Data From Module To A Textbox?

Mar 17, 2009

I'm basically trying to send a string that I make in a module to a textbox on a form.[code...]

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Security - Textbox On Form - User Inputs Data ( During Runtime ) Data Remains In Textbox For Good And Textbox Becomes Read Only ?

Jan 8, 2010

Is it possible to have a Textbox on a form that when the user inputs data, ( during Runtime )that data remains in the Textbox for good and the Textbox then becomes read only ? Is it also possible to make it so that the CD with the programme on, is in the PC when the programme is being used. Perhaps writing the Textbox data back onto the CD ?

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Calling Module When Textbox Focus

Dec 15, 2011

I am developing a VB net application with lots of TextBox. I need to call a module everytime any of the textbox gets focus. I dont want to write code in every textbox gotfocus event, but a generic code which will call the module everytime any textbox gets focus.

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Common Validator Module For Textbox?

Mar 19, 2011

I have started developing in 2008. I want to make a common module to validate all text boxes of my every win form. Common Validation I'm looking for are Length ( Size ) of text box value must not greater then that of field size, It must be of numeric, or alpha only, It must not be empty, if single quotation mark, covered with double quote mark etc.

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Call Label Textbox Inside Module?

Oct 15, 2011

im trying to do something like this

Module module1
public sub()
dim a as string[code]....

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VS 2005 Update Form Textbox From A Module

Apr 25, 2009

I'm at a complete loss here, its probably me being stupid and missing something simple but i don't appear to be able to update a testbox (CreditInfo) on Form1 from a module (SerialData). It doesn't give any errors, it just doesn't work. If i put a Button on Form1 to update the testbox(CreditInfo) it works... however i need it to be automatic.. Dave


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.net Module For Data Access?

Jun 2, 2009

I've inherited some code that has a Public Module for data access:


And all the pages call GetDataSet(sql). Am I correct is assuming that this is a bad idea? Worst case is that concurrent callers could get each others data?

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Module Returning Data Like A Function?

Jul 12, 2010

How could I call a module or something else to return data to me after its ran. I don't want to make my form1 code all messy.

Public Function Test() As String
Return "Tes34t"
End Function


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Load Data From A Database Into A Combo Box Using A Module?

May 1, 2009

I'm working with a form that has five combo boxs, when the form loads it goes to the modQuotations where there is a public sub that loads the comboboxs with data from a database but it after its done loading the form there is nothing in the combo boxs. [code]..

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Reading Data From Arduino Bluetooth Module

Jun 30, 2010

How to read in data from an arduino bluetooth microcontroller? I am new to microcontrollers and I have limited VB experience. The arduino is currently outputting some data to the arduino software screen. I have opened the COM port for the arduino in VB but am unsure how to get the data into a VB string.

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VS 2008 - Class Module Gets Data Entry From Form

Dec 16, 2010

I've been coding a Windows applicaton for the past seven months but there aren't a lot of "windows" in the application so I have a question on getting and returning data from forms. I display a form and the user makes a listbox selection then presses Ok. Normally I can proceed from there (in a class module) with values from the config file, but sometimes his selection will require me to ask for more information. So I want the class to display a form, pass control to it, then when the user hits OK on this form, return to the class. What is happening is the class continues with all its inline code and function calls and doesn't show the form until the end of its current function.

Dim flClientInputFile As New CFile
Dim flPreparedOutputFile As New CFile
Dim lRecordCount As Long
Dim sProcessing As String
Dim sTest As String
Dim frmAbc As New frmAbc

When I run and step through this code, I find I'm in x() before I even saw the form. x() needs the data the user has entered on frmAbc in order to continue.

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Declare A Connectionstring In A Module And Call That Module

Aug 16, 2010

how we can declare a connectionstring in a module and call that module

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Threaded Sub-Procedure Within A Module Not Obtaining Correct Data From Other Form?

Feb 3, 2012

I have an ArrayList that is set to Friend. Once I click my button "abc" is added to the ArrayList and then the form MsgBoxes out the Count of 1 (Correct).When I use Threadpool to count the number of objects within the ArrayList it always returns 0.


Imports System.Threading
Public Class Form1
Friend Alphabet As New ArrayList


I am obviously getting some sort of cross-thread issue here but have no idea how to correct this. I usually just setup single threads so this is my first time playing with ThreadPool & already lost at step 1!

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Using ONE Module With All Data Connection And Recordset Opening And Closing Options

Mar 19, 2012

Finally starting some coding in VB.Net, I notice over the years, that we can say (in VB6)

Code: Dim MyForm_Stock as NEW frmStock

in the same session, being able to open, say 3 Stock Forms at the same time and maintain details independently of each of the other forms. Also am I able to maintain separate Database connections and the same table being opened and updated independently of each other by each separate form. What is actually taking place in terms of memory being used by each process? My ultimate goal is to be able to have ONE Module with all the possible data Connection and Recordset Opening and closing options, which I have failed miserably to do in my VB6 experience. Data access is an obvious module based set of subroutines. Others could be Date routines eg, Week Number of the year, Days Diff, Days to, etc. [Code]

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[VS 2010] Call A Module Into Another Module?

