Seeking SQL OleDB Command String Education?

Jul 21, 2009

I've been using SQL OleDB commands to grab data from some excel files and it's working well, but I'm having a really hard time finding a good resource for the actual command strings on the web. I figure I must not be using the proper terminology in my searches. Take this line:

Dim da as New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("Select * From [" & sheetName & "]", Conn)

My question this morning was: Can I pass a command that will grab all sheets from the excel document instead of just one in particular?

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Get Data In Oledb Command?

May 28, 2011

How to compare the result of the query..

for example i have a command "Select RemainTime from time where username = username"

how do i get the result of the query and compare it to a string[code]...

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Getting Oledb Select Command To Work?

Sep 12, 2009

I'm trying to create this select command against Access Database----Keeps giving me error saying operator is missing I just can't seem to figure it out

da2.SelectCommand.CommandText = "SELECT RecordList.RecSchNo, RecordList.RecTitle, RecordList.RecReasonCode" & "FROM DispReasons INNER JOIN RecordList ON DispReasons.ReasonID = RecordList.RecReasonCode" & _
"WHERE DispReasons.ReasonID =?;"

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Error In OleDb.DataAdapter.Update Command

Apr 3, 2011

I am once more having throuble linking my visual basic code to the acompanying database. this current error is when I'm trying to add a new record to the database, using an OleDb dataAdapter: Whenever I run it, I get the error "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement."


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VS 2008 Error In Oledb Insert Command

Aug 4, 2011

I am trying to save data to my table but i am getting a error message.Here is the code. It tells me a parameter is missing. The amount of fields in the table is the same as the fields i am inserting into.

'' Now the ingredient table


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Insert / Update Statement In Command Builder For OleDb

Jan 27, 2010

I am using a Command Builder for OLEDB, I populate the Data table from the database, and then I use data adapter's Update method to add or update the database successfully.


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Using Variables With INSERT INTO - VALUES Statement Within OleDb Command

Nov 19, 2009

I am using an INSERT INTO ... VALUES statement in the following matter to insert data into a new row of a database:


How can I substitute variables for the explicit values of X and Y in this statement (for example, variables XName, XAddress supplied by user input via text box)?

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Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement With Oledb Command Builder

Feb 15, 2012

I seem to be having a problem when attempting to insert a new record into my database through From what I can gather, there seems to be an error in the code that the command builder (cBuilder) is creating for me. [code]...

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Education Recommendations For Visual Basic

Apr 19, 2009

I am a student a couple of weeks from completing my first Visual Basic class. I have a 100% score so far. Plus I am really enjoying the class and learning VB. We use Visual Studio Professional 2008 at school. I have also installed that product on my own pc from the DreamSpark site. I'd like to continue my education with VB. However, there are no classes this summer in VB at school. I was wondering if there might be some online tutorials or books that I could use to keep moving forward. I have good discipline for learning without being in a classroom.

Generally, what I like is something that shows the key points about a new topic. Gives an example of how the topic might be used in an application. Shows a code sample or two. And then gives programming assignments that use that topic. So that I can then write the applications. One of my educational goals would be to start through the Microsoft Certification process.

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Writing To SQL Database Manually (for Education Purposes)

Sep 18, 2009

I'm building an application that is intended to function off and online using the new Local Database Cache functionality included with Visual Studio 2008. My issue however does not pertain to that directly, as I have a pretty good understanding of how to use it and how it functions. My issue is with getting an understanding on how to directly write to a SQL database.

Most of the tutorials, videos and education available when it comes to databinding makes the assumption that I need my application to pull data and edit it, but in my case all I really need (in fact intentionally all I want) is for the application on Submit to write data that it pulls from the form as a new record in a SQL table.

Here is what the program looks like now.

Public Class StatCom
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


At the moment the program simply does a status check for connectivity and wether it can ping the server (in this case the SQL server) for the purpose of displaying a online or offline status in the form.

I follow it up by making the status checks.

Finally I declare all the various fields I want to capture and write to the database.

What I want to do now is have a SUBMIT button that on click takes all the data in the form and writes a new record to the database I have already setup and have data connection to.

I know that the code has to be written using the .recordset functionality, but I haven't found any could tutorials on the subject that have turned on the light upstairs.

