DataGrid And Multiple Tables?
Oct 7, 2009
I have an ODBC connection to a database, I have 2 tables items, prices. both tables are related via a sequence field. I need a way to load the 2 tables into a datagrid, update fields and then save the changes.items-- itm_seq-- nameprices-- price_seq-- itm_seq-- price_1-- price_2Datagrid needs to show the data as suchname / price_1 / price_2Site updates some cells of the data, hits update.
The records are then written back to the 2 tables accordingly based on the sequence number.. I tried a view that extracts the data and then allows updating, but the datatableadapter will not allow an update statement to be processed against a view.
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Aug 19, 2011
I would like to have a datagridview sourced from multiple db tables.I understand that the datagridview relies on the creation of a datatable and its relations to the separate db tables I want to view.
I have been mucking about with the Designer but dont seem to be getting anywhere, ie. no results from the relations i've built seem to populate the datatable.
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Jul 12, 2011
have a datagridview containing 2 tables left joined, so that:table1 LEFT JOIN table 2 ON get an error whenever I try to edit my datagridview."invalidOperationException was unhandled by the user codeDynamic SQL generation is not supported against multiple base tables."The error points to this line:
da.FillSchema(dt, SchemaType.Mapped)
da.Update(dt) << This line
'da = dataadapter
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Sep 12, 2011
I have a web application and when a particular function runs , i get data timeouts in the rest of the application..(ie..row not found errors or column does not belong to table but it does) The function is adding multiple rows in multiple tables in the database and is running in a for loop. It seems to be all SQL related but I am not seeing anything in the error logs in SQL or in the application Right now I am assuming it is memory related where to start note..the for loop will be replaced with a bulk insert but right now I jest need to resolve the issue of the timeouts
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Sep 18, 2009
I have a small project i am doing for work to compare our website catalogue to our actual inventory in our financial software. To do this, i have exported the online catalogue as a delimited text file using "^" as the delimiter. I then want to go into our Accpac data a find out if all the items are still active, the current price and the stock on hand.
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Jan 27, 2010
I used INNER JOIN to bind the two tables and my problem is how to populate/show on the datagrid.[code]....
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May 7, 2010
I have got a database with a bunch of tables in it. So far, i can query that database and get the names of all the tables into a listbox. this is sweet.
What i need to do now is to enable the user to click on a table name thats listed in the listbox (which were put there using the
GetOleDbSchemaTable method)
and when they do, i need to populate the Datagridview with the relevant data thats sitting in the table that is listed in the listbox.
I've tried a couple things to get the tables themselves to populate the DGV(which kind of works now), but not the Data thats sitting in the individual table.
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Sep 25, 2011
When I update a record at table [Product] with the integer that stands for [Supplier Name] from joined table [Suppliers], this does not appear in my datagridview. Instead, I have to reload the table to dataset to make it visible. What about datarelation? Is it better that loading a joined table over the dataset? Note that I have never dealed with datarelations before.. How can I make a datagrid column to show "Supplier Name" instead of recordID that represents this supplier?
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Oct 13, 2010
I am trying to update a datagrid joining two tables with a bindingsource. I keep getting the following error: "dynamic sql generation is not supported against multiple base tables." Any ideas on how to fix the problem? Also, I realize that commandbuilder does not work for more than one table.
View 4 Replies
Jul 4, 2011
How will I combine 2 tables from my database? And show its data in my datagridview.
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Feb 16, 2009
I have been trying to display records from two tables from seperate databases into a datagrid. So far I can only get to display one record.
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Apr 13, 2010
In a nut shell what I am trying to do is, pull one or more tables into a datagrid view. I am having one heck of a time returning multiple datasets. I can eleect all indavidually, but when I try to select more than one, I only get the last "table" in the list. If I could establish a ODBC connection that would be better, but this will have to work for now with some canned queries I have.
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Dec 18, 2009
Master child relation with a Customer form and Datagrid view that has to join two tables in a gridviewI got an error when I tried to modify the query of the gridview
This is the original code/query
SELECT `id`, `invoice_id`, `product_id`, `qty`, `price`, `p_tax`, `sub_total`, `sub_tax` FROM `invoice`.`1001_line_items`
View 12 Replies
Oct 2, 2009
i wanted to add data from a single form in vb to two tables in access but an error appears saying that the field customer_ID down to Contact_Number doesnt belong to the table record, though it really doesnt belong to that table.. but i already indicated the table for the customer_ID down to Contact_Number, which is Customer, in my sql statement...
Public Class Refill
Dim connect As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim sql As String
View 7 Replies
May 6, 2009
I have a table for users (username, password .. etc) and another one for products (product name, price, quantity, username .. etc)
I want the username from the first table to be inserted (with the rest of the product info) into the product table when the user put it for sale.
How can I do this?
