called: "_SalesPerformance_AnalyticsToolDatabaseDataSet12") and as such i do not know the correct way in which to iterate through each row in the database, checking a specific column against an already specified variable and then returning an integer based upon the value of a seperate column in the same row.

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DB/Reporting :: Edit Multiple Rows At Once?

Apr 22, 2008

In my datagrid, i added a checkbox column, and what i want to do is be able to change the value of one column (in as many rows that are selected) to a certain value. Like from a combo box is it possible to have a combobox in a messagebox? or do you have to create a new form?

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DB/Reporting :: Grouping Rows In Datatable?

Aug 10, 2009

I am trying to summarize a datatable based on a primary column and then add certain columns. For example this table

col-1 col-2 col-3
1 AA 2
2 BB


This simply doesn't do anything becuase it thinks the target table doesn't have a primary key.

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DB/Reporting :: Skip Rows In MSHFLEXGRID?

Jul 31, 2010

I am using MSHFLEXGRID control to display data from an access-database table. The grid contains entries some of which are to be selected by the user but I want some of the rows to be disabled/skipped(avoid selection of those rows). I have grayed out the unusable rows and dont want the gray rows to be selected.

Private Sub MSHFlexGrid1_RowColChange(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MSHFlexGrid1.RowColChange


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Referencing Field In Table Of Access Database In Visual Basic Express?

Feb 19, 2009

I have th is little programm:

Dim dbOud As ADODB.Connection
Dim rsOud As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strCnnOud As String


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DB/Reporting :: Delete Selected Rows In Datagridview?

Aug 17, 2009

I've a database in which there are 3 tables. Each table has five columns EXCLUDING the auto generated ID column. They are :


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DB/Reporting :: How To Count The Number Of Rows In A Column

Apr 28, 2009

I am having trouble Counting the number of rows in a specific column in a datatable.

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DB/Reporting :: Inserting Values Into Specific Rows

Dec 14, 2009

I am making a game and decided to add a high score section. I currently have this code setup to insert and read from the database, I set the insert code to a bottom just for testing purposes.[code]There are three columns in the database rank, score and name. I set the rank to auto number so the database would assign the player rank automatically, how would I go about inserting the score into the relevant place inside the database and moving the other scores to their new relevant places?

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DB/Reporting :: Keeping All Rows With CheckBox Highlighted

Apr 25, 2008

1) I have a checkbox field in a datagrid, and when you check the box, it highlights the entire current row, and when you check the next one, it stops highlighting the first one and highlights the one I just clicked on. What I would like to know is how can I keep all the rows with a checkbox highlighted?
2) I have a column in my datagrid that I have changed to combobox and I did two things both gives me this error, first I inserted the values for the combobox in the collection. Second, I connected to one of the tables with a binding source and has one of the columns as the options (advisors).

Each student has a different advisor so the field gets set to the correct advisor each time but the problem I am getting is when I scroll (doesn't happen for a little while) I get an error so i put in this sub to handle it and the error message box says: Error Happened Formatting, Display.

Private Sub DataGridView1_DataError(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridViewDataErrorEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.DataError
MessageBox.Show("Error happened " _
& e.Context.ToString())
If (e.Context = DataGridViewDataErrorContexts.Commit) _
[Code] .....

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DB/Reporting :: Loop Through All Rows And See If Any Match What Is In The Textbox

Nov 10, 2008

I'm trying to loop through all rows, and see if any match what is in the textbox. Would this work?

Dim dr As Data.DataRow
For Each dr In myQuery.GetMembers()
If UsernameTextBox.Text = dr.Item("mail") Then


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DB/Reporting :: Unbound Datagrid - Certain Row Sum The Previous Rows

May 16, 2008

I'm using an unbound datagrid to make a balance sheet and I need to have a certain row sum the previous rows but it only concatenates (obviously the cells default as strings but I don't know how to fix it). I've really only worked on VBA and this is my first crack at .net Here's what I've tried that is wrong:


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DB/Reporting :: Deleting Rows In Data Base And Datagridview?