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VS 2008 Seeking - Getting SendInput To Work

Jul 2, 2009

I asked a similiar question in the VB6 forums with some methods I was trying there, but this is a different method that I'm trying in .Net that I cannot get to work. First what I'm trying to do, I play a game that allows attended macroing, so I'm trying to write a program that I can record and playback macros in. I already have the recording down, and I can playback my macros using older API Keybd_Event and Mouse_event, but not in the game. The game recognize all the mouse events, but does not recognize all the keyboard events. (It is a DirectX based game by the way). For example if I record they keystrokes h e l l o and have notepad in focus and play it back it will type hello in notepad, but in the game they keys are not recognized.


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DB/Reporting :: Seeking Item In Table Column?

Feb 19, 2012

I am trying seek by looping thru a table for the closest match to a search item.

The following code works to a degree. It gets me within say 20 records of the target. I think it works somewhat but it may not be at all.

Private Sub Find_Item_In_Column(ByVal Search_Field As String)
'Pass a field name to do a string search on
Dim Find_Item As String = InputBox("Enter an Image File Name")


I used the data wizard to establish the connection and I am using VB 2008 Express.

In this case the data field will be a file name and it will be unique. Since the search for string will be a partial of what a file name might be. My expectation is that INCR will match the data row and can then be used to position the TrainImageBindingSource. So far it gets me close, but I am wondering if it is really working at all. I would like to arrive at the closest match (up or down one) found.

Can any one see any glaring errors or point me to an example(s) of similar code snippets?

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Playing Video - Auto Seeking In MediaPlayer

Mar 4, 2010

If I have a video of 70 Seconds and I want to play it directly from 31 seconds to onwards how can I do that in

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Seeking Pattern For Multiple Background Threads

Aug 2, 2010

I'm using the following flavor of threading to create n number of worker threads. These threads all have a bit of latency as they interrogate devices that have strict temporal/physical limits.


I'm looking for a pattern that will let me start the worker threads then wait patiently for completion. Sounds simple ("Just raise an event!") but there seem to be timing landmines. Since the completion EventHandler is single threaded, collisions can occur that destroy the EventHandler data.

Is there a straight forward way for 1 of n threads to report an "I'm done" condition?I've literally got lists of these for c++ but is giving me brain freeze.

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Connection String For Excel Without Using Oledb?

Jun 7, 2012

How can we read an excel file without using Oledb?

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Efficiency Of Oledb - Got 10+ Users Using Files, Via A Oledb To Put Info Into An Excel Spreadsheet

Oct 18, 2010

Just wondering if i might hit a snag in my program. Ive got 10+ users using the same files, via a Oledb to put info into an excel spreadsheet. If 2 or more people save there file at the same time will the program go into read only on one person. Normally one 3 will use the file at one time. I know Sql itself would be better to use. best way i can describe it, normally using excel if you manage to open the same file twice one opens as normal but the other opens as a Read only file, will the same thing happen if im using Oledb connections?

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Read An Excel File Without Using OLEDB Connection String?

Jun 8, 2012

How to read an Excel file without using OLEDB connection string?

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VS 2008 - How To Get OLEDB Connection String To User Folder

Jul 17, 2009

I have a script that checks a version table from one mdb (server) and compares it to the same table in another mdb (user folder), if the version number is mismatched it needs to replace that file from the server, to the user folder. The problem is, how to get the OLEDB connection to the user folder since, the folder destination is
E:Configurator & UserName & Detail2004.mdb
How to set this up?

Here is my code:
Dim UserName As String = Environment.UserName.Substring(Environment.UserName.LastIndexOf("") + 1)
Dim connectionString2 As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + "Data Source=C:Configurator" & UserName & "Detail2004.mdb"
Dim con2 As New Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(connectionString2)
Dim cmd2 As Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand

View 1 Replies - Reading CSV File With OLEDB Ignores First Line Even With HDR=No In Connection String?

Jan 4, 2011

We're converting a Classic ASP site to an ASP.NET site. One function was to upload a 'template' of data in CSV format for importing into the database. There were several different record types in there (the first field always indentifies the type of data).The task was to get the CSV into a DataTable so it could be validated (new project is to have MUCH better validation rules)

The code seemed pretty straightforward - watered down (taking out comments, Try/Catch, etc) it is as follows:

Dim da As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim cn As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strDirectory & ";" & "Extended Properties=""Text;HDR=No;FMT=Delimited;""")


The DataTable (dtData) is populated, but only starting with the second line of the CSV file DESPITE the fact that "HDR=No" is in the connection string.

