DB/Reporting :: DGV Chkbox Column And Parameter Type?

Apr 30, 2008

I have a datagridview with a checkbox column. I'm trying to update data in the dataset but I keep getting this error: Conversion from string "ExtendDate" to type 'Integer' is not valid.The parameter type for ExtendDate is boolean but i'm not sure if that's the correct type.

Dim Col11 As New DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn
With Col11
.DataPropertyName = "ExtendDate"
.HeaderText = "Extend Date"


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DB/Reporting :: Column 'TYPE' Is Constrained To Be Unique?

Feb 20, 2009

I'm using vb2005. I'm writing a little application which allows a person to type in a new value in a combobox (which I've bound to a field in a table) which can be updated to the database. I then refresh the dataAdapter by clearing it and re-filling it again when the user saves a new item. That part works fine. My problem occurs when the user selects a stationary item from the combobox. The first select works fine until they try to select another item. Then I get the following error: ConstraintException was unhandled: Column 'TYPE' is constrained to be unique. Value 'False' is already present.

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DB/Reporting :: Get Column Type From Access Database?

Sep 29, 2008

How can I get information what data type a certain column is. (Integer, string, memo,...)

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Parameters Data Type - Add Parameter With Same Data Type As Column Data Type

Feb 26, 2012

For each column in data table i want to add parameter with same data type as column data type. But looks it's not that simple.

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
Dim dType As New System.Data.SqlDbType

For Each cl As DataColumn In DataTable1.Columns


How can I do this?

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VS 2008 Template Function That Can Receive Different Parameter And A Type Parameter

Mar 9, 2011

I want to have a "template" function that can receive different parameter and a type parameter, like:[code]But Vb told me that tupeList is not defined... is there a way I can do that?

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Sql - Passing Parameters To A Stored Proc Accepting In Parameter Of Type XML Type?

Jun 7, 2011

I have a storedproc accepts parameters in XMLtype as

p_para IN XMLTYPE,


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Convert String Value To Type And Pass As Type Parameter.

Nov 19, 2010

i am getting all filenames from a directory.parsing out the directory names & the .vb extension then converting those filesnames to classes.Every file in the LPCriteria direcotry is its own class with a "Evaluate" function.[code]

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DB/Reporting :: Conversion From Type DBnull To Type String Is Not Valid When Inserting A Record

Mar 22, 2010

I'm trying to add a new record to my database but i keep getting the message - "conversion from type DBnull to type string is not valid". I think its something to do with the Employee ID when VB attempts to save it to the database my code is below

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Add
Private Sub DisplayRow()


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DB/Reporting :: Parameter Has No Default Value-Error

May 6, 2008

I am working on a very simple application in Visual Basic 2008 Express.

The program has a Listview where I display the "DisplayName" field, the user clicks on a name and this should fill 3 text boxes. The code is:

strSQL = "SELECT FName, LName, DisplayName FROM tStaff WHERE DisplayName=@DisplayName;"
Dim conn As New OleDbConnection(strConnString)


This produces the error "Parameter @DisplayName" has no defaul value"

The value of the variable "strDisplayName" is correctly captured.

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DB/Reporting :: Create A Parameter That Is Already Part Of Report?

Jan 2, 2009

I am using the following code to set a parameter in my report.


However, if I create the parameter at design time, it seems like I should be able to do something much simpler like


Since the parameter is already created. However, I can't get anything like that to work.

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DB/Reporting :: Using Variable As A Parameter In Query Builder?

Jan 30, 2009

I'm using a datagridview to display data and make updates to my access database. I was able to display data from my database to the datagridview but it is not filtered. The datagridview displays all the records on my database. I tried using query builder to execute sql select statements that will filter the data and this is where I'm stuck. Im using a variable as a parameter to the sql statement and I dont know what syntax to use in Query Builder. I tried to use @varname, '" & varname & "', and

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Create A Function Which Have Either 1 Parameter With A String As Data Type Or 2 Parameters With Double As Data Type?

Jun 11, 2012

I need to create a function which have either 1 parameter with a string as data type or 2 parameters with double as data type.Something like the substring method.

