DB/Reporting :: Seeking Item In Table Column?

Feb 19, 2012

I am trying seek by looping thru a table for the closest match to a search item.

The following code works to a degree. It gets me within say 20 records of the target. I think it works somewhat but it may not be at all.

Private Sub Find_Item_In_Column(ByVal Search_Field As String)
'Pass a field name to do a string search on
Dim Find_Item As String = InputBox("Enter an Image File Name")


I used the data wizard to establish the connection and I am using VB 2008 Express.

In this case the data field will be a file name and it will be unique. Since the search for string will be a partial of what a file name might be. My expectation is that INCR will match the data row and can then be used to position the TrainImageBindingSource. So far it gets me close, but I am wondering if it is really working at all. I would like to arrive at the closest match (up or down one) found.

Can any one see any glaring errors or point me to an example(s) of similar code snippets?

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DB/Reporting :: Search For Item In DVG Column?

Oct 7, 2009

I need to do a lookup in a DatagridView column. I would like something with the blazing speed of what recordset.seek used to provide. I am assuming that a similar function/method is available for use with the DVG. What else is there to use that is better than my present implementation.


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DB/Reporting :: Have A Combo Box With A List Of Everything In One Column Of Table?

May 5, 2009

I have loaded my database into vb but now i was to have a combo box with a list of everything in one column of my table?

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DB/Reporting :: Adding A New Column To Data Set From Another Table With Criteria?

May 25, 2008

I'm realy new to this VB & Db programming#..I have two tables, one has the Vendor details, the other has all past and current PO details for each Vendor.[code]This needs to be done befere the 'For Each objDataRow In objDataTable.Rows. As the Dataset values will also populate another check Boxlist for 3rd Party.[code]

View 7 Replies

DB/Reporting :: Search A Table, Confining To A Specific Date Range Based On A Date-time Column?

Jul 14, 2009

Would it be possible to search a table, confining to a specific date range based on a date-time column, and get a count of the 10 most used words in a particular var-char column excluding a list of words?All in SQL?Currently I am pulling out the records that match and sorting through the contents outside of SQL, I would think where I can do it directly on the server it would be more efficient.(SQL 2008)

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DB/Reporting :: Attach A Dataset To A Table (MS Reporting)?

Jan 9, 2009

I want to do something like this:

'create a dataset and a table
Dim ds As New DataSet


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Resize Listview Column To Largest Width (column Header Or Item) C#

Jul 4, 2011

I have been trying to find out how to resize listview column width to the largest widthor either column header or item in c#


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DB/Reporting :: Table Columns Into Table Adaptor?

Jul 7, 2011

Rather than running numerous queries in Access I am trying to write a front end for a DB2 database. The Access database is getting to a size that it is causing Access 2007 to have reliability issues and frequent compacting is required. I have created the Dataset, the Table Adaptors, and the Connection String already, but when I put in a bit of code in to fill the Table Adaptors the remote connection I have to work is going crazy (chewed up about 180MB before I realised it was pulling data from work).

Before I started the project I copied the .accdb to my local PC HDD and I pointed the connection string to it, but it still looks like it is trying to pull data from the work network. If it was a small database I wouldnt be concerned but it is pulling major data every time I run it. I have only 2 out of the 4 Table Adaptors running and it didnt fill them even after 10 minutes.

Here is the code I was trying to run... Server name has been substituted for Server for obvious work reasons.

Because the tables are so large I was looking for a way to pull only the columns I need to from the tables, I tried adding .SOFT_ID to the first line of code but the TA spat the dummy message below...

Value of type 'System.Data.DataColumn' cannot be converted to Application_Name.DS_DB2Database.Server_SOFTDataTable'.


I would also like to pull just the data columns I need to speed up the query.

Note: In case youre wondering why I am not connecting directly to the DB2 database. I currently dont know where it is stored and while leveraging Access I am trying to put a level of separation between the app and the db for the time being, later I will try connect directly.

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Get The Column Name From Column.ColumnName And The Value From Rows(0).Item(0)?

Jul 13, 2011

I have a DataSet that contains 1 DataTable, and the DataTable contains only 1 row of data. I want to loop through all columns in that row and say:

Column name = column value

so for example if the column name is FAVORITE_FOOD and the value is pizza, I should display FAVORITE_FOOD = pizza I can get the column name from column.ColumnName and the value from Rows(0).Item(0), but for the life of me I can't put it all together in a simple loop.