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Way To Use String.split Command To Get Section Of A String Without Using Intermediary Array?

Aug 27, 2009

Is there a way to use the string.split command to get a section of a string without using an intermediary array?for example, if my string is "1 2" and I want to get the "2" part using string.split(" "), is there a way to avoid creating a new array, and just get the bit of the string I want in a single line?

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Database Deleting Rows - Error - Value Of Type String Cannot Be Converted To 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection'

Sep 15, 2010

I have been trying my hand at this for some days now and just cant get anything to work. Below is the code im currently using to delete a row from a database table, the problem when trying to build the project line 5 is giving this error about the value con" Value of type String cannot be converted to 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection' "

Dim con As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data Source=Customers.mdb"
Dim cnn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(con)


I have also tried using this code below, but to no success. Im basically just looking for something rock soild that i can use to accomplish this task. Been stuck on this for quite a while now.

Me.CustDetailsTableAdapter1.Delete(txtDelCustN.Text, txtDelCustSname.Text, txtDelCustTel.Text, txtDelCustAddr.Text)

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2010 OleDb Text Connection String: "Not Valid Path"

Nov 7, 2010

I've been all over the help files and finally patched together a VB OleDb connection string for delimited text files:

Dim connection As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data Source=" & fName & ";" & "Extended Properties=""text;HDR=YES;FMT=Delimited"""

"fName" is passed in by an open file dialog.In every case (for all paths) it throws: 'C:1_2010NormalFileNormal.csv' (or where ever it is pointed) is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.Since no path works, it must be a syntax error, but I'll be darned if I can see it.

Full code of this routine is:

Dim connection As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data Source=" & fName & ";" & "Extended Properties=""text;HDR=YES;FMT=Delimited"""
Dim conn As New OleDbConnection(connection)


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Run A String As A Command?

Sep 15, 2010

i am running a Sub which takes as arguments a Datatable and a String.

Private Sub Populate(ByVal dttemp As DataTable, ByVal strWhichPart As String)

At one point there is a combobox which is populated with some of the data in the datatable. The name of the combobox is cmd plus the name of the string for example when the string is Person_FirstName the name of the combobox is cmbPerson_FirstName.Then i add items to the combobox like this:


My question is this can i make a String into a command? Because i have many comboboxes which have the same name as the string argument of the sub how can i do something like this to work


in which strWhichPart is a string. Is there a command that i can execute a string as a command?

View 3 Replies - SQL Command Cannot Be Converted To String

Oct 28, 2010

Here's my code

I seem to be getting an error SQL command cannot be converted to string with this code

Dim LogData2 As sterm.markdata = New sterm.markdata()
Dim query As New SqlCommand("Select * from openquery (db, 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE person=@person')")
query.Parameters.AddWithValue("@person", Session("number"))


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From String To Maths Command?

Nov 15, 2010

I am trying to make a calculator (how original) but I am also trying to make it like a console. I have a textbox in which you enter a command and a list in which the lines appear.

My question is how can I translate the plain text which the user enters i.e 3*(2+4) to a maths command so that VB can display the answer?

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Like Command Not Finding String With #

Jun 2, 2009

I am trying to use the following code, however if my searchString variable contains a # (hash) then it is not being found. Why is this?


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Like Command Not Finding String With #?

Jun 2, 2009

I am trying to use the following code, however if my searchString variable contains a # (hash) then it is not being found.

dim searchString as string = "*simon#*"
If line Like searchString Then

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SQL Command With String Variables

Dec 26, 2010

In the following code i want to replace 'Product7' (in the line : sql = "delete product where Product_name ='Product7'") with a string variable:
dim x as string
x = "example"
how to do it ?

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim connetionString As String
[Code] .....

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Misplaced Semicolon In Sql Command String?

Aug 15, 2011

newUserCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO users(username, password, security) VALUES('" & newUserNameBox.Text & "';'" & newPassWordBox.Text & "';" & newUserSecurityBox.Text & ";'"

I cannot find where the syntax error is but vstudio tells me the error is in a unclosed quotation after ;

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VS 2010 Treating String As A Command?

Jul 18, 2011

This question may have been asked before but I searched around a lot and I couldn't find the solution of what I need.Let's say I have a string like "Int(100/9)". How can I get the result I want, which is 11? I don't believe the MSScript Evaluate method would work on this one, would it?

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