I'm using visual web developer 2008 express
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Jul 17, 2010
I have 3 tables: Customer, OrderHeader and OrderDetail. Customer and OrderHeader joined by CustomerId, OrderHeader and OrderDetail joined by to create an xml file that combines these 3 tables together having the following structure using
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Mar 26, 2009
how to create a local database, create some tables and set relations between those tables (just like in access) and I can show, add, edit and delete that data from a form.
but what I have yet to figure out is if I have 2 tables (i.e: tbleName, tblFood) and I want to have multiple tblFood items show for every 1 tblName item.
I've found that if I add a txtbox of the name table and a datagrid of the food table, the datagrid view shows all the food records, not just the ones for the name txtbox.
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Nov 20, 2009
I have a database with numerous tables all containing the same field. the field needs to have the same value in all of the tables, but currentlydoesn't.Is there a way to use Visual basic codehat goes to each table and updates the field in all of the tables without having to manually go to each table and update the field?
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Apr 28, 2009
How to delete from two tables at once using the same delete statement in ASP.Net?
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Aug 23, 2009
Im making an advanced search for a application I need to have an SQL statement that includes all the tables in my db, looks at Cell values and then output to a DGV. This is what Ive tried but it aint working,"SELECT * FROM cases, opencases, staff WHERE Crime='" & txtsearch.text & "'" I need to output the results from all tables into one then insert the table into a DGV. Also need it to search all Columns not just Crime.
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Mar 20, 2010
This is a winform and I'm using mysql as a database, here is my code:I'm trying to add data into multiple tables.[code]Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length
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Oct 31, 2009
i have DataSet with 3 tables in it and i want to asign all 3 tables into one DataView.i know its possible to assign each table seperatly by doing this:
Dim dv as New DataView(ds.Tables(i)).DefaultView
but i need all the tables in the dataset and not only the i based index table i also thought about using DataViewManager which can be assigned to the whole Dataset, but it doesn't have the RowFilter prophety which i am using Later on my code.
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May 12, 2009
I am used to creating a data set with data from one table, for instance:
Now I am needing to add a second table. For instance, my second table "EQUIPMENT" has a field called "DESCRIPTION" that I would like to add to my dataset. The "WORKORDER" table has a field called "EQNUM" which is what the "EQUIPMENT" table uses as the primary key. how to combine these into one dataset?
View 8 Replies
Jun 21, 2010
How can i create crystal report from multiple tables that are related.? I need to create a report based on the value provided through selectionformula in visual studio 2005.
Tables are :-
1. Vendor
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Jun 10, 2009
I have 3 related tables in a DataSet - Customers, Products and Orders.I am trying to create an "editable" DataGridView which, ideally, will contain columns from all the tables. I have tried creating the joins in the TableAdapter SQL, but this results in a read-only data grid.
Customers and Orders are joined in a 1:M relationship by CUSTID.
Products and Orders are joined in a 1:M relationship by PRDID.
When the user adds a new Order record they will key the ORDERID, CUSTID, PRDID and QTY.I would like the DataGridView to display the related CUSNAM and PRDDES as soon as the user has keyed the Order record.The data must be displayed on a single data grid row. I am not interested in drill down or multiple data grids.My data looks like this:
The data grid should look like this:
My SQL would look like this:
SELECT Orders.ORDERID, Orders.CUSTID, Customers.CUSNAME, Orders.PRDID, Products.PRDDES, Orders.QTY
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Apr 14, 2009
I have a VB.Net dataset that contains data from multiple tables. how to query data out of the dataset. I want to run SQL-like queries on a dataset to extract data that fits a certain "where" statement.
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Feb 6, 2009
I need to write and SQL query that three from three linked tables. Basically there is a 'case_id' column in each table with matching values.
What I have is:
declare @archiveYears int
set @archiveYears = -7
delete from cw_ht_bacase where case_id in (
As you can see I have the same query in the "in" clause for each statement. Is there a way to normalise this, sort of like C macro. Basically I'd just to define the inner select statement once and use it multiple times.
View 5 Replies
Jun 21, 2010
I am attempting to read an XML and display certain portions of the XML in a datagridview. I was able to get one table at a time, but I am having trouble figuring out how to get ALL the info I want from the XML and not just one table at a time.
I was speaking to someone and they told me that my issue is that the dataset contains datatables and it's not just one big piece of information that I can use. I looked into merge code, but I haven't managed to get anything working the way I would like.[code...]
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May 27, 2011
I am trying to delete particular tables routinely from the sys.tables in here is code, but it does not work.
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Feb 28, 2012
I have a strongly-typed datasets created using VS data designers. In this dataset I have 3 main tables:
Users (Relationship: Users.ClinicianId > Patients.ClinicianId)
Issue is I would like to filter the datasets based the user type and a few other ways. How can I filter each table(sql query) using the BindingSource that was automatically added. I thought I read that some of the functions work against the current datamember, so I tried the following code.
WAMMTPTrackerDataSet1BindingSource.DataMember = "Patients"
WAMMTPTrackerDataSet1BindingSource.Filter = "ClinicianId = " & gClinicianId
It appears that what I read was either very old or never worked that way. what is the best way to handle with with a typed dataset?
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