View 1 Replies

VS 2008 Seeking - Getting SendInput To Work

Jul 2, 2009

I asked a similiar question in the VB6 forums with some methods I was trying there, but this is a different method that I'm trying in .Net that I cannot get to work. First what I'm trying to do, I play a game that allows attended macroing, so I'm trying to write a program that I can record and playback macros in. I already have the recording down, and I can playback my macros using older API Keybd_Event and Mouse_event, but not in the game. The game recognize all the mouse events, but does not recognize all the keyboard events. (It is a DirectX based game by the way). For example if I record they keystrokes h e l l o and have notepad in focus and play it back it will type hello in notepad, but in the game they keys are not recognized.


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Playing Video - Auto Seeking In MediaPlayer

Mar 4, 2010

If I have a video of 70 Seconds and I want to play it directly from 31 seconds to onwards how can I do that in vb.net.

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Seeking Pattern For Multiple Background Threads

Aug 2, 2010

I'm using the following flavor of threading to create n number of worker threads. These threads all have a bit of latency as they interrogate devices that have strict temporal/physical limits.


I'm looking for a pattern that will let me start the worker threads then wait patiently for completion. Sounds simple ("Just raise an event!") but there seem to be timing landmines. Since the completion EventHandler is single threaded, collisions can occur that destroy the EventHandler data.

Is there a straight forward way for 1 of n threads to report an "I'm done" condition?I've literally got lists of these for c++ but vb.net/CLR is giving me brain freeze.

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Seeking SQL OleDB Command String Education?

Jul 21, 2009

I've been using SQL OleDB commands to grab data from some excel files and it's working well, but I'm having a really hard time finding a good resource for the actual command strings on the web. I figure I must not be using the proper terminology in my searches. Take this line:

Dim da as New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("Select * From [" & sheetName & "]", Conn)

My question this morning was: Can I pass a command that will grab all sheets from the excel document instead of just one in particular?

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Replace Column By A Related Column From Another Table In DataGridView

Dec 14, 2011

I have:

- Table1 with columns: PK_ID1, LOCATION, DIRECTOR, SELLER, SELLERID, WORKTIME (relationship), WORKCODE

- Table2 with columns: PK_ID2, WORKCODE (relationship) & WORK_DESCRIPTION

My DataGridView do a SELECT * FROM Table1;How can I replace WORKCODE with WORK_DESCRIPTION in DataGridView, please?

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Forms :: Error "system.argumentException; Column 'test_id2' Does Not Belong To Table Table

Mar 24, 2009

I am getting the error "system.argumentException; Column ' test_id2' does not belong to table Table. At System.Data.GetDataColumn( string columnname0 at system.data.datarow.get_item(string columnName).

This error is occuring right after I set the parametervalues in the report object of the Crystal report.(Note this a visual basic.net 2005 windows form application.)

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim cryRpt As New ReportDocument
Dim sql As String


The value for the first parameter @Parm_1d1 value to the crystal report version 11 is correct. However, when trying to access the second @Parm_1d2 parameter ,the values past to the crystal report is not correct.

View 2 Replies

Add Item Into Next Column When First Column Add To 5 Items?

Aug 1, 2009

how can i add item into next column when my first column add to 5 items it will automatically move to next column and continue to add item in 2nd column.

View 15 Replies

How To Alter Table Column Name In Microsoft Access Table

Oct 23, 2009

I get a Syntax Error with the following code"ALTER TABLE receipts RENAME COLUMN payees TO payee"what I am doing wrong

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Sql - Select Max (column) From Table (column Is Varchar)?

Jun 16, 2011

I am going to make a invoices then.. they are going to have a id it is not going to be identity, it is not my idea, this is the idea's my professor's. then he want it so..he didn't want i change id to int, he want it was varchar..but now i have seen this is as identity.. id =1, next id=2, next=id=3.. but it doesn't mind he told me in the future it is going to be so..



then for that he doesn't want i change it to int how can i get the last? i want it one plus next i want it was


how can i do it? i am working on visual basic and visual studio 2008i can use a loop-for, or a query for solve it?

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DB/Reporting :: Invaild Column Name

Mar 28, 2009

when i run my program and put Jamie in textbox 1 i get the erros Column 'Jamie'.and the line below is highleighted with that erros

Dim sqlResults As SqlClient.SqlDataReader = _

here is the code for that sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim sqlStatement As New SqlClient.SqlCommand( _


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DB/Reporting :: Datagridview Get The Lowest Value In A Column?