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DB/Reporting :: Dynamic Crystal Report Including Parameter Value

Jan 16, 2009

This for a semi-automated application. Basically the user provides a list of parameters (entered as an offline spreadsheet). The application automatically selects the required report and logon information. Each line in the given spreadsheet will be used as parameter values for a certain report.Therefore the requirements for this (vb.net) applicaton include:

- dynamically select a different Crystal reports

- each report may read data from different tables from an Oracle database.

An old application of mine that had done something similar and it works normally. Those Crystal reports retrieve data from a SQL server stored procedure. (The stored procedure reads data from Oracle using linked server concept). I do not have to set the logon information dynamically in the vb.net code because every report uses Trusted Windows logon concept. The application can also pass dynamic values to different Crystal report parameters without problems.Then I modify this old application for the required new set of Crystal reports. Because these reports access Oracle database via ODBC and not every report reads from the same Oracle schema, it appears I have to write codes to pass ODBC Dataset and its logon information (the users do not want enter it everytime). The application does not run after the change. The report printout shows blank. Although I can accomplish what is needed by modifying each report to use Stored procedure. But this is not prefered and not a simple task because of the number of reports.I have tested each report and it does run normally in interactive mode.I am not sure if I need to write codes to set the datasource for these 'new' Crystal reports. In my test codes I set the reportsource for my CrystalReportViewer object to an non-typed report. Is there anyone who can show me sample codes that

1) achieve odbc logon

2) select a report dynamically for preview/printing

3) pass values to parameter

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Asp.net - Fixing Column Data Type And Duplicate Column?

Nov 30, 2010

This is my programs complete code, the only problem is i want to fix the amount of decimal places that show up in my gridview. The problem is if i do this on the asp side the location of the column gets thrown off and the column is duplicated. I figured if i just remade the table on the asp side it would work only problem is if i remove the sql for that particular column the asp side column cannot get data.

Imports System.Data.Sql
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data


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DB/Reporting :: CrystalReports Redistribution - Viewer App That Takes A Command Line Parameter

Jul 7, 2009

I created a report viewer app that takes a command line parameter, the report filename, and opens the report. I also created a ODBC File DSN that I want to redistribute. However, currently, the DSN needs to reside in 'c:program filescommon filesodbcdata sources'. Is there a way for the report to look for the DSN in the application directory? Also, what components besides .NET 3.5 are required to redistribute the report and report viewer app?

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Reporting Services - Input Parameter Needs To Return All Records If Left Blank

Jul 9, 2009

I have an input parameter for my stored Proc, Instead of choosing available values from a drop Dwn, the customer wants an empty input box that when left blank returns all records. the parameter type is numeric(6,0) in the Db. I have not found a way to leave the input blank and retrieve all records. my default value for all records is '-99' and also is declared as the default value for the param in the proc.

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Can Qualify Type Of A Parameter

Apr 8, 2009

This is kind of two questions (one more specific than the other).If I have a method like this:[code]Can I qualify Foo against another type (for instance can I require that Foo be a String that also implements IInterface?).I'm imagining something vaguely similar to this:[code]Additionally, is there any way to qualify the Type parameter?For instance, can I require that the Type I take as a parameter is of a particular class tree?I should mention that I am using this in the context of a property of an attribute so the class declaration itself cannot be generic (this is purely focused on qualifying a method parameter rather than typing a class and its methods).

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ByRef Parameter With Type Conversion

Mar 19, 2012

I did create a XDateTime class that is able to handle inaccurate date and time. This class has all the CType operators required to convert to and from a string and it has been fully tested during the last months.


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Create A New Instance Of A Type Given As Parameter?

Mar 7, 2010

I've searched for an answer and found some c#-examples, but could not get this running in vb.net:

I thought of something like the following[code]...

I know, I can create a new instance with the Activator.Create... methods, but how to create an array of this type or just declare a new variable?

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Create New Array Of Parameter Type?