May 3, 2010

i am working on my first database program. i believe that I am almost finished, except that i have a remove button like i would like to remove just a single selected row both from the datagridview and the actual database. this is just in case any information is entered wrong, and also to delete all the entries i put in just for testing purposes. the only problem im having is in updating the database after removing the row from the datagridview

Private Sub btnDelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RButton1.Click
If Not DataGridView1.CurrentRow.IsNewRow Then


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DB/Reporting :: Sql + And Statement - Selecting Rows On Multiple Column Values

Sep 15, 2010

What iam trying to do is selecting rows on multiple column values. But the statement below doesn't preform like i thought it would...


Select Distinct Variable From TableName Where (ColumnA Like"%AAA%") And (ColumnA Like"%BBB%")

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MySQL Count Rows Count Rows And Gain Access To Other Information In A Row Based On Provoided Information

Oct 8, 2009

I have a fair bit of experience with VB.NET and C# (In this case I chose VB.NET, blame my laziness), but I do most of my professional work using PHP. I have no experience what so ever in using any database with VB.NET let alone MySQL.Just FYI, at the moment I am only trying to Query the database to gather the information required to activate. The Activation wizard and algorithm building (which is finished anyway), and everything else will come soon. I chose the MySQL database because I have experience with it, and it seems the best option for remote usage.The whole idea already works in PHP, I'm just have major issues moving it accross into VB.NET (Using the MySQL Connector.NET);I understand the basics, and all I need to know how to do is Count Rows and gain access to the other information in a row based on provoided information (in PHP, through mysql_ result)

So, here goes nothing, this is the Query code I am using in PHP to complete the job I want to do in VB.NET. [code] As you can see, I basically need to get the PHP code into VB.NET to fit into the 'btnQueryDB.Click' Command in VB.NET. By Equivalent, the Product ID in VB.NET will come from 'txtPID' and similar, Serial Number will come from txtSNUM. Once counted to be 1, the Activation Code and Status will be fed into 2 other text boxes in the form. (acCode, and acStatus).

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File I/O And Registry :: Publishing Access File And Then Referencing After Install?

Apr 28, 2010

i have a problem where i've hard coded the file path of an access database i'm using with a VB.net program. this means that if i publish the program the database doesn't publish with it and i have to "ship" the program with the the database file separately and create another form so the user can say where the file is held. i don't want to do this.is there any way to get the access database file to publish with the program and then access that file path by code? for example the database file is held in the same folder as the installed program and then is accessed by code so there is no need to use a specific file path.

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MS Access Inserting Rows From One Db To Another?

Sep 19, 2011

I'm trying to import rows from one db to another, basically it something to do with this SQL:

SELECT * INTO [MSAccess;DATABASE=C:MainDB.mdb;].[Header] FROM [Header] WHERE ID=9

As it returns this error: Could not find installable ISAM.

I've added my code:

Dim sSQL As String
Dim iCertMainNo As Integer
Dim cnLocal As New


I'm thinking it's either do it the way listed above. Or to open two connections get one row from the local and then insert it into cnMain - but again not sure how to do this without listing all the fields... Can I just simply insert the row ?

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Way To Access Datatable Rows

Jun 13, 2011

Way to access datatable rows


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DB/Reporting :: Datagrid MS Access And .Net?

Jun 16, 2008

I have taken up a task where end user should be able to enter information via vb interface into microsoft Access database. This then will be displayed onto the Datagrid via VB interface. The program needs to be setup in a way that first entry by end user will flash upon 3 hours.


VB Interface
Basket Number | Number of Trays | Run Type | Time In
1 | 1 | CNC | 15:00:00


Values defined within database shows in this datagrid.The Datagrid works fine and I can insert values into the database fine as well however, I am not sure how to setup a timer so that when 3 hours are up the first entry into the database(shown on datagrid) starts flashing.This is needed so that the end user gets an alert when the time is up so that he can take the trays out of the oven.