Nov 12, 2008

I have a datagridview and has two columns(UserName and Age), what want to do is to get the UserName that has lowest Age.

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DB/Reporting :: Datatable Column Already Exists?

Oct 15, 2008

I have a datagridview which is populated from a datatable. This works fine. But if i run it more then once i get a column name "example" already belongs to this datatable. Ive tried everything to clear all the columns of the datatable and the gridview but still the same


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DB/Reporting :: Set All Cells In Column To Specific Value?

Aug 4, 2008

I have a DataGridView binded to a DataSet that I created using the Visual Studio Data Source Configuration Wizard. Everything works good except for one problem.I have two columns, Modified_By and Date_Modified that should be inserted or updated as the user and the current date, respectively. So every row in the DataGridView should have the same value for these two columns.So far, I have thought of two ways to get this working, but neither one seems very clean. The first idea is to make a custom Fill method that takes as parameters the user and the current date and then add them as extra columns in the select method. For example

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DB/Reporting :: Binfing Textbox With Column In DB Ms Aceess

Dec 1, 2008

I'm using VS2005 - Vb.net and connection to DB Ms Acceess. I type to one of Column in DB by number and binding it with TextBox.Text. As I know the properties of TextBox must be a Value not Text to match with that Column. But there is no Value Property.

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DB/Reporting :: Can't Select Column Names With Spaces

Apr 7, 2012

I'm just a frustrated noob trying to get past my first DB Program. My goal is to get relational data from different tables all ordered by a certain field..Ive noticed early on that i cannot select a column when its name has a space.[code]Now the statement i want to use is sql = "SELECT [PT.Chart Number],[PT.Last Name],[CA.Case Number] FROM Table1 AS PT INNER JOIN Table2 AS CA ON PT.Chart Number = CA.Chart Number ORDER BY PT.Chart Number"..When i Debug i get the same type of error ("... Can't find column name PT.Chart... ")I'm new to sql so i dont know if my syntax is off.

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DB/Reporting :: Column 'TYPE' Is Constrained To Be Unique?

Feb 20, 2009

I'm using vb2005. I'm writing a little application which allows a person to type in a new value in a combobox (which I've bound to a field in a table) which can be updated to the database. I then refresh the dataAdapter by clearing it and re-filling it again when the user saves a new item. That part works fine. My problem occurs when the user selects a stationary item from the combobox. The first select works fine until they try to select another item. Then I get the following error: ConstraintException was unhandled: Column 'TYPE' is constrained to be unique. Value 'False' is already present.

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DB/Reporting :: DataGrid - How To Change Column Alignment

Jul 15, 2010

I have a datagrid that I am populating from an Access 2000 query in Visual Basic 2008.

This code works fine:
With dgvCollections
.Columns(0).Visible = False
.Columns(1).Width = 235
.Columns(2).Width = 230
.Columns(3).Width = 220
.Columns(4).Width = 70
.Columns(4).HeaderText = "Loan"
End With

The query works fine, except that I want to change the alignment for one of the columns. I tried to add this line before the "End With":

Which causes the error:
"Access of shared member, constant member, enum member or nested type through an instance; qualifying expression will not be evaluated."

And this error:
"Expression is not a method."

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DB/Reporting :: DataGridView - Datasource Does Not Show New Column

Oct 27, 2008

I had a DataGridView that was bound to a Table in my typed DataSet. I recentyl added a new column to the table in the database and updated the table in the DataSet accordingly.Now, when I go to the DataGridView to update it, the new column does not appear under the "Databound column" list. I tried setting the data source to "None", then reselecting it. Still, it does not show the new column. I then deleted the DataGridView and re-added it to the form. Again, same result. However, when I select the data source, then click "Preview Data", it show the added column.

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DB/Reporting :: DGV Chkbox Column And Parameter Type?

Apr 30, 2008

I have a datagridview with a checkbox column. I'm trying to update data in the dataset but I keep getting this error: Conversion from string "ExtendDate" to type 'Integer' is not valid.The parameter type for ExtendDate is boolean but i'm not sure if that's the correct type.

Dim Col11 As New DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn
With Col11
.DataPropertyName = "ExtendDate"
.HeaderText = "Extend Date"


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DB/Reporting :: Get Column Type From Access Database?

Sep 29, 2008

How can I get information what data type a certain column is. (Integer, string, memo,...)

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DB/Reporting :: How To Count The Number Of Rows In A Column

Apr 28, 2009

I am having trouble Counting the number of rows in a specific column in a datatable.

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