Apr 27, 2012

I have a VB.Net interface that communicates with an Access 2k3 Database using this module:

'Declare Database connections controls
Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dbProvider, dbSource As String


I want to call EngineConnect procedure from MOD_ENGINE module into popCboBox module so I can ignate the engine!

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VS 2010 Take Multiple Lines Of Data From Textbox Split And Organize Them To New Textbox

Feb 18, 2012

i need to take data input from a textbox such as this


and get it so i push a button and it seperates it out so it adds and looks like this inside a display field


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Access The Data Coming To The Computer From The In-built Bluetooth Module Of A Computer On Windows Platform?

Feb 4, 2011

i have encountered a problem, i want to access the data coming to the computer from the in-built bluetooth module of a computer on windows platform, this data has been sent by a remote bluetooth module say a by an autonomous device (just like a bluetooth mouse connecting to the computer). The to be sent is in the form of numbers and i need these to manipulate on the computer.

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Tab From Textbox To Textbox In Data Entry Page Not Working?

Jul 29, 2009

I have setup a page in Excel with several textboxes for data entry. I would like to be able to tab from textbox to textbox so I can enter this data as quickly as possible.

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Dispaly Data From TextBox On VB To Textbox On Interenet?

Jan 17, 2012

I tried thiscode to display data from textbox from VB to interent ( textbox of google) but I don't know how to complete it

Dim objIE As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")


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VS 2010 2 Dependant Comboboxes - Error "Syntaxiserror (operator Missing) In Query-expression [Module] WHERE Pakket_ID = System.Data.DataRowView"

Mar 7, 2012

I have 2 comboboxes who are loaded on the formload event with the folloving


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When Push Button Data From Excel(The Next Cell Data) Go To The Next Line In Textbox

Aug 8, 2010

I want when Push Button data from Excel(The next cell data) go to the next Line in Textbox.

Private Sub Button18_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button18.Click
Me.TextBox1.Text = wshTest.Range("B2").Value


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Pass Data From Datagridview To Textbox And Append New Data To The Next Line?

Sep 13, 2010

I am trying to click on certain rows in a datagridview and have the information in the rows sent to a textbox. It does not append each row to the textbox though, which is what I want it to do. it just replaces it with the row I click on. What's wrong with my code. I have tried cell click too.

Private Sub dgProducts_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles dgProducts.Click
Dim i As Integer


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VS 2008 : Data Bound List Box, Displaying Data Into Textbox?

Jan 3, 2011

I want it so every time I click an ITEM in the Listbox it displays ALL the data into the textbox. I know there's an easy way using table adapters and binding the listbox, but I'd prefer to do it this way for my project.

So this is what I got.

Lst.DataSource = ds
Lst.DisplayMember = "tblStudent.FirstName"
Lst.ValueMember = "tblStudent.StudentID"


It only adds the first rows details to the text box when I click the second record the first rows details are still there.

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Password Loop Textbox - Code Works To Read The Entry Data And To Recognise The Correct Data, And The Incorrect

Apr 16, 2012


That code works to read the entry data and to recognise the correct data, and the incorrect. However, even if entry is correct, the error msgbox will appear (x times of how many records there are in file), despite being navigated to the menu. Anyway that the Else isn't triggered when data is correct. Also for it to appear just one instead of (x times of how many records there are in file.)

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DatagridView Textbox Value Other Than Underlying Data In Data Table?

Feb 26, 2009

I have a datagrid view in my windows form which is bound to a datatable. one of the column have the status code and i want to display the status description of the same which is defined in an array.can we have display text and value of the column different. i dont want to go with datagridcombobox column.

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VS 2005 Data In Datagrid >>> Data In Textbox?

Apr 22, 2009

have made a connection to a database through VB and i was able to extract a single value from a record and display it in a datagrid table, but i don't know how to display that value in a textbox. i tried doing e.g. txtABC.text = datagrid123.item but it seems that the values cannot be converted between the datagrid and the textbox.

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Load A Lisbox With Data From File. Save Data From Textbox To File?

Dec 10, 2011

I have a form with a listbox that when the form is opened I need it to display info from a file. I don't know what would be easier to work with Excel or a txt file, but it is in this format:

Phillip Frank

I would like it to populate the list box when the form is loaded, but if I have to use a button to tell it to load that is fine also.On the same form I have 4 textboxes that ask for each of the above items (name, DOB, Level, PH#) and a button that when pushed I want it to save it to the same file where the above info was pulled from in the same format.The Show Contacts button doesn't have to be used if it is not needed.

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Get Data From Db Into Textbox?

Nov 24, 2011

how to get data from DB (sql server 2008) into textbox (VB 2008)...and if it's possible to loop trough data?

I was trying something with CurrencyManager but no results..

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Put Other Data From Textbox?

Dec 2, 2009

How to put the other data from the textbox? i will use combobox then after i choose the name the other data from the said name the text box will receive the data from mysql

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Textbox Is Not Getting Data?

Mar 30, 2009

I worte this code can any body tell me why its not working Error can be seen in the attached file whis.... Value cannot be null. Parameter name : data source data base columns are : Itid , it name , it price my code whic is not working

Private Sub btnTotal_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnTotal.Click
Dim ConnectionString As String = "Integrated Security=SSPI; Persist Security Info=False; Initial Catalog=NewBase; Data Source=CP"
Dim conn As New SqlConnection(ConnectionString)


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