In Summary: Can we really setup a timmer so that a value in the datagrid will flash at a particular time.Below is the image of an application. Here you can see the data on the datagrid however I want it to flash after 3 hours. So the first entry will flash after 3 hours following the 2nd entry.

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Insert More Than One Rows Of Data To Access?

Mar 15, 2012

How to insert more than one rows of data to Access??

All my textboxes are created during runtime and I want to add the text in textboxes to database. some times i want 3 rows and some times maybe 10 rows This is the code to create textboxes.

For Me.count = count To number
Dim label1 = New Label
With label1


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DB/Reporting :: 3 Laptops Access Same Database

Sep 29, 2010

---3 laptops running same VB.NET application locally AND access/share same database located on one of these machines. Is this Possible? an easy way? ---OR would the best sollution create a website with database ?

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DB/Reporting :: Access 2003 Link Vb6?

Apr 23, 2009

i can't link access 2003 to vb6. its say's"unrecognized database format" explain to me in a low english.do i have to create module?i have to create conn.txt? i just have to add source code in a form to link the access 2003??

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DB/Reporting :: Access Connection Strings?

Sep 12, 2011

I have been struggling with the construction of an Access connection string. Here's the problem.My Visual Basic 2008 project is located in a disk partition on my hard drive that I have named S:. My Access MDB file is in the same location.When I deploy the application it obviously will not be in an S: drive on the user's machine. My concern is that if I construct the Connection String using the file designations on my computer as:

(Provider =Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source =S:MyApplicationmydatabase.mdb; User Id =admin; Password =

The deployed application won't know where to look for the data file. I know there are some shortcuts that will allow me to construct the connection string, but I do not know either the designated names or where to find them.

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DB/Reporting :: Access Database In VB 2005?

Aug 21, 2008

I'm building an aplication with an MS Access database behind the scene. In many of my forms I'm gonna use DataGridViews to show data from the database, not an entire table but data based on manually built queries. So, I have few questions without answers, by now. Solutions or 1. I haven't decided how will I bring the database into the project: from the menu -> Add New Data Source, or within the code, at runtime. I still don't know which one's best or why.2. How exactly can I execute any SQL query (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE etc) on my Access database from my aplication?

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DB/Reporting :: ACCESS Database With 3 Columns?

Dec 3, 2009

i have an ACCESS database with 3 columns. I establish the connection with the VB 2008 Express and put the data in the form but i don't know how to add the text of a textbox in the database.

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DB/Reporting :: Access Insert Attachments

Oct 26, 2009

I'm writing a program to work with access and one of the columns is an attachment data type. I was trying to use a INSERT INTO statement however it errors and tells me that INSERT can't be used for a multivalue field. Makes sense since an attachment type will allow for multiple files however I'm stumped how to make this work. Anyone run into this and if so what's the resolve? Is there a way to make .net make this happen programmatically? The only other thing I can think to do is save the file path or copy the file to another specified location and then save that file's path. To me that's not a good workaround and I'd like to use Access for what it can do.

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DB/Reporting :: Access Update Error?

Oct 29, 2009

Well here I am again, could really use some expert eyes on this. I've got an update statement for access 2007 and when I run it it's giving me a "No value given for one or more required parameters." error. I've spent at least 2 hours on this now and searched all over the place and none of the suggestions I found are fixing it. I've got an insert statement to the same table that works fine, I took this same syntax for the update statement from another project where it was working perfectly. I've verified the spelling of the table and column names, As best as I can tell there are no reserved keywords being used and I've eliminated any spacing from the names. I've even tried updating a single row with no variables, just like for like data directly from the table and it still throws the error.

Dim DAEdit As New OleDbDataAdapter
Dim update As New OleDbCommand("UPDATE ActiveContracts " & _


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