Jan 4, 2011

I'm trying to create a function to parse out all values in a multidimensional Array with all but one dimension given. The details are not relevant, but for this function I need to return an one-dimensional Array containing values of the same type the original multidimensional Array has.To pass any Array with any dimension to my function, I declared the type of this parameter as Array. However, how would I create a new Array of that specific type (e.g. Integer)?Currently I have the following code:

Function GetRow(ByVal arr As Array) As Array
Dim result As (...) 'This should be Integer() if arr contains Integers, etc.
Return result


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Function That Can Receive Different Type Of Parameter?

Mar 10, 2011

Is it possible in VB to have a function that can receive diffrent parameter, like a String or a Integer or a custom class type?

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Have An Optional Parameter Of The Type List?

Sep 25, 2009

Is it possible to have an optional parameter of the type list?Ex.

Private Function TestFunction(Optional ByRef MyList As List(Of Double))

The real problem is giving the list a default value. When dimming a new list, you can use the code below to give it a starting value:

Dim MyList As New List(Of Double)(New Double() {1, 2, 3, 4, 5})

But even after trying many variations of the above code, I cannot get it to work as an optional parameter.

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Need A Solution To Do Type Parameter Overloading

May 20, 2011

I need type parameter overloading as such:[code..]

so that i can New Map(Of Human) and the compiler will automatically match it to Public Class Map(Of TKey, TValue) and if i new Map(Of String) the compiler will automatically match it to Public Class Map(Of TKey As IEquatable(Of TKey), TValue) (since String is an IEquatable(Of String))

Right now my solution is to give the class different names as such:[code...]

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Nullable(Of ) : Type Of Parameter For <Attribute>?

Mar 23, 2011

I'm trying to use the type Boolean for some parameter.

<AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, Inherited:=True, AllowMultiple:=False)>
Public Class MyAttribute
Inherits Attribute


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Receiving A Parameter Of Type Class?

Dec 16, 2009

im making a function that disables controls except for a type of control i want to specify. how would I make the header of this procedure is my procedure should capture a control and a object of any type If I would call modUtilities.DisableControls(Panel_OwnerInfo, CheckBox_HasCell) is should disable all the controls inside Panel_OwnerInfo except for the CheckBox_HasCell Now I've done the disabling thing, but how would I specify the procedure parameter to recieve a class type?


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Return Type Of Parameter Is Not CLS-compliant

Jun 28, 2010

I have a base class with a static function that returns a typed dataset. I have several classes that inherit the base class with a non-static function that returns the same typed dataset. On these methods I get the 'Return type of parameter yadda
is not CLS-compliant' I don't understand where this is coming from. I have non unsigned integers/etc. in this dataset.

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Set Default Value For A Unit Type Parameter?

Apr 12, 2011

I want to include an optional parameter in a function statement that is of the type Unit. For example:

Public Shared Function NewTable(Optional ByVal TableWidth As Unit) As Table

Optional parameters require a default value, but I cannot figure out how to set a default value for a Unit type.

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Cannot Bind To The Property Or Column 'xyz' On The DataSource.Parameter Name: DataMember

Jun 4, 2011

I'm currently using a combo box to select one of many alternatives. From 5 alternatives only 1 works, when i click on any other it gives me the following error:"Cannot bind to the property or column 'xyz' on the DataSource.Parameter name: dataMember" Why is this error caused? What are the possible solutions to this error?

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Column Named Order_ID Cannot Be Found. Parameter Name: ColumnName?

Nov 1, 2011

some one answer me.there are some warning show to me "Column named Order_ID cannot be found. Parameter name: columnName" at underline of this code.

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.net - Custom Attribute Parameter Of System.Type?

Feb 19, 2012

I'd like to auto-register the common/simple services in my unity container. I think the cleanest way to do this would be via a custom atribute.I can then examine all the (abstract) classes in an assembly and register those types with unity.The piece of information I'm missing is the interface(s) that the class wants to be registered against


Public Class AutoRegisterAttribute
Public Property ForInterface As System.Type
Public Sub New(ForInterface As System.Type)


Note, I don't just want to find any class it implements as shown with IDisposableI've tried doing this using generics (generics can't inherit from Attribute), with a Type Parameter (Passing in IEngine.GetType results in a "Constant expression is required")

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